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1、牛津上海版七年级下册U2教案学科教师辅导教案讲义编号: 组长审核:学员编号: 年级:七年级 课时数:学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课主题U2教学目的1.掌握新单词2.掌握课堂知识点3.掌握语法倒装句教学重点倒装句授课日期及时段 教学内容If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 主句用一般将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。 Firemen will have no water to put out fires if

2、there is no rain. Well go on an outing if it doesnt rain tomorrow. If you go there, you can find a famous church.检查上节课作业复习上节课知识点1单词讲解:1. action动作(v.)act扮演;行动(a.)active积极的(ad.)actively(n.)activity活动(pl.)activities(人)actor男演员actress女演员(pl)2. robber强盗(v.)robrobbedrobbed抢(n.)robbery抢劫案 robsb.ofsth.抢走某人某

3、样东西 stealstolestolen偷 stealsth.fromsb.从某人那里偷走某物3. hate讨厌;不喜欢=dislike hatetodo=hatedoing不喜欢做某事4. durationn.持续时间-during在期间(prep.介词)5. 充满:befullof=befilledwith(人,物)6. laughter(n)-laugh(v.)嘲笑 laughatsb.嘲笑某人7. diary-diaries(pl.)日记8. pay-paid-paid pay for 付钱 payforthetickets为这些票子付钱take-took-takenspend-spe

4、nt-spentcost-cost-costIttakessbsttodosth它花了某人多少时间去做某事sbspendtime/moneyonsth/indoingsth某人花费时间/金钱在某物上/在做某事上sthcost(sb)money某物(花掉某人)值多少钱sbpay(money)forsth某人付(多少)钱为某物9. price价格(a.)priceless无价的 thepriceofsth.的价格Whatsthepriceofsth.?=Howmuchissth.?=Howmuchdoessth.cost?Thepriceoftheflatishigh./low.=Theflati

5、sexpensive./cheap.这套房子 价格很高/很低。=这套房子很贵。/很便宜。10. theshortestroute/routes最短的路线二课文讲解:P9-P131、gotoseeafilm=gotothecinema=gotothemovies看电影2、choose-chose-chosen(vt.)选择 choose(v.)-choice(n.)4、Whichfilmwouldyouliketosee?Idliketosee.5、thisSaturday在这个周六this/that/last/next/yesterday/tomorrow表示时间时前面不加介词6、readaf

6、ilmguide读一个电影指南7、discusswhichfilmtosee讨论看哪一部电影discussion n.讨论 Discuss with sb. 8、takealookat=havealookat看一看9、funnyfilms滑稽的电影filmsaboutclowns关于小丑的电影11、anactionfilm一部武打片13、takeanactivepartin=takepartinactively积极参加20、filmsaboutadventures关于冒险的电影21、inspace在太空里22、提建议:Letsdosth,shallwe?=Shallwedo sth?=How/




10、NeitherisMary./Neitherarethey.Icanswim.-SocanI./SocanMary./Socanthey.(过去式could)Icantswim.-NeithercanI./NeithercanMary./Neithercanthey.(could)31、thechildrensdiariesforSaturday孩子们周六的日程记录簿32、thebesttime最好的时间33、altogether=inall总共34、playtheviolin/piano haveviolin/pianolessons上小提琴课/钢琴课35、havedinnerwithgra

11、ndmother和奶奶一起吃饭36、theticketprice票价aticketforthefilm这部电影的一张票子37、Howlongisthefilm?=Whatsthedurationofthefilm?电影的持续时间是多少?38、thewaytothecinema去电影院的路上 thewayhome回家的路上39、问路:HowcanIgetto/Whereis./Whichisthewayto.?40、turnleft/rightinto向左/右转进入. walkalong/down沿着.走ontheleft/rightonyourleft/right在这/你的左/右边41、tel

12、lsb.howtogettothecinema告诉某人怎么到电影院42.说明instructv./aninstruction43.showsbsth=showsthtosb把某物给某人看showsbaroundsp带领某人参观某地44.onthemap在地图上45、HedoesnotknowwhereCityCinemais.(宾语从句)他不知道城市影院在哪里? 作文: Welcome to Sheshan Sheshan is in the southwest of Shanghai. Its about 30 kilometres away from the centre of the c

13、ity.There are many interesting places in Sheshan. You can visit the Forest Park and there is a famous church at the top of the mountain.If you go there, you can also find an observatory.Its a beautiful resort. You can go there by bus. I think you will enjoy yourself there. 记忆时间,自己写一写:书写作文梳理课堂知识点 七年级

14、(下)英语7BU2练习卷二 一 Choose the best answer( )1. fun it is to have a picnic on such a fine day.A. What a B. How C. What D. How a( )2. Its an exciting film a lot of action. A. with B. of C. has D. about( )3. The boss wanted the workers the work before supper.A. To finish B. finished C. finishing D. finish

15、es( )4. The price of the ticket for the show is not . You can buy one with such a little money.A. high B. expensive C. cheap D. low( )5. Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow? - .A . You are welcome B. Thats all rightC. That right D. Thats a good idea( )6. Sharks are one of in the oceans.A . the mos

16、t dangerous animal B. the most dangerous animalsC. most dangerous animals D. dangerous animal( )7. We ready if another earthquake .A . are; comes B. are; will comeC. will be; will come D. will be; comes( )8. The boss 1000 yuan on his plane ticket.A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent二、Fill in the blanks

17、with the given words in their proper forms9. (act) films are popular in many parts of the world.10. My parents still keep their (diary) as usual.11. Mr. Li is going to visit Europe (duration) his holiday.三、Complete the following sentences12. A: My cousin is interested in playing basketball. B: I.13.

18、 A: Peter wont have too many sweets any longer. B: May.14. A: Grandma has never been to another country. B: Mrs. Li.15. A: I have finished my homework. B: I.16. A: Ben didnt get a good mark in his examination. B: Kitty.四、Rewrite the following sentences as required17. Linda does morning exercises bef

19、ore the first class. (改为否定句)Linda morning exercises before the first class.18. Shall we have a picnic this Sunday afternoon? (同义句)What a picnic this Sunday afternoon.19. These students have a swim once a week. (反意疑问句)These students have a swim once a week, ?五、Read the passage and fill in blanks with

20、 proper words Swee Lin has an interesting hobby. She collects stamps. She s 20 a lot of time on her stamp collection after school hours. She has c 21 hundreds of stamps from all over the world. They are all in colour. Swee Lin likes stamps with pictures of animals and birds on them. In this way, she

21、 l 22 the names of many animals and birds. She also borrows books on animals and birds from her school l 23 . She learns many things about them. Sometimes Swee Lin has many stamps of the same kind. She g 24 them to her friends. They then give her other stamps in return. Swee Lin writes to f 25 in ma

22、ny countries. She sends them stamps of her country. In return, they send her stamps of their countries. Swee Lins father a 26 gives her stamps. He brings them home from his office for her. Many of Swee Lins friends collect other t 27 . Some collect coins and others collect match boxes. But all of th

23、em s 28 that Swee Lins collection is the most interesting of all.20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. David is a big fan of soccer(球迷). These days he is very e 29 because the 2010 South Africa World Cup is on show on TV. Every evening he does n 30 else but just sits in front of the TV set. But his wi

24、fe Nancy likes watching sitcoms(情景喜剧). Last night, there was an important soccer game and there was a 31 a very interesting sitcom. Nancy wanted to watch the sitcom very much. But David sat before the TV set and he didnt let Nancy c 32 the channel(换频道). This made Nancy feel very a 33 , so she went t

25、o her mothers home. When she went into the room, she saw her father was watching TV, but her mother wasnt i 34 .“Where is my mother ?” Nancy asked. “She went to your g 35 home.” Her father answered.“Why ?” “B 36 I want to watch the soccer game but she wants to watch the sitcom.”29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 1. 默写U2单词2. 完成U2试卷一份3. 复习课堂知识点

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