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1、甘肃省白银市中考真题英语及中考答案doc2017年甘肃省白银市中考真题英语二、语法与情景对话(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。21. moon is very bright at night.A. AB. AnC. TheD. /解析:这道题考查定冠词the的用法,在世界上独一无二的名词前要加定冠词the。句 中”moon”为世界上独一无二的名词,它的前面要加定冠词the,故答案为C。答案:C22. MIt depends on my decision, the mother said and looked at her two s

2、ons.A. childrenB. childrensC. childD. childs解析:表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的 东西的名词后加怎来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。结合two sons可知是复数,decision 是名词,前面用名词所有格children,故答案是B。答案:B23. Look at the picture on the right! Mom is.A. watering the flowersB. doing some shoppingC. drawing flowersD. cooking解析:现在进行时表示正在进行的动作或存

3、在的状态.现在进行时表示动作发生的时间 是”现在”,动作目前的状态是”正在进行中”。结合图片可知妈妈正在浇花water the flowers, 表达的是现在进行的事情用现在进行时be + doing,故答案是A。答案:A24. Did you do the homework?A. youB. yourselfC. yourD. yours解析:考查反身代词,通过反身代词指代主语,使施动者把动作在形式上反射到施动者 自己.注意反身代词的变法,结合语境选择合适形式。根据Did you do the homework, nf知 你自己做的家庭作业吗?这里强调是自己做的吗,应该用反身代词.故选B.答

4、案:B25. I wonder if these are Dannys glasses?They be Dannys. He doesnt wear glasses.A. cantB. mustC. mustntD. can解析:本题考查了情态动词的用法。解答时首先根据题干明确句意,理解所给选项中每 个情态动词的意思并熟练掌握它们的用法,便可作出正确选择。cant不可能;must一定; mustnt不可以;can能。根据He doesnt wear glasses,可知他不戴眼镜,所以他们不可能是 Danny的眼镜。故选A。答案:A26. Can anyone suggest to go fb

5、r lunch?A. whyB. whatC. whoD. where解析:本题考查疑问副词,熟悉每个选项的含义及用法,再根据题干即可作出选择。A 是为什么,询问原因,B是什么,询问内容,C是谁,D是哪里,询问地点.根据题干可知 说话问去哪里吃午饭,故选择D. suggest表示建议。答案:D27. There a basketball game between these two grades in the gym this afternoon.A. willB. is going to haveC. is going to beD. will have解析:there be表示有,结合th

6、is afternoon可知表达的是将要进行的动作故用一般将来 时,there be 的一般将来时 there will be 或者 there is/arc going to be, a basketball 单数,故 is, 故答案是C。答案:C28. Let us move a little faster. We do not have time left, said the tour guide.A. fewB. littleC. manyD. much解析:A、B都表示儿乎没有,A修饰可数名词复数,B修饰不可数名词。CD都表示 许多,C修饰可数名词复数,D修饰不可数名词.根据题干可知

7、导游让快一点,因为剩下的 时间不多了,time是不可数名词,故选择D。答案:D29. Boys and girl,learning and have fun!A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. kept解析:这里是祈使句,动词原形开头,故keep,故选A。答案:A30. Do you think its going to rain this afternoon?Were just planning to have a picnic later this afternoon.A. I hope not.B. I expect so.C. Yes, it was.D. No

8、, I wont.解析:A.我希望不要;B.我期待这样;C.回答语法错误;D.回答语法错误。根据”We,re just planning to have a picnic later this aftcmoonn可知,他不希望下雨.故 A 选项符合语境, 答案为A。答案:A31. The boy likes planes very much and he often goes to see planes land and.A. take care ofB. take offC. take afterD. take down解析:结合see planes land and可知and连接的两个动词

9、原形短语,land着陆,take off 起飞,take care of照顾,take after长得像,take down记下,故答案是B。答案:B32. Do you know?Yes, of course. It will be hosted by Beijing and Zhangjiakou.A. how w川 be the 2022 Winter OlympicsB. which city will host the 2022 Winter OlympicsC. when will be the next Winter OlympicsD. where will be the ne

10、xt Winter Olympics解析:know后加宾语从句,引导词+陈述句语序。故排除A, C,和D,结合下文It will be hosted by Beijing and Zhangjiakou可知上文是询问哪个城市.故选B。答案:B33 Our classmates are going to Fantawild Adventure (方特欢乐世界)after the exams.exciting idea!A. WhatB. What anC. How anD. How解析:英语中的感叹句要有what和how来引导,其句型是:How+形容词/副词+主语+ 谓语+其他!以及What+

11、(a/an) +形容词+可数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语+其他!根据所给的 单词,形容词是exciting,名词是idea可数名词单数,应用what来感叹,exciting是以元音 音素开头,故an,故答案是Bo答案:B34. you look after it carefully, this coat will keep you warm through many winters.A. IfB. UnlessC. BeforeD. So解析:A是如果,引导条件状语从句,B是除非,如果不,也引导条件状语从句。C是 在之前,D是所以.根据题干可知这件外套会使你暖和地度过冬天的条件是你要小心保 管

12、它,句子前后是条件关系,故选择A。look after表示照顾、照料、看管。答案:A35. There are twelve boys and thirteen girls in Class Four, which means students intotal.A. 33B. 25C. 13D. 12解析: 根据 There are twelve boys and thirteen girls in Class Four, which means students in total. nJ*知四班有十二个男生和十三个女生,共有25名学生。这里是说四 班有十二个男生和十三个女生,要求一共有几个学

13、生,用12+13=25解答.故选B。答案:B36. We TV from seven to nine last night.A. were watchingB. willC. watchedD. watch解析:结合from seven to nine last night可知表达的是过去正在进行的动作,故用过去进 行时was/were + doing,主语we,故were,故答案是A。答案:A37. The whole family were agreement about what they should do next.A. aboutB. ofC. inD. on解析:根据句意可知全家

14、人一致同意他们接下来做什么,其中in agreement表示同意, 故选择C。答案:c38. The word retell” means to tell again; reuse” means to use again”; ”probably means to play again”.A. replayB. misplayC. displayD. interplay解析:本题可根据排除法直接作出选择,题干给出的三个单词都有re前缀,那么四个 选项中只有A的前缀是re,故选择A. A是重播、重放,B是失误,C是展示、陈列,D是 相互作用,故根据题干可选择A。前缀re表示再、又。答案:A39.

15、lt5s said that the year 2016 is the ever.A. warmB. warmthC. warmerD. warmest解析:结合前后文和the可知这里是表达最暖和的,故用最高级warmest,故答案是D。答案:D40. How is your second-hand computer?, so good.A. As longB. So farC. So muchD. As for解析:A组合错误;B到目前为止;C这么多;D至于.根据句意”一一你的二手电脑 怎么样? 一一 非常好。”可知,只有B符合语境,故答案为B。答案:B41. have you stayed

16、 in this city?For more than 10 years.A. How farB. How soonC. How longD. How old解析:根据For more than 10 years可知,此处在询问时间段。A多远;B多久之后; C多长时间,询问时间段;D多大。只有C符合语境,故答案为C。答案:C42. I passed my driving test yesterday.Did you?A. Forget it!B. Congratulations!C. Thanks.D. Dont worry!解析:根据MI passed my driving test yes

17、terday可知,此处应对别人的好消息表示祝贺。 A忘了它;B恭喜你;C谢谢;D不要担心。只有B符合语境,故答案为B。答案:B43.1 look forward you soon.A. seeB. seeingC. to seeD. to seeing解析:look forward to doing sth.期待做某事,故答案是D。答案:D44. Which sound goes with the word burn”?A. /bon/B. /bron/C. /b3: n/D. /br3: n/解析:burn的音标是b3: n与C项的音标一致,故选C。答案:C45. What is the s

18、entence pattern(句型)of the sentence Linda bought a book yesterday. ”?A. S+VB. S+V+OC. S+V+IO+DOD. S+V+O+OC解析:Linda是主语S, buy是及物动词为V即谓语,后加宾语a book,故答案是B。 答案:B三、完形填空(共1小题;每空1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳答案。Grandmothers ProblemThere was once a grandmother living in her grandsons house. The man

19、 loved 46 grandmother very much. However, she had some strange habits, so the man thought she needed medical help. Perhaps, he thought, it was time for her to 47 the rest of her life in a special hospital.“Id like you to examine my grandmother, he told a doctor, then let me know 48 you think she nee

20、ds special care.”All right, the doctor said, send her to me next Tuesday. Tuesday came and the old woman went to see the doctor. She 49 in front of him and he asked her lots of questions. She answered them all, and the doctor was 50 .Theres 51 with this woman Hhe thought. nl dont understand why her

21、grandson has sent her to me. Perhaps hes the one 52 needs special care.”He decided to ask her one last question. MWhy do you think, he asked her, your grandson wants you 53 special care?”1 like hamburgers, she said. The doctor laughed. T like hamburgers, too!You 54 ?Hthe old woman said, Tm so glad.

22、Then you must come to my house and have a hamburger 55 me. Ive got boxes and boxes of them in my bedroom.”46.A. herB. sheC. heD. his47.A. spendB. costC. tookD. paid48.A. becauseB. ifC. soD. or49.A. satB. sangC. dancedD. ate50.A. excitedB. surprisedC. boredD. pleased51.A. something wrongB. wrong some

23、thingC. nothing wrongD. wrong nothing52.A. whoB. whichC. whoseD. /53.A. havingB. haveC. hadD. to have54.A. didB. w山C. doD. arc55.A. withoutB. toC. withD. behind解析:46.考查代词辨析。A和D是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,A表示她的;D表 示他的。B和C是主格代词,作主语,B表示她,C表示他.此处修饰名词grandmother, 且指的是the man的grandmother,要选D。47. 考查动词辨析。A表示花费(时间,钱),主语为

24、人;B表示花费钱,主语为物;C 表示花费时间,常用it作形式主语;D表示支付,主语为人。此处的her指的是grandmother, 要用spend来表示花时间,选A,句意为是时候让她在一个特别的医院里度过余生了。48. 考查连词。A表示因为;B表示如果,是否;C表示所以;D表示否则。结合语境可 知此处表示然后让我知道你觉得她是否需要特别护理,选Bo49. 考查动词辨析。A表示坐;B表示唱歌;C表示跳舞;D表示吃。由he asked her lots of questions与在医院这个场景可知此处表示的是她坐在他面前,选A。50. 考查形容词辨析。A表示激动的;B表示吃惊的;C表示无聊的;D表

25、示愉快的。由 She answered them all可知此处表示的是这个医生感到吃惊,选B。51. 考查固定搭配与对语境的理解。由 I dont understand why her grandson has sent her to me和She answered them all可知此处表示的是这个妇女没有问题,形容词要放在不定代词后, 选C。52. 考查定语从句.分析句子可知空格处引导定语从句作the one的宾语,从句中缺主语, 且先行词the one指的是人,要用who来引导,选A。53. 考查固定搭配。want sb. to do sth.表示想让某人做某事,此处表示你的孙子想让

26、你进 行特别护理,要填have的不定式形式,选D。54. 考查时态。观察句子可知空格处在直接引语中,且由I,m so glad.可知时态是一般 现在时主语you是第二人称单数或复数,所以谓语动词要用原形,d。是原形,此处指的 是上文提到的like,表示你喜欢?,选C。55. 考查介词辨析。A表示没有;B表示向;C表示有,和;D表示在 后。由Eve gotboxes and boxes of them in my bedroom可知此处表示的是然后你得来我家和我一起吃汉堡, 选C。答案:46. D 47. A 48. B 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. D 54. C 5

27、5. C四、阅读理解(共2小题;每小题10分,满分20)A阅读短文,根据其内容判断文后各个小题正、误.正确的选A,错误的选B。A Familys PastIts important to learn about your familys history. You can pass it on to next generation (一代 人).Someday, you can retell your familys stories. You will be a bridge from the past to the future.Lee learned that her family move

28、d to the United States from their native land of China. The time line shows what Lee found out about her familys history.56. When you know your familys past, you will be a bridge from the past to the future.57. Lees family came from China in 1868.58. Lees greatgrandfather was born in China.59. Lees

29、grandparents got married in 1960.60. Lees family moved to Fresno in 2011.解析:56.推理判断题,文中提到Someday, you can retell your family stories. You will be a bridge from the past to the future. ”有一天你会记起你们家族的事情,并且成为连接过去 和未来的桥梁,由此判断此题正确。57. 推理判断题,文中提到My ancestors came from China”我的祖先来自于中国,时间在 1830年,由此判断此题错误。58.

30、 推理判断题,文中提至!J”My great一grandfather was bom in San Francisco*我的太爷爷 出生在旧金山,由此确定此题错误。59. 推理判断题,文中提到”My grandparents got married”爷爷奶奶结婚,时问显示的是 1960年,由此判断此题正确。60. 推理判断题,文中提到We moved to Fresno early this year今年早些时候搬到了 Fresno,时间显示是2011年,由此判断此题正确。答案:56. A 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. AB(10分)阅读短文,根据其内容回答文后各个小题。Usin

31、g iPads to Make Learning FunPaper, pencil, whiteboard, textbook are the tools you need if you want to go to school. But recently, you can add another one to the list: an iPad.Because the popular Apple tablet is not only useful fbr searching the Internet and watching videos, but it is also being used to make learning fun.Scientists now kn

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