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1、中考英语模拟试题及答案电子教案2020年中考英语模拟试题及答案2020年中考英语模拟试题及答案笔试部分(100分).单项选择(15分) 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 21. Did your brother agree to sell his house? Yes, he did, though it was _ his own wishes.A. for B. against C. without D. as( ) 22. When did Li Mei begin to learn English? At the age of six, she began teaching Eng

2、lish. A. her B. hers C. herself D. she( ) 23. Tom won a car in prize-giving sales. What a(n) man. A. polite B. unusual C. serious D. lucky ( ) 24. Whats in the bag? . Its empty. A. Nothing B. Something C. Anything D. Everything( ) 25. Where would you like to go this weekend? Id like to go somewhere

3、. A. relaxing B. interested C. tiring D. excited( ) 26. In some ways Tina and Gina are different. Yes. Tina isnt so as Gina. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. most outgoing D. the most outgoing( ) 27. I will go to Beijing. Is it cold there? Yes. So you are supposed to warm clothes. A. bring B. get C.

4、fetch D. pack( ) 28. Hello, Beijing Airport. I hope you can me with some information about the tickets to Hong Kong. A. give B. provide C. take D. show ( ) 29. Peter, dont forget _ your aunt when you are in Hangzhou. I wont, Mom. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees ( ) 30. Ring me up when you get to

5、Beijing, please. Sure, I _.A. must B. will C. should D. can( ) 31. Do you know the man _ Li An? Yes. He is regarded as one of the _ directors in our country. A. calling; best B. called; best C. calling; good D. called; good( ) 32. I cant reach _ high. What shall I do? _ David to help you. A. so; Ask

6、 B. Such; Ask C. so; To ask D. such; Asking ( ) 33. How do you want to deal with the old clothes? They will _ to the children in the small villages. A. send B. be sending C. be sent D. have sent ( ) 34. Davids made great progress recently. _. He has been working hard for a few months. A. So is he B.

7、 So he is C. So has he D. So he has ( ) 35. Could you please lend me the novel _ the other day? Sure, here you are.A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. you talked about D. which you talked with .完形填空(15分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One beautiful spring day a red rose blossomed (开花) in a forest wh

8、ere many kinds of trees, plants and animals grew.The rose said, “It seems that I am the most 36 plant in this forest.” Then the rose looked at a cactus (仙人掌) and said, “Look at that ugly plant. It is 37 of thorns (刺).” One tree said, “Red rose, what kind of 38 is this? Who can say 39 beauty is? You

9、have thorns, too.” The proud red rose said angrily, “I thought you had good taste! You cannot 40 my thorns with those of the cactus.”Spring passed, and the weather became very 41 . Life became difficult in the forest, as the plants and animals needed water and no 42 fell. One day the rose saw sparro

10、ws stick their beaks (鸟嘴) into the cactus and then 43 away, refreshed. This was puzzling, and the red rose asked the tree what the birds were 44 . The tree explained that the birds got water from the cactus. “Does the cactus not 45 when they make holes?” asked the rose. “Yes, 46 the cactus does not

11、like to see any birds die because of thirsty,” replied the tree, “and you can also 47 from it. The sparrows can bring 48 to you if you ask the cactus for help.”Then the red rose finally did ask the cactus for help. The cactus kindly 49 and the birds filled their beaks with water and watered the rose

12、s roots. The red rose felt so 50 for its past words and behavior. The rose learned a lesson never judge (评价) anyone by their looks again.( ) 36. A. beautiful B. famous C. expensive D. special( ) 37. A. afraid B. full C. filled D. proud( ) 38. A. mistake B. sound C. talk D. color( ) 39. A. who B. whe

13、re C. how D. what ( ) 40. A. take B. bring C. compare D. pull( ) 41. A. wet B. cool C. cold D. warm ( ) 42. A. snow B. food C. rain D. litter( ) 43. A. put B. fly C. give D. take( ) 44. A. saying B. doing C. eating D. asking( ) 45. A. hurt B. hate C. fight D. die( ) 46. A. and B. or C. so D. but( )

14、47. A. get B. drink C. buy D. fetch( ) 48. A. water B. sand C. grass D. food( ) 49. A. refused B. replied C. agreed D. left( ) 50. A. happy B. surprised C. thankful D. sorry.阅读理解(30分)AInternational Talk Like a Pirate (海盗) Day It is held every 19th in September. This year will be its nineteenth year.

15、 Its celebrated (庆祝) all over the world. Small groups of friends get together and pretend to be pirates for the day. They play games, sing songs, tell stories and of course, talk to each other like pirates.Labor Day, the USAIt is a major US holiday. Its always celebrated on the first Monday of Septe

16、mber, and it marks the end of summer holidays. Many schools open for the new school year the day after Labor Day. On the day, there are concerts and parades (游行) all over the country. For example, in the capital, Washington D.C., there is a 5-day Beatles Festival with 50 bands, a blues festival and

17、a free concert by Nation Symphony Orchestra. Wine and Beer Festivals, Germany September is also a great month for wine as the new kinds are ready for tasting. The Stuttgart Wine Festival (29th August 9th September) is one of the biggest festivals, with over one million visitors. At the festival, you

18、 can taste over 250 kinds of wines from the area. If you prefer beer to wine, there is the world famous Munich Oktoberfest, which starts on September 22th and continues until October 7th.根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( ) 51. How many times have people celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day? A. 11. B.

19、13. C. 14. D. 18.( ) 52. When do many schools usually begin their new term in the USA? A. After September. B. On September 1st. C. On the day after Labor Day. D. On the first Monday of September.( ) 53. What do International Talk Like a Pirate Day and Labor Day have in common? A. They are both festi

20、vals for students. B. They are both celebrated in September. C. They are both celebrated on Mondays. D. They are both celebrated around the world. ( ) 54. What can we learn about Wine and Beer Festivals, Germany? A. The Stuttgart Wine Festival lasts over two weeks.B. Few visitors come to Munich Okto

21、berfest every year. C. Munich Oktoberfest is held during the whole October.D. People can taste more than 250 kinds of wines at the Stuttgart Wine Festival.( ) 55. Where do you think the reading above comes from? A. An English magazine. B. An online game website. C. A movie timetable. D. A guidebook

22、for shopping.BMalls are popular places for Americans to go to. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called mall rats. Mall rats shop until they visit hundreds of stores. People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations. Parking is usually free. A

23、nd the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight nightclubs, and a large park! There are parki

24、ng spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop there every week.The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina Minnesota. People love doing all their shopping in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are town centers where people come to do many t

25、hings. They shop, and of course, they also eat in food courts (广场) that have food from all over the world. They see films at theaters. Some people even get their exercise by doing the new sport of “mall walking”. Others go to malls to meet friends.In some malls, people can see a doctor and even go t

26、o the church. In other words, people can do almost everything in malls. Now people can live in their favorite shopping centers in fact.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( ) 56. Those Americans are called mall rats. A. who eat in food courts at malls B. who spend so much time at malls C. who enjoy themselves at mal

27、ls D. who do all their shopping at malls ( ) 57. The passage gives reasons why American people like malls. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5( ) 58. According to the passage, Americans like doing shopping . A. in one place B. in a quiet place C. in a busy place D. in different places ( ) 59. What does the third pa

28、ragraph mainly tell us? A. People like to go to the mall. B. The Mall of America is busy. C. When America had the first mall. D. The Mall of America is very large.( ) 60. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. People can see a doctor in some malls.B. Parking is free in all the malls. C.

29、 The malls are only in big cities. D. The largest mall is in Hong Kong.C Everyone wants to succeed in their life, dont they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life. It really isnt so hard. Here are some steps that help you have a successful teenage life._ No matter how boring it is

30、 now, education will help you in society. Try your best at school, listen to teachers, do your homework, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better college / university, which will help you to get a great job in the future. Do good in your free time.Volunteering can improve your e

31、xperience; it can also make you happier. Find volunteer opportunities that interest you. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal center. If you like helping people, volunteer at a soup kitchen. If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter. When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. Having lots of volunteer hours will look good on your resume

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