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本文(通用版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 4 Earthquakes教师用书 新人教版必修1.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

通用版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 4 Earthquakes教师用书 新人教版必修1.docx

1、通用版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 4 Earthquakes教师用书 新人教版必修1(通用版)2019高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 4 Earthquakes教师用书 新人教版必修1.写作单词会拼写1burst vi. 爆裂;爆发 n. 突然破裂;爆发2event n. 事件;大事3ruin n. 废墟;毁灭 vt. 毁灭;使破产4trap vt. 使陷入困境 n. 陷阱;困境5bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏6nation n. 民族;国家;国民7dirt n. 污垢;泥土dirty adj. 脏的,肮脏的8suffer vt.&vi. 遭受;

2、忍受suffering n. 苦难;痛苦sufferer n. 患者;受害者9extreme adj. 极度的extremely adv. 非常;极其;极端地10injure vt. 损害;伤害injury n. 伤害;损害injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的11rescue n&vt. 援救;营救rescuer n. 救援者12frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬frightened adj. 受惊的;受恐吓的frightening adj. 令人恐惧的13congratulate v. 祝贺congratulation n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词14judge n. 裁判员;法官 v

3、t. 断定;判断;判决judgment n. 判断;裁判;判决书15express vt. 表示;表达 n. 快车;快递expression n. 表达;表情;措辞.阅读单词要识记16earthquake n 地震17canal n. 运河;水道18track n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹19sincerely adv. 真诚地;真挚地20headline n. 报刊的大字标题21electricity n. 电;电流;电学22shock vt.&vi. (使)震惊;震动 n. 休克;打击;震惊 23disaster n. 灾难;灾祸24shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处25reporter

4、 n. 记者高频短语会默写1right away 立刻;马上2think little/nothing of 以为没什么了不起3at an end 结束;终结4in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪5dig out 掘出;发现6a(great) number of 许多;大量的7be proud of 以而自豪8judging from 从判断9be trapped in 陷入10be buried in 埋头于教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.(too.

5、to意为“太而不能”,表示否定意义。)1.正如那句老话:活到老,学到老。Just as the old saying goes:it is never too old to learn.2.It seemed as if the world was at an end!(It seemed as if 似乎/好像)2.我童年的一切仿佛刚刚发生一样。It seemed as if everything in my childhood had just happened.3.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.(everyw

6、here引导让步状语从句)3.无论他走到哪里,他都受到热烈欢迎。Everywhere he went,he received a warm welcome.4.All hope was not lost.(“all.not.”为部分否定。)4.并非所有的学生都遵守学校规章制度,因此作为一名老师,我应严格要求他们。All students dont obey the school rules,so as a teacher,I should be strict with them.精讲5个考纲单词 burst vi.爆裂;爆发 n突然破裂;爆发教材原句In the city,the water

7、pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。(1)burst in/into 闯入;突然破门而入(2) 突然哭起来/笑起来burst with anger/joy 勃然大怒/乐不可支(3)a burst of 一阵Last night the room was burst into but nothing was taken away.昨晚有人闯入房间但没有带走任何东西。There was a burst of laughter in the next room.隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。链接写作一句多译听到这,全

8、班同学大笑起来,我同桌的脸变红了。(2013年湖北高考写作)Hearing this,the whole class burst into laughter and my deskmates face turned red.Hearing this,the whole class burst out laughing and my deskmates face turned red. ruin n. U毁灭;毁坏;崩溃;常用复数废墟;遗迹 vt.(使)毁坏;成为废墟经典例句It was this mistake that ruined his chances of getting the jo

9、b.(牛津词典)正是这个错误断送了他得到那份工作的机会。(1)lie/be in ruins 成为废墟fall into ruin 毁灭;毁坏 ruin 使毁灭;使没落;使破产(2)ruin sth./sb. 毁坏某物/某人ruin ones health/fame/future 毁掉某人的健康/名誉/前途The whole city lay in ruins after the earthquake,while made us awake all night.地震之后整个城市成了一片废墟,让我们彻底未眠。His drunk driving not only ruined hi

10、mself(he) but also killed several passersby.酒驾不仅毁掉了他自己还导致几名路人死亡。 bury vt.掩埋;埋葬;使专心,使沉浸;隐藏教材原句The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.解放军组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。(1)bury ones head/face in hands 双手抱头/掩面(2)be buried inbury oneself in 专心于be buried in thought 沉思He sto

11、od on the sidewalk with his hands buried in the pockets of his dark overcoat.他站在人行道上,双手插在黑色外套的口袋里。The girl was sitting on the bench in the park,burying(bury)herself in the book in her hands.女孩坐在公园的长凳上,专心读着手里的那本书。 injure vt.损害;伤害经典例句Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should n

12、ot move in case she injured her neck.(2016年全国乙卷完形填空)拉里告诉她他已经扑灭了大火,并且她不应该动,以防伤到脖颈。(1)injured adj. 受伤的the injured 伤员(2)injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害do sb. an injury/do an injury to sb. 伤害某人Believe it or not,what you said just now injured her pride.信不信由你,你刚才说的话伤了她的自尊。When we reached the scene of the accident,we we

13、re told that the injured (injure) had been sent to the nearest hospital.当我们到达事故现场时,我们被告知伤员已经被送往最近的医院。链接写作完成句子But now,because my left foot was injured in the football game,I cannot go with you as planned.(2014年北京高考书面表达)但现在,由于我的左脚在足球比赛中受伤了,我不能像计划的那样和你一起去。 judge vt.断定;判断;判决 n裁判员;法官;评判员教材原句Your speech w

14、as heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.一组五个裁判听了你的演讲,他们都同意这是今年最好的演讲。(1)judge.from/by. 从来判断judge sb. to be 判断某人为as far as I can judge 据我判断;我认为(2)judging by/from 从上看;根据判断As the saying goes,“We should never judge a person by his looks.”常言道,“我们不能以貌取人。”Acc

15、ording to what he said,we can judge him to be (be) a clever boy.根据他所说的话,我们可以判断他是一个聪明的男孩。Judging(judge) from the number of cars,he thought there were not many people at the club yet.根据车子的数量来判断,他认为俱乐部里没有多少人了。【导学号:30892020】名师点津judging from/by 表示“从来看,根据来判断”,用在句首时为一个独立成分,不受句子主语和时态的影响。诠释2个核心短语 at an end 结

16、束;终结经典例句My holiday is at an end and I must go back to work tomorrow.假期结束了,明天我必须回去上班。(1)at the end of 在尽头;在末端by the end of 到结束时;到时候 为止(常与完成时态连用)in the end 最后;终于(2) 使结束(3)end up with 以结束end up doing sth. 最终在做某事(4)ending n. 结局,结尾endless adj. 无止境的;连续的He tried various jobs and in the end became an accoun

17、tant.他尝试过各种各样的工作,最后成为一名会计。Go straight and youll find the hospital at the end of the road.一直往前走,你会在这条路的尽头找到这家医院。At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing(apologize)最初他拒不承认有任何责任,到头来还是道了歉。 a (great) number of 许多;大量的经典例句I gave away a great number of books to the childr

18、en there.我向那儿的孩子捐赠了许多书。Now a great number of college graduates are seeking to get a highpaid job.But the number of posts available for them is often not enough.如今很多大学毕业生努力想找一份待遇好的工作,但适合他们的岗位数量却经常不足。There are (be)a great many talented people waiting to be discovered.众多有才华的人有待于被发现。突破2个高考句型 (教材P26)It s

19、eemed as if the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!as if(as though)“似乎,好像”,在句中引导表语从句或方式状语从句。as if/though所引导的从句中的语气及时态:It looks as if it isnt clean enough to swim here.(陈述语气)看起来(海水)好像不干净,不能游泳。When a pencil is partly put into water,it looks as if it were broken(break)(虚拟语气)当把铅笔的一部分放进水里时,它看上去好像断了。It was John

20、 who broke the window.Why are you talking to me as if I had done(do) it.(2014年重庆高考单项填空)(虚拟语气)是约翰打破的窗户,为什么你说的好像是我打破的似的? (教材P26)All hope was not lost. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。该句是表示部分否定的句型,all.not.not all.,意为“并非所有的都”。(1)英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,completely,always,whole,entirely等词与not连用,无论not位置如何

21、,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。(2)英语中的no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neither,no one,nowhere,no more,no longer,no way等表否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成“全部否定”。Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs,because not all of them are fit for them.Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs,because all of the

22、m arent fit for them.并非所有的求职者都能找到工作,因为并非所有人都能胜任这些工作。【导学号:30892021】Both of the two math problems are not very difficult.Not both of the two math problems are very difficult.这两道数学题并非都很难。He told me all pieces of the news,but none of them was very exciting.他告诉了我所有的消息,但没有一件激动人心的。多角快练练单词 练短语 练句型基础考点全面练.单句

23、语法填空1The women (injure) in the accident should be given first aid.2On hearing the news that her son had won the game,she burst into (laugh)3Lily had to take a taxi because the box was heavy to carry all the way home.4The mother,along with her two children, (rescue) from the sinking boat by a passing

24、 ship.5We offered our (congratulate) to you on your passing the 2016 College Entrance Examination.【导学号:30892022】6As a matter of fact,it was an (extreme) difficult and dangerous task.【答案】1.injured2.laughter3.too4.was rescued5.congratulations6.extremely.单句改错1It is said that with more forests destroyin

25、g huge quantities of good earth are being washed away. 2When the children heard the frightened story,they were scared to death. 3But the one million people of the city,they thought little of these events,went to bed as usual that night. 4Judged from her last letter,they are having a wonderful time.

26、5The accident caused some damage for my car,but its nothing serious. 【答案】1.destroyingdestroyed2.frightenedfrightening3.theywho4.JudgedJudging5.forto重难考点多维练1bury是“掩埋”还是“专心于”(1)单句语法填空 (bury) in heavy schoolwork,many high school students are told to lock themselves in their studies.With so many people

27、(bury) under the mine,none of the rescue workers would stop to have a rest.【导学号:30892023】Ever since he moved there,he (bury) himself in his research work.(2)一句多译由于专心学习,琳达对于怎样与男孩交往没有什么经验。Because she ,Linda had little experience in handling boys. ,Linda had little experience in handling boys.(现在分词短语作状

28、语) ,Linda had little experience in handling boys.(过去分词短语作状语)【答案】Buriedburiedhas buriedwas buried in her studyBurying herself in her studyBuried in her study2as if用法知多少(1)单句语法填空School started,but I felt as if I (be) in a foreign country now.Look at the clouds in the sky!It looks as if it (rain)Lets h

29、urry up.He opened his mouth as if (say) something.They talked as if they (be) friends for years.【导学号:30892024】She walked here and there on the playground as if (look) for something.(2)完成句子一对年轻的夫妇坐在船里,一边吃东西一边大声地谈笑,好像他们是世上唯一的人。A young couple in a boat were eating,talking and laughing loudly 【答案】wereis

30、 going to rainto sayhad beenlookingas if they were the only people in the world.课文短文改错根据P30课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Dear student,Congratulations!We are pleased to telling you that you have win the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan.Your speech was heard by the group of five judges,all of who agreed that it was the best one this year.Your parents and your school should be very proud you!Our office would like to h

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