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1、复习解题思路复习解题思路:1、有关学习的话题基于学生身份去猜题。2、有关生活的话题基于穷人的角度出发。出现新课程,新活动,学生感兴趣的原因“省时间”或者“省钱”。3、如果以上两点出现矛盾,则体现学生忙,忙于学习。场景题:1、出题思路,解题思路。2、判断该场景的线索词。3、选项的四个特点:(1) 四个选项全是介词结构;(2) 全是to do结构;(3) 全是doing结构;(4) 全是A and B结构(人物关系题)。4、问题的特点:最常用的四个提问词:What? Where? When? Who?考题类型:1. but题型占1/3;2. 场景题型占1/3;3. 替换题型1/3。Test 1-3

2、A) Its going to attract a lot of students.B) Its going to be a lot of fun.C) Its going to require a lot of reading.D) Its going to work out quite well.W: It looks like the English course is going to be a lot of work.M: Yes. Didnt you see the reading list is enormous?Q: What did they think of the Eng

3、lish course?注:work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;拼命锻炼。作业话题:1、paper 论文:(1)paper 常用词义:paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;papers 文件;paper 纸(2)research 查询资料。对应场景library图书馆。(3)写论文的步骤:第一步,选题topic,选题难,范围广。第二步,查询资料research,图书馆场景。第三步,打出论文。typewriter 打字机,computer 计算机,printer 打印机,laser printer 激光打印机,laptop 笔记本电脑。论文没打完,typewriter/comput

4、er坏了break down 或者typewriter需要新的ribbon。(4)题目难选,资料难查,打字困难(机房总被占)。奖学金:fellowship;RA 助研:research assistant;TA 助教:teaching assistant2、presentation 口头演讲,口头报告:(1)同义词:report, speech, address。(2)考点:I. 着装正式 formal clothes(考试中另一个考到着装正式的考点是interview面试),会出现change。 II. 演讲人的内心感受:nervous紧张的。3、reading assignment 阅读作

5、业:文科学生reading list读书清单。抱怨需要读的书多。Test 1-5A) To the beach.B) To a play.C) To a movie theatre.D) To a restaurant.M: The Golden Lion sounds like a nice place to eat.W: Ok, let s go there. I hear that they have a complete menu and a warm atmosphere.Q: Where are the man and woman going?注:atmosphere 气氛。吃:(

6、校内、校外)校内:饭堂cafeteria(不好吃)校外:restaurant有waiter, menu, order, reserve a table, make a reservationapple pie 苹果派(好吃)可以代表traditional American,比如:This picnic is as American as apple pie. John is as American as apple pie virtue = traditional American virtue在考题中形容apple pie好吃的句子举例如下:(1) Even my mot

7、hers cant match this.(2) I took the last one, and it was out of the world. (3) You wouldnt have to force me to take another helping.Test 1-6A) Policeman and driver.B) Policeman and thief.C) Teacher and pupil.D) Director and actress.M: Why didnt you stop when we first signaled?W: Im sorry. Will I hav

8、e to pay a fine?Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?注:1. A and B结构,考人物关系 2. 选项B非主流,应排除。 3. fine 罚款。pay the fine, check the fine 考试中涉及到fine罚款的两个场景: (1)交通traffic: break traffic rules, speeding。 (2)图书馆library:过期罚款。Test 1-8A) He is modest.B) He is satisfied.C) He is proud.

9、D) He is upset.W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?M: Ive written and rewritten it so many times that I wonder when I can finish it.Q: What can we learn about the man?注:1. rewrite 重写,改写 2. upset 从考试痛苦可猜想该选项;modest 从西方文化可直接排除该选项。东西方文化差异:1、西方人不谦虚。一般都self-confidence。2、西方人崇尚个人奋斗。借钱肯定不借;借笔记一般也不成;对

10、钱看的很重,很敏感。3、西方人表达直接。Test 2-1A) The man wants to go to Los Angeles.B) The man wants to go to San Francisco.C) There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.D) There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next fligh

11、t to Los Angeles is?W: Sure, the next direct flight to Los Angeles is 2 hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco, you can board now.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?注:1. transfer 转机,换车 2. board 登上(交通工具)机场场景:1、票已售完。2、接人晚点。3、送人伤感。机场线索词:airplane 飞机;flight 航班;take o

12、ff 起飞;land 降落;circle 盘旋;wing 机翼,侧面建筑(常用),鸡翅;terminal 候机大厅,终端(常用),终点站Test 2-7A) He had to work overtime.B) He was held up in traffic.C) His car ran out of gas.D) He had a traffic accident.M: If the traffic wasnt so bad, I could have been home by 6:00.W: What a pity! John was here to see you.Q: What h

13、appened to the man?交通话题:1、交通堵塞:traffic jam, back up, heavy2、交通违章:要罚款3、交通晚点:behind schedule注:gas 汽油Test 2-8A) John smith isnt in right now.B) John smith cant come to the phone right now.C) John smith doesnt want to speak to the caller.D) The caller dialed the wrong number.M: Hello, may I speak to Joh

14、n Smith, please?W: I am sorry, nobody by that name works here.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?打电话场景:1、约人约不到:make an appointment 主要指约医生2、约会去不了:come up, reschedule, fit sb. in3、电话打不通,打错了:run out of coin, cut off(被中断;hang up 主动挂断)相关词汇:receiver 听筒hook 钩slot 投币孔dial 拨号telephone book = yellow p

15、ages 电话簿(yellow press 黄色出版物)Test 3-3A) Husband and wife.B) Father and daughter.C) Doctor and patient.D) Teacher and student.W: Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?M: Not yet. I am still examining. Ill let you know the result next week.Q: What is the probable relationship between the man an

16、d the woman?注:not yet 尚未,还没有(不是彻底否定,包含对未来的肯定)医院场景:1、医生难找。2、病情如何。3、有病耽误课。miss the class 缺课 缺课的原因: (1) 生病get ill (2) 睡过了头over sleep (3) 交通问题,车坏了等。医院场景常用线索词:治疗 treat(过程);治愈 cure(结果)【study 表过程;learn 表结果。search 表过程;find 表结果。try 表过程;manage 表结果】学校医务室 infirmary学生健康中心 students health center医疗中心 medical cente

17、r诊所 clinic病房 ward开处方 prescribe;处方 n. prescription;按方抓药 fill the prescription;还按原方抓药 refill the prescription急诊室 emergency department呕吐 vomitTest 3-10A) No, all the rooms are taken.B) Yes, there is a double room.C) Yes, there are some spare rooms.D) Yes, there is a single room.M: I sent a letter to ma

18、ke a reservation for a single room a few days ago.W: Im sorry, your request arrived too late. There are some conferences in town this week and we re full up.Q: Are there any spare rooms at the hotel?注:be full up 订满了。同义表达:be filled, be booked up, be takenTest 4-2A) Mary has never studied mathematics.

19、B) Mary must be good at mathematics.C) Mary enjoys learning mathematics.D) Mary probably is poor at mathematics.M: Whats the matter with Mary?W: She becomes nervous whenever it comes to learning mathematics.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?注:must 表猜测。Test 4-6A) To the bank.B) To a book stor

20、e.C) To a shoe store.D) To the grocers.M: What do you want me to get? Im leaving now.W: Pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread, please.Q: Where is the man probably going?注:loaf 一条,条状面包;toast 切片面包;have a toast 干杯,bottom up 干杯。购物场景:1、超市supermarket:购买生活用品 supplies(便宜)2、百货公司department store:服装;家用电

21、器 appliance(贵)Test 4-9A) From upstairs.B) From next door.C) From the Nelsons house.D) From the back door.M: What s all that noise? It sounds as if it s coming from next door. The Nelsons aren t back yet, are they?W: I dont think so. It must be the window-cleaner working upstairs.Q: Where does the wo

22、man think the noise is coming from?注:1. 反义疑问句,表达陈述观点。 2. must表猜测Test 4-10A) The choice of courses.B) A day course.C) An evening courseD) Their work.W: Do you want a day course or an evening course?M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.Q: What are they talking abo

23、ut?熟词的多种用法:run into sb. = happen to sb. 碰巧碰到某人My nose has been running the whole morning. 整个早上我都在流鼻涕。run it down to me = tell me the whole story 告诉我,娓娓道来Ive got the runs. 拉肚子Test 5-6A) A clerk at the airport information desk.B) A clerk at the railway station information desk.C) A policeman.D) A taxi

24、-driver.W: Could you please tell me if Flight 858 from San Francisco will be on time?M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about 10 minutes.Q: Who do you think the woman is talking to?机场场景:1、票已售完。2、接人晚点。3、送人伤感。注:Madam:女士,夫人(较正式); Maam 口语中常用Test 5-7A) A guest and a receptionist.B) A passenger and a

25、n air hostess.C) A customer and a shop assistant.D) A guest and a waitress.M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket. I feel cold.W: I think weve got one. Could you wait until after take-off please?Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?注:1.

26、receptionist 前台,接待员 2. air hostess 空姐 3. shop assistant 售货员 4. blanket 毛毯,毯子。carpet 地毯。rug 小地毯 5. take-off 起飞;脱衣服。Test 5-8A) Hes better.B) Hes feeling worse.C) Hes sick in bed.D) He has recovered.W: I heard you caught a cold. How are you feeling today?M: I cant complain. At least Im out of bed.Q: Ho

27、w is the man today?注:1. How are you doing? 普通打招呼 How are you feeling? 用于对方生病时打招呼 2. out of bed 离开床了生病场景:1、医生难找2、病情如何3、有病耽误课Test 6-6A) They are having breakfast.B) They are eating some fruit.C) They are preparing a hot soup.D) They are drinking cold milk.W: Would you like some fruit juice?M: No, than

28、k you. Im not used to cold drinks in the morning.Q: What are the two speakers doing now?注:1. breakfast 的构词法:break 打破 + fast 禁食 = breakfast 早餐 brunch 早午餐 2. fruit juice 果汁。orange juice 橘子汁。lemonade 柠檬汁。 3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于。 选项中一般有 be accustomed to do sth. 或 adapt 替换。 used to do 过去常常。选项中一般有 w

29、as always 或 not now 表现在不做。 听力时注意doing和do的区别来区分两种题型。 4. allergy 敏感症。 be allergic to (生理上的过敏)对什么过敏;不喜欢 sensitive (心理上的过敏)敏感的 I have sth. allergy. 我对过敏。Test 6-8A) By car.B) By bus.C) By plane.D) By train.M: Charles enjoyed his two-week drive through South China.W: Yes, he said that he saw much more tha

30、n he would have traveling by bus or train.Q: How did Charles travel?总体原则:1、短对话:听到什么不选什么。考的是替换关系。2、段子题:听到什么选什么。注:1. much adv. 修饰adj. & v. very adv. 修饰adv. & adj. 如:Thank you very much. 和 very good 2. would have traveling 省略结构,省略了seen即would have (seen) traveling Test 7-1A) Librarian and student.B) Customer and repairman.C) Boss and secretary.D) Operator and caller.W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?M: Ill call you when its ready, but it shouldnt take longer than a week.Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?注:1. operator 接线员 2. 修理fix, repair, mend(真实修理;抽象表达弥

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