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1、最新英语文集Hillarys speechA day after losing Wisconsin, White House hopeful Hillary Clinton unleashed a blistering critique of China while campaigning Wednesday in blue-collar Pennsylvania, warning the Asian giant must toe the line if she becomes president.继威斯康辛州初选失败之后,美国总统候选人希拉里克林顿于本周三在宾夕法尼亚州发表竞选演讲。此次演讲

2、的听众对象大多数宾州蓝领工人选民。演讲期间,希拉里大肆抨击中国,并表示,假如她成为美国总统,中国必须“严守规则”。The eastern US state, where organized labor is an influential force, hosts its presidential primaries on April 26.美国东部州宾夕法尼亚州地区有大量劳动工人选民,该地区将会在4月26日举行初选。China illegally dumps cheap products in our markets, steals our trade secrets, plays games

3、 with their currency, gives unfair advantages to state-owned-enterprises and discriminates against American companies, she said.希拉里声称:“中国在美国市场非法倾销产品,窃取我们的贸易机密,操纵货币汇率,给予中国国企特别待遇,歧视美国公司。”We will throw the book at China for their illegal actions.“我们将采取措施,严惩中国的违法行为。”Clintons remarks, delivered to a stat

4、e AFL-CIO union convention in Philadelphia, were among her most forceful campaign trail comments about Beijing.当天,希拉里于费城美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会(AFL-CIO)举行的大会中发表演讲。自竞选以来,她这次演讲的内容是对中国最猛烈的批评之一。Her rival for the Democratic nomination, Senator Bernie Sanders, addresses the gathering Thursday.希拉里的劲敌民主党候选人伯尼桑德斯将于本

5、周四发表竞选演讲。Clinton, seeking to regain her footing in the nomination race after losing six of the last seven state contests, pointed to her experience as secretary of state as a measure of her ability to influence Beijing.希拉里最近战绩欠佳,最近七场竞选中有六场都败在桑德斯手下。希拉里再次提及她担任国务卿的经验,希望说服选民她有能力影响中国,并借此机会重拾优势地位。Ive gone

6、 toe to toe with Chinas top leaders on some of the toughest issues we face, from cyber attacks to human rights to climate change to trade and more, she said.希拉里表示,“我曾与中国领导人正面交锋,处理包括网路攻击、人权议题、气候变化、贸易等方面的棘手问题。”I know how they operate, and they know if Im president, theyre going to have to toe the line

7、, because were going to once and for all get fair treatment, or theyre not going to get access to our markets.希拉里说:“我了解他们的做法,他们也明白,假如我成为总统,他们必需遵守规则,我们要一劳永逸地得到公平对待,否则他们不能进入我们的市场。”At one point she refered to China as the biggest abuser of global trade.希拉里在演说中强调,中国在全球违反贸易措施的国家中,名列首位。Clinton defeated Ba

8、rack Obama in Pennsylvania in their 2008 primary battle, thanks to support from union Democrats, and she aims to repeat her victory in three weeks time.2008年初选中,希拉里得到民主党工会力量的支持,在宾夕法尼亚州击败了奥巴马。她希望此次在三周之内能够在宾夕法尼亚州大获全胜。But she will need to reassure workers who have criticized her late opposition to the

9、trans-Pacific trade deal recently signed by President Barack Obama. Sanders has steadfastly opposed the agreement from Day One.不过,希拉里近期才公开表示反对奥巴马总统签署的跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP),这令不少工人不满。她的竞争对手桑德斯则一开始就明确表示反对协定。My message to every worker in Pennsylvania, every worker across America is this: I will stand with you

10、, I will have your back and I will stop dead in its tracks any trade deal that hurts America, Clinton said.希拉里表示:“我希望对宾夕法尼亚州及全国的工人说,我会与你们同行,我会支持你们,我会阻止任何损害美国利益的贸易协定。”She also criticized Sanders, insisting that in a number of important areas, he doesnt have a plan at all.她同时不忘批评桑德斯,声称他在一些重要领域中,“完全没有计

11、划”。Clinton leads Sanders by 52.7 percent to 35 percent in a RealClearPolitics poll average, although the latest poll, released by Quinnipiac University on Tuesday, puts Clinton just six points ahead.据真实政治网进行的民调显示,希拉里和桑德斯分别取得52.7%及35%的支持率。不过,昆尼皮亚克大学在周二进行的民调显示,事实上希拉里只领先桑德斯六个百分点。She is well ahead in th

12、e nominations race, but she has suffered stinging defeats for two weeks.目前,希拉里在竞选中虽然仍处于优势,不过在过去两周选情却备受挫折。A win in the New York primary April 19 is seen as crucial for her preventing Sanders from snatching the nomination.4月19日的纽约初选被视为关键之战。希拉里只有在该场战役中胜出才能阻止桑德斯得到提名。But the self-described democratic soc

13、ialist from Vermont is popular with the rank and file.桑德斯自称是来自佛蒙特的民主社会主义者,并深受大众欢迎。I dont think shes a bad person, and if she wins the nomination Ill vote for her, said Don Long, 39, a union telecommunications worker.39岁的电讯工人唐朗说:“我不认为希拉里是坏人。假如她取得提名,我会投她一票。”But considering somebody who is as solidly b

14、ehind organized labor as Bernie Sanders is, Long added, You got to go with Bernie Sanders.但他补充道,假如要挑选一直支持工会工人的候选人,桑德斯则是不二之选。Job descriptionThere are few recruiting practices in business as familiar as the job description, and one of its most basic and entrenched components is the list of candidate q

15、ualifications and skills. For instance, a recent job listing for a sales executive position on M said that applicants must have “a bachelors degree, a minimum of at least two years selling in healthcare IT or a related field, excellent communication skills, and be a team player with a positive attit

16、ude.”This list of qualifications seems like common sense. And yet, this common sense approach to recruiting may be the single biggest obstacle to hiring the best person for a job. Why? Because such job descriptions are rooted in a flawed and obsolete way of thinking about employees. That is, they lo

17、ok at candidates as averages instead of individuals.This misguided mindset originated in Europe in the 19th century with the invention of the “Average Man” by a Belgian mathematician, which led the first generation of social scientists to develop the practice of “typing” in which they averaged the q

18、ualities of each class of people to describe the essential traits of the “soldier type,” “criminal type,” or “ironworker type.”For the past century, the same kind of thinking has led to job descriptions that identify the presumed essential qualities of a type of employee, such as a typical sales exe

19、cutive. There is a huge hidden problem with typing, however: it steers attention away from what is relevant and informative about an individual candidate.Fortunately, there is a better approach to recruiting, one grounded in a new interdisciplinary science known as the Science of the Individual. Thi

20、s science rejects the entire notion of the “Average Man” and relies on the math of 21st century dynamic systems theory rather than 19th century statistics.One of the key concepts of the science of the individual is the context principle, which holds that performance always depends on the interaction

21、 of a specific individual and a specific situation; it is meaningless to evaluate an individuals ability or potential without referring to the environment in which the individual will be performing.The context principle has already transformed many of the fields that once relied on typing. Oncologis

22、ts have switched their emphasis from standardized treatments for standard types of cancer to personalized treatments that target the specific physiological contexts of individual cancer. And biologists no longer study models of “standard cells” but the dynamic activity of “individual cells in contex

23、t.”But the context principle holds the potential for the greatest impact in business hiring.Instead of describing the type of employee you think you want to hire, the context principle suggests it is better to focus on the particular performance a job demands and the particular contexts where the em

24、ployee will be performing, and then look for candidates who have successfully executed similar performances in similar contexts.Consider the sale executive job description above. That job requires that candidates possess a Bachelors degree, probably because the typical sales executive possesses a ba

25、chelors degree. Next, the job description demands a minimum of two years of experience. Again, this is presumably the average amount of experience that similar sales executives possess. And finally, insisting upon “excellent communication skills” might seem like a no-brainer, but once again this is

26、an average-based summary rather than something precise and explanatory.None of these requirements provide insight into the actual constellation of a candidates abilities, and more importantly, fulfilling them provides almost no useful information about whether the candidate can execute the specific

27、performance we need in the specific job contexts.So what can replace the job descriptions venerable list of qualifications and skills? One man who has pioneered a practical and effective context-focused method of recruiting is Lou Adler, founder of the Lou Adler Group. He developed a new way to recr

28、uit and hire employees that he calls “performance-based hiring.” Adler explains: “Instead of describing the person they want, employers describe the job they want done.”Before switching to a career in recruiting, Adler designed parts for an aerospace manufacturer. This might be why he approaches the

29、 practice of selecting employees with the mindset of an engineer who knows that selecting the right material for a part depends on accurate knowledge of the environment where the part will be used.Adler gives one example where performance-based hiring produced better results than the generic job des

30、cription. A social media startup in Britain needed to hire someone to head their marketing team. They put out a listing of the qualifications and skills of a typical marketing director and ended up hiring someone with many years of marketing experience and an impressive resume. Yet he turned out to

31、be a complete disaster. Why? All of his experience was at large corporations with sizable budgets and hierarchical management. The startup, however, was much more dynamic and fast-paced, with a smaller marketing budget and a more informal approach to management. The new context was different from th

32、e ones where the marketing director had been successful, and as a result he was a terrible fit.The start-up turned to Adler, who used performance-based hiring to help them identify a very counter-intuitive prospect, a pharmacist without any marketing experience. Though the CEO was skeptical at first, Adler showed how the pharmacist had actually performed the same kinds of tasks that the startups marketing director would need to do, in similarly dynamic, fast-paced, low-budget, informal settings. The pharmacist turned ou

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