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1、中外合资企业章程模板中外合资企业章程模板中外合资企业章程ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR_LIMITED LIABILTY COMPANY第一章 总则Chapter 1 General Provision第二章 宗旨、经营范围Chapter 2 The Purpose l Scope and Scale of the Business第三章 投资总额和注册资本Chapter 3 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered Capital第四章 董事会Chapter 4 The Board of Directors第五章 经营

2、管理机构Chapter 5 Business Management Office第六章 财务会计Chapter 6 Finance and Accounting第七章 利润分配Chapter 7 Profit Sharing第八章 职工Chapter 8 Staff and Workers第九章 工会组织Chapter 9 The Trade Union Organization第十章 期限、终止、清算Chapter 10 Duration, Termination and Liquidation of the Jint Venture Company第十一章 规章制度Chapter 11 R

3、ules and Regulations第十二章 适用法律Chapter 12 Applicable Law第十三章 附则Chapter 13 Supplementary Articles第一章 总则Chapter 1 General Provision第一条 根据中华人民共和国中外合资企业法,和中国公司(以下简称甲方)与国公司)合资经营合同,特制订本合营公司章程。Article 1 In accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on joint Venture Using Chinese and Foreign Inv

4、estment and the contract signed on in_ ,china, by, Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party A). and Co., Ltd. (hereinafar referred to as Party A), to set up a joint venture, Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as joint venture company), the Articles of Association hereby is formulated.第二

5、条 合营公司中文名称为:有限公司Article 2 The names of the joint venture company shall be Limited Liability Company.缩写为:Its abbreviation is _.合营公司的法定地址为:The Legal address of the joint venture company is at第三条 甲、乙双方的名称、法定地址为:Article 3 The names and legal addresses of each parties are as follows:甲方:中国公司,其法定地址为Party A

6、: Co. , China, and its legal address is乙方:国公司,其法定地址为party B: Co., Ltd, and its legal address is第四条 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。Article 4 The organization form of joint venture company is a limited liability company.甲乙方仅以现行或日后修改的本章程规定的各自认缴的出资额对合营公司承担责任。The liabilities of each party to the joint venture company

7、just limits to its contributed capital, which stipulated in the Articles of Association or in the revised afterwards.在上述前提下,各方按其认缴的出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。The profits, risks and losses of the joint venture company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered

8、 capital.第五条 合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护,其一切活动必遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。Article 5 The joint venture company has the status of a legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and protection of Chinese laws concerned. All activities of the joint venture company shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent

9、 rules and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. 第二章 宗旨、经营范围Chapter 2 The Purpose,Scope and Scale of the Business 第六条 甲、乙方合资经营的目的是:本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,彩先进而适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法,提高产品质量,发民新产品,并在质量、价格等方面具有国际市场上的竟争能力,提高经济效益,使投资各方获得满意的经济利益。(注:在章程中要根据具体情况写明。)Article 6 The prupose of the parties to the join

10、t venture is in conformity with the wish of enhancing the economic cooperation and technical exchanges, to raise economic results and ensure satisfactory economic benefits for each investor by improving the product quality, devloping new products, and gaining competitive position in the world market

11、 in quality and price through advanced and appropriate technology and scientific management.第七条 合营公司经营范围为:Article 7 Business scope of the joint venture company is第八条 合营公司生产规模为:Article 8 The production scale of the joint venture company are at follows:第九条 合营公司向国内、外市场自行销售其产品,并开展有关的其他服务。Article 9 The p

12、roducts of the joint venture company will be sold on Chinese market and overseas market and after-sale services will be provided by themselves.合营公司将出口销售和取得外汇收入放在优先地位,以保证合营公司的成功和发展。In order to pursuing the success and development of the joint venture company, the joint venture company shall give the

13、top priority on export of the products and earning foreign currency.第三章 投资总额和注册资本Chapter 3 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered Capital第十条 合营公司的投资总额为美元Article 10 The total amount of investment of the joint venture company is V. S. Dollars.合营公司的投资总额为美元The registered capital for the joint ven

14、ture company is V. S. Dollars.甲方:出资额为万美元,占注册资本Party A shall pay accounts for % _ includes:其中:1.厂房设施美元1) Factory site and others: us Dollars;2机器设备美元2) Equipment: us Dollars乙方:出资额为万美元,占注册资本Party B shall pay accounts for % _ includes:第十二条 甲、乙方应按合同规定的期限缴清各自的出资额。Article 12 The amount of the investment in

15、 Article 10 shall be paid by Party A and Party B according to the time limit stipulated in the contract.第十三条 甲、乙方缴付出资额后,经合营公司聘请在中国注册的会计师验资,具验资报告后,由合营公司据此发给甲、乙各方出资证明书,确认种自的出资日期及金额。Article 13 After the payment of investment by the parties to the joint venture, a Chinese registered accountant invited b

16、y the joint venture company shall verify it and provide a certificate for contributed investment. Thereafter the joint venture company shall issue an investment certificate to confirm the date and amount of the contribution.第十四条 合营期内,合营公司不得减少注册资本数额。ArticIe14 Within the term of the joint venture, the

17、 joint venture company shall not reduce its registered capital.任何一方都不得将其在合营公司中认缴出资的任何部份抵押给任何第三方。Neither party shall be allowed to mortgage any part of the investment to the third party.第十五条 合营公司注册资本的增加、转让,应由董事会一致通过后,并报原审批机权批准,向原登记机构办理变更登记手续。Article 15 Any increase, assignment of the registered capit

18、al of the joint venture company shall be approved by the board of directors and submitted to the original examining and approving authority for approval. The registration procedures for changes shall be dealt with at the original registration and administration office.第四章 董事会Chapter 4 The Board of D

19、irectors第十六条 合营公司设董事会。董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构。Article 16 The joint venture company shall establish the board of directors which is the highest authority of the joint venture company.第十七条 董事会决定合营公司的一切重大事宜,下列事宜,董事会应一致通过方可作出决定:Article 17 The board of directors shall decide all major issues concerning the joint

20、 venture company for the following issues, unanimous approval shall be required:1.合营公司章程和修改;l)amending the Articles of Association of the joint venture company2.合营公司的中止与解散;2)discussing and deciding the termination and dissolution of the joint venture company;3.合营公司与另一经济组织的合并、兼并与联合;3)deciding the mer

21、ger, affiliation and consolidation of the joint venture company with other economic organization; 4.合营公司注册资本的增加与转让;4)deciding the increase and assignment of the registered capital;5.设立合营公司的分支机构;5)deciding to set up branches;6.批准合营公司的中长期发展规划;6)ratifying the project of development on medium term and l

22、ong term;7.决定合营年度经营方针和计划;7)deciding an annual management strategy and plan; 8.批准年度财务预算,财务报告和会计报表;8)ratifying fiscal budget, fiscal report and accounting statement; 9.决定合营公司年度利润分配方案;9)deciding the plan on annual profits sharing;10.总经理、副总经理的任免;l0)inviting and dismissing the general manager and the dep

23、uty general managers;11.涉及任何一方各合营公司利润冲突的事项。11)settling the disputes between each party to the joint venture and joint venture company.对以下事项,须出席董事会至少名董事通过:As for other matters, approval by more than_ directors shall be required. such as;1.合营公司年度流动资金贷款的最高额及有关合营公司资产的购置、租赁、出卖或抵押等事宜;1)deciding the top li

24、ne of annual circulating capital and issues on purchasing, leasing and mortgage of assets in the joint venture company;2.合营公司的劳动合同和重要的规章制度;2)approving. the labor contracts and other important regulations of the joint venture company;3.审查并批准总经理提出的年度经营报告;3)examining and approving the annual business r

25、eport submitted by the general manager;4.任免由总经理提名报董事会聘任的高级管理人员、决定上述人员的工资和生活福利待遇;4)inviting and dismissing the senior administrative personnel who shall be recommended by general manager, and deciding their salary and welfare;5.按照中国政府的有关规定,制定合营公司职工的福利和工资制度;5)deciding the system of salary and welfare

26、for staff and workers in joint venture company in accordance with the relevant regulations of China;6.确定调整合营公司的组织机构;6)defining and adjusting the structure of the joint venture company 7.决定合营公司从税后利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金和职工奖励及福利基金的比例;7)deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds, pension funds an

27、d bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company;8.决定合营公司的保险种类和投保范围;8)deciding the types and scope of insurances for joint venture company 9.关于董事会对总经理经营权限的授予;9)deciding the scope of authorized power for the general manager; 10.决定合营公司职工的住房及各项福利事宜;10)deciding the plan on living houses and oth

28、er welfare for staff and workers of joint venture company; 11.其它应由董事会决定的事宜。11)deciding other matters which shall made decision by the board of directors.第十八条 董事会由名董事组成,其中甲方委派名,乙方委派名。董事任期年,可以连任。Article 18 The board of directors shall consist of directors. of which directors shall be appointed by Part

29、y A, by Party B. The term of office for the directors is four years and may be renewed.甲、乙方在更换董事人选时,应事先书面通各董事会和另一方。When appointing and replacing directors, a written notice shall be submitted to the board and the other party.第十九条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次。经名以上(含名)董事提议,董事长可以召开董事会临时会议。董事会会议原则上在举行。Article 19 The b

30、oard of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than _ (including) directors. The board meeting will be held in principle in _.第二十条 董事长应在董事会开会前三十天书面通知各董事,写明会议、时间和地点。Article 20 The chairman shall give each d

31、irector a written notice thirty (30) days before the date of the board meeting. The notice shall cover the agenda, time and place of the.董事因故不能出席董事会会议,可出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。如届时未出席祟不委托他人出席,则作为弃权。Should the directors be unable to attend the board meeting , he may present a proxy in written form to the board.In case the director neither attends nor entrusts others to attend the meeting, he will be regarded as abstention.第二十一条 出席董事会会议的法定人数为全体董事的四分之三。不够四分之三人数时,其通过的决议无效。会议决录应归档保存,会议记录用中、英文文字书写,并且每个出席会议的董事均应在会议记录上签字。Article 22 The b

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