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人教新目标版英语九《Unit 7 Where would you like to visit》同步测试2套.docx

1、人教新目标版英语九Unit 7 Where would you like to visit同步测试2套Unit 7Where would you like to visit?温故知新(课前复习类训练) Word recycling and grammar reviewing (旧词循环和语法复习).Choose the word that does not belong in each group.(选出每组词中不同类的一个。) 1.A.excitingB.listeningC.happyD.thrilling 2.A.interesting B.try C.hike 3.A

2、.Chinese B.Japanese C.France D.English 4.A.interesting B.developing C.delicious D.fascinating 5.A.bookshop B.jungle C.beach D.falls 答案:1.BB项是动词 ing形式,其他各项是形容词。 2.AA项是形容词,其他各项是动词。 3.CC项是国家名称,其他各项是语言名、国人或形容词。 4.CC项是原形形容词,其他各项是 ing形容词,由动词转化而来。 5.AA项是建筑名词,其他各项是景点名词。 .Fill in the blank with the right wor

3、d form.(用单词的适当形式填空。) 1.Would you mind_(open) the window for me? 2.Every year many_ (tour) go there for their vacation. 3.There are many things_ (do) in Singapore. 4.Its easiest_ (get) around the city by subway. 5.I hope_ (make) more friends in China. 答案:1.openingmind后跟动词 ing形式。 2.tourists去度假的应该是“游客”

4、。 do动词不定式作定语修饰前面的名词things。 getit是形式主语,用动词不定式作真正的主语。 makehope后跟动词不定式作宾语。 有备无患(课前预习类训练)Preparation for new lessons (新课预习).Write down the English word according to the Chinese meaning. (根据中文意思写出英语单词。) 1.长途跋涉_2.累人的_3.活跃的_ 4.提供_5.迷人的_ 6.航行_7.规划_ 8.发现物_答案:1.trek2.tiring3.lively4.provide5.fa

5、scinating6.sail7.programming8.finding .Please go through the text and complete the sentences according to the tips. (预习课文,根据汉语提示完成句子。) 1.他们仍然记得和你度过的那一天。 They_remember the day_they_ _ you. 2.我们想到令人兴奋的地方旅行,我们不在乎得走多远。 We would like to_an exciting place,and we dont mind_ _we have to go. 3.坐火车旅行是件愉快的事。 _

6、 _to travel_train. 4.下周他们准备去新西兰度假,因为那儿太适合游览了。 They are going to_their vacation in New Zealand because it is_ _ _. 5.有人问我“五一”期间去了哪里。 Some asked_ _ _during the May Day holiday. 答案:1.still;when;spent with先行词the day在从句中作时间状语,用when引导。 to;how far“到某地旅行”可以说成travel to somewhere;“多远”用how far引导。 3.It

7、s pleasure;by本句可用It do sth.句型,意思是“做某事是”。 4.spend;good for swimmingbe good for意思是“适合做某事”。 5.where I went宾语从句应用陈述语序。 一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words (生词专练).Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip. (根据句意和提示完成单词。) 1.Changchun is cold at this time of year.You need to p war

8、m clothes if you go there. 2.A new road has been built and it is_to go to the city. 3.This is a nice s for a house and its clean and quiet. 4.People all over the world hope to live a p and wealthy life. 5.Han Mei is so good at English that she cant t these sentences into English directly(直接地). 答案:1.

9、 4.peaceful 5.translate Exercises for phrases (短语专练).Fill in the blank with the right phrase in the box. (用方框内适当的词组填空。) some daycome truetake a tripget aroundprovide.with 1.My family and I want to_ this winter somewhere in the south of China. 2.I hope you can_me_ some informati

10、on about the kinds of vacations. 3.It is easiest to_the city by subway. 4.Id like to visit Australia_. 5.If you study hard,I think your dream will_. 答案:1.take a trip句意是“今年冬天,我和家人想去华南某个地方去旅行”。 2.provide;with句意是“我希望你能向我提供一些关于各种假日的信息”。 3.get around句意是“坐地铁环游这个城市最容易”。 4.some day句意是“我希望有一天我去澳大利亚参观”。 e tru

11、e句意是“如果你好好学习,我想你的梦想将会实现”。 Exercises for function items (交际用语专练).Complete the conversation with the right sentences. (请根据上、下文的内容完成下列对话。) Good morning,sir.Can I help you? 1 Yes,sir.Which country would you like to visit? 2 Im too tired and just want to relax. Maybe you can spend your vacation in Switze

12、rland.3 But its too cold.4 What about Australia?There is a lot of sunshine there all the year round. 5 And I can practice my English as well. 答案:1.Id like to spend my vacations abroad. 2.Ive no idea./I dont know. 3.Its a wonderful place for skiing. 4.I prefer warm places. 5.Thats a good idea./Good i

13、dea. Exercises for grammar (语法专练).Multiple choice(单项选择) 1.I hope you_to me again. writeB.will writeC.writeD.writing 答案:Bhope后可以跟动词不定式短语作宾语,但不能接动词不定式短语作宾语补足语,它后可跟从句。 2.Why not go to the office and ask your teacher for help? I_.But I didnt find her there. A.will B.would C.have D.shall 答案:C在答句中说“我

14、没有找到她”,说明说话者已经去过,应用完成时。 3.You look tired nowYou_stay at home and have a rest A.had to B.had better C.would like to D.would rather 答案:B既然累了,“最好待在家里好好休息”。 4.Would you like some more rice? _.Im full. A.No,thanks B.Yes,thank you C.Id love to D.Yes,please 答案:A根据“我吃饱了”可判断回答者是拒绝了 邀请 。 5.Youd better get up_

15、possible_you can catch the early bus. soon as;so that early as;so that soon as;in order early as;in order 答案:B根据“尽可能早地起床”排除A、C两项;in order后需加that,引导一个目的状语从句。6.Mr.Green went to Shanghai on Business last week, _? A.isnt he B.doesnt he C.didnt he D.hasnt he 答案:C本题考查助动词的用法。不同的时态结构须用不同

16、的助动词。本题是一般过去时,谓语动词是行为动词,助动词应用did。反意疑问句的前后两部分在人称、数、时态等方面要保持一致。 7.There _a football match on TV this evening. A.will have going to be C.has going to have 答案:B本题主要考查there be句式以及与have的用法区别。there be表示“某地/时有某人/物。”have表示“拥有、占有、所有”。当句首出现there时,不能用have本句中的is going to是表示将来的助动词结构。 8.It would be nice

17、if the hotel_rooms with kitchens. A.has B.have C.had have 答案:C根据主句的结构可知这里是虚拟语气。 9.Id like to be a policeman, _who are in trouble. these B.helping those D.helping these 答案:B本题考查现在分词引导的目的状语从句。空格后为who引导的定语从句,其前面的先行词只能用those,而不用these。 10.Have you ever been anywhere for a trip? A

18、trip?I_away from my hometown even once. A.went B.have gone C.have never been D.have been 答案:C句意是“我甚至一次也没有离开过我的家乡”。 Sentence structure training (句子结构专练).Translate the Chinese sentence into English.(翻译句子。) 1.下个假期你要去哪儿? _would you like to go_your next_? 2.我希望游览夏威夷。 I hope_ _Hawaii one day. 3.这是个十分有教育意义

19、的游览胜地。 It is a place of interest_is very_. 4.在一天之内环游这个城市是很难的。 Its_to get_the city in one day. 5.住在纽约是很昂贵的。 _in New York is quite_. 答案:1.Where;for;vacation“去度假”可以说成go for a vacation。 visit “希望做某事”是hope to do sth.。 3.which/that;educational先行词是物,一般用which/that引导。 4.difficult;around本句是It d

20、o sth.句型。 5.Living;expensive动词短语作主语时一般用动名词形式。 快乐时光Doctor and Patient A man came into the doctor s office with two badly burned(烧伤) ears.“I was ironing(烫伤) my shirt when the phone rang,”he explained,“I accidentally reached for the iron instead of the phone and put it to my ear.”“I could understand if

21、 one of your ears was burned by the iron,”said the doctor.“But two?”“Well,”the man went on explaining,“the phone rang again.” 医生和病人一个人因烧伤了两只耳朵而来医院就诊。“电话铃响的时候,我的耳朵被烫伤了”,他解释道,“我不小心把熨斗当成电话了,然后就把它放在耳朵边了。”“我能理解你的一只耳朵被熨斗烫伤了,但是怎么会是两只?”“嗯,”这个人继续解释,“电话又一次响了。”再接再厉(课后巩固类训练)Elementary exercises (基础题).Translate

22、the Chinese sentence into English.(翻译句子。) 1.我希望某一天能见到迈克尔乔丹。 I hope_ _Micheal Jordan some day. 2.这是一个有关梦想的调查,全中国成千上万的学生参与了这项活动。 This is a survey about dreams_ _thousands of students_China_ _.3.看起来有些学生想尽可能快地工作。 It_some students would like to start work _. 4.房间足够三个人用。 The room is_ _ for three people_.

23、5.我们想要待在一个有大游泳池的地方。 _to stay a place with a big pool. 答案 seehope常用动词不定式作宾语。 which;across;take part先行词是物,引导词一般用which/that;“参加”用take part in,如果将介词in移到引导词之前,则只能用which。 3.seems;as soon as possibleIt seems that.是句型,意思是“看起来怎么样”;as soon as possible 意思是“尽可能快地”。 4.big enoughenough修饰形容词时,要置其后。 5.We

24、like“想要做某事”可以说成would like to do sth.Integrated exercises (综合题).Cloze (完形填空) There was a small village by seashore in America.Every summer lots of people came here to spend their holidays.But a few of them came here only to end their 1 . Two months ago right here a young woman jumped into the sea in

25、the darkness of the night.When she was taken up from the sea,nothing could make her come to life.From then on,the people in the village began to pay more attention to 2 of the visitors.If someone looked unhappy or 3 ,they would watch him or her all day long with 4 .They would never let the same thin

26、g happen again. A week later came several visitors.Among them there was a young woman of twenty five years old.One day she looked 5 from others.She went out 6 at night.She was found just by a villager. The villager made no noise and followed her.When the young woman 7 to the seashore,the villager ru

27、shed at her and tried hard to pull her back.“Let me go.Dont 8 me!”said the young woman.“You should treasure your life,”said the villager.“Why do you say so?” said the young woman.“I was playing on the seashore this afternoon.Now I cant 9 the key to my suitcase.I think it must be left here.“But why w

28、ont you look for it tomorrow morning?” said the villager.“Tomorrow morning?”said the young woman.“Tomorrow morning Ill here and catch the early bus to New York.I cant wait till the day break.”When villager heard this,he had a good laugh and helped her look for the key 10 the moon light. 1.A.worryB.happinessC.livesD.days 2.A.every B.each C.everyone D.everything 3.A.happy B.worrying C.angrily D.worried B.tears D.expression 5.A.away B.difficult C.different D.out 6.A.along B.alone C.together D.lonely 7.A.jumped B.rode C.drove D.walk

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