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高考英语一轮选修7 Unit 3单元练习带答案人教版.docx

1、高考英语一轮选修7 Unit 3单元练习带答案人教版2017高考英语一轮选修7 Unit 3单元练习(带答案人教版) 2017高考英语一轮练习及答案人教版选修7 Unit 3选修7 一、单句语法填空1He_ (flee)t Aeria ithut hesitatin after an arguent ith his parents2Ever rning, father gets up ver earl and _ (g)fr abut an hur,hih is gd fr his health3The villagers planned t _ (deep)the ell s as t ge

2、t re ater fr it4The final sre f the basetball ath as 93:94e ere_ (narr)beatene turned the bile lights ff _ (nserve)the batteries and the_ (nserve)is neessar6The reprt alled fr _ (urge)atin t redue lead (铅)in petrl7_ (bur)in the researh,he didnt ntie hat happened arund hi8_ (ath)in the heav rain,he a

3、s et t the sin9It as a tie hen e_ (live)in harn ith nature10The apprah _ (get)lse t the island is ging b bat答案1fled2gs3deepen4narrlt nserve;nservatin6urgent7Buried8aught 9lived10t getting 二、完形填空阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。u a thin there is nl sand in the desert f the rld, _1_ it is nt tru

4、e In the desert, as e n, there is a little _2_, but it is nt _3_ fr st plants Still e an see se plants _4_ in the desertThere is _ in se plaes in the desert e _6_ these plaes ases In the ases, there are villages and tns Peple gr _7_ inds f rps in the fields therePeple _8_ live utside the ases The ha

5、ve aels, sheep and ther anials These anials depend _9_ the desert plants fr their fd and d nt need _10_ aterThe _11_ are useful t the desert peple in an as The eat the eat and drin the il f the anials The use the aels fr arring ater, fd, tents and sething elseThe peple f the desert have t eep ving f

6、r plae t plae The ust alas l 12 grass r desert plants fr their anials hen there is n re fd fr their anials, the ve t _13_ plae The desert peple are _14_ N an in the desert uld ever refuse _1_ the peple in truble and give the fd and ater名师点评本讲述了人类是如何利用沙漠中的绿洲、动物,并依靠自身的努力而得以在沙漠中种植庄稼,从而生存下。说明人定胜天的道理。(B)

7、1 A andB but rD s【解析】B。空白部分两句构成转折关系,故选择并列连词but。(B)2 A rainB rains indD inds【解析】B。沙漠中风多雨少,rain一词为不可数名词,其复数形式rains表示雨水多,故应选rain。(D)3 A gdB gd enugh enugh gd D enugh【解析】D。这里讲沙漠中的一点点雨水,并不能满足大多数植物生长的需要,故选择enugh。(A)4 A liveB t live livesD lived【解析】A。see sb d sth意为“看见某人做某事”,这里应用省去t 的动词不定式。(D) A stnesB plan

8、ts dD ater【解析】D。沙漠之所以出现绿洲的根本原因是有了水,故选ater。()6 A saB tell allD find【解析】。all 在这里意为“将称为”为正确选项。(B)7 A ever B all aD ne【解析】B。ever, a和ne 后面都应该接可数名词单数,不能放在inds 前面。all inds f 意为“各种各样的”。(A)8 A alsB t eitherD still【解析】A。表示“也”时,t 一般放在肯定句末,either放在否定句末,als 放在句中,在此为正确选项,而still 不合题意。()9 A ithB in nD b【解析】。固定说法dep

9、end n意为“依靠”、“凭借”。()10 A a littleB fe uhD an【解析】。一些动物能在沙漠中生存下,说明了他们适应了这里雨水稀少的气候,不像其他动物那样需要太多的水,故选择uh。(D)11 A aterB plants rpsD anials【解析】D。通读本段不难发现,本段承上接着讲述动物的用途,故选anials。(B)12 A atB fr upD after【解析】B。固定说法l fr 意思为“寻找”。(D)13 A therB the ther the thersD anther【解析】D。ther 后接可数名词时应用复数形式;the ther 后接可数名词单数时

10、表示两者中的另一个, 不合意。()14 A ell B friend friendlD arefull【解析】。根据下沙漠里的人从不会拒绝帮助别人,说明他们彼此友好。(D)1 A help B helps helpingD t help【解析】D。固定搭配refuse t d sth意为“拒绝干某事”。三、阅读理解A段阅读下列短, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2013•河南省郑州市高中毕业班第一次质量预测)hinese riter ans Nbel Prize fr Literature ight ignite an explsin f glbal in

11、terest in hinese literature and lead t re titles translated int English,Eurpean experts sa“Hpefull,the aard eans re peple ill read hinese literature and re rs ill get translated,” sas ihel Hx,prfessr f the Languages and ultures f hina and Inner Asia fr Universit f Lndn“an ver gd hinese riters have b

12、een aepted glball fr a lng tie alread an is prbabl the st translated hinese riter alive,ith at least five f his nv els ade available in English ver the past 20 ears”nathan Ruppin,eb editr f bseller Fles,sas s in inides ith gring interest in hinese literature and regnizes the talents f a distintive a

13、nd visinar (富于幻想的) riter“e are ver exited b the fat that English translatins f re f his bs shuld n bee available,” Ruppin sasHe ade the ent after beae the first hinese itizen t in the Nbel Prize fr Literature in its entur&sh;lng histrAs East&sh;est ultural exhange has been bing,hinese literature has

14、 been attrating gring attentin in reent earsHx explains,“Its ainl beause there are an re pprtunities fr hinese riters t visit ther untries,t publish their rs utside hina and t interat ith readers abradAt the sae tie,re and re peple glball are learning hinese and taing an interest in the hinese langu

15、age and ulture”Universit f xfrd leturer in dern hinese literature argaret Hillenbrand sas,“The bvius reasn fr the gring glbal presene f hinese literature is the gring glbal presene f hina itselfPeple have e t realize that there is a serius nledge defiit (缺少) beteen hina and its internatinal unterpar

16、tsin partiular,hina ns inparabl re abut Eurpe and Aeria than the ther a rundand reading hinese literature is an effetive,siple eans f slving that gap”1T he underlined rd “ignite” in Paragraph 1 prbabl eans “_”Astart ut Bburn upset ff Dappeal t2hinese literature has been attrating gring attentin ainl

17、 beause_Ahinese riters have been riting re and re bs in EnglishBthe hinese language has bee the st idel used language in the rldthe hinese gvernent attahes great iprtane t literatureDthe ultural uniatin beteen hina and estern untries has develped3hih f the flling is true arding t the passage? Ahines

18、e literature has spread ith the develpent f hinaBThe Nbel Prize fr Literature has a histr f hundreds f earsIn the past,n hinese riters ere aepted utside hinaDFreigners n abu t hina ainl b reading ans rs4H d u understand the underlined part in the last paragraph?Ahina ns re abut Eurpe and Aeria than

19、befre Bhina ns re abut Eurpe and Aeria than the n abut hinahina,Eurpe and Aeria n ne anther re than befreDpared ith Aeria,hina ns re abut Eurpe【参考答案】语篇解读中国作家莫言获得诺贝尔学奖激起了全球对中国学的兴趣,更多的中国作品被译成英语。这是中国在全球的影响力不断加大的结果。1解析:词义猜测题。根据下可知,此处表示“中国作家莫言获得诺贝尔学奖激起了全球对中国学的兴趣”,故ignite与set ff同义,表示“引发,激起”。答案:2解析:细节理解题。根

20、据倒数第二段中的“As East&sh;est ultural exhange has been bing,hinese literature has been attrating gring attentin in reent ears”可知,正是东西方化交流的繁荣才使得中国学受到越越多的关注。答案:D3解析:正误判断题。根据最后一段中的“The bvius reasn fr the gring glbal presene f hinese literature is the gring glbal presene f hina itself”可知,是中国在全球的影响力,即中国的发展使得中国

21、学能在世界范围内得以传播。答案:A4解析:句意理解题。根据画线部分的前后句可知,此处表示“中国对欧美了解甚多而欧美则相反,对中国了解偏少”。the ther a rund意为“相反地”。答案:BB段【2016高考训练题】阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。Darna Du als int a pub and rders a pint f beer and a ha sandih The landlrd ls at hi and exlais, But ure a du! ur ees r, replies the Darna Du And u tal utters

22、the landlrd And ur ears, ntinues Darna Du, N an I have beer and sandih please? ertainl, agrees the landlrd, srr abut that its ust e dnt get an dus in this pub hat are u ding rund this a? I ring n the building site arss the rad, explains the du The landlrd athes, astnished, as Darna Du drins his beer

23、, eats his sandih and leaves The du visits regularl fr t ees Then ne da the irus es t tn The ner f the irus es int the pub and the landlrd sas t hi, ure ith the irus, arent u? I n this du that uld be ust brilliant in ur irus - he tals, drins beer and everthing Sunds inredible, sas the ner, get hi t

24、give e a all S the next da hen Darna Du es int the pub the landlrd sas, He r Du, I believe I an line u up ith a tp b, paing reall gd ne eah? questins Darna, Sunds great, here is it? At the irus Ansers the landlrd The irus? Darna Du enquires, rather puzzled Thats right, replies the landlrd hat, the p

25、lae ith the big tent? Big anvas rf, hle in the iddle, lads f anials? ass the du Thats right siles the landlrd Darna Du ls nfused h uld the ant a plasterer(泥水匠)?1 hat des the underlined sentene “ur ees r” ean in the passage?A ur ees are gd in funtin B I a a real du ud better r ith ur ees D u an see l

26、earl ith ur ees2 h des the ner f the irus as the landner t get the du t give hi a all?A He ants t get in tuh ith the duB He ants t epl the du He desnt believe hat the landner sasD He gets se nes fr the du 3 h des the Du l nfused hen the landner find hi a b in the irus?A He des nt n hat b a plasterer

27、 an d at the irusB He des nt n hat perfrane he an give at the irus He des nt n h a plasterer an be paid gd ne at the irusD He des nt n hat is rng ith the irus4 hat b des the landner tr t reend t the du at the irus?A a plasterer B a taler a driner D a perfrer参考答案14、BAD 四、七选五(201•开封市月模拟)Pl Safet

28、 Tips fr idsn a ht suer da, there are fe things that are re appealing than a nie l pl _1_ And it is pletel relaxing f urse, if u have hildren, there are ertain safet easures u shuld tae, hether u have a pl in ur baard r are ging t a publi plG siing tgether N persn shuld ever si alne Thugh an peple d

29、, the siple truth is that it nl taes a send t bee inured r drn _2_ Having sene there ith u an ae the differene beteen life and death This is espeiall true fr ung hildren If ur hild is under the age f , u shuld never all the t si ut f ars length_3_ ids lve t hase ne anther thrugh the ater But it is i

30、prtant that u ephasize t ur hildren that at n tie shuld the be running arund the pl r pushing anne In the ater, teah hildren nt t up n tp f ne anther and t ath their surrundings, s that the d nt aidentall n int thers, inuring the Plaing arund in the pl is ver interesting but dangeruseep it led If u

31、n a pl, u ust have a ling gate arund ur pl _4_ eep the gate led at all ties, even hen u are phsiall in the pl It is terrible fr hildren t steal int the pl n the a ut _ ae sure that the n here all ladders are, and that u teah the t use the fr entering and exiting the pl safel Althugh ur hild a be able t lift herself r hiself ut f the pl using the side, that is nt the safest a t gADnt pla arund in the plBBe sure t sh all hildren the prper a t exit the plSiing u

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