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高中英语 Unit 1 复习学案 0.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 1 复习学案 0 Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained一、核心单词用法例析1. venturevt. & vi. 冒险;敢于去。 n. 冒险行动;商业冒险,投机Dont venture too near the edge of the well; you might fall in.别冒险太靠近水井,那样你会掉进去的。He failed in his ventures.他投机失败了。2. strengthenvt. & vi. 加强、巩固;变强The wind strengthened during the night.夜晚,风吹得

2、更大了。3. bear n.熊、粗鲁的人、笨拙的人;vt. & vi.负担、忍受、佩带、经得起、生育She is nice but her husband is such a bear that nobody likes him.她很好,可是她丈夫非常粗鲁,没有人喜欢他。The sound of music was borne on the wind.音乐声随风飘扬。She bore (has borne) her husband 5 children.她给她丈夫生了个孩子。注:bear过去分词是borne和born,born只有在were/was born短语中。比如:I was born

3、in Beijing in May. 4. delay vt. & vi.; n. (使)耽搁、推迟、延误Dont delay; act today.别拖延,今天就开始行动。We decided to delay (going on) our holiday until next month.5. crush vt. & vi. n.压碎、弄皱、拥抱;塞、使挤入This material doesnt crush.这种料子不会打皱的。The young mother crushes the baby into her breast 那年轻的妈妈把孩子紧紧地抱在怀里。6. rank n. vt.

4、 & vi.排、横列、把分等评级;adj.繁茂、过于肥沃的、腥臭的Each rank has a name.每一个等级都有名称。Taxis stand in a (taxi) rank waiting to be hired.出租车排成一列等候乘客。Cut the rank grass.把这些繁茂的青草割掉。7. select vt. & vi. adj. 挑选、选择、精选的Most of the delegates to the conference are selected from advanced workers.大多数与会代表是从先进工作者中挑选出来的。8. collect vt.

5、& vi. 收集、采集、集中、接走、堆积I tried to collect my thoughts but was too excited.我试图集中思想,可是太激动了。Shell come around to collect her son.她会来接她儿子的。9. swear vt. & vi. n. 宣誓、发誓、骂;誓言、骂人的话He swore to obey.他发誓要遵守规矩。10. freeze vt. & vi. n. (使)结冰、凝固、感到极冷、严寒期Fresh water freeze at 0C.淡水在零度结冰。The road is frozen hard.路上的冰结得很

6、厚。11. gratitude n. 感激、感恩、感谢She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.He sent me some flowers out of gratitude.12. rarely adv. 稀少、不平凡地、极好地Rarely have I seen such a rarely beautiful sunset.请比较:I have rarely seen我很稀少看到这么美丽的日落。13. long adj. adv. n. vi. 长的、长期(地)、渴望(for)He is taking a long time

7、 to get there.他花了很长时间才到达那里。I cant wait much longer.我不能等太久。Children are longing for the Spring Festival.孩子们渴望春节的来临。14. tear n. vt. & vi. 眼泪、撕开、撕拽、扯The little boy burst into tears when the sweets were taken away from in front of him.当有人把糖从他面前拿走时,那小孩子放声大哭起来了。This material tears easily, so be careful wh

8、en you wear it.这布料很容易撕裂,你穿时要小心。15. struggle n. vi. 斗争、奋斗、努力、挣扎With a struggle, he controlled his feelings.他努力控制住自己的感情。He struggled to the surface as the water dragged him down.当水把他往下拽的时候,他挣扎着浮到水面上来。二、词组句型用法全解1. set out 出发、开始、装饰、宣布、陈述、移植、设计He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the fro

9、nt part.他开始粉刷整个屋子,可是才刷完前面的那部分。The wall was set out with pictures.这墙上被用画字装饰着。真题:Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical.(江苏)A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up解析:此句意思是:自从那位科学家“开始”工作至今有十年时间了。故选B。2. give way to 给让路、屈服撤退、跨掉Dont give way to g

10、rief.不要过度悲伤。The barren land has given way to green vegetation.不毛之地已盖满葱绿的作物。3. give off 发出(液体、气味、蒸汽、光等)What gives off a bad smell?什么东西发出臭味啊?give off和give out区别:give out:“分发、公布、耗尽”、“发出(气味、热)”。比如:The enemys supplies began to give out.敌人的供给即将耗尽了。Tom gave himself out to be a good swimmer.汤姆自称是优秀的游泳选手。4.

11、remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事The sight of this picture reminds me of my childhood.这幅画子使我想起了童年。5. stare at 盯着看Its rude to stare at others.盯着别人看是不礼貌的。6. on earth 究竟、在世界上。 “地球”还是要用the earth表示。She is the most beautiful woman on earth.她是世上最漂亮的女人.What on earth are you doing there?你到底在那里干什么?7. in sight (of ) 见到(

12、。)Peace is in sight at last after 2 years of war.经过两年的战争后,和平终于来临了。8. above all 首先、最重要的What we shall learn, above all, is how to study.我们首先(最重要的)是要学会如何学习。9. deal with 与 做生意、应付、对付、安排、处理Deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道,还治其人之身。10. think of 想、考虑、想到、想起。We are thinking of going to France for our

13、holidays but weve not decided for certain yet.我们打算去法国度假,可是还没有最后确定下来。11. be about to do sth 按计划安排即将要发生。When I was about to leave she came back.我正准备离去时她回来了。I am not about to stop when Im so close to success.我不会放弃的,因为我已成功在望了。12. die down 渐渐消失、变弱It took a long time for the excitement to die down.过了很长时间激

14、动的情绪才平静下来。13. be particular about 挑剔、(过于)讲究He is very particular about having his breakfast at exactly 8 oclock.他非常讲究,要在八点正吃早饭。14. Theres no doubt that 毫无疑问。Theres no doubt that he will come.毫无疑问,他会来的。注意:在否定结构中,doubt后要用that-clause,不能用whether/if从句。请比较:I dont doubt that he will come.我毫不怀疑,他会来的。I doubt

15、 whether it is true. 我怀疑这是否真实。15. I dont mind if 我不在乎/不管 。I dont mind if it is cold or warm.我不在乎天气冷还是热。注意:1)mind后面可以接各种各样的连词引导的宾语从句。比如:I dont mind how you do it, as long as you get it finished quickly.我不管你怎么做,只要你能尽快地做完这件事。2)在would mind句型中,从句用过去式(虚拟语气),表示“礼貌”。比如:Would you mind if I smoked in here?但要说

16、:Do you mind if I smoke in here?Have some more beer?再喝一点啤酒吧?I dont mind if I do.(= thank you, I like some)好的,再喝一点吧。16. Its clear that 很明显。Its clear from his actions that he loves her.从他的行动看,他很明显爱上了她。Its clear that we should read aloud more in the morning.很显然,我们在早晨要多朗读。17. What qualities do you think

17、.? 你(们)认为。什么样的品质?do you think是插入语,是用来征求别人的意见和看法。请比较:Whose opinion is right? Whose opinion do you think is right? (你认为)谁的看法正确?三、课文长句难句剖析1. The smell is, as usual, almost unbearable, being a mixture of sweat, seal oil fat, and dirty underwear.剖析:being a mixture of sweat, seal oil fat, and dirty underw

18、ear是现在分词短语,作表语unbearable的补语,进一步解释unbearable的原因。译文:气味像平时一样几乎让人无法忍受,有汗味、海豹油味,还有肮脏内衣的气味。2. I try to think of happier things: warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom, sunny days, my mothers face and the celebration we will get when we return, for I am part of a failed expedition that tried to cross the con

19、tinent of Antarctica, something that had never been done before.剖析:try to的意思是:努力去做。试图想要。(但往往没有做成功)比如:Jack tried to stand up on the head but (he) failed.杰克想用头着地倒立,可是没有立起来。think of是“想起、想到、认为”等意思。比如:She felt afraid when she thought of the story his boy friend told her the other day.她一想起男朋友那天给她讲的故事就感到害怕

20、。 3. for I am part of a failed expedition that tried to cross the continent of Antarctica, something that had never been done before.for 引导的“顺便表示原因的”状语从句。比如:Tom didnt come today for he is ill.汤姆今天没来,因为他生病了。Because是用来回答why提出的问题的,语气最强;since引导原因状语从句时,含有“前提条件、前提原因”的意思。比如:Why didnt you come to my birthda

21、y party last weekend? 你为什么不来参加我上一个周末的生日聚会? Because I was away on business in Shanghai. 因为我出差在上海呢。Since this method doesnt work, lets try another.既然这个方法不行,我们试用另一种吧。在这个状语从句里包含两个that 引导的定语从句,分别修饰expedition 和something,something 指to cross the continent of Antarctica这一件事。 注意:“。中的一员”英语要说成: be part of 。part

22、 前面不能有冠词a,比如:Our class is a big family and everyone here is part of this big family.我们班级是个大家庭,在座的每一个人都是这个家庭中的一员。 Something意思是“重要的、了不起的、含糊的概念”等。比如:At least we didnt lose any money. Thats something.至少我们没有丢钱。这才是最重要的。译文:我竭力地想着更加高兴的事情:温暖干燥的衣服、一张舒适的床、阳光灿烂的日子、妈妈的面庞和我们回到家时我们将要得到的庆祝,因为我是试图横穿南极大陆这个失败的探险队里的一员,

23、这也是史无前例壮举。真题:Playing tricks on others is _ we should never do.(04湖南)A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing解析:something指不明确、含糊的事情。故选B。4. So it was with great excitement one morning in July 1914 that I read this advertisement:这是强调结构的句子,with great excitement one morning in July 1914是“被强调部分”。

24、这种强调结构可以被用来对句子的主语、宾语、状语等进行强调。比如:I met your parents in the street yesterday.我昨天在街上遇见你爸爸妈妈了。It was I that/who met your parents in the street yesterday.(强调“我”遇见,不是“其他的人”)It was in the street that I met your parents yesterday.(强调“在街上”不是别的地方)It was yesterday that I met your parents in the street.(强调“昨天”不

25、是其他的时间)要注意从句里的主谓一致。比如:Tom has done this . It was Tom that/who has done this.对句子的谓语动词强调用do 的适当形式。比如:When rescue did come, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.Tom did break the cup this morning.She does know the good news.We do want to help you with your maths.5. He ma

26、de me a steward to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day. 剖析:to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day是结果状语,不是made的宾语补语。译文:他让我做船上的善务员,协助做个人的一日三餐饭菜。真题:An awful accident _ , however, occur the other day. (2000全国) A. does B. did C. has to D. had to解析:该句意思:可是,有一天的确发生了一件严重的事故。是过去时态,只能用di

27、d强调occur,故选 B。6. Calling us calmly together, he made an urgent announcement that we must save only essential supplies before the ship sank, particularly the small boats, food, cooking equipment, candles, bedding and clothes.剖析:现在分词短语calling us calmly together作状语,句子主语he执行该动作,但是,如果用having called us ca

28、lmly together(现在分词的完成式)会更好,和made在时间的层次上显得更加清楚;that引导同谓语从句,解释announcement的内容。译文:他镇静地把我们叫到一起,紧急宣布在船沉下去之前我们必须抢出一些基本的供给品,尤其是小船、食物、烹饪用具、蜡烛、床上用品和衣服。真题:_such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.(2001全国)A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered解析:“已经遭受。”要用现在分

29、词完成时态表示。故选A。真题:_ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.(2004广东)A. Not completing B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed解析:非谓语动词的否定式,“过去没有做完,所以再逗留二周”。故选C。7. No rescue attempt could be expected from outside as nobody knew where we were. 剖析:could be expe

30、cted是被动语态,强调事实(fact)。as nobody knew where we were是原因状语从句,是as从句中knew的宾语。译文:因为无人知道我们在什么地方,所以别指望任何外部救援。8. What Shackleton and his men must have felt doesnt bear thinking about.剖析:结构表示对过去的“肯定猜测”。比如:The headmaster must have gone to bed, for theres no light in his room.校长一定已经睡觉了,因为他的房间里没有灯光了。译文:沙克尔顿和他的手下人

31、肯定感觉到的东西是经不起推敲的。真题:Sorry Im late. I _ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.(00北京)A. might B. should C. can D. will解析:情态动词在该句中需要表示“推测”。故选A。真题:Are you coming to Jeffs party?Im not sure. I _ go to the concert instead.(2000全国)A. must B. would C. should D. might解析:情态动词在该句中需要表示“推测”。故选D。9. Its no wonder that Frank Wild, the kindest of men, describes “crying like a baby” when he

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