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1、辽宁省鞍山市中考英语模拟试题中考英语模拟试题(参考答案附题后,主观试题的答案可以多样。卷I选择题(共50 分)I.单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)1. An sha n isattractive city. Its such clean place that many tourists speakhighly of it.A. a; aB. the; /C. an ; /D. an;2. -Tom, youplay football in the street. -Sorry, Ido it aga in.A. neednt; won t B. mustn t; won tC. can t

2、; will D. wont; can tto the growth of the school3. Mrs. Black, the prin cipal, has made a greatA.con tributi on B. progressC. inven ti on D. protecti on4.does the iph one 5s bel ong to?-It sA. Who, him B. Who, hisC. Whose, him D. Whose, his5.t reply to me. I called you but you did nOh, sorry, IDad,

3、where are we going? (爸爸去哪儿)at the cinema.A. watched B. have watched C. was watch ing D. had watched6.Some pare nts might worry that their childre ns hobbies can schoolwork.A. get the way of B. get on the way of C. get on well with D. get i n the way of7.In ter Mila n has won. It s one of football ma

4、tches that I have ever see n.A. excit ing B. more excit ing C. the most excit ing D. less excit ing8.- Oh, I m thirsty. Mum, can I have the milk on the table? - No, it smells .A. terribly B. terrible C. good D. well9.-1 prefer speak ing to liste ning in En glish lear ning.-Oh, really! I thi nk you s

5、hould be good at of them.A. both B. neither C. some D. all10.I ofte n laugh whe n I see my gran dma lear ning pop son gs. But she says ,“ One is n everold to learn. 11.- Could you tell me ? - Perhaps on March 8.C. where MH370 was lost. D. where was MH370 lost.12.Half of the class done most of the wo

6、rk. The left rather difficult.A. has, is B. have, is C. have, are D. has, are13.It s cruel him to kill many children with a knife.A. of ; such B. for ;such C. of ;so D. for ;so14.The guide said that much atte nti on must these details.A. pay B. be paid C. pay to D. be paid to15.- Excuse me ,could I

7、take the seat here?- .The child sitti ng here will come soon.A. You d better not B. No, thanks C. Yes, please. D. I m afraid so.16.- I ve been thinking about those question s you asked me last week.-Oh, really? Have you got any valuable idea?A. which B. who C. what D. why17.Mother told her daughter

8、that the sound more slowly tha n the light.A. went B. would go C. goes D. is going18.-Ma ny stude nts won t take part in the after-school activities today.- .We have so much homework to do!A. So will I B. So do I C. Neither will I D. Neither do I19.-Ca n you make sure ? Sorry, I cant.A. whe n will s

9、he arrive B. whether she will join us or notC. why she would speak in the meet ing D. where can she have a discussi on with me20.Thanks to the ma n s efforts, more and more toys from his factory to sell abroadevery year.A. were produced B. are produced C. produce D. will produce参考答案:1-5DBABC 6-10DCB

10、AA 11-15BBDDA 16-20ACCBBII .完形填空(共10分,每题1分)One day, a poor young man went to Paris to visit one of his fathers friends and 21 that his fathers friend could help him find a simple job for liv ing.Are you good at math, his fathers friend asked him.The young man shook his head.How are your history and

11、geography?The young man shook his head aga in.How about your law?The young man 22 his head embarrassedly.His fathers friend asked aga in and aga in, 23 the youn g man could only shake hishead and told him he himself could nt find out any 24 . The n write dow n your address first.The young man wrote

12、dow n his address and turned to leave, but he was stopped by hisfathers friend. Your n ame is writte n very 25 , which is your adva ntage. You should ntsatisfy yourself with finding a job only for 26 . Years later, the young man wrote the classical works that won the world fame. Hewas Alexa ndre Dum

13、as, a famous French writer of 18th cen tury. One of his greatest works27 The Three Musketeers was popular 28 a great number of readers.There are many ordinary pers ons in the world who all have many 29 adva ntages, butthey are n eglected ( 忽视 )because of their self-abaseme nt (自卑 ).In fact, there is

14、a gold mine (矿)in every ordinary life. If you re willi ng to dig, you will dig outtreasures to 30yourself.21. A. wo nderedB. expectedC. learnD. thought22. A. touchedB. loweredC. raisedD. nodded23. A. soB. or C.and D.but24. A. ideasB.chancesC. adva ntages D. feeli ngs25. A. badlyB. carefullyC. clearl

15、yD. beautifully26. A. funB. houseC. livi ngD.hobby27. A. writte nB. calledC. readD. give n28. A. withB. forC. by D.of29. A. bigB. smallC. clearD. exact30. A. surpriseB. i ntentC. believeD. frighte n参考答案:21-25BBDCD 26-30CBABAIII. 阅读理解。(共20分,每小题1 分)Can you write down a Chinese word being read to you?

16、Sometimes it can be difficult when you find the word is not included in most dictionaries.Lu Jialei, 14, from Han gzhou Foreig n Lan guage School, won the CCTV Chin ese Character(汉字)Spelli ng Con test o n Oct 18 : 2013. A bout 160 people competed. The host read a wordto the con testa nt, expla ined

17、its meaning and gave sample senten ces. The con testa nt wasrequired to write dow n the word.Winning the con test was a “ surprise ” to Lu. “ I was not the smartest one, ” she said.“ But I paid atte nti on to details. ” To prepare for the con test, she and her teammatesstudied the Moder n Chin ese D

18、ictio nary for 10 days. There are more tha n 56,000 en tries ( 词条)including characters, words and phrases in it. She also had a secret weapon. She studiedhow Chin ese characters were formed.“ When others paid atte nti on to the plot of a story, she looked at how authors usewords and sentences to exp

19、ress themselves, ” said Su Yun she ng, Lu s Chin ese teacher. Suis happy to see stude nts like Lu find the beauty of Chin ese Ian guage.“ Besides using s omethi ng Chin ese and havi ng Chin ese traditi onal festivals, lear ningto write Chinese characters is also an important part of inheriting (传承)C

20、hineseculture, ” said Su.31.Lu Jialei was born in . A. 1997 B. 1999 C. 2001 D. 200232.Lu Jialei studied the Moder n Chin ese Dictio nary for the con test.A.for more tha n one week B. as long as one weekC. for more tha n half a month D. as long as half a month33.The con testa nt was required to write

21、 dow n the word .A.after the con testa nt read the word to the hostB.before the host read the word to the con testa ntC.after the host expla ined its meaning and gave sample sentencesD.before the con testa nt expla ined its meaning and gave sample senten ces34.Lu Jialei s secret weapon was that .A.

22、she paid atte nti on to details B. she was the smartest con testa ntC. she found the beauty of Chin ese Ian guageD. she studied how Chin ese characters were formed35. From the passage we can infer isn t an important part of inheriting Chineseculture.A. trying to write Chin ese characters B. using ch

23、opsticks whe n havi ng mealsC. giving and receiving presents at Christmas D. spending the Spring Festival withfamilies参考答案:BACDCBWhat did you do on April 23, World Book Day, last year? Did you find some interestingbooks to read? Now let me in troduce some good books for you to read.Title: Dear An dr

24、easAuthor: Long Yin gtai & An dreasAn dreas is a college stude nt study ing in Germa ny. His motheris a writer working in Taiwan. By writing letters to each other formore tha n three years, Long Yin gtai says she clearly un dersta ndswhat an 18-year-old man is like, An dreas says he knows his mother

25、 better. This isa great book full of love. Don t miss it.Title: Climate Chan ge+2 DegreesAuthor: Yamamoto RyoichiIf the earth s temperature went up 2 this book we lear n about the history, todayC , what would happen? Ins situati on and the future of globalwarming. The author also tells us proper and

26、 useful ways to protect our world.Title: The Methods and Mad ness In side Room 56Author: Rafe EsquithPerhaps the most famous fifth-grade teacher in America, RafeEsquith, helps his children understand literature, love life, and become happy, self-c on fide nt people using his successful methods in第系s

27、号数室的奇迹 ii eh rf *川 KAfehis Los An geles public school classroom. He has created surpris ing miracles. Thisis a powerful book. Youd better read it.Title: The Last LectureAuthor: Randy PauschRandy Pausch, a professor from New York was asked to give alecture. He knew it would probably be his last lectu

28、re, because hewas dying of illness. His lecture wasn t about dying, but about getting over thedifficulties, help ing others to realize their dreams.36. Who wrote the book The Methods and Mad ness In side Room 56A.Rafe Esquith. B. Yamamoto Ryoichi. C. Randy Pausch. D. Long Yingtai &An dreas.37.From t

29、he book Climate Change+2 Degrees , we can know .A. the earth s temperature will surely go up 2 C B. the future of different countries in the worldC. proper and useful ways to protect our world D. something about the history of climate38.An dreas and his mother know each other better by .A. writ ing

30、letters B. sending e-mails C. talk ing on the phone D. chatt ing online39.Which of the following is NOT true in the book The Last Lecture ?A. The professor is from America. B. The professor was in his poor health.C.The professor talked about gett ing over the difficulties.D.The professor talked a lo

31、t about his ill ness in his lecture.40.The passage may be take n from .A. a diary B. a book advertiseme nt C. a novel D. a filmreview 参考答案:ACADBCAs I grow up, I gradually know that life plays a very important role in my educationI really wan ted to achieve. What I mean is that life can teach you things no one else can.Luckily for you, it s time to have lessons

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