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1、史上最全小学英语句型大全 史上最全小学英语句型大全 what 问句; be动词句 实物动词句 情态动词句 指示代词句 询问年龄、姓名 询问颜色 询问数量和价 询问时间或日期 询问方位或地方 询问想吃的东西 询问天气状况 询问身体状况或情绪 询问职业、身份或人物 询问兴趣、喜好 询问通常做的事情 询问正在做的事情 询问将要做的事情 询问曾经做过或发生过的事情 一般疑问句 “How”问句 其他特殊疑问句 where、who 等问句 what问句 Whats your name Whats his /her name whats your hobby Whats your favourite foo

2、d whats your job Whats your fatherWhats the time whats the coulor WhatS the weather like Whats this Whats that Whats in the picture/ your schoolbag/ your pencil-case/ the classroom What do you likeWhat would you like 询问吃东西What do you wantWhat do you do What does your father doWhat does she do What a

3、bout you What does he like to doWhat are you going to do after school/ this weekend/ this evening /this afternoon What are you going to buy What should we do then What time is it What does she do It is yellow. What colour is it What are they What are you doing Whats the matter Whats the size What do

4、 you see What are these What do you do on the weekend Whats your favourite season Whats the weather like in spring What would you like to do/eat What is Zips favourite season Whats the date today What are they Whats she doing What are they doing What is it doing What are the ducks doing What do ants

5、 like to eat What do you have What are you reading Whats that What do you do when you have the flu What did you buy What did you do last weekend What about What do you want to do Whats he/she/it like 这个人怎么样 What day is it today What do you eat on Thursday What do you do on weekends Whats your favour

6、ite day/food/fruit What can you /he /she /it do be动词句。 Where Where is my seat/the trash bin/ your pen Where are the keys/ my shoes/ they Where is your home /hospital/ cinema/ bookstore /library/ museum /shoe store Where are you going tomorrow Where do they live Where does he work Where does the rain

7、 /cloud/ vapour/ flower come from Where is the canteen/library/ art room Where is my T-shirt/ my car Where did you go on your holiday Where are you from Where is your mouth Who Whos your friend/principal/he Whos your math teacher Who are you Who has a birthday in October Who is taller than you Who i

8、s heavier than you Whos that woman Which Which floor Which is mikes times table Which season do you like best Which season does Zhangpeng like best Which monkey do you like Which monkey is stronger Whose Whose is it/this/that When When do you get up When do you do morning exercises /eat breakfast/ g

9、o to school When is childrens day Why Why do you like spring Why not Is Is she in the study Is there a cinema near here Is it far from school Is your pen pal a boy or a girl Is this the library/TV room/teachers desk /your bedroom/ your aunt Is that a picture Is your birthday in February Is he watchi

10、ng ants Is she your sist Are Are they nice/ sheep/ all right Are those cucumbers Are you under the table Are you helpful at home Are there any bridges in your village Can Can I have some chicken/ a Coke Can I go on foot Can you go by ship or train Can he go with us Can you help me go up to the sky C

11、an I have a try Can I wear my T-shirt Can I help you Can I ask your some questions Can tigers swim Can you read this/play football/do housework Can I have an apple, please Do Do you like sports/ pears/apples Do you know the traffic rules Do you have a comic book/ a library/any new teachers Do you ha

12、ve lunch at school Do you want to be my friend Does he go to school by car Does he live n the country Does she teach English Does she have a computer Did you go at night Did you go to the park Did you help them clean their room May May I have a look Would Would you like some grapesWhere Where is my

13、seat/the trash bin/ your pen Where are the keys/ my shoes/ theyBe动词是_的合称,必须和人称正确搭配,否则就是错误,所以有以下句型。 I am clever(形容词). _ I am a boy(名词). _ You are cute(形容词). _ You are a boy(名词). _ He 的形容词句。 He is tired. _ Danny is tired. _ My father is tired. _ He 的名词句。 He is a pupil. _ Danny is a _ _ My father is a

14、_ She 的形容词句。 She is hungry. _ Mary is hungry. _ _ His mother is hungry. _ _ She 的名词句。 She is a pupil. _ Mary is a _ _ His mother is a _ It的形容词句。 It s big _ _ The dog is big _ My pencil is blue. _ _ My head is big. _ _ It的名词句。 It is an elephant. _ We are happy(形容词句). _ We are pupils. (名词句,注意用名词的复数).

15、_ _ You are hungry. (形容词句). _ You are classmates(名词句,注意用名词的复数). _ They are thirsty . (形容词句). _ My hands are small. (形容词句). _ My books are new. (形容词句). _ They are friends. (名词句,注意用名词的复数). _ 实义动词句 句子中一定没有be动词,而是有表示动作的动词或者动词词组,例如do 词组。一般用do来代表所有动词,所以句型就是: I do. You do. He/She/It does.(相当于He She It的词,如人

16、名,各种单数称呼组合词) We do. You do. They do. (相当于They的词,如The boys) I do my homework every day. _ I wash my face every day. _ You get up at 6:30 every day. _ 注意:以下是一般现在时,第三人称单数作主语,动词加s或者es. He does his homework every day. _ He goes to school at 6:00. _ He swims/runs fast. _ She eats breakfast at 7:30. _ She

17、does her homework every She goes to the park with her sister. _ It (动物,例如A cow) eats grass. _ 注意:以上是一般现在时,第三人称单数作主语,动词加s或者es. We go to school at 7:20. _ You swim very well . _ They go home at 5:30. _ 关于do 有三个含义:1所有动词的代表。2助动词,3又是用于do词组中作为词组的一部分。 have/has 句 do/does 句 要能够正确的使用have has。选取have, has时和有的物品

18、的单复数无关。 I have .You have. _ He/She/It has (相当于He She It的词,如人名,各种单数称呼组合词) He has _ (他有一支笔/两支笔) Tom _(有一辆自行车) She _(她有一辆自行车/两辆自行车) Mary _(有一辆自行车/两辆自行车) It _(它有一个头/四条腿) Dog _(有一个头/四条腿) We have . You have They have .(注意相当于they的词组) We _ They _ _ The boys_ 情态动词句 Can可以,能够 may可以 will将要 都是情态动词,他们是特殊的词,表示主语的意

19、愿。 这些词造句,动词用原形。 I can You can . He can She can _ It can We _ .You _ IV指示代词句:注意单复数句中的be动词和代词保持一致。 单数句:This is a hen. _ That is a duck. _ 复数句:These are ducks. _ Those are horses ._ 询问姓名、年龄。 1, -Whats your name -你叫什么名字 -My name is _. -我叫。 2, -How old are you -你几岁了 -Im 12. -我十二岁。 询问颜色。 1, -What colour i

20、s it -它是什么颜色的 -Its yellow and white. -黄白相间。 2, -What colour are they -它们是什么颜色的 -Theyre green. -绿色的。 询问数量或价钱。 1, -How many kites can you see -你可以看见几只风筝 -I can see 12. -我可以看见十二只风筝。 2, -How many crayons do you have -你有多少支彩笔 -I have 16. -我有十六支。 3, -How many people are there in your family -你家有几口人 -Three

21、. -三口人。 4, -How much is this dress -这条连衣裙多少钱 -Its ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元。 5, -How much are these apples -这些苹果多少钱 -Theyre thirty-five yuan. -三十五元 询问时间或日期。 1, -What time is it now -现在几点钟 -Its nine oclock. Its time for English class. -九点。该上英语课了。 (-Its eight oclock. Its time to go to bed.) (-八点。该上床睡觉了。

22、) 2, -What day is it today -今天星期几 -Its Monday. -星期一。 (-What do we have on Mondays (-我们星期一上哪些课 -We have Chinese, English, math ) -语文、英语、数学) 3, -When is your birthday -你的生日是什么时候 -Its October 1st, our National Day. -十月一日,国庆节。 4, -When do you do morning exercises -你们什么时候做早锻炼 -I usually do morning exerci

23、ses at 8:30. -我们通常8:30做早锻炼。 询问方位或地方 1, -Where is my toy car -我的玩具汽车在哪儿 -Its here, under the chair. -在这儿,在椅子下面。 2, -Where is the canteen -餐厅在哪儿 -Its on the first floor. -在一楼。 3, -Where are the keys -钥匙在哪儿 -Theyre in the door. -在门上。 4, -Excuse me. Where is the library, please -对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿 -Its near t

24、he post office. -在邮局附近。 5, -Where are you from -你从哪儿来 -Im from China. -我从中国来。 6, -Where does the rain come from -雨是从哪儿来的 -It comes from the clouds. -它是从云层里来的 询问想吃的东西 1, -What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner -你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么 -Id like some bread and milk / rice and soup. -我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。 2, -Whats for breakfast / lunch / dinner -早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么 -Hamburgers and orange juice. -汉堡包和橙汁。 询问天气状况 1, -Whats the weather like in Beijing -北京的天气如何 -Its rainy today. How about New York -今天是雨天。纽约呢 -Its sunny and hot. -今天是晴天,天

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