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1、voa 文本Transcript THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi! This is Ms. Beckhams 5th period government class.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And its homecoming week.UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: .here at Grovetown High School near Augusta, Georgia.UNIDEN

2、TIFIED FEMALE: And youre watching.MS. BECKHAMS 5TH PERIOD GOVERNMENT CLASS: .CNN Student News! Woo!BEN TINKER, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Hey, everybody, and welcome to this Tuesday edition of CNN Student News. Im Ben Tinker, sitting in today for Carl Azuz, whos at an anti-bullying conference out in Seattle.

3、 Our first story, though, is right here on the East Coast.First Up: On Capitol HillTINKER: Washington, D.C.; specifically, Capitol Hill, where Congress is back in session and all the talk is about lame ducks and freshmen. Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives still have some work t

4、o do, and theyll be doing it in whats called a lame duck session. Thats the time between an election and when the next Congress is actually sworn in. One of the big things Congress will be looking at is a group of tax cuts that date back to former President George W. Bush. The question: should these

5、 tax cuts be extended? If Congress cant make a decision on that before this lame duck session ends, the issue will get kicked to the next Congress. Thats what these people will be part of. They were elected in the recent midterms, so theyre not part of Congress now. But in January, theyll be freshme

6、n congressmen and congresswomen. Just like you have to go through orientation before the school year, theyre going through orientation this week. They have to learn the rules of legislating, how to set up their offices, and hire staff so that theyre ready when the new session begins in January. Is T

7、his Legit?STAN CASE, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Is this legit? The Transportation Security Administration recommends that people not wrap gifts if theyre taking them on a plane. Legit! The agency says security officers might have to unwrap the gifts if they need to take a closer look.Privacy vs. SecurityTINK

8、ER: The TSA suggests that you could also ship the gifts to where youre going. Thats fine for presents, but you still have to go through security if youre the one getting on a plane. The machines that are part of that security check are raising some big controversy. Some of the new technology, like t

9、he scanning machines that youre seeing here, takes an x-ray of the person whos inside it. Some people say thats an invasion of privacy. But TSA officials say the plans are in place to protect passengers privacy, and theyre just trying to find the right balance between privacy and security.JOHN PISTO

10、LE, TSA ADMINISTRATOR: The question is, how do we best address those issues that people have raised while providing the best possible security? We know that everybody on every flight wants to ensure that everybody around them has been properly screened, so theres not a group of box cutters or liquid

11、 explosives or underwear bombs or shoe bombs, or whatever may be. So, we have to find that area that we can provide the best possible security to address those issues.Blog PromoTINKER: A lot of you will probably be traveling at some point during the holidays. You might have to go through some of the

12、se security checks yourself. So, how do you feel about the whole privacy versus security debate? Is there a line? And if so, what is it? Thats what were asking on our blog. Check it out at CNNStudentN!Cholera OutbreakTINKER: Well, how can a disease thats usually pretty easy to treat turn into a heal

13、th epidemic that spreads across an entire country? Thats whats happening right now in Haiti, where an outbreak of cholera just keeps getting worse. So far, nearly 1,000 people have died; more than 14,000 have been infected. The problem is the lack of clean water and sanitation, especially in the ten

14、t cities where more than a million Haitians are currently living. They had to move there after Januarys massive earthquake. Doctors say that since cholera is easy to treat, theyre hoping that they can get a handle of this outbreak sometime soon. Disaster-Proof City?TINKER: Recovering from a natural

15、disaster, like an earthquake, is not easy. It can take a lot of time a lot of work and a lot of money. The city of Kobe, Japan knows this all too well. It went through this back in the 1990s. And now, some experts think Kobe can serve as an example of how to recover after an earthquake. Doctor Sanja

16、y Gupta explains some of the lessons that city has learned.(BEGIN VIDEO) DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: What were experiencing here is a 6.9-magnitude earthquake. What theyll tell you to do is go into the corner of a room - structures are the most sound - stay away from glass as

17、much as possible. Also, cover your hands, cover your face, get underneath the table if you have to. Just something to protect yourself. Of course, all of this is just a simulation. And thats what you need to do as an individual. But given that so many people live in urban centers all across the worl

18、d, how do you recover and rebuild after something like that?Thats exactly the question they were asking themselves in Kobe, Japan in 1995. A 6.9-magnitude earthquake just like that one, 20 seconds in length; 200,000 buildings gone; 5,000 lives lost. Theres a lot of work to do to try and rebuild this

19、 place.Well, Kobe did it in less than 10 years, and now they serve as a model for the rest of the world. A lot of lessons have been learned. For example, dont put all your disaster resources in one particular area. Also, try and engage the survivors of an earthquake as much as possible in the rebuil

20、ding process. And finally, hospitals. They have to be able to stay open and functioning even after an earthquake.Of course, there are the buildings, the awful images like this one. Remember, 200,000 went down. This was one of them. Well, take a look at what it looks like now. This is the same buildi

21、ng, rebuilt just quickly after the earthquake. What did they do specifically? They used materials here to try and isolate this building from the ground and the shaking that accompanies an earthquake. They also used metal plates to allow the building to move, as well as materials that sort of allow t

22、his building to sway if the ground is shaking.It is by no means perfect. And if you ask Kobe officials, theyll say about 80 percent of the city is now rebuilt. There are some problems still. Narrow thoroughfares like this would be tough to navigate in the middle of an earthquake. And these buildings

23、 could come down into the streets, making rescues that much more difficult. But the balance, its always there, trying to maintain what Japan has been for hundreds of years in the middle of all this reconstruction.(END VIDEO) ShoutoutTOMEKA JONES, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Todays Shoutout goes out to Mr. Lan

24、cellottas social studies classes at Deering Middle School in West Warwick, Rhode Island! What is a group of dolphins called? If you think you know it, then shout it out! Is it a: A) Pack, B) Pod, C) Pride or D) Gaggle? Youve got three seconds - GO! A group of dolphins is called a pod. It can also be

25、 called a school. Thats your answer and thats your Shoutout! Animal IntelligenceTINKER: Now dolphins dont have to spend time in schools to learn stuff. Alright, I know. Its a little early to break out the puns. But it turns out, these animals might not need to. Some scientists have been studying dol

26、phins intelligence, and say the creatures might be a lot smarter than any of us think. Randi Kaye explains the porpoise of this research. (BEGIN VIDEO)RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Spend a day with a dolphin, and youre quickly reminded of why theyve always captured our imaginations. They are playfu

27、l, sociable and just incredibly fun to be around. But scientists say theres a lot more to these animals, and theyre just beginning to understand the intricate thinking of these so-called, big-brained mammals.Here you go, Nani. Good girl. We came here to the Baltimore Aquarium to see just how intelli

28、gent dolphins are. You see them playing with their trainers all the time, but scientists who study them say theres a lot more happening there than just play, that their intelligence actually rivals ours. Here you go.To see up close what has scientists so excited, we climb down into a tiny underwater

29、 lab with a window into the aquarium, where scientist Diana Reiss puts a two-way mirror up against the glass.DIANA REISS, SCIENTIST, CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK: Now, this is the mirror.KAYE: The dolphins cant see us, but Reiss can study how the dolphins react to the mirror.REISS: We used to think w

30、e were the only species on the planet that could think. And now, we know that were amongst many thinking species. So, the questions are no longer can they think, but how do they think? And whats amazing is, in this capacity, with giving them mirrors, it looks like theyre doing a lot of things very s

31、imilar to us.KAYE: Reiss has been studying dolphins behavior for 25 years.REISS: Most animals dont even pay attention to mirrors. So, if you put a mirror in front of your dog, most dogs wont even look in the mirror. Cats dont pay much attention. Other animals do pay attention, but never figure out i

32、ts themselves. They think its another of their own kind.(END VIDEO)Before We Go TINKER: Before we go, you know that some school fundraisers go smoothly. But this one is gonna get messy. The organizers probably dont mind though, since its a giant food fight! A pie throwing contest that doubles as a world record attempt. Contest, fundraiser, record attempt: Everyone wants a piece of this pie. 650 students; 14,000 chocolate pies. Sounds like a recipe for fun! Its gonna take a while to verify whether this actual

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