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1、高级英语下习题集含答案高级英语(下)课程习题集一、汉译英1. 他们召开会议,研究该提升谁,别人准备并发布的声明上也要署上他们的名字。2. 她的头靠在窗帘上,鼻孔上是提花窗帘布上的尘土气。3. 通常电视画面凌驾于观点之上。4. 我们将感情建筑在原始的害怕、偏见和陈规老套上而不是建筑在知识和远见上。5. 他希望她不会太生气,因为她生气的时候他会想他当初该不该和她结婚,而有了这种怀疑使他感到很憋闷。6. 我受的是科学的教育,曾为一份科学刊物写过某个领域的一篇专题文章。7. 我们已总结出三种鲜明的价值准则,这样说是因为每种准则都引发出一种不同的顾客价值观8. 我们以后的一切麻烦都来自于这个想法9. 他

2、很固执,和他从前一样,而且有点迟钝,但他已经准备要转过身来了10. 几乎很想加上一句:没有什么东西不能引起人的势力感11. 收集艺术作品是收集文化象征,而文化象征则还意味着社会声望。12. 观众中传出了因恐怖而倒吸气的声音,然后便是焦急的不停的窃笑13. 寻找刺激是如此深刻的需要以至于手边没有无害途径,它便会找到这类有害途径来发泄。14. 但他们没能做到的是在任何一方面有所突破而达到新的高度。15. 可是如果人们吃葱头不是因为它们有葱头的味道,那么他们究竟为什么要吃洋葱?16. 纪律在监督和激励着他们。17. 也许她再也看不到她做梦都没想过要与之分开的一切熟悉的东西了。18. 电视比报纸更依赖

3、商业广告,既然广告是大生意,广告在本性上是亲共和党的。19. 衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的非亲生儿。20. 此价值准则拥护者着重供应的不是市场所需的而是特定顾客群体所需的。21. 他站在大门口,尖顶帽推在后脑勺上,头发向前散乱垂在晒得黧黑的脸上。22. 当音乐中突然加进了萨克管,速度变快了,他小心地和她旋转起来,用自己的双肩打着拍子。23. 运作卓越的公司提供了质量、价格、购物便利的最佳组合,这是市场上其他公司无法与之相比的。24. 她没有把花放在车里带来,但她把花放在心中带来了。25. 因为势力也有起有落,他们的帝国也以最为公认的历史方式兴起、衰落、消亡。二、BLANKS FILLING

4、26. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary: (15分)enunciate read ones mind fall victim to unaccustomed on the spot reiterate make a business in vainpenalize insatiable1. The chairman of the board of directors was forced

5、 to resign, _ the power struggle among the directors. 2. At first she was so _to the cockney accent that she understood nothing of what the taxi drivers said.3. I tried _ to get George to join the campaign to end fox-hunting in Britain. 4. The whole class was _ for not being able to keen the classro

6、om clean and tidy. 5. Her teenage son was very quiet these days. She asked him if something had been bothering him, but he just looked at her without saying anything. She was worried, she wished she could _.6. When Jerry ruined an important machine, his boss fired him _.7. The retired teacher_ of he

7、lping his neighbors retarded son.8. The old professor has a (n) _ love for Peking Opera.9. Radio announcers must _ words clearly. 10. The tour guide _to the tourists the importance of keeping an eye on their belongings. 27. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the

8、 box below, changing its form when necessary: (15分)tumble take effect permissible with honors keep at bloat suffice inherentidentify cater to1. It is not _ to take reference books out of the library. 2. There appeared at the door a fat, ugly man _ with overeating.3. I had my breakfast two hours ago,

9、 a light lunch will_. 4. The company _ its product market as being in the age range of 12-24 years. 5. The contract will _ once it is signed by both parties.6. The police had been working on the case for over three months without much result, but they refused to give up. They _ it till they finally

10、arrested the ring-leader.7. The problems they encounter are _ in the economic system.8. Those violent films _ the worst side of human nature.9. The children were playing in the park, chasing each other _on the lawn, laughing and shouting all the time. 10. Intelligent and hard-working, he passed _ in

11、 degree, examinations. 28. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary: (15分)where on earth unconscious of judicious inhale cheapen pinch lull continuityhave trouble doing sth. be well on the way1. Some girls are so shy as

12、to _ mixing, socially with people. 2. _can we find the money to pay the hospital bills?3. By his nasty behavior the governor has _ himself in everyones eyes. 4. The two daughters sweet words _ King Lear into believing that they really loved him more than anything in the world. 5. The speaker went on

13、 and on, she had to _ herself to stay awake.6. With an MBA degree and 2 years job experience, he _ to becoming a successful sales manager.7. It takes courage to think about a new career, to give up the _ for the unknown, especially when you lose confidence in your ability.8. He_ a lot of air before

14、divine into the water.9. The general walked straight on totally _ being followed by the spy. 10. A(n) _ decision is a decision reached with sound judgment. 29. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary: (15分)spell suckle

15、oneself state-of-the-art detest feel crowded fumble conserve utterbe held to blame stuff1. No one _ for the loss of the game; each had done her best. 2. The performance was over, the audience remained motionless, completely under the _ of the music.3. The pillow is _ with feathers. 4. We must _fores

16、ts not only for the present but for future generations. 5. The way everybody demanded that he should reach a decision immediately made him _. 6. He _ a great deal on ancient Chinese literature before becoming a writer himself.7. Many people buy products turned out by Nike because they believe that N

17、ike represents the _ technology on the market.8. Enduring great pain the wounded soldier never_ a groan.9. The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver _ in his pocket for his drivers license. 10. She _ those mothers who teach their little children to beg instead of working to mak

18、e a living themselves. 30. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary: (15分)impair contented contingency substitute be laid up take to snobbish entwinedroop regardless of1. The president decided to run for the second term,

19、 _ the state of his health. 2. He missed the exam as he _with pneumonia for a whole month.3. Vitamin C pills are no _ for fruits and vegetables. 4. Overcooking will _ the flavor and taste of the dish. 5. The summer was so hot and dry that leaves on the trees all _.6. An honest person never_ stealing

20、 even when he falls into financial difficulties.7. As the market is always changing, a company must be prepared to deal with any possible _.8. He felt_ to live a simple and lonely life in that remote village.9. The father _ his arm in his sons and off they went like two good friends. 10. It is no us

21、e asking him for help. He is very_ and only helps those whom he thinks are useful to him. 31. I. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary: (15)tumble take effect permissible with honors keep at bloat suffice inherentiden

22、tify cater to1. It is not _ to take reference books out of the library. 2. There appeared at the door a fat, ugly man _ with overeating.3. I had my breakfast two hours ago, a light lunch will_. 4. The company _ its product market as being in the age range of 12-24 years. 5. The contract will _ once

23、it is signed by both parties.6. The police had been working on the case for over three months without much result, but they refused to give up. They _ it till they finally arrested the ring-leader.7. The problems they encounter are _ in the economic system.8. Those violent films _ the worst side of

24、human nature.9. The children were playing in the park, chasing each other _on the lawn, laughing and shouting all the time. 10. Intelligent and hard-working, he passed _ in degree, examinations. 32. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its

25、form when necessary: (15)where on earth unconscious of judicious inhale cheapen pinch lull continuityhave trouble doing sth. be well on the way1. Some girls are so shy as to _ mixing, socially with people. 2. _can we find the money to pay the hospital bills?3. By his nasty behavior the governor has

26、_ himself in everyones eyes. 4. The two daughters sweet words _ King Lear into believing that they really loved him more than anything in the world. 5. The speaker went on and on, she had to _ herself to stay awake.6. With an MBA degree and 2 years job experience, he _ to becoming a successful sales

27、 manager.7. It takes courage to think about a new career, to give up the _ for the unknown, especially when you lose confidence in your ability.8. He_ a lot of air before divine into the water.9. The general walked straight on totally _ being followed by the spy. 10. A(n) _ decision is a decision re

28、ached with sound judgment. 33. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary: (15分)spell suckle oneself state-of-the-art detest feel crowded fumble conserve utterbe held to blame stuff1. No one _ for the loss of the game; eac

29、h had done her best. 2. The performance was over, the audience remained motionless, completely under the _ of the music.3. The pillow is _ with feathers. 4. We must _forests not only for the present but for future generations. 5. The way everybody demanded that he should reach a decision immediately

30、 made him _. 6. He _ a great deal on ancient Chinese literature before becoming a writer himself.7. Many people buy products turned out by Nike because they believe that Nike represents the _ technology on the market.8. Enduring great pain the wounded soldier never_ a groan.9. The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver _ in his pocket for his drivers license. 10. She _

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