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1、德国马术竞技场德国马术竞技场German equestrian arena设计方:Kadawittfeldarchitektur位置:德国分类:娱乐建筑内容:实景照片图片来源:Andreas Horsky图片:10张摄影师:Andreas Horsky 下载原图标签:娱乐建筑实景照片观众看台是阶梯式的建筑设计,使用的是钢筋混凝土,观众看台上是一个钢结构屋顶。屋顶的承重结构由焊接钢骨架构成,钢骨架上包裹了一层不规则四边形形状的金属片,提供支撑和遮蔽物。钢结构位于阶梯式混凝土看台后面的钢筋混凝土环梁上。屋顶由四根细长的钢柱负载,钢柱位于一楼前面的区域,并从这里通过钢筋混凝土圆柱到达地基处。地基通过

2、螺旋钻孔桩与连梁链接在一起。下部的看台建筑是实心结构,主要由预制构件组成。观众看台是由预制混凝土形成的阶梯式的座位。这些座位由钢筋混凝土梁支撑着,它们由钢筋混凝土横墙和圆柱负载,横墙和圆柱深入地基。一楼横墙中间的功能区是砖石结构,屋顶是预制钢筋混凝土板做成的。非承重的内墙用的是石膏做成的。竞技场主要的扩建区域是看台。为了着重强调项目的设计,所有看台的表面、楼梯和巨大的屋顶都是使用的白色,这样的设计使得整个建筑主体脱颖而出。译者:蝈蝈The spectator grandstand is designed as a step-construction of reinforced concrete

3、, over which is a projecting steel roof construction. The load-bearing structure of the roof comprises of a welded steel frame clad by trapezoidal metal sheeting, providing bracing and cover. The steel structure rests on the rear of the stepped concrete platform on a reinforced concrete ring beam.Th

4、e roof load is carried on only four slender steel columns in the front area of the ground floor and from there via reinforced-concrete round columns to the foundation. The foundations are achieved with bored piles, connected by tie beams.The underlying grandstand construction is a solid construction

5、 comprised primarily of prefabricated components. The spectator stand is built from precast-concrete parts forming stepped seating. These are supported by reinforced concrete beams, whose load is carried by the reinforced concrete cross walls and round columns and transferred into the foundations. T

6、he functional areas on the ground floor between the cross walls are masonry construction roofed with reinforced prefab concrete slabs. The non-loadbearing interior walls are standard plaster partitions.The main player of the extension is the new grandstand. In order to emphasize the design, all surfaces of the spectator stands, the staircase, and the immense roof are a single white tone, so that the body of the structure clearly stands out.德国马术竞技场外部实景图 下载原图德国马术竞技场之局部实景图 下载原图德国马术竞技场外部座位席实景图 下载原图德国马术竞技场外部过道实景图 下载原图德国马术竞技场外部座位席实景图 下载原图德国马术竞技场平面图 下载原图德国马术竞技场平面图 下载原图德国马术竞技场平面图 下载原图德国马术竞技场剖面图

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