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1、英语技能大赛主持稿英语技能大赛主持稿篇一:小学英语综合技能竞赛主持稿 小学英语综合技能竞赛主持稿 今天我们相聚在这里,既快乐又激动。因为今天我们将在这里举行小学生英语综合技能大赛。英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。我们来自不同学校,但是拥有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语,用好英语。今天我们的竞赛得到了市教研室和镇教办的大力支持。很荣幸请到了巩义市教研室胡利萍老师,镇教办教育专干程文峰老师,热烈欢迎两位领导光临现场指导工作。 今日我们的比赛分为两轮,第一轮笔试,第二轮口试(口试包括主题演讲,对话,看图说话)。请各位选手做好准备,小学生英语综合技能大赛现在开始。(首先进行抽签,请到这儿

2、抽签)。 接下来我们进行(第一轮)笔试,(笔试开始)时间2:00至3:00. 请大家认真答题。 笔试结束,请大家稍作休息,静等佳绩。精彩的口试比赛即将开始(首先进行抽签,请到这儿抽签)。 The first player , a beautiful/quiet/ girl, a clever /tall /boyThe second player, a beautiful/quiet/ girl, a clever /tall /boy Her/ His topic is _. The first picture Lets talk 经过两轮的激烈角逐,我们的成绩即将揭晓,让我们共同期待这一激

3、动人心的时刻,下面有请我们活动的总负责人贺艳艳老师宣布前十名选手的成绩。 祝贺这10名选手取得了优异的成绩,到此为止,本次活动已经接近尾声,由于准备时间的仓促和经验的不足,本次活动中也存在这样或那样的问题。下面有请胡利萍老师给提出我们宝贵的意见,大家欢迎。 非常感谢胡老师给我们提出的宝贵意见,我们将更加努力地做好英语教学工作。 有请程文峰老师讲话。非常感谢程文峰老师对我们的指导。 相信在市教研室和镇教办的关心和支持下,还有米河镇所有英语老师的辛勤付出下,米河的小学英语教育将越来越好。 再次感谢各位领导的光临和各位选手的精彩表现,米河镇小学英语综合技能大赛到此结束,非常感谢! 篇二:大学生英语演

4、讲比赛主持稿 第五届大学生英语演讲比赛主持词y: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)早上(晚上)好!欢 迎来到运城学院第五届大学生英语演讲比赛的比赛现场!x: first of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. i m ?from .? 首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人 来自?的?y: im ?from .?我是今晚的主持人 来自?的? y:本次大赛由学生处主办,由大学英语教学部承办。有来自我院13个系的28名选手参 加比赛。 x: now , lets introu

5、duce todays honorable leader and guests. professor li baoping from the office of academic affairs y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:教务处处长李宝平教授 x: mr.?. y: ? x:miss. y: ?女士 x:professor? . y:? 教授 x: ? y:? 教授 x:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! x:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自我院的老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同 样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。y:下面有请?处处长?同志讲话。y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位

6、领导,大学英语教学部主任王英杰副教授致欢迎辞。x: thank you, professor wang. on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of todays contestants. now, i have the great privilege of presenting todays : 此次比赛我们邀请到了?名评委,?名评委中有两名是“提问评委”,这两名“提问 评委”将对每位选手进行提问。好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的?位评委。y:担任本次大赛评委的是

7、:x: professor ? y:?教授 x:? y: ?副教授 x:mr.? from college english teaching department y:大学英语教学部的?老师x:our question master are ?and ?(决赛时有提问评委)y:提问评委有 ? and ? y: 好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则和评分标准吧。 x: each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech . during the prepared speech, a staff m

8、ember will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left. then, at the end of 3 minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. if your speech is more than 3 minutes ,30 seconds or less than2minutes,30 seconds, youll be deducted score. so, p

9、lease raise the red board. thank you! y: 每位选手要进行3分钟的命题演讲,在命题演讲环节,在选手的演讲时间还剩下半分 钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会举一块黄颜色的牌子示意。超过3分30秒,或不足2分30 秒扣分。当3分钟时间一到,我们的工作人员会举一块红色的牌子示意时间已到。现在, 请工作人员示意一下下。 x: now, lets look at the grading standards for the judges. each contestant has 3 minutes for their prepared speech. the full sc

10、ore for the prepared speech is 10, the judges will give their scores independently on the spot according to the contestants content of their presentation, as well as their language skills and their spiritual style. the judges are required to give their scores to two decimal places(or: to the nearest

11、 hundredth division). y: 下面我们看一下评分 标准。定题演讲,时间为三分钟,满分为十分,评委将按照选手演讲的内容,技巧,语言能 力及精神风貌等方面给选手打分。要求评委老师打分时保留小数点后两位小数。评委在前三 位参赛选手演讲结束后开始分别亮分。 x: ladies and gentlemen, the top 6 winners today will be able to attend the university final to be held on ?. y: 女士们,先生们,今晚比赛的前六名选手将可以参加?院里的决赛。)x: now the topic for

12、todays prepared speech is hunting for a job or establishing a business? y: 今天的命题演讲的题目是:找工作还是自主创业? “春藤”杯英文演讲比赛主持稿(a 男 b 女) b:同学们请注意!比赛即将开始,请大家坐好,并保持赛场安静。 比赛开始:b:尊敬的各位老师a:亲爱的同学们! ab:大家下午好! b:欢迎参加辽宁对外经贸学院第三届“春藤”杯英文演讲比赛。我是比赛主持人_ ( a:我是_。) 下面我宣布:辽宁对外经贸学院第三届“春藤”杯英文演讲比赛 ab:现在开始! (介绍评委) b:让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!b

13、:现在由我来介绍本次比赛流程: (一) 比赛分为两轮:第一轮为即兴演讲 第二轮为定题演讲 (二) 主题演讲为定题演讲,时间为三分十五秒; (三) 即兴演讲:题目由上场30分钟前抽签决定,选手临场演讲,时间为两分钟。 (介 绍比赛规则) b:有请我们的第一位选手_上台演讲! 有请!(3号选手演讲完) b:thanks contestant , for the wonderful performance! a:谢谢三号选手的精彩演讲,现在由我公布前三位选手的成绩,一号选手.二号选手. 让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺他们。好,让我们继续比赛,有请四号选手_。 (6号选手演讲完)b:棒极了!多么动听的声音!好

14、的,现在然我们继续比赛。接下来有请七号选手。有请!(所有选手演讲完) b:到此,所有选手都表演完了,我们的工作人员正在统计最后结果,现在有请我们的_ 来做个点评。掌声有请! (颁奖) a: right now, what were going to announce the winners : (获奖名单)the third winner is : b: 获得三等奖的是: a: the second winner is : b: 获得二等奖的是:b: 欢迎,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎我们一等奖获得者:(宣布比赛结束) 第五届大学生英语演讲比赛主持词 y: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同

15、学们,大家(合)早上(晚上)好!欢 迎来到运城学院第五届大学生英语演讲比赛的比赛现场!x: first of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. i m ?from .? 首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人 来自?的?y: im ?from .?我是今晚的主持人 来自?的? y:本次大赛由学生处主办,由大学英语教学部承办。有来自我院13个系的28名选手参 加比赛。 x: now , lets introuduce todays honorable leader and guests. profe

16、ssor li baoping from the office of academic affairs y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:教务处处长李宝平教授 x: mr.?. y: ? x:miss. y: ?女士 x:professor? . y:? 教授 x: ? y:? 教授 x:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! x:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自我院的老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同 样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。y:下面有请?处处长?同志讲话。y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位领导,大学英语教学部主任王英杰副教授致欢迎辞。x: thank you, professor

17、 wang. on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of todays contestants. now, i have the great privilege of presenting todays : 此次比赛我们邀请到了?名评委,?名评委中有两名是“提问评委”,这两名“提问 评委”将对每位选手进行提问。好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的?位评委。y:担任本次大赛评委的是:x: professor ? y:?教授 x:? y: ?副教授 x:mr.? from

18、college english teaching department y:大学英语教学部的?老师x:our question master are ?and ?(决赛时有提问评委)y:提问评委有 ? and ? y: 好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则和评分标准吧。 x: each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech . during the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal th

19、at there is half a minute left. then, at the end of 3 minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. if your speech is more than 3 minutes ,30 seconds or less than2minutes,30 seconds, youll be deducted score. so, please raise the red board. thank you! y: 每位选手要

20、进行3分钟的命题演讲,在命题演讲环节,在选手的演讲时间还剩下半分 钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会举一块黄颜色的牌子示意。超过3分30秒,或不足2分30 秒扣分。当3分钟时间一到,我们的工作人员会举一块红色的牌子示意时间已到。现在, 请工作人员示意一下下。 x: now, lets look at the grading standards for the judges. each contestant has 3 minutes for their prepared speech. the full score for the prepared speech is 10, the judges

21、will give their scores independently on the spot according to the contestants content of their(转 载 于: 小 龙文 档 网:英语技能大赛主持稿) presentation, as well as their language skills and their spiritual style. the judges are required to give their scores to two decimal places(or: to the nearest hundredth division

22、). y: 下面我们看一下评分 标准。定题演讲,时间为三分钟,满分为十分,评委将按照选手演讲的内容,技巧,语言能 力及精神风貌等方面给选手打分。要求评委老师打分时保留小数点后两位小数。评委在前三 位参赛选手演讲结束后开始分别亮分。 x: ladies and gentlemen, the top 6 winners today will be able to attend the university final to be held on ?. y: 女士们,先生们,今晚比赛的前六名选手将可以参加?院里的决赛。)x: now the topic for todays prepared spe

23、ech is hunting for a job or establishing a business? y: 今天的命题演讲的题目是:找工作还是自主创业? 英语演讲比赛主持稿 全过程中外大学生联欢晚会主持词 .号称双语 英语主持词(长春工业大学第五届英语综合技能大赛)XX-09-15 15:28:05| 分类: 英语主持 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅开幕词 r: good evening, ladies and gentlemen, good evening,n: good evening, boys and girls, technology. im robert from the sc

24、hool of foreign : im natalie, also from the school of foreign languages. well, robert, you see i feel its really my greatr: so do i. it is an excellent : yes, of : now im looking around and i can tell you, natalie, im very excited to be hosting here on our main campus which we english majors seldom

25、visit. it is a beautiful : thats right. and i believe there will be a wonderful english feast on this wonderful campus. r: first of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests. n: they are? the president of changchun university of technology pro.张德江 教授 长春工 业大学校长 the vice prsident of changchun uni

26、versity of technology pro.熙莹 教授副 校长 the dean of the office of studies pro.王占礼 教授 教务 处处长 the dean of the students administration mr.李燕冰 老师学生 处处长 the secretary of the youth league unionms.李东玲 老师 校团委 书记 the dean of the school of foreign languages pro.崔艳辉 教授 外国语 学院院长 the secretary of the party of the sc

27、hool of foreign languages mr.孙建仁外 院党总支书记 r: and our honorable : they are? the vice dean of the school of foreign languages pro.彭又新 教授外国语 学院副院长 the vice dean of the school of foreign languages ms.王欣 老师 外国语学 院副院长 the dean of the second english staff roompro.于菁华 教授 第二英语教 研室主任 the dean of the first engl

28、ish staff room associate pro.王革 副教授 第一英 语教研室主任 and our dear foreign teacher: beverley ? this final, and each group has 3 people. the form of the final is oral test. the full mark is 100. answer the questions within 10 seconds. the full mark is 30. n: part three is english play show. each group will

29、perform an english play which is related to our life. the full mark is 70. we hope it will be a good opportunity for the participants to display their talents in language and public speaking and to exchange ideas on important current hear. ok, i think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so lets :

30、 thanks for their wonderful debate show. now its time to relax. lets appreciate a beautiful english电影问答 一r: thanks for her beautiful song. 英文短剧主持词 five milestheir play is the lion king engineering. their play is no thieves in the world play is fly me to the moon 篇三:高中英语技能大赛主持人串词 A: Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen. B: Good afternoon! Everyone! A: Welcome to the teaching skill contest for English major graduates. B: we hope it will be a good opportunity for

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