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1、外研版五年级下册教案英语英语五年级下教案庄科小学汪德雨库山中心小学五年级下英语教案年 级五教 者汪德雨时 间第 1 周第 1-2 课时教学内容Module 1 ChangingUnit1 We lived in a small house教学目标知 识目 标 (1) 新单词life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady(2)新句型:There be , We livedmany years ago. We livenow.的教学能 力目 标()能根据情境正确使用There be ,We li

2、vedmany years ago. We livenow.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物,提出问题并作出解答。()培养学生听、说、读、写、做的能力情 感目 标(1)使学生体验学习、参与、合作、竞争的乐趣(2)比较过去与现在的生活体会到我们现在生活在幸福的社会主义,让学生感觉到社会主义就是好,培养学生的爱国主义情操教学重点新单词和新句型的教学与运用教学难点如何让学生在课堂上学会 There be ,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型教学过 程:Step1:热身复习教师与学生自由会话,教师可以问学生:Did you have a go

3、od time in your holidays? Were there any happy things in your holidays?等通过这样的师生交流,教师可以帮助学生回顾相关的语言知识,例如:一般过去时的用法、常用词汇等,为后面的教学做铺垫。Step2:课文导入热身活动以后,教师告诉学生:The New year is past, now you are older ,you had a lot of changes.教师边说边把新单词change板书到黑板上,出示课题。Step3:单词教学用上所制作的单词卡,通过语境把新单词教授给学生。Step4:单词训练游戏把单词卡粘贴在黑板

4、上,让学生竞赛,听老师说出某个单词,学生迅速把该单词卡片取下,快者为胜。Step5:课文教学教师把画有房子和汽车的两幅画挂在黑板上,让学生自己谈一谈图中的内容,要鼓励学生用英语讲,用上以前学过的句型:There is/are,然后,老师指着图,总结学生的描述。总结完毕后,教师告诉学生今天我们要学的课文就是与我们的挂图内容类似的一个老大娘的生活变化。接下来请听课文录音,在听的同时,请你们找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。Step6:游戏火眼金睛,找新单词与新句型。让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。并给予学生贴纸作为奖励。Step7:课文训练学生了解了课文内容后,教师播放领读

5、带录音,让学生大声跟读课文。然后分组分角色朗读课文。Step8:重点句型操练先让学生熟读课文第二部分:Listen and say 然后让学生用本节的重点句型:There is/are/There was/were造句。Step9:延伸,拓展课文第三部分:Look and say 让学生分组讨论准备,谈论图中内容,然后每自组派一格代表来讲给全班同学听。使学生体验学习、参与、合作、竞争的乐趣。Step10:情感教育比较过去与现在的生活体会到我们现在生活在幸福的社会主义,让学生感觉到社会主义就是好,培养学生的爱国主义情操。Step11:家庭作业回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与

6、现在的生活有什么不一样。把你的结果在下节课用英语告诉老师。备注培养学生分析问题,解决问题的能力,同时渗透学法教 后反 思库山中心小学五年级下英语教案年 级五教 者汪德雨时 间第 1周第 3课时教学内容Module 1 ChangingUnit 2 She didnt have a television.教学目标知 识目 标 1. Word and phrases: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope.2. Sentences: She worked in the fields. She didnt have a television.3. Grammar:

7、Talk about the life of past and now.能 力目 标通过会话表演、小组比赛、游戏等活动多角度激发学生自主探究学习的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。情 感目 标使学生能利用所学的知识与别人合作、交流获得成功的喜悦。教学重点过去生活的认识教学难点Talk about the life of past and now.教学过 程:Teaching procedures:一Warming up.1. Greetings.2. Act out last text.3. Free talk: Compare Old China and New China.二Lead in

8、Yesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmother very much. So she writes a letter for Daming, tells about that programme and her feeling.三New teaching. 1. Show some questions.a. What programme did Lingling watch last night?b. What was the old ladys life like many years

9、ago?c. Who does Lingling miss?2. Listen to the tape-recorder and find answers.3. Learn new words.a. Show some object and cards.b. Correct pronunciation.c. Practise new words in different kinds of method.4. Listen to the tape-recorder and act out it.四 Practise1. Play a game.Put nine cards on the desk

10、. Two students use cards to make dialogue.For example:A: Where was he/she seven days ago?B: He/She was A: What did he/she do there?B: He/She 2. Do A B Unit 2 exercise1.a. Listen to the tape.b. Understand generalization.c. Choose right answer.五Homework Introduce the great changes of our hometown/scho

11、ol/home.备注设计意图:突破本课的重、难点深化对课堂教学的理解教 后反 思库山中心小学五年级下英语教案年 级五教 者汪德雨时 间第 2周第 1-2课时教学内容Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 1 She learnt English教学目标知 识目 标 1. 能识读运用Words and phrases: learnt these dancer 2. Sentences: She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now.3. Grammar: Talk

12、ing about the past and present.能 力目 标能口头运用She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now.情 感目 标在交流中体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力,提高学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点句型She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now.教学难点掌握和熟练运用本模块所学过去式和现在进行时教学过 程:Teach

13、ing procedures.一、 WarmingupGreeting:T: Hello, Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today? S: We are well.T: What day is today? S: Thursday.T: Are you ready for your English class? S: Yes. We are ready.Game: Review the past tense of some verbs.二、 New teaching 1. Use some pictu

14、res to learn important sentences.Did you/he /she .? Yes, I/she/he did. No, didnt.He is doing .2. Learn new words and phrases.Teacher plays the tape and have Ss underline the new words and phrases. Teacher guides to learn by all kinds of methods.3. Listen and repeat 4. Act out the test. (Give Ss some

15、 minutes to practise.)三、 Practice and consolidate.1. Show two pictures and have Ss describe (use the important sentences)2. Do activity 3.Have Ss look it , give some minutes to practise in pairs ,then act it out.四、 TaskfulfillingGame : teacher have Ss take out their photos and describe it. The other

16、s guess it.五、 Sum the lesson六、 Homework:Try to describe the other persons to your parents. 指导完成练习册P3 4,5,6题备注设计意图:学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案,培养学生分析问题,解决问题的能力。教 后反 思库山中心小学五年级下英语教案年 级五教 者汪德雨时 间第 2周第3课时教学内容Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.教学目标知 识目 标 1. Words and phrases: study hard retired 2. Sentences: Mr Li was a teac

17、her. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.3. Grammar: Talk about the past and the present能 力目 标能描述过去的事情 感目 标在交流中体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力,提高学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点3. 句型Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li教学难点掌握和熟练运用本模块所学语言

18、知识谈论过去和现在正在发生的事教学过 程:一、 Warmingup1 Greeting : Free talk2 Game: “What did he do?”二、 New teaching1. Lead-inTeacher has a student stand in the front of the class.T: Ten years ago ,I was a student .Now, I am a teachet. Ok, lets come to the text.2. Important words and sentences1 Listen and underline the

19、new words. Teacher uses all kinds of methods to guide.2 Show some pictures and let Ss describe them.3 Listen and repeat 3. Practice in pairs Show a picture of sports player .Have Ss say out the differences between the pictures.(use the important sentences) Show three pictures and have Ss compare.4.

20、PronunciationHave Ss listen and repeat. Put these words on the Bb. Let them find the similar pronunciation. Follow the tape two times.5. Say a poem Look. Listen and follow the tape. Then say together with actions.三、 SummaryHave Ss sum this lesson. Teacher gives complement.四、 HomeworkWrite the mutati

21、on in your life.备注通过小组对话练习,让更多的学生参与学习活动,激发学生的学习积极性,提高学习效率。教 后反 思库山中心小学五年级下英语教案年 级五教 者汪德雨时 间第 3周第1-2 课时教学内容Module 3 English FoodUnit 1 She had eggs and sausages教学目标知 识目 标 1、 Words and phrases: email sandwiches traditional delicious2、 Sentences: What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had能 力

22、目 标Describing eating habits情 感目 标培养学生英语学习兴趣的持续及敢于开口表达的情感态度教学重点能模仿课文,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话教学难点四会单词及句型,课文的掌握教学过 程:1、 Warm up:T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher. T: Whats your favourite food? S: My favourite food is2、Presentation: T: I had bread this morning, what did you have? Ss: I had rice/milk/

23、noodles T: We always have rice, noodles, and dumplings for meals. They are Chinese food. Do you know English food? Ss: Talk about English food which they know. T: Tell the student Daming get an email from Lingling. Its talk about English food. Now lets see what Lingling introduces. Then write the ti

24、tle.一、 Teach new lesson:Step1 Show them some new word cards and teach them the pronunciation.Step2 Open their books; listen to the tape for the first time, ask the students to find out the new words and the name of the food. And explain some English eating habits.Step3 Give the student some question

25、s:1、 What did Daming have got?2、 What did Lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Listen to the tape for the second time, ask the students to answer the question, and then check the answer together. Step4 Ask the students to see the pictures and play the tape, the students read after it. At last th

26、e students read the text in pairs.二、 PracticeAsk the student to see the third part of the text. Use the sentences to make dialogues in pairs.三、 HomeworkGo over the text. Pay attention to the important sentences and the name of the food.备注教 后反 思库山中心小学五年级下英语教案年 级五教 者汪德雨时 间第 3周第3 课时教学内容Unit2 Sam ate si

27、x hamburgers教学目标知 识目 标 1、 Words and phrases: ate hamburger gave tonight2、 Sentences: What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank能 力目 标Talk about eating habits and favourite food情 感目 标培养学生英语学习兴趣的持续及敢于开口表达的情感态度教学重点Talk about eating habits and favourite food教学难点模仿课文,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话教学过 程:1、Warmer: T

28、: Hello. Ss: Hello teacher. T: What did you have for breakfast this morning? Ss: I had T: Whats your favourite food? Ss: My favourite food is3、 Presentation:Take out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “Do you like hamburger?” “How many hamburgers can you eat? Students answer the questions.

29、T: Lets see how many hamburgers Sam can eat. Then write the title on the board.4、 Teach new lesson:Step1 T: Take out some new word cards. Ask students to try to read out them, and then teach them these words.Step2 Put on a letter of this unit. Ask students to see the letter and at the same time to l

30、isten to the tape. For the first time the students should draw a line under the new words. Then ask them to try to answer these questions:1、 Who ate hamburgers?2、 Who had a sandwich?3、 What is mum going to cook tonight?Step2 Play the tape, the students should read after it. Then check the answers.Step3 Ask the students to see the second part. Use the

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