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1、二年级英语课外阅读书目表二年级英语课外阅读书目推荐表一、攀登英语系列: 有趣的字母(26本)1. Frank the Rat 大老鼠弗兰克2. The Biscuits 我们来做饼干3. Cool Cat 酷猫卡里4. Dancing Dad 爸爸爱跳舞5. Red Ben 小本的红色世界6. The Frogs Love Story 青蛙的爱情故事7. Wow! A Goat! 哇!一只山羊!8. Hungry Hat 饥饿的帽子先生9. A Big, Big Day 盛大的日子10. Jack and Jim 小杰克,大吉姆11. The King Is 国王打喷嚏12. Look! Lo

2、ok! Look! 看!看!看!13. If You Give a Mouse a Mooncake 如果你给老鼠吃月饼14. Mr. No-Nose 没鼻子先生15. Whats Going On 叠罗汉16. The Pigs Backpack 小猪的背包17. A Quiet Duck 安静的鸭子18. Rabbits Run, Run, Run 兔子快跑19. Sam Wants to Be Strong 小蛇山姆20. Tick Tock 闹钟滴答响21. Its Fun to Jump 开心跳跳跳22. Vicky Visits a Village 薇琪要去小村庄23. I Am

3、a Witch 小巫女24. The Fox and the Ox 狐狸和牛25. Mayas Yo-yo 玛雅的悠悠球26. Zack the Zebra斑马扎克 神奇的字母组合(26本)1. Wait! Wait! Wait! 蜗牛要去西班牙2. Make a Call 让我们说说话3. Party Shark 鲨鱼先生4. The Ostrich 鸵鸟的午餐5. Tick-Tock Goes the Clock 莫克奶奶和闹钟6. Dragon and Drum 鼓上有条龙7. A Pea in the Sea 孔雀的豌豆8. Sound in Lears Ear 奇怪的声音9. The

4、 Green Family Goes Out 格林一家去郊游10. The Tiger and the Rooster 老虎和公鸡11. Run after a Bird 哦,我的小鸟!12. A Long, Long Song 好长好长的歌13. Coats on Sale 山羊先生买大衣14. No Book, Just Cook 胡克先生想当大厨15. Hello, Moon! 月亮,你好!16. Hortons Horns 霍尔顿的角17. A Round House 圆圆的房子18. Yellow Pillow 乌鸦和黄枕头19. A Photo of an Elephant Fam

5、ily 大象的全家福20. Three Fish 小鱼游啊游21. A Special Spider 特别的蜘蛛22. Two Thieves 两个盗贼23. Flowers for Mother 送给妈妈的花24. Travel by Tree 树上有个小人国25. Purple Purse 紫色小钱包26. Whistle for Whale 沃利和鲸鱼二、哈考特儿童英语分级读物分级读物 入门级(全21册)My CarDad and IAt My HouseThe Red BalloonsWhere is the Cat?I Push, I PullMy HomeWhat Do You S

6、ee?Time to GoYes, We Can!Helping Each OtherHere It Is!Fun Days!This Is My FamilyThe PuppetMy New SchoolIn the WoodsIsabels DayCaseys LambChicoI Have Five Senses三、汪培珽系列汪培珽第1阶段All aborad reading 01-PIG OUT 02-TOO NOISY03-PICKY NICKY04-SILLY WILLY05-OTTO THE CAT06-LOTS OF HEARTS07-THE BIG SNOWBALL08-Is

7、 That You Santa09-BENNYS BIG BUbBLE10-DONT WAKE THE BABY!11-In a Dark, Dark House12-THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD HELPS OUTi can read 汪培珽第一阶段12本书单英文原版儿童推荐绘本1:sammy the seal 冒险、追求理想2:danny and the dinosaur go to camp团体生活、幽默3:Danny and the Dinosaur 冒险、友情4:chester 追求理想不气馁5:captin cat 友情、幽默6:stanley7: wh

8、owillbemyfirends 交朋友 Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaurs the best12:OLIVER 追求下面是汪培珽推荐所有英文私房书单,供大家参考:书标头An I can read book (level 1),此系列有level 1、2、3,每个level有40本以上不同主题的书,尤其level 3,每本都值得阅读,此书单只列出我有收藏的。1. Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur*分享、友谊2. Danny and the dinosaur* 幽默、冒险、友谊3. Sammy the seal* 冒险4

9、. The lighthouse children 关怀5. Stanley 勇于改变、爱6. Captain cat 幽默、友谊7. Grizzwold 努力、冒险、幽默8. Chester 不气馁9. Danny and the dinosaur go to camp 团体生活、幽默10. Who will be my friends 交朋友11. Oliver书标头A picture reader,同系列不同作者,浅显易懂。1. Where is my broom 小巫婆找扫把2. Dont wake the baby 不要吵醒小baby3. Silly Willy 幽默4. The b

10、ig snowball 探险5. Bennys big bubble 探险,系列作家Tomie de paola 的作品6. Otto the cat 友谊7. The little engine that could helps out 再试一次的勇气8. Lots of hearts 关怀9. Pig out 幽默10. Picky Nicky 认识营养的食物书标头An I can read book (level 2)1. Small pig 追求所自己的喜欢2. There is Carrot in my ear 大幽默3. Newt 自信4. Two silly trolls 幽默5

11、. Buzby 独立、探险、幽默6. Father bear comes home * 关怀7. The adventures of snail at school 幽默、冒险8. Harry and the lady next door * 幽默各名家绘本1. Fireman small 认真2. Heaven 死亡、爱3. The snowman 奇幻探险4. Now one foot, now the other 亲情5. Whos afraid of the big, bad bully 对抗恶势力、勇气6. Blueberries for Sal * 温馨7. Winnie in w

12、inter 知足、幽默8. Marsha makes me sick ?9. Marsha is only a flower10. Oi! Get off our trains 环境保护、分享11. The doorbell rang 分享、数字概念12. Little polar bear finds a friend 友谊、冒险By Cynthia Rylant,一个小男孩Henry和一只大狗Mudge的系列故事,幽默小品,浅显易懂。购自美国,台湾书目可能较不齐全。1. Henry and Mudge and the best day of all2. Henry and Mudge in

13、 puddle trouble3. Henry and Mudge the first book4. Henry and Mudge and the starry night5. Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days6. Henry and Mudge and Annies perfect pet7. Henry and Mudge take the big test8. Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps书标头An I can read book (level 2),By Arnold Lobel,最爱作家之一,其书

14、必买。并强烈推荐给有基本英文听力的小学生。1. Frog and toad are friends *2. Frog and toad together*3. Frog and toad all year*4. Days frog and toad*5. Grasshopper on the road*6. Mouse soup*7. Mouse tales*8. Owl at home*9. Uncle elephant *书标头An I can read book (level 2、3)1. Last one in is a rotten egg 勇气、百折不挠2. Clara and t

15、he bookwagon 珍惜、努力3. Inspector hopper 侦探4. Big Max * 侦探5. Here comes the strikeout* 不气馁、练习棒球6. No more monsters for me * 不可怕的怪兽7. The smallest cow in the world *各名家绘本1. The biggest bear * 友谊、爱心2. Nana upstairs & Nana downstairs 祖孙情3. Pompeii buried alive a sad story4. The bravest dog ever Balto 勇气、冒

16、险、助人5. One hundred hungry ants 数字概念6. Corduroy ?By James Marshall,关于一只小狐狸和其朋友的系列故事,幽默首选,其书必买。并强烈推荐给有基本英文听力的小学生。1. Fox and his friends2. Fox all week3. Fox at school4. Fox on wheels5. Fox be nimble6. Fox on stage7. Fox on the job8. Fox in love9. Three up a tree10. Three by the sea11. Four on the shor

17、eBy Jean Van Leeuwen,有关一个哥哥Oliver和妹妹Amenda所发生的系列故事,幽默、温馨、家庭生活。1. Amanda pig and her big brother Oliver 岁)2. More tales of Oliver pig3. Tales of Amanda pig4. Amanda pig, school girl5. Oliver pig at school6. Amanda pig and her best friend Lollipop7. Oliver and Amandas Christmas8. Oliver, Amanda and gr

18、andmother pig9. Tales of Oliver pig10. Oliver and Amandas Halloween关于一只小乌龟Franklin的系列作品,每本有一个主题,深赋教育意义。但是,14-20的主题,可能较适合认知能力较好的四岁阶段。购自美国,台湾书目可能较不齐全。1. Franklin in the dark 怕黑2. Franklin goes to the hospital 生病住院的经验3. Franklin and the thunderstorm ?4. Hurry up, Franklin 守时5. Franklin is lost ?6. Fran

19、klins blanket7. Franklin goes to school 第一次上学8. Franklin rides a bike9. Franklins new friend 照顾新同学10. Franklin is messy 整洁11. Franklin is bossy 礼让12. Franklins bad day 情绪处理13. Franklin and Harriet 手足之情14. Franklin fibs 吹牛15. Franklin has a sleepover 到朋友家过夜16. Franklins secret club 分享17. Franklins Ha

20、lloween 万圣节的惊喜18. Franklins Christmas gift 珍惜19. Franklins school play 舞台表演20. Franklins neighborhood如果孩子已经小学中、高年级,有基本英文听力。这时想要激发他们听英文故事的兴趣,可从此系列开始,因为故事和绘图都非常有趣,字数虽然不少,但程度不难,而且都附有录音带可反复听取。1. Curious George makes pancakes *2. Curious George *3. Curious George flies a kite *4. Curious George gets a me

21、dal *5. Curious George goes to the hospital *6. Curious George rides a bike *7. Curious George takes a job *书标头An I can read book(level 2)1. The grandma mix-up2. Grandmas at lake3. Zacks alligator4. Rollo and Tweedy and the ghost at Dougal Castle *侦探5. A bargain for Frances * 诚实6. Ghosts * 6、7为鬼故事,幽

22、默有趣,但请考量孩子的接受程度,中班的儿子完全不怕,但一年级的女儿晚上不肯听。7. In a dark dark room *书标头An I can read book(level 3)1. The big balloon race* 冒险、勇气2. Sam the minuteman * ?3. The Josefina Story Quilt *4. The Golly sisters go west * 幽默5. Hill of fire * ?6. The drinking gourd * 平等、关怀、追求自由的勇气7. The long way to the new land *8.

23、 Wagon wheels *9. The case of the scaredy cats * 男女生的友谊10. Kick, pass, and run11. Buffalo bill and the pony express12. Harry in trouble13. Emmas yucky brother14. The 18 penny goose15. Daniels duck书标头An I can read book(level 2)By Doug Cushman,侦探故事。1. Aunt Eaters mystery vacation 岁)2. Aunt Eaters myst

24、ery Halloween3. Aunt Eater loves a mystery4. Aunt Eaters mystery Christmas书标头An I can read book(level 2),By Lillian Hoban,有关一只自以为是的猩猩哥哥Arthur和妹妹所发生的系列故事。1. Arthurs birthday party2. Arthurs loose tooth3. Arthurs Christmas cookies*4. Arthurs honey bear*5. Arthurs camp-out6. Arthurs great big valentine

25、7. Arthurs funny money8. Arthurs pen pal*9. Arthurs prize reader*各名家绘本(幽默)1. Fun with the Molesons岁)2. Alexander, who used to be rich last SundayBy Judith Viorst3. Alexander, whos not going to move ?4. Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad dayBy知名作家Virginia Lee Burton1. Mike Mullig

26、an and his steam shovel * 毅力2. The little house * 念旧3. Maybelle the cable car * ?4. Katy and the big snow * 认真By知名作家Jan Brett1. Ginger bread baby 冒险2. The mitten 分享3. The hat ?4. Hedgies surprise 机智5. Town mouse country mouse 知足常乐6. The wild Christmas reindeer7. Berlioz the bear8. The night before C

27、hristmas 幻想9. The twelve days of Christmas 韵文10. Whos that knocking on Christmas eveBy知名作家Bernard Waber1. Lyle, Lyle crocodile *2. The house on east 88th street * 关怀3. Ira sleeps over * 勇气、面对嘲笑4. Ira says goodbye * 离别、友情By知名作家James Marshall1. Miss Nelson is back *2. Miss Nelson has a field dayBy知名作家

28、Tomie dePaola1. Strega Nona 幽默、守规矩2. Strega Nona meets her match ?By知名作家Bill Peet1. Big bad bruce 同理心2. Cyrus the unsinkable sea serpent岁)关怀、慈悲、冒险3. The Whingdingdilly* 知足、面对挫折各名家绘本1. Rumpelstiltskin * 童话2. Hurricane *3. Patricks Dinosaurs *4. Piggie Pie * 幽默5. Miss Rumphius *6. How my parents learn

29、ed to eat *7. Doctor De Soto (3岁) 慈悲、勇气、机智8. Doctor De Soto goes to Africa * 慈悲、勇气书标头An I can read book,level 2、3共约90本的书,都很适合有基本英文听力的小学生,甚至中学生,因为故事有趣,主题多样化,够吸引孩子,可先选有附录音带的,约30本,可反复听取,孩子爱极了。其中五本书后,有标明几岁,是纪录小儿子开始听的年纪,藉以提醒父母不要低估孩子的能力。第六阶段章节故事Magic Tree House一系列40多本的冒险故事,by Mary Pope Osborne,字多图少,故事时间横跨古今,故事地点遍布全世界。

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