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1、上海电子信息职业技术学院 上海电子信息职业技术学院 新生入学英语测试目的、大纲、样题1. 测试目的教育对于每一个受教育者来说都是平等的,然而现代心理学的研究早已证实,每一个学习者都存在着与学习有关的个体差异。这些差异包括学生的知识储备、学习策略、态度与技能等。随着高校由“精英”教育向“大众”化转型,学院的生源层次悬殊,“一刀切”的教学往往使好学生“吃不饱”“学不到”知识,基础差的学生却“听不懂”“跟不上”教学进度。好学生因为“学不到”知识而厌学;基础差的学生因“学不懂”而厌学。这种现状给英语教学的展开和英语教学改革带来了诸多的不便,给学生的英语学习带来了阻碍。为此外语教学部在学院领导的指导下开

2、始对英语教学改革进行分层教学的研究和实践。新生入学进行英语测试,然后按不同层次制定相应的教学标准、教材内容与教学要求根据不同层次之间学生的差异,制定相应的教学标准、采用不同的教学内容与教学要求,以达到较有效的学习效果。2. 测试大纲 随着近几年高校不断地扩大招生,学生层次、地区差别等因素对教学带来了一定的负面影响。我院的学生主要来自于自主招生、三校生高考、上海普高高考和全国统考。由于目前各地区的中学、中职外语教学水平有差异。导致同一自然班中学生的外语分数相差几十余分,有时甚至一百余分。考虑到高职高专学生英语入学水平的现状,对学生进行入学英语测试,按学生的测试成绩实施分层教学。分层教学不仅仅是一

3、种教学法,更应是一种教学思想,真正从根本上承认并尊重学生的个体差异,同时利用学生差异使教学活动得到优化分层教学,体现了教育的“全体性”、“全面性”、“主动性”和“差异性”。考试方式为笔试,测试语言知识和读、译、写等技能。试题总分为100分,其中客观题70分,主观题30分。客观性试题有信度较高。覆盖面广的优点,而主观性试题有利于提高测试的效度,能更好地检测考生运用语言的能力,为此本考试采用主客观题混合题型,以保证良好的信度和效度。考试时间为100分钟。3. 测试样题上海市电子信息职业技术学院新生入学英语考试(试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟)Part I Structure and Voca

4、bulary 语法和词汇多项选择:从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。30%(每小题1分)1. Mike, here is a message _ you from Lucy, who wished to see you.A. of B. on C. for D. over 2. When the president came into the meeting-room, they _ the problem of pollution.A. discussed B. have discussed C. are discussing D. were discussing3. I

5、t is reported that the book Harry Potter _ into many languages since it came out. A. has been translated B. was translating C. was being translated D. will be translating4. Take the medicine, _ youll get better in several days.A. yet B. or C. but D. and5. _ by the famous professor,the young doctor w

6、ent on with his research.A. Encouraged B. EncourageC. Encouraging D.To encourage6. As we couldnt find a better way to work out the problem, Linda suggested _ to her father for help.A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned7. The famous singer did all he _ to support the poor students. A. could B. must

7、 C. ought D. might8. We had planned to invite Mary and Rose to the party, but I was told that _ of them could come.A. both B. neither C. no one D. none9. The company has employed 60 disabled workers this year, twice _ last year.A. as much as B. higher than C. bigger than D. as many as 10. The woman

8、was too excited to say a word when she got the news _ her son had won a gold medal in the Olympic Games.A. when B. which C. that D. what 11. We should try our best to help the people _ houses were damaged in the floods.A. who B. whose C. that D. of whom12. Bird flu is likely to occur _ there are a l

9、ot of birds, ducks or chickens.A. where B. which C. what D. whether13. Jim seldom had lunch at home after he got a job in a big company, _?A. hadnt he B. didnt he C. had he D. did he14. _arrived at the airport when I heard my flight announced. A. No sooner had I B. I hardly C. I had no sooner D. Har

10、dly had I15. _will you finish your experiment report? I just want to remind you that it is due next Tuesday. A. How often B. How long C. How fast D. How soon16. _is known to all, smoking contributes to lung cancers. But still cigeretters are sold in large quantities every day. A. It B. As C. Which D

11、. That17. Not having any working experience, _. A. my application was turned down B. I failed to get the position in the company C. my parents told me not to lose heart D. the company didnt give me an offer18. It is said that the new swimming pool _the old one will be built next year. A. twice the s

12、ize of B. twice as bigger as C. as twice big as D. twice big than 19. When he finally came to, he found himself _in a cave. A. trapped B. having been trapped C. being trapped D. be trapped20. Every possible means _to prevent the spread of the disease, but the number of the infected is still going up

13、. A. is tried B. are tried C. tries D. try21. I dont think it is polite to _ the headmaster while he is talking.A. interrupt B. expect C. instruct D. defend22. The old man _ it as his duty to persuade the young not to waste food.A. thinks B. realizes C. regards D. demands23. In order to help keep th

14、e _ of nature, all the citizens should protect wild animals. A. energy B. science C. freedom D. balance24. - Look,there are so many musical _ in the hall!- Yes. A concert will be held this evening.A. experiments B. instruments C. improvements D. movements25. Professor Williams is an expert in biolog

15、y. The names of most animals and plants are _ to him.A. strange B. familiar C. similar D. difficult 26. When the bus driver saw an old woman _ the bus, he stood up to help her.A. getting on B. taking on C. turning out D. coming up27. The professor is not _ our report, so well have to write it again.

16、A. particular about B. ashamed of C. satisfied with D. disappointed at28. The hostess silently _the cup from the table without any guests knowledge. A. reminded B. reduced C. refused D. removed29. In some cultures, a knife _the highest power. A. looks B. sets C. symbolizes D. seeks30. Could you give

17、 me more of his _information before I agree to interview him? A. background B. undergroud C. back D. behindPart II Cloze 15%综合填空: 在下面的短文中有15个空格,每个空格有A、B、C、D四个选项,根据上下文选择一个最佳答案。(每小题1分)What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one 31 there are many different kinds of English as there are s

18、peakers of it. 32 two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear differences 33 them, and the pronunciation of English 34 a great deal in different geographical areas. How do we decide what sort of English to use as a model? This is not a question that can be 35 in the same way for a

19、ll foreign learners of English.36 you live in a part of the world 37 India or South Africa, where there is a long 38 of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should tend to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a 39 in these circumstances to use as

20、a model BBC English or things of the sort. 40 , if you live in a country 41 there is no tradition of using English, you must take as your model some form of 42 English pronunciation. It does not 43 very much which form you choose. The most 44 way is to take as your model the sort of English you can

21、45 most often.31. A. meaning B. sense C. case D. situation32. A. Not B. No C. None D. Nor33. A. between B. among C. of D. form34. A. changes B. varies C. shifts D. alters35. A. given B. responded C. satisfied D. answered36. A. Because B. When C. If D. Whether37. A. as B. in C. like D. near38. A. cus

22、tom B. use C. habit D. tradition39. A. fashion B. mistake C. possibility D. shortcoming40. A. On the other hand B. Therefore C. On a second thought D. Besides41. A. where B. which C. that D. wherever42. A. practical B. new C. native D. domestic43. A. care B. affect C. trouble D. matter44. A. effecti

23、ve B. sensitive C. ordinary D. careful45. A. hear B. notice C. find D. readPart III Reading Comprehension 30%阅读理解:根据短文内容,从各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。(每小题1分)( A )FIRE INSTRUCTIONS THE PERSON DISCOVERING A FIRE WILL: 1. OPERATE THE NEAREST FIRE ALARM. 2. ATTACK THE FIRE WITH AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT, IF IT IS

24、 SAFE TO DO SO. FIRE ALARM BELLS The Fire Alarm Bells will ring either in the area of A Block or in the area of B Block and C Block. Those in the area where the Alarm Bells are ringing should take action as indicated below. Others should continue with their work. ON HEARING YOUR FIRE ALARM: 1. Those

25、 in class: will go to the Assembly Area under instructions given by the teacher. 2. Those elsewhere: will go to the Assembly Area by the most sensible route, and stay near the Head of their Department. ASSEMBLY AREA The Assembly Area is the playing field which is south of the Sports Hall. Here names

26、 will be checked. PROCEDURE 1 .Move quietly. 2.Do NOT stop to collect your personal belongings. 3.Do NOT attempt to pass others on your way to the Assembly Area. 4.Do NOT use the lift. FIRE ALARMS Fire Alarms are situated as follows: 1.A Block At the Reception Desk; at east end of connecting corrido

27、r; outside the kitchen door. 2.B Block At the bottom of both stairways and on each landing. 3.C Block Inside entrance lobby of Sports Hall.46.On hearing the fire alarm, those in class should go to_. A.A Block B.B Block C.C Block D. the Assembly Area 47.What should you do during the fire alarm? A. Ma

28、ke use of the lift. B. Collect personal things. C. Move along without noise. D. Overtake others on the way.48. We can learn from the passage that the fire instructions are mainly written for_.A. teachers B. students C. international students D. foreign teachers49. There are all together _fire alarms

29、 installed.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 550. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?A. Dont make any effort to put the fire out when one discovers a fire.B. Dont try to get your personal belongings.C. Try to put the fire out with available equipment.D. Those in the area where th

30、e Alarm Bells are not ringing should continue with their work.( B )Motivation is vital for you as an English learner, because the motivated learner will always do better than the unmotivated learner.Teachers can only teach-you, the student, have to learn. Your biggest obstacle in learning is your mo

31、tivation-you have to know, and understand, the reason why you are learning anything. If you want to learn something, and you have the reason clearly in front of you, then learning will come easier. If you do not have the motivation it will be a long, hard and difficult task.Now, what would it take to really motivate you to learn

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