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1、Itsonyourdesk教学设计Module8 Unit1 Its on your desk.教学设计泉州市新塘小学一 教材简析执教者:柴进梅本课内容为新标准英语(供三年级起始用)学生用书第二册第八模块第一单元。本堂课教学内容以表述方位为主,Unit1 呈现了Daming 通过阅读朋友留下的字条寻找自己的生日礼物的场景。本单 元的语言功能是描述物品所在的地点及介词in、on、under、Behind 的使用。二 学情简析小学英语教学主要激发和培养学生的英语学习兴趣,让学生树立英语学习信心,养成良好的学习习惯。三年级的学生受年龄制约,生性好动,有着较强的好胜心、表现欲,喜欢直观形象教学法,对说

2、唱、游戏、竞赛有着浓厚的兴趣;经历了一个学期的英语学习,对英语有一定的感知能力。根据其特性,本人在教学中采用多种教学方法,如全身反应法、直观形象教学法、情境法、交际法等;采用师生、生生等多种评价方式;以表扬为主,鼓励学生大胆说、积极做、努力唱,让他们在做中学、学中做,进行多感官训练。 三 教学目标1.知识目标:能够听懂、认读、会说关于描述位置的介词和句子:in, on, under, behind. Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under your chair. Its behind the door.2.技能目标:掌握描述物品所在位置的句子,并

3、能在实际学习生活 中运用、交流、讨论。3.情感目标(1)增强英语学习信心.(2)激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养一定的口语交际能力。(3)教育学生不乱丢东西,学会整理好自己的物品.并会用英语描述物品的位置。四 教学重难点(1)能掌握、运用单词 toy,for,box, bedroom 以及介词 under、behind.(2)能掌握功能句来描述物品的位置:Its in the box. Itson your desk. Its under your chair. Its behind the door. 五、 教学用具教学课件、CD-ROM、单词卡片、包、盒子、玩具等其他教学辅助 工具。六、教学过

4、程Step1 Warming up1.GreetingT: boys and girls! Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: Stand up!Hello! boys and girls! Ss:Hello,Miss chai!T:How are you!today.Ss: Im fine, thank you !and you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you! Now, Sit down please! 2.Sing a songPlease stand up!and do the action.(设计意图:教师与学生热情地打招呼,拉近师生间的距离。利用

5、歌曲,营造良好的学习氛围,将英语学科和音乐相结合,为新课的学习作铺垫。提高孩子们的学习兴趣。同时巩固已学单词 desk,door )3.Game:Guess Whats this?来巩固并学习单词:desk chair door bag cat toy box bedroom开火车 one by one 训练单词 toy 、box .学生拿着玩具或盒子,一 个一个往后传,拿到的同学读单词。4、Game:Whats missing? 训练单词 toy box bedroom出示 PPT,每次出示的图片中都缺少其中一样东西。学生根据所 学的单词进行抢答。Step 2 Presentation1.

6、Do you like presents? Here are some presents for you, read them, please.(课件出示礼物图片。)Wonderful! A present for you. And a present for you, too.Miss Chai got a present on my birthday. Can you guess?Whats my present? (边点课件出示礼物图。学生猜完之后,点 课件公布答案。)My present is a toy pig. So you are right! a present foryou.

7、 I bring my present here. Wheres my present? Is it inthe bag? No. Look, its in the box.(拿出小猪跟大家打声招 呼)Hello! Nice to meet you.T:(把礼物递给坐在第一个的学生)A present for you. S1:Thank you.T:Pass the present one by one.(一个接一个的传递礼物,并说 “A present for you.”)(既对句子练习巩固,又调动了学生的积极性,让他们积极的参与 到活动中来。)2. 教学 in, on, under,beh

8、ind 师把小猪放进盒子里,问 Where s the pig?引导生说:Itsin the box.(师板书并带说 Its in the box.) Now, lets chant. Fellow me!(边唱边动作)in in in the box;in in in the bag;in in in the desk;inin in the book ( 回到 chant 再说一遍。Well done! A present for you. 师把小猪放在箱子上,问学生:Wheres the pig? Is it in the box?生说:No. 师问:Where is the pig?

9、引导生说出:Its on the box. 师拿出词卡,教 on师把小猪放在盒子上,说:The pig is on the box. 再把书和铅笔 放在盒子上: The book/ pencil is on the box.师把小猪放在讲台桌上,问 Wheres the pig? 生回答:Its onthe desk.师说 This is my desk.(注意手势指出是我的桌子)Soyou can say: Its on your desk.师板书并带读 Its on your desk.。利用课件练习,盒子在桌子上,同时 chant: on on on, on the desk.猫在哪里,

10、引出“Its on the desk.”【设计意图】由 in 的用法自然地迁移学习 on 的用法。由 Its onthe box.的句型拓展学习 Its on your desk,培养学生自主迁移 的学习策略,提高学生学习运用语言的灵活性。 利用课件,出示一个球在椅子上,师问:Wheres the ball?生说:Its on the chair.师点击课件,球滚到椅子下,师问:Where is the ball,now? 引导生回答:Its under the chair.用单词卡片教学 under.Now, wheres Ms Chai?(生说) Itsunder the desk.“It

11、s”Is it right? You can say: Youreunder the desk.然后个别到全体都亲身体验 Youre under thedesk. 回到大屏幕。师板书并带读:Its under the chair.。师 带读三遍,语速由慢到快。(4)师把小猪放在盒子的后面。师问:Where is the pig? 引导生说出:Its behind the box.师拿出词卡,教 behind。玩捉迷藏游戏,叫一同学躲在门的后面,其余同学眼睛闭着,然后睁开眼睛, 引导学生说:“Its behind the door.”(5)巩固 in, on, under,behind1、当老师

12、用右手指放入左手握好的拳头中,学生要说 in,手指放在手的上面的时候,学生说 on;手指放下下面的时候,学生说 under.教师互换,教师说英文的介词,学生做动作。速度由慢到快! 2、做二道练习题,熊猫躲在帽子里,猴子藏在盒子里。Step 3 Text learning1. (1) T: Today Ill introduce you a new friend ,Daming.Lets say hello to daming .S: Hello ,Daming.(2)T: Today is Damings birthday,Lets sing birthday song together.(师

13、生共唱生日快乐歌)(3)T: In our birthday, we often get a present.(出示礼物图片 PPT 放在大明的旁边)But where is Damings present? (一边手指着,一边在礼物的后面画上?)In this class ,we ll help Daming find his present.Can you help Daming?Now listen carefully. Once again. Listen and imitate.师 Wheres the present? Who can answer my question? 生答对

14、了,师 So clever a boy/girl! 问全班 Wheres the present? Its in the bedroom.师:Youre so smart. Now, open your book, and read the text together.(4)I can say.通过图片,自己把对话补充完整!【设计意图】带着问题观看 CD-ROM,带着要求听录音,提高学生的听力;让学生模仿录音中标准的语音语调,培养学生跟读录音的学 习习惯和学习策略,为学生的终身学习打下基础。Step 5 Summary:Today we use in/on/under to describe

15、position. You can learn more after class.Now, lets count, who is the winner?group 1:1,2,3. group 2:1,2,3. The winner is Congratulations!Todays homework is【设计意图】培养学生的发散性思维。使各个层次的学生通过这一环节的学习都得到语言锻炼的机会,形象深刻地掌握 in, on, under behind 的用法。Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the tape, and read the text for 2 times.

16、2. Describe the position of the objects in your home.【设计意图】布置用所学的词句描述家里物品的位置,让学生学以致用,提高学生语言的综合运用能力。听音跟读作业,有利于学生 更扎实地掌握新知。板书设计:Moudle 8 Unit1 Its on your the box.Its On your desk.Under your chair.Behind the door.Its on your desk.教学反思兴趣。对学生来说,他们能够描述物品所处的位置,享受在英语学习中的乐趣,也以语篇教学的思路来处理本课。在学生初步感知课文之前,提出简单的问题,

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