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1、词汇整理TEM2007 词汇整理听力词汇1. Specialized 专门的,专业的2. Supply demand3. Manufacturer 制造商4. Brand 商标,牌子5. Advertise vt. 公布, 宣传 展现,宣传(自己的事)6. distribute分配 distribute指“将某物分成一定的部分或数量, 通常各份的数量不一定相等, 然后分给某些人或地方”, 如:distribute leaflets分发传单。dispense指“分配给一群人中每个人应得的份”, 如:They dispensed new clothes to the children in the

2、 orphanage.他们把新衣服发给孤儿院的小孩们。divide指“把整体分为若干部分”, 如:divide it into two把它分成两份。allocate指“分配一定数量的财物或任务给某些人、单位或事业等”, 如:Weve allocated a sum of money to education.我们已经拨出了一笔教育经费。7. Digital数码的camera8. What make and model? (样式,牌子)(型号) 9. Drop in 顺便拜访 While theyre playing scene two in front of the curtain, you

3、can drop in the scenery for the next act. 他们在幕前演第二场时, 你可以放下下一幕的布景。 The roof of the cave dropped in on the miners, trapping them.洞穴的顶部坍了下来, 砸在矿工身上。Since they have been allowed to choose their own courses, many more students have been dropping in to classes.非正愿意参加, 愿意接受 自从学生可以自己选课以来, 听课的人数增加了许多。10. ch

4、eck up 调查,检查11. Reception area 接待处 reception desk (旅馆、饭店的)接待处12. Register 记录; 登记; 注册 A surprise that he was unable to hide registered on his face.他脸上露出掩饰不住的惊讶的表情。He told me he was married but Im afraid it didnt register.他告诉我他已经结婚了, 不过我想当时我并未把这事记在心上。They registered a strong protest with the United Na

5、tions. 表达,(以书面形式)提出 他们向联合国提出强烈抗议。China has registered astonishing economic progress.中国取得了惊人的经济发展。13. produce 出示,提供 He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so.当验票时, 他出示了火车票。Jimmys jokes produced a great deal of laughter. (引起; 导致 )吉米的笑话逗得人们哈哈大笑。14. changing room 更衣室 Shower 淋浴间15. Tennis court

6、网球场16. show around 领参观 Before you start to work, Ill show you around the factory.17. Post 职位Ask him whether he would accept the post.18. Water irrigation (灌溉)19. Pedestrian 行人20. Quote 引用21. Enroll 登记,注册 enrollment22. Plague瘟疫 after the plague had swept the city of Milan 23. Florence 佛罗伦萨 意大利都市新闻词汇2

7、4. Israel 以色列 Palestinian 巴勒斯坦的25. The West Bank area 约旦河西岸 26. Evacuate i?vkjueit 撤离, 疏散 27. Jewish 犹太人的28. Settlement 和解; 定居点29. Gaza Strip 加沙地带 30. Stumbling block 障碍物,绊脚石31. Pullout n 撤退32. Disengagement 脱离 脱离婚约hours of disengagement空闲的时间33. Romania 罗马尼亚 Bulgaria 保加利亚(欧洲国家)34. Forum 论坛 fair 集市 展

8、销会 the Asian Games/ Sports 亚运会35. Delegate 代表36. Indonesian 印度尼西亚人37. Refugee refju d?i: 难民38. Ravaged ravage 毁坏,抢劫39. Capacity 容量;才能 The ship had a capacity of 200 passengers. 词汇考查40. duty“道义上的责任,职责”, 较强调“自觉性” obligation“按照法律,合同,诺言等要求而应尽的义务”41. Evolve 发展,进展 The British political system has evolved

9、over several centuries.英国政治体制是经过几个世纪逐步形成的。42. process 过程,步骤 procedure 程序,步骤43. Be named + 职务“任命,提名” She was named (as) Head of the Committee.(委员会)44. Alter “改变,变更”指与原来不同的变化 shift侧重前后对比发生的变化45. Awkward 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的 不优美的;难看的John is so shy and awkward that everyone notices him. (动作或表情)笨拙的约翰如此害羞狼狈, 以至于大家

10、都注意到了他。an awkward staircase上下不方便的楼梯in an awkward situation 处境困难n Uneasy“身体或心境不舒适的,不安的,焦虑的”强调缺乏安全感She had an uneasy feeling that they were still following her.她有一种他们仍在跟踪她的不安感觉。The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.核威慑一直使和平处于不稳定状态。n Unnatural不自然的Did her behaviour seem unnatural in any w

11、ay?她有任何反常表现吗?She has an unnatural smile on her face.她脸上挂着做作的微笑。A mother who is cruel to her child is unnatural.母亲对孩子残忍是不近人情的。n Insensitive 感觉迟钝的;不友好的 She said insensitive things to the overweight woman.她对那个胖女人说了些不友好的话。 He was insensitive to her grief. 他对她的悲伤无动于衷。46.through 从一段到到另一端,贯穿 “线”的概念 Through

12、out从头到尾经过全部时间或范围 “面”的概念 All the way 从远道,自始至终,一路上” “线”的概念Eg:The army remained loyal throughout. 军队始终保持忠诚。advThe material is flawed throughout. 那个材料处处瑕疵。47.give sb advice about /on 给某人有关方面的建议48.Chart绘制地图, 在图上标出 The navigator charted the course of the ship.领航员在航海图上标出船的航线。记录; 记述; 跟踪(进展或发展) The book char

13、ts her rise to fame as an actress.这本书记述了她作为演员的成名史。计划行动步骤;制订计划 chart a course (of action) 制订,规划行动步骤l HeadWhen the president died, the vice president was chosen to head the firm. 总裁去世后, 大家选举副总裁为公司主管领导。The police headed an overspeed car.警察拦住了一辆超速行驶的汽车。All experience heads from practice.一切经验源于实践。49. Opi

14、nion about 对某事的看法 request for请求 permission on 允许50. Count in 把计算在内 If youre having a party, count me in.如果你们举行聚会的话, 算我一个。 Count down 倒计时,倒计数The people at control have already begun to count down.控制站的人员已经开始倒计时了。 Count out点数,拳击中判输There is no need to tell the kids that the number of stars cannot be cou

15、nted out.没必要告诉孩子们星星是数不清的。Those who have not yet sent in applications should be counted out.那些还没有申请的人不应算在内。(不把考虑在内 ) Count on 依靠,指望51. a wealth of 大量,许多 an inexhaustible wealth of无穷无尽的,永不枯竭的 inexhaustible 无穷无尽的;用不完的 The rivers afford an inexhaustible supply of fish.这几条河有取之不尽的鱼类资源。 My patience is not

16、inexhaustible. 我的忍耐是有限的。52.There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.海里的好鱼是取之不尽的 (虽然失去一个机会,还会有很多机会)53.if only 但愿;要是就好(常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,主要用在虚拟语气)If only the patient had received a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.54.Was /were to +动词原形 (表示过

17、去将来时间的安排) Was/were to have done (安排被取消了,没有实现)55.Anticipate先于行动 They have anticipated us and seized the bridge.他们抢在我们之前占领了那座桥预感, 期望,期盼 The directors anticipated a fall in demand.董事们预感需求会降低。I anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.我期望从这演讲中获得很多教益。A man who always anticipates his income c

18、an never save or become rich.总是预支工资, 寅吃卯粮的人, 永远不能储蓄或成为富人56.not more than No morethan (两者都不)You are no more honest than he is.(你和他一样不诚实)57.It is essential必不可少的/important/imperative必要的,命令的,不可避免的/advisable/desirable that + (should) do 虚拟语气58. Crude forgery 拙劣的赝品天然的, 未加工的 crude rubber天然橡胶Last night a ca

19、rgo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.昨晚一艘货轮与一艘载着原油的油轮相撞。简陋的, 粗糙的, 未加修饰的 crude oil 粗制盐The cottage wears a very crude appearance.那幢农舍外观颇为简陋。粗鲁的, 粗俗的, 粗野的 The boy is crude enough to stick his tongue to his own sister.那个男孩太粗野了, 居然对他妹妹伸舌头。v Crucial 决定性的,至关重要的;严酷的;了不起的at the crucial moment在关

20、键时刻, 重要关头a crucial decision极重要的决定v Crucible 严酷的考验 in the crucible of受到.的严峻考验v Cruel 残忍的;使人痛苦的Fate dealt him a cruel blow.命运给他以惨痛的打击。59.turn ones back on sb 不理睬,拒绝帮助60.Extensive 广泛的,大量的 exclusive排外的,唯一的,独有的For the exclusive use of 仅供使用This bathroom is for the Presidents exclusive use.这间浴室是总统专用的。The s

21、tory is exclusive to this newspaper.这家报纸独家报道这个材料。61.approachable可接近的,平易近人的 payable可支付的,(到期)应支付的 Reachable可达到的,可获得的 affordable买得起的62.aftermath 尤指灾难或不幸事件后的一段时期,后果,余波 (含有时间概念,常用于in the aftermath of ) In the aftermath of the hurricane, many peoples homes were destroyed.飓风的后果是许多人的房屋被毁。63.become 适合; 适宜; 与

22、.相称 It does not become you to use insulting words like that!你用那样恶语伤人太不合适了!This coat becomes him very well.这件上衣他穿着很合适。l Fit (使)适合 His great height fitted him to play basketball.他的身材高大, 适合打篮球。l MatchThe colours match well.颜色很协调。The tie matches your suit.那条领带跟你的西装很相配。l Turn (使)变为, (使)成为 He used to be a

23、 linguist till he turns writer.他过去是个语言学家, 后来成了作家。64.accidentally 偶然地,意外地 incidentally附带地,顺便提及(by the way)Incidentally, I think you still owe me some money.顺便说一句, 我想你还欠我一些钱。顺便说一句(口语中另换话题的用语) incidental expenses临时费用 incidental music配合剧情的音乐65. get away with 逃避惩罚 get back at 实行报复 get by 通过,混过get round t

24、o 腾出时间来做66.promptly敏捷地,准时地 Eg:Corbett leaned against the wall and promptly vomited.科比特倚在墙边, 马上呕吐了起来。She appears promptly at eight each day.她每天8点准时到。l readily乐意地,欣然,容易地 快捷地;轻而易举地;便利地He readily agreed to help us.他欣然同意帮助我们。readily consent欣然允诺 readily comprehensible容易理解的67.基础Basics:the simplest and most

25、 important aspects of a subject or activity(to learn the basics of journalism/ math)Elements:the basic assumptions or principles of a subject 原理,基础68.ratio 比率”(多以具体数据体现两个关系平行的事物的数量之比,所涉及的两个比较项必须同时出现)at the rate of 按的比率”In proportion to 依照比照,和相比 in the proportion of 以的比例69.audience“听众,观众” (观看电视,电影,戏剧

26、表演)(听电台,演说) Spectator 观众(观看体育比赛) stadium露天大型运动场”70.expanse “宽阔的领域” the vast expanse of sea Stretch 延伸的区域”(往往指有界限的) the stretch of road /coast 71.smack ones lips (馋得)舔嘴唇识记词汇&阅读词汇72.underachieving I was an underachieving student 我是个差等生 underachieve 学习成绩不良,未能发挥学习潜能73.graduate 研究生的 seminar?semin: 研讨会;培训

27、会74.Chair系主任;主席75.Landlady女房东,女地主76. Launder洗烫;洗(黑钱)77.Popular 普通的,广泛的 “Mary” is a very popular name for a girl. “玛丽”是个很常见的女孩名字。Good landladies those are superb(杰出的) cooks and launderers are figures(人物) as popular in fiction as the bad who terrorize their guests and overcharge them at the slightest

28、opportunity.小说里经常会出现一些厨艺高超,勤于烫洗的好房东,也常出现威胁房东,尽一切可能多收取房租的坏房东at the first opportunity 一有机会78.laundry 洗衣店;洗好的衣服79.Provoking使人生气的80.Conversely相反地81.Chore零星工作(家常杂物) 乏味无聊的工作82.Masterwork 名著,极品83.Pick up 好转;无意中学会;逮捕84.Hitchhiker搭便车的旅行者 Youre opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.沿途搭车会滋生事端。85.Give sb a

29、 lift让某人搭车, 帮某人忙86.Column 专栏87.Rural乡村的88.Coupon 优惠券89.Break down 发生故障;破产90.Cut down减少, 降低 We were for cutting down the cost of production.我们赞成降低成本。Your arguments are too easy to be cut down.你的论点一驳即倒。He cut down the snake. 他砍死了那条蛇。91.consumption 消费,消耗 consumer顾客92.Braid 发辫;编织 braided编成麻花状的93.Square正

30、方形 triangle三角形 circle圆94.Playfulness playful爱玩的,戏虐的95.Hang out闲逛;坚持下去;晾晒96.Radical根本的,彻底的97.Revision修订98.Take a toll产生负面影响;造成损失写作词汇99.The benefits far outweigh the risks100.Indispensable必不可少的101.Overwhelming势不可挡的;巨大的102.Broaden our knowledge about different cultures and customs103.Develop cross-cult

31、ural (超越一种文化的;比较各种文化的)communication补充Count count for 有价值, 有重要性 For him fame does not count for much.在他看来, 出名算不了什么。He seems to count for too much in our company.在我们公司里, 他似乎是个举足轻重的人物。 count up 加起来, 算出总数 You can count up the great poets still alive, on the fingers of one hand.在世的大诗人屈指可数。The men counted up the money carefully.那些人仔细地清点钱数。Count up to ten before you open your eyes.你数十个数再睁开眼睛。 cou

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