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1、中考作文之北京市中考英语作文北京市中考英语作文【篇一:北京中考英语作文常见十大话题(按要点)】 中考英语十大常见作文话题 - 按要点分类 一、难忘的事 (一)别人帮助我 we became friends by accident. one day jack was playing basketball on the playground. amazed at how skillful he was, i made up my mind to play as well as him. i was grateful when he agreed to teach me. every time wh

2、en i wanted to give up halfway, it was jack who encouraged me. gradually, i mastered the skills and became confident enough to challenge the best players in our school. (二)我帮助别人 it happened on a friday when i was seated in a crowded bus, heading for my school. it was just at that moment that an elde

3、rly lady with her little grandson stepped onto the bus. immediately, i offered my seat to them without hesitation. the elderly lady expressed her great appreciation to me and we enjoyed a pleasant short trip together. (三)做家务表示对父母的感恩 being a 15-year-old middle school student and feeling my parents ha

4、ve done so much for me, i have been considering what i can do for them to show my gratitude. last sunday, when my parents went out shopping, i decided to take this opportunity to do something helpful for our family. not only did i clean the bowls and cookers, but i put all the messy things away. tir

5、ed and sweaty, i was about to open the door to throw rubbish when my parents showed up at the door. they were amazed to see what i had done and praised me. from then on, i determined to work harder to do more for my family. 二、写人 (一)外貌 my favorite teacher is mr. wang who is handsome and of medium bui

6、ld. my best friend is linda who is a beautiful girl with long black hair and beautiful bright eyes. (二)性格 mary is always wearing a sweet smile and willing to give others a hand. mr. lee is our favorite teacher who has great sense of humor and alwaysmakes his class lively and interesting. (三)爱好 he is

7、 not only good at playing basketball but also does well in playing swimming is his favorite thing to do in his free time and he also shows chess. great interest in playing soccer. (四)学习成绩 she is very good at lessons especially english, so she is one of the top students in our class. (五)难忘的一件事(见话题一)

8、(六)感想(体会) i feel lucky to have such a good teacher / friend who always holds on to maybe thats only a small thing and its not worth being mentioned. but i achieve his dream. thats his best quality i should learn from him. always believe a small act of kindness will make a big difference, so i make u

9、p my mind to learn from him to be the person who offers timely help to those in need. (七)祝福(祝愿) 三、与人相处,友情 (how to get on well with others)建议式 in our daily life, it is of great importance to know how to get along well with i sincerely hope li lei will make greater progress in a new high school. and i

10、 also wish he will have a bright future. other people. first, sharing common hobbies or happiness with others may be of great help for you to make new friends. then, being a friendly person, youd better learn to smile to others often. because smile passes love and friendship and helps shorten the di

11、stance between you and other people. last but not least, when facing problems, always remember to communicate with each other patiently, try to overcome the difficulties together, which will also deepen your friendship. 四、与父母沟通 例题:如何与父母建立良好关系 (一)父母与子女关系良好的重要性 an ideal relationship between parents an

12、d children is of great importance (二)这种良好关系应该是怎样的 parents always show love and concern to us. they are our good listeners, for our growth. advisers and supporters. with their help, we can overcome many difficulties in our life. (三)如何建立良好关系 in my opinion, the relationship between parents and children

13、 should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which parents and children show respect to each other and exchange ideas freely. to build a relationship of this kind, parents should become friends of their children while children ought to place more trust in their parents and give voice

14、to their feelings frankly. only in this way can we enjoy a harmonious relationship between parents and children. 五、课余生活,兴趣爱好 (一)集邮版 ive always been fond of collecting stamps since i was a little child. as far as im concerned, collecting stamps is a meaningful hobby, making my spare time interesting

15、and exciting. besides, when reviewing my collection of valuable stamps, my heart is filled with great sense of satisfaction and i can relax myself and keep away from the great pressure of school study life. although my parents are strongly against my hobby, for they consider it as a waste of money a

16、nd they also think that searching for stamps may take up much oftime, which should be spent on studies, i will try my best to communicate with them patiently and i believe they will understand and support me eventually. (二)运动版 户外运动 - (健康话题)if the weather is fine, i will always spend my weekends jogg

17、ing in a park to breathe fresh air which can refresh my mind and make me energetic enough to concentrate better on my study. 团队运动 - (与人相处话题)playing basketball / volleyball / football with your classmates after school will be a good idea, which will be of great help to not only keep you physically st

18、rong but build up team work spirit and deepen the friendship between you and your friends. 六、环保 (一)环保的重要性 it is of extreme importance to protect the environment by leading a low-carbon lifestyle which is environmentally friendly. (二)具体做法 种树- firstly, planting trees in a park on weekends withyour fri

19、ends will be a good choice. because by doing so, the air will be refreshed and the environment where we live will be beautified. 走路/骑车上学- besides, if i were you, i would walk to school instead of taking a car so that the gas that does harm to our health will be reduced effectively. 随手关水龙头- last but

20、not least, it is necessary to save water by turning off the tap after washing hands. or well run out of fresh water very soon. (三)结尾,呼吁大家一起来保护环境 the environmental protection is not only the of the government, but also the business responsibility of each of us. even a small effort can make a great di

21、fference, so lets take actions from now on to protect our environment. 七、学习方法 (一)学习英语 - 听 it is of great help for you to listen to english songs and radio in order to improve your english pronunciation every morning on your way to school. (二)学习英语 - 说【篇二:2014年北京市中考英语作文范文】 2014年北京市中考英语作文范文 一、文段表达(20分)

22、 51. 根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给的英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 假如你是mike,远在美国的妈妈想了解你在中国最好的朋友的情况。请你给妈妈写封邮件,介绍你在中国最好的朋友。请你根据妈妈的问题回复邮件。 提示词语:interest, know each other, help, kind, friendly dear mum, how are you? everything is fine in china. you want to get to know my best fr

23、iend and i will tell you about him / her. best wishes mike 范文:dear mum, how are you? everything is fine in china. you want to get to know my best friend and i will tell you about him / her. my best friends name is li hao. he is tall and thin. he has short black hair with big eyes. he is a lovely, sm

24、art and helpful boy. he studies hard and has a good relationship with ourclassmates.we both take an interest in playing basketball and reading books. i think that is the reason why we have become good friends. sometimes we talk about the novels that we read together and share our opinions. after sch

25、ool or at the weekend, we often play basketball with our classmates. i have a lot of fun with him. i enjoy my school life in china. i hope he is my best friend forever. best wishes mike 二、文段表达(15分) 74 假如你是王平,你的英国笔友cathy发来邮件说她在 “cozy reading week(惬意阅读周)”时读了几本有趣的书,她想跟你交流一下,了解你的读书情况。请你根据她的问题回复邮件。 提示词语:

26、books on , because, get, knowledge 范文: as for me, i like reading the books on science. because i like science and i want to be an inventor in the future. i hope to invent more things to help people live an easier life. though im busy with my studies, i keep reading for about half an hour every day.

27、i think reading is very important and necessary for us. we can get not only knowledge but also happiness from the books. 三、文段表达 (15分) 74 根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 假如你叫李华,最近和美国朋友jim通过邮件谈论各自的学校活动,他想了解你最喜欢的一项学校活动。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。范文: we have quite

28、 a few after-school activities, but i like out goings best. last month our class went to the great wall. while we stepped on the wall, we saw it stretch far into the distance and also saw kinds of flowers on the mountains. of course, we took a lot of nice pictures and sang and shouted on the way. we

29、 enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful scenes. it helped us learn more out of school, such as history, photograph, and so on. (84) yours, li hua 四、文段表达。74. 根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑,不少于50词的文段。目前,北京的车越来越多,对空气产生极大影响。某网站在开展出行方式大讨论。假如你是李华,你喜欢哪种出行方式?请根据提示词语和相关问题,给网站投稿。稿件的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入总词数。 提示词语:expensive, re

30、lax, easy, be good for, reduce, save energy ? how do you go to school, by car, by bus, by bike or on foot? ? which way is the best? what are the advantages? ? dear editor, i know you are organizing a discussion about the ways of going out. im a middle school student and i want to join the discussion

31、. _ yours respectfully, li hua nowadays, you can see more and more people riding bikes on the road and i am one of them. i go to school by bike because i think its the best way. why do i like riding a bike? let me tell you the reasons. first, its not expensive to buy a bike and i can afford one or m

32、ore. second, i can relax myself while riding a bike. its good for my health and its easy to get a place for a bike. third, the most important thing is that riding bikes can not only reduce pollution but also save energy. i hope everybody can ride a bike to go to school, go to work and travel to other places. lets ride bikes from now on!【篇三:北京2015中考英语作文指导(分8个话题)(1)】 话题训练 一、 介绍人(自己、家庭、朋友、老师、个人变化、个人感受等) 单句翻译 1

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