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1、小学英语常见时态讲解与练习 动词时态一般现在时的基本概念一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。常见的标志词(时间状语)主要有:every, sometimes, at, on Sundays, uauslly often, never, always等。一般现在时的结构be动词的一般现在时主语 + Be动词 + 其他成分I am a boy.实义动词的一般现在时主语 + 行为动词 + 其他成分We study English.一般现在时的具体形式be动词的一般现在时1. 第一人称单数I+amI am a student. 2. 第二人称单数you和其他人称复数w

2、e/you/they+areYou are a lucky girl.We are students in this school.3. 第三人称单数he/she/it+isShe is my teacher.例题:用be动词的适当形式填空。1. I from China. 2. It very hot today.3. They in the hospital.4. We good students.5. She a beautiful girl.答案:1. am,主语是第一人称单数形式。2. is,主语是第三人称单数形式。3. are,主语是第三人称复数形式。4. are,主语是第一人称复

3、数形式。5. is,主语是第三人称单数形式。实义动词的一般现在时1. 第一、二人称单数I/you和其他人称复数we/you/they+动词原形I get up at 8 oclock.They go to school everyday.2. 第三人称单数he/she/it+实义动词第三人称单数形式It runs fast.He studies hard.例题:用说给单词的适当形式填空。1. We home every day.(go)2. Trees green in spring.(turn)3. He very hard.(study)4. The boy up at seven Ocl

4、ock.(get)5. The earth round the sun.(move)答案:1. go,句子主语we为第一人称复数形式。2. turn,trees为名词复数形式,动词用原形。3. studies,主语he为第三人称单数形式,动词需要加s,且study为特殊变化,需要去y变i加es。4. gets,句子中主语the boy为第三人称单数形式,动词需要加s。5. moves,the earth作为世界上独一无二的事物,在句子中做主语时需要当成第三人称单数形式。补充:主语为第三人称单数形式,谓语动词的变化规则:状况变化规则发音例词一般情况 加-s清辅音后读【s】浊辅音和元音后读【/】s

5、wim-swims;help-helps;like- likes以o结尾的词加 -es读【z】go-goes;do-does以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词 加 -es 读【iz】watches以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y 为i再加es 读【z】study-studies不规则变化动词 变have 为 has 变be为am, is, arehave-has be-am, is, are一般现在时的句型变化be动词的一般现在时肯定句He is a worker. 否定句主语 + be动词 + not + 其他He is not a worker. 一般疑问句Be动词 + 主语 + 其他-Is he

6、a worker? -Yes, he is. / No, he is not. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 Where is he? 例题:写出下列句子中所缺的be动词,并用肯定及否定形式回答。1. - your father a teacher?-Yes, . No, .2. - they in the room?-Yes, . No, .答案:1. -Is your father a teacher?-Yes, he is. No, he isnt.2. -Are they in the room?-Yes, they are. No, they arent.写出下列句子的否定句

7、。1. I am at home.2. Mr. Li is a professor.答案:1. I am not at home.2. Mr. Li is not a professor.实义动词的一般现在时肯定句I like bread.He often plays.否定句主语+dont/doesnt+动词原形I dont like bread. He doesnt often play. 一般疑问句Do/Does+主语+动词原形Do you like bread? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he often play?Yes, he does. / No,

8、he doesnt.特殊疑问句疑问词+一般疑问句What do you like?Where does he often play?例题:将下列句子改写为否定句。1. I have lunch at school.2. They play basketball on the playground.3. Mr. Zhang knows French.答案:1. I dont have lunch at school.主语为第一人称单数形式,直接在动词前加dont。2. They dont play basketball on the playground.主语为第三人称复数形式,直接在动词前加d

9、ont。3. Mr. Zhang doesnt know French.主语为第三人称单数形式,在肯定句中动词需要加s,变为否定句后,在动词前加doesnt,动词用原形。注:特殊疑问句在疑问句部分进行练习。一般现在时的基本用法1 表示人或物的特征He is a doctor.The dog is white and black.2. 表示习惯性或经常性的动作,常与always, often, usauylly, seldom, everyday, sometimes, weekends,Mondays等表示时间与频率的词连用。I leave home at 6 oclock everyday.

10、Tom always play football after school.We usually go to school by bus on Tuesdays.3. 表示永恒不变的事实或真理Beijing is the capital of China.The snow is white.例题:用说给单词的适当形式填空。1. He (have) blue eyes.2. We (go) to school everyday.3. We (have) no classes on weekends.4. She (write) a letter to her friend once a week

11、.5. Tom (ride) a bike to school.6. Peter and Mary often (play) badminton together.7. Practice (make) perfect.答案:1. Has,主语第三人称单数,表示人物的的特征,用一般现在时。2. Go,表示习惯性的动作,主语为第一人称复数形式,动词用原形。3. Have,表示习惯性的动作,主语为第一人称复数形式,动词用原形。4. Writes,表示经常性的动作,主语为第三人称单数形式,动词需要加s。5. Rides,表示经常性的动作,主语为第三人称单数形式,动词需要加s。6. Play,Peter

12、和Mary两个人共同作主语,且句子中有一般现在时的时间词often,动词用原形。7. Makes,表示真理用一般现在时,熟能生巧作为人们认可的普遍真理,所以本句的时态为一般现在时,名词Practice作主语,作为第三人称单数形式,动词加s。一般将来时的基本概念一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称)+动词原形构成。一般将来时的结构主语 + will/ shall + 动词原形 + 其他部分 We shall play this afternoon. He will have a lesson

13、after lunch.一般将来时的具体形式第一人称I/ we + shall + 动词原形I shall be school in 10 minutes.We shall go to Beijing for our summer holiday.其他人称单复数+will+动词原形Tom will go swimming tomorrow.You will get well soon.They will come back this afternoon.例题:用说给单词的适当形式填空。1. I (go) to the USA tomorrow.2. We (visit) her new wee

14、k.3. The pilot (fly) to China the month after the next.4. It (take) us a long time to learn English well.5. He (be) there at seven tomorrow morning.答案:1. will go/ shall go,主语为第一人称单数,tomorrow作为将来时的标志词,所以本题时态为一般将来时。2. will visit/ shall visit,主语为第一人称复数, next week作为一般将来时的时间词,本题时态为一般将来时。3. will fly,主语the

15、 pilot为第三人称单数形式,但一般将来时不用区分人称,并且the month after the next译为下个月,所以时态为一般将来时。4. will take,本题没有明显的时间词,但通过句意可以看出学习英语将要用很长的时间,所以时态为一般将来时。5. will be,通过tomorrow morning可以看出本题时态为一般将来时,一般将来时不区分人称,但will后应该用动词原形,所以答案为will be一般将来时的句型变化肯定句They will go to park this Sunday.否定句主语+will+not+动词原形They will not go to park

16、this Sunday.一般疑问句Will+主语+动词原形-Will they go to park this Sunday?-Yes, they will. / No, they will not.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句Where will they go this Sunday?例题:按要求改写句子。Sam will move into new house next year.1. .(改写为否定句)2. ?(改写为一般疑问句)3. ?(改写为特殊疑问句)答案:1. Sam will not move into new house next year.2. Will Sam mo

17、ve into new house next year?3. When will Sam move into new house?注释:改写为特殊疑问句时,可根据句子的不同部分进行改写。Sam will move into new house next year. Who will move into new house next year? Sam will move into new house next year.Where will Sam move into next year?Sam will move into new house next year.When will Sam

18、move into new house?一般将来时的用法1. 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。I will(shall) get there tomorrow. Will you be free next weekend? We wont (shant) be busy this evening. 2. 在以第一人称I或we作主语的问句中,一般使用shall,这时或是征求对方的意见,或是询问一个情况Where shall we have a meeting? Shall we have computer class tomorrow?3. be going to +动词原形,这个形式常用于

19、表示打算,计划和安排好的事情We are going to have a trip next year.How are you going to spend your weekend?例题:选择正确的答案。( ) 1. He very busy this week, he free next week. A. will be, is B. is, is C. will be, will be D. is, will be( ) 2. There a meeting tomorrow.A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to b

20、e( ) 3. -Where is the paper? -I it for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get( ) 4. He him a beautiful bag next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to give( ) 5. He in three days. A. coming back B. came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back答案:1. D,本题 有两

21、个时间词this week和next week,前半句用一般现在时,说明的是现在的状态,后半句用一般将来时,说明下一周的情况。2. B,will和be going to都可用来表示将来时,但be going to含有计划好、安排好的意思,因此,本题答案为is going to have 。3. D,本题需要根据句意进行选择,目前没有纸,需要去拿,从时间上对于现在一定是之后做的,因此,应该用一般将来时。4. D,从句以上年理解,下一个生日要送的礼物,一定是计划好的,因此,用be going to 的表达更为合理。5. C,in three days译为三天后,时态应该采用一般将来时,同时,从所给

22、的四个选项上看,只有C选择的形式是正确的。 现在进行时的基本概念表示此时此刻正在进行的动作或事情。“正在进行时”的事件,可能发生几年了,也可能只有几分钟。仍在进行中这是“正在进行时”的关键所在。它是一件持续进行的事情。现在进行时的结构主语 + be动词 + 动词ingHe is swimming.They are playing.现在进行时的具体形式第一人称单数I +am+动词ingI am reading a story book.I am practing.第二人称单数you/ 各人称复数we/ you/ they+are+动词ingThey are doing homework.We a

23、re playing games.第三人称单数he/ she/ it+is+动词ingHe is cleaning the house.Tom is playing basketball.例题:将下列句子改成现在进行时1. Tom can speak Japanese.2. We have lessons. 3. I watch TV every day. 4. She works in a factory.5. Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve. 答案:1. Tom is speaking Japanese.2. We are having l

24、essons.3. I am watching TV now.4. She is working in a factory.5. Kitty and Ben are having lunch now.注释:1. 在改写句子的过程中,首先需要根据每句话的主语的单复数确定be应该采用的形式,加在主语的后面,然后找出句子中的动词,将动词改写为动词ing形式,最后将所给句子的时间词改写为现在进行时的时间词。牢记现在进行时的结构:主语+be动词+动词ing形式。2. 动词ing变化规则形式例词直接+ ingsleep+ing-sleeping去掉不发音的e+ingbite-e+ing-biting重读闭

25、音节,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ingsit+ t+ing sitting特殊变化die-dying, lie-lying 现在进行时的句型变化肯定句Boys are playing football on the grass.否定句主语+be动词+not+动词ingBoys are not playing football on the grass.一般疑问句Be动词+主语+动词ingAre boys playing football on the grass?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句Where are boys playing football?例题:按要求改写句子。1

26、. Lee is swimming in the sea. .(改写为否定句) ?(改写为一般疑问句) ?(改写为特殊疑问句)答案:Lee is not swimming in the sea.Is Lee swimming in the sea?Where is Lee swimming?2. They are having English class. .(改写为否定句) ?(改写为一般疑问句) ?(改写为特殊疑问句)答案:They are not having English class.Are they having English class?What are they doing?

27、一般将来时的用法1. 表示现在正在发生的事情(说话时正在进行)My father is reading newspaper now.Look! Girls are singing and dancing.2. 表示当前一段时间内正在进行的动作(说话时不一定正在进行)We are learning computer this month.They are writing fairy tales this term.选择填空。1. She is _ (run, running) now.2. Look, Nick is _ (coming, come).3. Listen, she is _ (s

28、inging, sing).4. The fish is _ (swimming, swim) in the river.5. They are _ (sitting, sit) in the classroom.答案:1. running,now为现在进行时的时间标志。2. coming,look为现在进行时的时间标志。3. singing,listen为现在进行时的时间标志。4. swimming,从题目中找不出现在进行时的时间标志,但根据现在进行时的结构可以知道应该用现在进行时。5. sitting,从题目中找不出现在进行时的时间标志,但根据现在进行时的结构可以知道应该用现在进行时。一般

29、过去时的基本概念一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时的结构Be动词的一般过去时主语 + be动词过去式 + 其他成分She was in Beijing last year.实义动词的一般过去时主语 + 实义动词过去式 + 其他成分We went to school yesterday.一般过去时的具体形式Be动词的一般过去时第一人称I / 第三人称单数he/ she/ it+wasHe was a teacher.第二人称单数you / 各人称复数we/ you/ they+wereYou were the be

30、st students in our class.They were late the day before yesterday.例题:用be动词的适当形式填空1. I at school just now.2. He at the summer camp last week.3. They students two years ago.4. Liming ten years old last year.5. There a pear on the desk yesterday.答案:1. Was,主语为第一人称单数,将am变为过去式was2. Was,主语为第三人称单数,将is变为过去式was3. Were,主语为第三人称复数,将are变为过去是were4. Was

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