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1、口语集锦发音:一般来说,动词的重读(stress)在后面的音节,而名词或者形容词在前面的音节。例如: record, perfect, permit25 wt% twenty five weight percent150 C one fifty degree C1/2 one half1/3 one third2/3 two thirds4/5 four fifths/ four over five1.23 one point two three0.01 zero point zero one2.X two point something= is equal to / equalsis ide

2、ntically equal to is approximately equal to is larger than is much greater thana = b + c a is equal to b plus ca = b - c a is equal to b minus ca = b x c a is equal to b times c / a is equal to b multiplied by ca = b/c a is equal to b divided by c / a is equal to b over cx2 x square / x to the secon

3、d power / x to the power twox3 x cube / x to the third power / x to the power threelognX log x to the base na* a stara a primea a double primeis perpendicular to (be normal to)/ is parallel to与听众的交流当听众打断你的报告问及某个问题时, 如你在后面的片子会讲到I will show you later.I will show you on the following slides.I am on the

4、 way.如你在报告中不会涉及It is an interesting question. Can I answer you question after I finish my presentation?当主持人提醒时间快到了时Im going to be quick.Before my conclusion, I just want to point outOk, I wont talk this too much here. Lets switch to the final slide: conclusions.当面对提问, 当没听清问题时Sorry, I cannot catch yo

5、ur question.当终于明白别人要问什么而别人还以为你不明白时Yeah, I got your idea.当被问到一大堆问题时Can I answer your first question first? And then go back to you second question/other questions?And your second question is ?当提问的问题是难以回答的时Its a good question.Thats exactly what we try to do. However, until now, we have not got promisi

6、ng results.I would like to discuss with you after the meeting.与报告人的交流自己是听众在对报告人进行提问时要有礼貌注意语言的表达很多情况下语言表达方式的不当使你的问题听起来非常主观不礼貌要避免的说法I know thatI thinkCan you较恰当的语气As I understand,I guessI am wonderingI would like to knowPull over 靠岸, 开到路边Percent adv. 每百中;百分之I am 100 percent in agreement. 我百分之百同意。I am

7、100 percent sure.n. 百分之,百分点seven percent 百分之七Sixty percent of the pupils are boys means that of every hundred pupils, sixty are boys. “百分之六十的学生是男孩”是指每100个学生中,有60个是男孩。The handsome boy deserves the pretty girl. He wants me to be happy.Well, so, generally, basically, 讲话时在一句话的开头常用到。Be cool. Quiet. In si

8、lence. Calm down.I am scared of not being with you. Not是副词,修饰动名词短语being with you.all the time, always, precious, previousNever mind.It doesnt matter. Dont mention it. You are welcome. My pleasure. 别客气,不要介意。Aha int. (表示惊讶、快乐等)啊哈,常常表示同意或者正听着请继续说的意思。Aha, so its you hiding there. 啊哈,原来是你躲在这儿!A:I think i

9、t is wonderful!B:Aha, A:You know, it is a real miracle. Miss, 小姐(称呼),错过,落下,遗漏DismissReconsider, redrawMake yourself at home!Miracle, marvelous,A: Can we trade?B: Deal.A: Tea, please!B: make that two (double)Can I ask you something? Prof. Song, I have something to ask.Make up, compensate读一个句子,stress(

10、重读)-动词,名词,形容词,以及你要强调的词上面.I wanna take her home but I already know. wanna v. 想要,希望(= want to)I know theres gonna be a sensory explosion. gonna 将要(=going to)gotta=get to无,没有-no,none, N/A,nothingpron. 没有什么;没有东西,if any 即便要口语:never mind v. 没关系, 不用担心you are pleasure.all right adv. 好, 良好, 顺利, 确实

11、well(表示继续)好,于是good, wonderful, perfect, terrific, 好; terrible 很糟的,极坏的Will you do me a favor and phone for me? 你能否帮个忙给我打个电话in favor of 赞成;支持I am in favor of stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作care n. 注意, 照料; vi. 关心, 顾虑, 照顾, 喜爱care about v. 担心,关心care for 喜欢I dont care for tea. 我不喜欢喝茶。照顾;照料;抚养Hes good at cari

12、ng for sick animals. 他精心照料生病的牲畜。desert n. 沙漠, 应得的赏罚, 功过dessert n. 餐后甜点dissert vi.论述,讨论 写论文dissertation n. (学位)论文, 专题, 论述, 学术演讲明白,理解,了解see, know, understand, catch, get, Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?Did you get the drift of the dispute? 你搞清楚争论的中心了吗?Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Could you please say

13、it again?对不起,我没听清楚你说的话,请你再讲一遍好吗?对不起:sorry:表示可能伤害到对方了;excuse me:一般可能没有伤害到对方,或者比较轻微;电话术语:This is LIU speaking.Is that Li speaking?together adv. 在一起;合起来, 一起,一块儿, Maybe we can get together sometime. 也许今后我们有机会在一起。The children played together in the street. 孩子们在街上一起玩。I stuck the two pieces of paper togeth

14、er. 我把这两张纸粘在一块儿了。连续;接连;一连The orator talked for hours together. 那位演说者一连讲了几个小时。all together 一起; 同时; 总共together with 和, 连同see-si:say-sei中华民国(Republic of China)中华人民共和国 Peoples Republic of China介绍某人或者某物:This is . .口语中:And表示连接或者转折关系。This is Mr. Blake. And this is Miss sophie.I am chinese. 或者 I am a chines

15、e.What make is it? 它是什么牌子?It is Ford.它是福特(车)。Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show.人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每一个脚印都会显现出来。of prep.的;属于的;the wall of the garden 花园的围墙He is of a clinging sort. 他是那种老要依靠人家的人。具有性质的a woman of great charm由制成的;由组成 的a dres

16、s of cotton包含的;容纳的a bag of potatoes 一袋土豆a kilo of butter 一公斤黄油 kilogramunder electric heating :电加热下total cross-section:全截面;这里的“-”会使修饰关系更明了,更紧密。One-dollar-a-day poverty linelocal-compression bearing capacity:这里也可以不加上“-”The pipe is made of steel and has an outer diameter of 18 cm and a 2 cm wall thick

17、ness.数量:number, amountnumber: 数, 数字, 数量the number of girls in this class 这个班级的女孩人数large amounts of money 大量的金钱In an invoice the amount of money should be written both in words and in figures. 发票上的钱数要用字和数码写出来。in advance预先You must pay for the book in advance.你必须预先付书的钱。(常与of连用)在之前make reference (to)提到,

18、 涉及到, 参考, 参看refer to提到, 谈到, 涉及参考, 查阅向.打听查询认为与.有关, 认为.起源于.refer to sb. sth. as称某人物为as well as adv. 也, 又as well as conj.And in addition: 既又:courageous as well as strong. 既健康又勇敢as well as prep. In addition to: 都:The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime. 编辑和校对者都在加班工作as long as 只要, 在.

19、的时候Does the hotel meet your expectations? 这家旅馆符合你的要求吗?gonna 将要(=going to)wanna = want tounwantedadj.不必要的, 空闲的, 多余的, 讨厌的, 有害的the sensing systemto provide a big number of sensing points into the array两个很有用的词:hyperelastic 超弹性 全量hypoelastic 次弹性 增量as soon as possible adv. 尽快地 as early as possibleas much

20、as possible adv.尽可能地as . as .与一样orientateorientationreorientation n. 再定位reorientate vt. 使重定向reorient vt.,vi. 再改方向, 再定方位; 再适应环境The experimental results indicate that the SMA actuator can be employed as a way of prestressing for axial concrete specimens and can be used for controlling axial strain of

21、concrete specimens.The composite beam can be deformed by supplying direct current ranging from 1.53.0 A to the SMA wires, and the tip of beam can move up to 1.5 cm if the base-end is fixed.insulating adj. 绝缘的pipe: 管thin: 薄的, 细的, 瘦的, 稀少的prestress without bond无粘结预应力direct current 直流电constant current恒定

22、电流, 恒流supplying direct current ranging from 1.53.0 A to the SMA wiresMy new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。be similar to与.相似, 类似于uni-表示“单一”之义uniaxial adj. 单轴的A model to estimate the volume fraction of SMA wires, which are required to produce the active closure stress specified in

23、the design target, has been developed.Beg your pardon. 请原谅; 或,请对方重复一遍。excuse me 对不起sorry, 对不起,很抱歉;(当伤害了别人的时候)kidn. 哄骗, 取笑, 开玩笑, 小孩, 小山羊v. vt. 哄骗, 取笑, 开玩笑, 欺骗Im not kidding you. 我不是欺骗你的。Dont kid me. 不要骗我。Youre kidding! 你在开玩笑!(我才不信你呢!)Hurry!Hurry up! 赶快, 使赶快;What do you mean? 你什么意思?Have a bite; take a

24、 bite; 咬一口把问题解释清楚的几种地道英语说法:Mark: English is a very easy language to learn. Susan: What do you mean? Mark: Well, what I meant to say was that it is easy if you practise every day. Susan: Oh, right. 以下是几种在日常英语中能把问题解释清楚的地道说法: Mean vt. 意谓, 想要, 预定1、重组语句,换一种说法 What I meant to say was Let me rephrase that

25、Let me put this another way Perhaps Im not making myself clear (What I emphasized was that )2、从头再说一次If we go back to the beginning The basic idea is One way of looking at it is Another way of looking at it is 3、如果一下子卡了壳,想不起来用英语怎么说 I cant find the word Im looking for Im not sure that this is the righ

26、t word, but What I want to say is 不要害怕重复你的话,如果每次解释的话都有稍微的差别,让人可以猜测到你要说什么。hi-tech adj. 高技术的I know, I know. 我知道了,我知道了;I got it. 我知道了,我懂了.Right. That is right. 对, 对了.All right. 好把Are you ok? 你还好吗,没事吧?(问对方情况好不好。)口语中常用Nice称赞一个人或者事物;Nice adj. 好的; 友善的;合人意的;漂亮的;令人愉快的a nice shot 准确的射击Did you boys have a nice

27、 Christmas?Did you boys have a nice time at Christmas? 孩子们,你们圣诞节过得愉快吗?Have a nice day/holidayThis shop sells nice fruit. 这家商店卖的水果好。(用作反语)坏的;糟的;错的Youve got us into a nice mess! 你使我们陷入困境了!You are a nice friend, you wont even lent me $5! 你真不够朋友,连5美元都不借给我。Nice adj.美好的, 愉快的, 外表好看的He was nice to us. 他对我们很

28、友好。How nice to see you! 见到你我很高兴!It is nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!It is nice meeting you! 见到你很高兴!很高兴见到你!Nice meeting you!It is nice of you! 你太好了!Composition 写作, 作文, 成分, 合成物注意和仔细学习这个单词的发音You said it. 你说对了!A: I hope what you heard about me is not everything bad. B: Not at all.Not at all 一点也不; 根

29、本不Compensate compliment, complement, 等等类似的词,注意发音,听听金山词霸的发音。Break n. 休息, 破裂; v. 打破, 违犯,Broke adj. 一文不名的; vbl. break的过去式Broken adj. 坏掉的, 断掉的; vbl. break的过去分词Pay n. 薪水, 工资vt., vi. paid, paying付(款);支付;缴纳He paid 5 for the book. 他买这本书花了五英镑。Id like to pay by cheque, please. 我想用支票支付。The international corpor

30、ation paid $50,000 for the firm, and $2,000 for its goodwill.这家跨国公司用五万美元买下了这家商号,两千美元买下了它的信誉。付清(账单、债务)Can you lend me some money - I can pay you back tomorrow. 你能借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。Have I paid you back the $20 you lent me? 你借给我的二十美元我还给你了吗?Have you paid the electricity bill for the last month yet? 你缴了上个月的电费了吗?生利;有收益;值得(麻烦);合算It pays me to keep that stock. 持有那种股票对我有利。It will pay to read a dictionary if yo

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