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教材优化全析Unit18 Inventions.docx

1、教材优化全析Unit18 Inventions 教材优化全析 JIAO CAI YOU HUA QUAN XI Warming upenvironment 环境,周围environmental 环境的environmentalist 环境保护者,环保人员environs 郊区,郊外思维拓展 1.These chopsticks are both delicious and environ-mentally friendly. 这些筷子既好吃又保护环境。 environmentally adv. 环保地;环境地 environmentally friendly 的意思是“保护环境,不会破坏环境”

2、。friendly一词常与一些词连用,表示“容易的,易被某些特定对象理解或使用的”,常用于合成词。类似的用法还有: user-friendly 使用者易使用的;好使用的 a reader-friendly novel 易于理解的小说思维拓展 a consumer-friendly policy 有益消费者的制度be tired of“感到疲劳的,厌倦的”,类似的短语有:be tired outbe worn outbe exhaustedbe dead on ones feetbe ready to drop 2.Are you tired of carrying around a heavy

3、 laptop computer? 你对到处提着笨重的手提电脑感到厌倦了吗? be tired of 对感到厌倦。例如: He was tired of answering his little sons continual questions. 他小儿子不断问问题,他回答得都不耐烦了。 Im tired of fried eggs. 我吃腻了煎蛋。let alone 更不用说letbe 不干涉,不管let down 降下,放低letinto 使进入let off 免除思维拓展 can simply let the air out and put your bike in a ba

4、g. 你只需要放出空气,把自行车放进包里。 let out 放出;发出;泄露秘密 When the bird got well, we let it out. 那只鸟复元后,我们就放它飞走了。 She let herself out of the house very quietly. 她静悄悄地从屋里溜出来。 Let out of a cry of pain. 发出痛苦的叫声。 She accidentally let out that she had played truant. 她一不留神说出她逃课的事。Listeningparent 父母present n. 礼物 v. 赠送,提出pa

5、tentee 专利人patent adj. 显然的思维拓展 1.Why does the patent officer not want to give the man a patent? 为什么专利局的工作人员不给这个人批准专利? patent n. 专利;专利权;专利证。例如: business patent 营业特许 product patent 产品专利 American patent 美国专利思维拓展 2.Do you think it works? 你认为它起作用吗?关于work的一些短语:at work 在工作;在运转work hard at sth. 努力做某事work out

6、 算出;制定出out of work 失业 work 运转;起作用,有效。例如: My radio doesnt work. 我的收音机坏了。 The medicine worked. 这药管用。Speaking思维拓展 1.Yon have invented a car that uses water instead of petrol.表示“代替”之意的还有:in place ofin ones placetake the place offor 例如:Please post the letter for me. 请替我寄了这封信。We use gas in place of coal i

7、n cooking. 我们用煤气代替煤来做饭。 你发明了一种使用水而不是汽油的汽车。 instead of 代替,而不是。(用在名词、代词或介词短语之前)例如: I will have rice for lunch instead of noodle. 午饭我吃大米而不是面条。 Well go by bus instead of on foot. 我们坐车去,而不是步行去。 instead“代替”,单独用于句首或句尾,是副词。例如: Your teacher is ill today. I will give you lessons instead. 你们老师生病了,我来替他上课。全析提示 2

8、.You have invented a pen that automatically translates what you write into a foreign language.本句话中that引导定语从句修饰pen, what you write是translate的宾语,构成translate sth. into sth. 句型。 你发明了一种钢笔,它能自动把你所写的内容翻译成外语。 automatically 自动地;不假思索地。例如: The doors opened automatically as we approached. 我们一走近门就自动开了。 Of course

9、 I automatically said yes. 当然,我不假思索地就说了是。Pre-reading思维拓展 1.Are some people born creative, ?bear 有两个过去分词,试比较:He was born in 1950.他出生于1950年。She has borne 3 children.她生了三个小孩。 一些人生来就富有创造力吗? be born 后可以跟副词、名词、形容词和不定式短语。例如: I was born in Beijing on October 22, 1972. 我于1972年10月22日在北京出生。 He was born French,

10、 but later took Canadian citizenship. 他生为法国人,但后来取得了加拿大的公民身份。 She was born to succeed in life. 她生来注定会成功。思维拓展 2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions?come up 上升;(话题,议题等)被提出come up agin 突然遇到(困 人们是怎样提出新发明的想法呢? come up with 追上;想出,找出。例如: Youve come up with a good idea.难,反对等)。come up to 走到,达到

11、 你想出来的主意好极了。 Is that the best excuse you can come up with? 这是你能想出来的最好的借口吗?Reading思维拓展 thinkable 可考虑的thinking adj. 思想的n. 意见,判断thought 想;想法;思想thoughtful 深思的;体贴人的 1.Throughout history, great thinkers have used creativity and imagination to change the world. 有史以来,伟大的思想家用创造力和想象力去改变世界。 thinker C 思想者,思想家。例

12、如: a great thinker 伟大的思想家 He is a shallow thinker.思维拓展 他是一个肤浅的思想家。be from 从来come from 来自于origins 出处roots 原籍;根playground 运动场underground adj. 地下的;秘密的 2.They come from different cultures and have different backgrounds. 他们来自于不同的文化,有不同的背景。 background n. C & U 背景,(事件等的)背景。例如: This is a photo of Mary with

13、our house in the background. 这是玛丽的照片,背景是我家的房子。 He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。常见的首字母缩略语有:EEC欧洲经济共同体UNESCO联合国教科文组织WTO 世贸组织WB 世界银行AIDS 艾滋病Radar 雷达思维拓展 3.Creativity is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart. 创造力并不意味在考试中得高分,有高智商,或很聪明。 IQ是intelligence quotien

14、t的缩写,是心理学测量人的智力的一个概念。例如: He has a high/low IQ. 他智商高/低。 She has an IQ of 120. 她的智商120。思维拓展 re 用作前缀,意为“再一次”。例如:react 反应rearrange 重新布置rebirth 再生recall 想起recite 背诵recover 恢复reform 改进,改革relay 接力赛跑;中继站 4.Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy

15、” solutions. 发明家总是重申一个问题以考虑创造性的解决方法或尝试“不可能的”或“疯狂的”方法。 (1)rephrase vt. 重新措辞;改用别的措辞表达。 (2)allow for 顾及,为作准备。例如: We should allow for every possible delay. 我们必须考虑到任何可能的延误。 It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽搁算进去,你要用半小时才能到车站。思维拓展 5.If we look only for t

16、he correct answer and reject ideas that dont provide a complete answer, we may get stuck. 如果我们只找正确答案,拒绝那些不能给我们完整答案的想法,我们就可能被困住。get 加过去分词构成的短语有:get delayed 迟到get married 结婚get hurt 受伤get burnt 烫伤,烧伤get broken 坏了 (1)get stuck 意思是“被困住”。例如: I am stuck now, there is no more material for the work. 我无法进行下去

17、了,没有做这项工作的材料了。 I got stuck when I spelt a word in a crossword puzzle. 我在拼写一个纵横字谜中的词时卡住了。思维拓展 (2)reject vt. 排斥;丢掉;抛弃。例如:rejection 拒绝;抛弃object vi. 反对subject n. 主题;科目eject vt. 弹出;驱逐 She rejected his offer his marriage. 他向她求婚,她拒绝了。 After the transplant his body rejected the new heart. 他的身体对新移植的心脏产生排斥。 I

18、mperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. 我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。part 部分partially 部分地particle 小粒子,微粒子partition 分割parting 分手partner 伙伴part-time 兼职的,打工的思维拓展 6.Partial solutions, and even failures, give us more information and clues that help us move towards a better solution. 局部的解决办法,甚至失败会给

19、我们更多的信息和线索,帮助我们逐渐找到更好的解决办法。 partial 部分的;不公平的;偏爱的。例如: This is only a partial list of what I need. 这清单所列的仅是我需要的一部分。 A judge should not be partial. 法官不应该偏袒。 She is very partial to glass animals.思维拓展 她非常偏爱玻璃制的动物。有关break的短语有:break away 断掉break down 故障;分解break in 侵入;打岔break into 闯入;突然发出break off 折断;断绝brea

20、k out 爆发break through 突破break up 分开;驱散;放假 7.Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. 创造性的思考是有意识地努力摆脱常规思维去探索新的可能性。 break away from 意思为“从逃走;从脱离,与断绝关系”。例如: The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup. 抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。 Modern

21、music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules.思维拓展 现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规则。otherwise 除此之外。例如:The model is old, but otherwise the car is satisfactory.这辆车除了车型老旧以外,别的都还令人满意。or otherwise 或相反的 we 8.By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible, creative thinkers can find solutions that w

22、ould otherwise remain invisible. 通过从尽可能多的角度来看待一个问题,富有创造力的思考者可以发现在其他情况下可能察觉不了的答案。 otherwise 用作副词,译作“要不然,否则,不然”。例如: He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy.welcome any comments from you, favorable or otherwise.我们欢迎你们的作何评论,赞成或不赞成的。 他爱吵闹,但在其他方面却是个好孩子。 He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgott

23、en. 他提醒了我,要不然我就会把这件事给忘了。 Otherwise I might have helped. 不然我也许可以帮得上忙的。表示“尝试”的单词和短语有:try to do sth.have a try to do sth.attempt to do sth.make an attempt to doseek to do somethingstruggle to do sth.思维拓展 9.As with thinking outside the box, the process involves a series of different attempts and several

24、 false starts. Each new way of looking at a situation deepens our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities. 就突破常规思考而言,这个过程涉及一系列不同的尝试和一些错误的开端,而且每一种考虑事情的新方法都能加深我们的理解,使我们更容易发现新的可能性。 (1)attempt vt. 尝试;努力。n. 尝试。例如: The prisoner attempted an escape but failed. 那犯人企图逃跑,但失败了。思维拓展 They

25、 attempted to climb the mountain.-en 用于名词和形容词后面形成动词,表示“使”。如widen 使变宽strengthen 加强 他们试图攀登这座山。 (2)deepen vt. & vi. 使变深。例如: Students explore new ideas as they deepen their understanding. 随着理解的加深,学生们形成了新的想法。 The recession continues to deepen. 经济衰退继续恶化。aware 的用法有:be aware ofbe aware thatbecome awareso fa

26、r as I am awarebe well aware全析提示 10.Great thinkers are aware of this and try to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible. 伟大的思考者意识到这一点,用尽可能多的不同方式把新旧方式联系起来。 be aware of 知道,意识到。例如: Everybody is aware of the importance of the Four Modernizations. 每个人都意识到了四化的重要性。 I dont think you

27、are aware (of) how much this means to me. 我想你不知道这对我多么重要。 It happened without my being aware of it.思维拓展 事情在我不知不觉中发生了。make (establish) a connection with 与建立联系have no connection with与无联系break a connection 断绝联系a close connection 密切关系 11.They also try to make connections that may seem unreasonable at fir

28、st. 他们还把一看起来不太可能的东西建立起联系。 (1)connection n. C & U 联系,因果(或逻辑)关系;连接。例如: The television isnt working. Is there a loose connection? 电视机坏了,有没有哪一点接线不紧? Do you believe that theres a connection between smoking and heart disease? 你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗?a loose connection 疏远关系in connection with 与关联,关于connect 连接connecti

29、ve 结合的;连接的 We have connections with various international corporations in Europe. 我们同欧洲的多家跨国公司有往来。 (2)unreasonable adj. 不讲道理的,不合理的,非理性的。例如: Hes being unreasonable. 他不讲道理。 Stop being unreasonable. 不要再不讲道理了。apply v. 申请;应用applied adj. 应用的applicant n. 申请者,应征者appliance n. 器具,装置make an application for申请加入

30、application form 申请表思维拓展 12.By comparing and connecting ideas and objects in new ways, creative thinkers are able to think of new applications and solutions. 通过新的方式把思想和物体进行比较和联系,富有创造力的思考者能够想出新的应用和解决办法。 application n. C & U 用法,用途,应用,实施。例如: The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency. 把新的科学发现运用到工业生产上,通常可以提高效率。 a new invention that will have a variety of applications in industry 在工业上有多种用途的新发明 the application of a rule to a particular situation 规则在特殊情况下的应用gain/win broad re

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