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1、高三英语下学期模拟考试五doc 使用前绝密 高三英语下学期模拟考试五 英 语 试 题 命题人:高三英语组 时间:4月6本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分.满分150分,用时1.第I卷(共105分)注意事项:1答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号和考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试卷上。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分略) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白

2、处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。 21. While watching television, _.A. the door bell rang B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings22. Before you leave home for the United States, you should be with the English language. A. satisfied B. connect C. familiar D. pleased23.

3、 We must do something to _the old house, or it might fall down.A. strengthen B. fasten C. fix D. repair24. I suggested the man_ to be punished. A. should refer B. refers C. referred D. referring25. Was it in that shop_ you met with your first teacher?A. where B. that C. in which D. which26. When mar

4、king Toms examination paper, the teacher took his long illness_ consideration. A. out B. into C. out of D. to27. Facing the emergence, we were at a loss and none of us could _ a solution to the problem.A. come about B. come out C. come up against D. come up with28. It was a pity that the great write

5、r died _ his works unfinished. A. for B. with C. from D. of29. -Nancy, youve never been to the Sunlight Rock since you reached Xiamen, Im afraid. -_ A. Yes, never. How about you? B. Yes, but Id like to have C. No, but I wish to someday. D. No, Ive just been there with a tourist guide.30. _, I think,

6、 and the problems would be settled. A. If you double you efforts B. Making more efforts C. So long as you dont lose heart D. A bit more effort 31. Mother made me a promise _ I passed the college entrance examination she would buy me a mobile phone. A. that B. if that C. that if D. that whether32. _

7、at the front _ some VIPs from the company. A. Seating; was B. Seated; were C. Sitting; was D. sat; were 33. If a book is in English, _ may mean slow progress for you. A. that B. which C. as D. and it34. If you _ require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. A. should B. woul

8、d C. could D. might35 -$500, but this is my last offer. -Ok, it is a _. A. cost B. price C. reward D. deal第二节 完形填空(共;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I have never learned as much math in my life as I did last year. It was because of Ms. Vacirca 36 I truly unde

9、rstood what I was learning. It might not seem 37 a big deal to some, but to me it is. I have never met a woman so caring and so determined to teach her 38 .I never really wanted to work for good 39 in math class. I never knew how to study math and never understood some of the concepts. I can remembe

10、r trying to sneak out of the classroom 40 Ms. Vacirca caught me and yelled across the 41 , “Lauren, are you coming to extra help during lunch?” It was a nightmare she would always 42 me with one foot out of the door, it never 43 . Even then I just thought of it as a thing I had to do. It was funny t

11、o see how everyone would be in her room during lunch and then again after school. She would 44 everyone to come every day, just so we could do our homework in 45 .Many of the students thought of her as a bit of nag, but 46 they knew that she was right and 47 for it. Many of her tests were hard at fi

12、rst, but as the years progressed, so did I. I know that it was because of her.Even outside class, she was 48 as ever. She always wanted to know what was going on in my (and everyone elses) life, and she was always looking out for everyones best interest.Ms. Vacirca is a sweet woman with a sense of 4

13、9 that you just have to laugh at. When regents were approaching, she was more concerned than ever about everyone doing well. Many of her precious students 50 high, and so she 51 the same from us. Day after day there were students in the classroom 52 problems. When it was time for our big test, I kne

14、w I was ready, I walked out of that test with my head 53 . I knew that I was a 54 and Ms. Vacirca had made me that way. I appreciated all the hard work that she put into helping me and my fellow students. I knew that I would 55 her.36Ahow Bwhat Cwhy DThat1,3,537Aas Blike Cthat Das if38Astudents Bchi

15、ldren Cclassmates Dfamily39Agrades Bsalary Clife Dsubjects40Awhile Buntil Cbefore Dunless41Aseat Bclassroom Cyard Dkitchen42Asee Bhelp Ccatch Dbeat43Asucceeded Bstopped Chelped Dfailed44Aforbid Blet Cencourage Dhope45Apeace Bconfusion Csurprise Dhome46Ainside Boutside Calmost Dhardly47Apraised Bscol

16、ded Cblamed Drespected48Afrightened Bcaring Chard Dright49Aduty Btime Cfoolishness Dhumor50Ajumped Bgrew Cscored Ddrank51Aexpected Breceived Cwished Dhoped52Apreviewing Breviewing Clearning Dmaking53Ahigh Bhanging Clow Ddown54Afailure Bstudent Csuccess Dhero55Ahate Bmiss Cforget Dmarry第三部分:阅读理解(共;每小

17、题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。APaul couldnt sleep last night. He woke up early and sat up, and then he lay down again. He felt terrible. “I must be sick,” he thought. “but I must study for that test.” He got up and looked for his history notebook. He finally found it under

18、 a pile of clothes on a chair. He went over his history notes, but he couldnt remember any of the facts in the notes. “What shall I do?” he thought. He felt terrible. Just then Pauls telephone rang. He put down his notebook and picked up the telephone. “Good morning,” Jacks voice said, “You must be

19、wrong about that test.” “What do you mean?” Paul asked weakly. “Were not going to have the test today.” Jack said. “I wrote down the date in my notebook. The test will be next Wednesday; it isnt today. How do you feel this morning?”“Fine,” said Paul. “Just fine!” Suddenly he really felt fine.56. Pau

20、l felt uneasy because he _ A. was seriously ill. B. was too tired. C. was worried about the coming test. D. couldnt find his history notebook.57. It seemed that Paul _ A. was good at history. B. liked to study history. C. lost interest in history. D. was ready for the history test.58. What made Paul

21、 feel fine at once? A. The telephone call. B. the coming test. C. Jacks notebook D. The fact that the test was not to be given that day.59. “How do you feel this morning?” From this question we can see Jack _ A. knew Paul. B. knew Paul very well. C. wanted to help Paul with his history. D. would len

22、d Paul his notebook.60. We can guess from the passage that _ A. Jack was as poor at history as Paul. B. Jack was as good at history as Paul.C. Jack was better at history than Paul. D. Jack was poorer at history than Paul.BClever boy ?ARE men more intelligent than women ? Canadian psychologist Philip

23、pe Rushton from the University of Western Ontario believes he has found some new evidence to prove it .According to his recent study , men tend to have higher IQs (Intelligence Quotients ) because their brains are larger .There may be truth in the suggestion that the other , according to Rushton .To

24、 test his theory , Rushton and a colleague looked at 100, 000 American 18-year-olds exam scores . He found that bys IQs are 3.6 points higher than girls . What could explain this difference ?Last year Michael McDaniel , a psychologist at Virginia Commonwealth University in the US, found that the ave

25、rage mans brain is 100 grams heavier than a womans , it is possible these extra brain cells make men more intelligent .“It is clear that you need more brains to deal with a lot of information,” said Rushton . However , the difference is not enough to change everyday life .The difference is clear whe

26、n it comes to those with the highest IQs, the scientist said . This could explain why many more men than women have won Nobel Prizes .Good girl !OTHER scientists argue that as most men weight more than women their brains are naturally bigger . Elephants certainly have much heavier brains , but is it

27、 proof that they are smarter than humans ? Who better to ask , “which gender is more intelligent ?” than a super-intelligent man who used to be a woman ? ! Dr Ben A. Barres is definitely a person worth listening to . He is a medical professor with diplomas (学位) from Dartmouth , Massachusetts Institu

28、te of Technology (MIT) and Harvard . Moreover , a decade ago , he was woman .Ten years ago the professor had a sex change operation . So he knows all the problems women are faced with .Barres denies that there is proof that men are naturally more intelligent than women .A strong professional bias (偏

29、见) against women holds back the female Einstein , Bill Gates or Newton from the very beginning , says Barres . Sexism can be passed from generation to generation, keeping it alive . Barres experienced this first-hand at college .“An MIT professor accused me of cheating on a test . I was the only one

30、 in the class who solved a particular problem , and he said my boyfriend must have solved it for me ,” said Barres .He explained that women cannot get enough help and financial assistance , especially in scientific research . That might be the reason there are fewer female scientists . He praised th

31、e progress made in education , but warned of sexism at work .61The main purpose of this passage is to . Apresent different opinions about the relationship between IQ and gender Bexplain why there are more successful men than women Cshow new proof that gender has something to with intelligence Dadvise people to focus more on intelligence 62Which is not a reason why some scientists think men are more intelligent than woman ? AMen have a higher IQ th

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