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1、外研版七年级下册英语重点句型和词组M11. 失物招领lost and found2. 失物招领处lost and found office3. 失物招领箱lost and found box4. 首先at first =first of all5. 这有一个紫色的钱包。Heres a purple wallet.6. 这有一些漂亮的手套。Here are some nice gloves.7. 欢迎回到学校。Welcome back to school.8. 欢迎到学校。Welcome to school.9. 从现在起from now on10. 小心对待be careful with11.

2、 让我看看。Let me see.12. 匆匆忙忙地 in a hurry13. 匆忙地去做某事hurry to do sth.=do sth. in a hurry14. 赶快Hurry up.15. 和某人谈话 talk to sb. =talk with sb.16. 谈论某事talk about sth.17. 和某人谈论某事 talk with sb. about sth.18. 寻找look for19. 看一看 look at =have a look at20. 拨打5731找Tom call Tom at 573121. 上车get on下车get off22. 为什么不做某

3、事Why dont sb. do sth?Why not do sth? =What about doing sth.? 23. 不客气。You are welcome. = Not at all.24. 成百上千的人 hundreds of people 25. 成千上万的thousands of26. 五百台照相机 five hundred cameras27. 许多其它的东西many other things28. 在此时at this time29. 把东西落在飞机上leave things on the plane30. 15千克香肠 15 kilos of sausages.31.

4、 两瓶水two bottles of water32. 一箱苹果a box of apples33. 一斤肉half a kilo of meat34. 丢东西lose things35. 在机场/车站at a/the airport/bus station36. 这是谁的手机?-是他的。Whose mobile phone is this? Its his.37. 这些是谁的手套?-是我的。Whose gloves are these? They are mine.38. 那些是你的蜡笔吗?不,不是。是他们的。Are these crayons yours? No, they arent.

5、They are theirs.39. 这个钱包是玲玲的吗?是的,是她的。Is this wallet Linglings? Yes, its hers.40. 失去_lose_ - lost(过去式)41. 丢下遗忘leave -left42. 发现find -found我的my mine 我们的our ours 你的 your yours你们的 your yours 他的 his his 她的 her hers 它的its its 他们的their theirsM21. 在公告板上/黑板上on the board/blackboard2. 想要某物 want sth. =would lik

6、e sth.3. 想要做某事want to do sth. = would like to do sth.4. 加入音乐俱乐部join the music club5. 在课间between lessons6. 努力工作/学习work hard7. 弹钢琴play the piano8. 踢足球play football9. 仅此而已。Thats all.10. 汉语说的很好speak Chinese very well11. 跳舞跳得很好dance really well12. 别担心。Dont worry.13. 不要担心我。Dont worry about me.14. 对担心的be w

7、orried about15. 教你汉语teach you Chinese16. 教你学习汉语teach you to learn Chinese17. 选择你最喜欢的俱乐部。Choose your favourite club.18. 那是我最喜欢的。Thats my favourite.19. 我想要成为班长。Id like to be the class monitor.20. 选择我做你们的体育委员。Choose me for you P.E Monitor.21. 卫生委员cleaning monitor22. 和某人相处融洽 get on well with sb.23. 你和同学

8、们相处的怎么样?很好。How do you get on with your classmates? Very well.24. 在某方面做得好do well in25. 擅长足球be good at football26. 擅长打蓝球be good at playing basketball27. 乐于做某事be ready to do sth.28. 承诺做某事promise to do sth.29. 我答应帮助你。I promise to help you.30. 取得最好的成绩get the best score31. 帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth.32. 帮助某人某

9、事help sb. with sth.33. 做卫生do cleaning34. 洗衣服wash clothes35. 我确定。Im sure.36. 就像,正如just like37. 使教室漂亮make the classroom beautiful38. 一个干净整洁的房子 a clean and tidy house39. 跑的真的很快run really fast40. 对友好的 be kind to =be friendly to 41. 你呢?What about you? = How about you?42. 她能干什么?她会打乒乓球。What can she do? She

10、 can play table tennis.43. 你会骑自行车吗?是的,我会。Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can.44. 我不会烹饪。I cant cook.45. 教,教授teachtaught46. 骑,乘ride-rode47. 放飞,飞flyflewM31.在周末at the weekend =at weekends2.在工作日on weekdays3.在周六上午on Saturday morning4.复习功课go over lessons5.帮忙做家务help with the housework=help sb. do some housework

11、6.做作业/做家务do homework/housework7.去游泳go swimming8.上一节钢琴课have a piano lesson9.看电影see a movie10.检查我的邮件check my email11.别傻了。Dont be silly.12.独自呆在家里stay at home alone13.和我们一起来come with us14.为制定一个计划make a plan for15.计划做某事plan to do sth.16.还有谁?Who else?17.没有其它的东西了。Nothing else.18.一个很棒的周末a great weekend19.你愿

12、意加入我们吗?是的,我愿意去。Would you like to join us?Yes, Id love to.20.你周末的计划是什么?What are your plans for your weekend?21.期待某事look forward to sth.22.盼望做某事look forward to doing sth.23.交一些新朋友make some new friends24.为球员欢呼cheer for the players25.赢得比赛win the match26.玩的高兴1.have fun2.enjoy oneself 3. have a good time2

13、7.在五月一日的早晨on the morning of May 1st28.在五一劳动节期间during the May Day holiday29.在乡村散步take a walk in the countryside30.和家人朋友一起外出go out with families and friends31.在公园捡垃圾collect litter in the park32.参加夏令营go on a summer camp33.去观光1.go sightseeing some sightseeing34.在海滩上野餐have a picnic on the beach35.看书

14、read a book36.起得晚/早get up late/early37.和一个澳大利亚的家庭呆在一起Stay with an Australian family38.度过暑假spend the summer holiday39.这周末我打算去看一场电影。原I am going to see a film at this weekend.否I am not going to see a film at this weekend.一般Are you going to see a film at this weekend?答语:Yes, I am. No, I am not.特殊When ar

15、e you going to see a film? 特殊What are you going to do at the weekend?M41.在将来学校会不一样吗?是的,他们会。Will schools be different in the future? Yes, they will.2.在20年后,可能将不会再有学校。There wont be any schools in 20 years.3.那将会很棒。Thatll be great.4.每个家庭在50年后将会有一架飞机。原Every family will have a small plane in 50years time.

16、否Every family wont have a small plane in 50years time.一般Will every family have a small plane in 50years time?答语:Yes, they will. No, they wont.特殊How soon will every family have a small plane?特殊What will every family have in 50 years time?5.将来每张课桌上将会有一台电脑。原There will be a computer on each desk.否There

17、wont be a computer on each desk.一般Will there be a computer on each desk?答语:Yes, there will. No, there wont.特殊What will be on the desk in the future?6.将来的生活是什么样子的?What will life be like in the future?7.下列是一些想法。Here are some ideas.8.有许多作业要写have a lot of homework to do 9.天气的改变 the change of weather10.不

18、仅而且not only .but also11.检查学生的水平check the students level12.在20年后 20 years2. in 20 years time13.多久之后how soon14.空闲时间free time 15.我不确定。I am not sure.16.能够做某事be able to do sth.17.不再1. no more 2.not any more我们将不再有昂贵的汽车。We wont have expensive cars any more.We will have no more expensive cars.18.在网上获取信息

19、get information on the Internet19.在空中 in the air20.把书带到学校carry books to school21.问问题ask questions22.回答问题answer the questions23.实现come true24.一份工作1. a job 2.a piece of work25.大雨heavy rain小雨 light rain26.大风 strong wind微风 light wind27.交通堵塞traffic jam28.进入太空旅行 travel into space29.十分温暖quite warm30.容易 eas

20、y difficult重heavy light31.昂贵expensive cheap长的long short上升rise rose将要will would赢win wonM51.我能为你做些什么?What can I do for you?2.我能帮你吗?是的,我要一些草莓。Can I help you? Yes, I want/would like some strawberries.3.我可以试穿一下它/它们吗?Can I try it/them on?4.我能试穿一下这个T恤吗?当然可以。Can I try this T-shirt on? Can I try on this T-sh

21、irt? Certainly.5.她穿什么号的?中号。What size does she take? Size L.6.太多 too much +不可数名词7.太多 too many+可数名词8.太,非常much too +形容词或副词9.我会买下它的。Ill take it.10.半价half price11.半公斤,一斤half a kilo12.等会儿1.wait a minute2.wait a moment13.苹果多少钱?1. How much are the apples?2. How much do these apples cost?3. Whats the price o

22、f these apples?14.问价钱 how much is/are= How much do/does cost=Whats the price of15.问数量How many+可数名词复数+are there +表示地点的介词短语?16.问数量 How much+不可数名词+is there +表示地点的介词短语?17.桌子上有多少本书?How many books are there on the desk?18.瓶子里有多少水?How much water is there in the bottle?19.你还想要什么?What else would you like?20.

23、给你59元。Heres 59 yuan.21.看起来新鲜的look fresh22.中的一个one of +可数名词复数23.几乎所有的东西almost everything24.在线购物online shopping 25.几个优点several advantages26.喜欢外出like going out27.几天之后a few days later28.在任何时间 at any time29.通过网络付款pay over the Internet30.总有一天one day31.比较同种商品的价格compare the prices of the same product32.把A和B

24、比较compare A with B33.把A比作B compare A to B34.节约钱,省钱save money35.改变我们的生活方式change our way of life36.通过邮寄by post37.物cost 钱物/It takes/took Sb. 时间 to do sth.人pay钱for sth.人pay for sth.人spend钱/时间 on sth.人spend钱/时间 (in)doing sth.我花费了两个小时写作业。I spend two hours (in)doing my homework.M61.你能告诉我去地铁站的路吗?Can you tel

25、l me the way to the underground?2.我怎样才能去银行?How can I get to the bank?3.最近的医院在哪?Where is the nearest hospital?4.劳驾,这附近有博物馆吗?Excuse me, Is there a museum near here?5.你能告诉我怎样到餐厅吗?Can you tell me how I can get to the restaurant?6.沿着一直走go along=walk along7.穿过这座桥go across the bridge8.路过一个火车站/公交车站go past a

26、 bus station/ a railway station9.穿过,跨过cross=go across10.路过 pass=go past11.伦敦之旅the trip to London12.在第三条街向左转 Turn left at the third street.13.向右转进入王府井大街。Turn right into Wangfujing street.14.参观伦敦最好的方式是坐船。The best way to visit London is by boat.15.在你的左面/ 右面 on your left/right16.在银行的对面/后面/前面/左面/附近opposi

27、te/ behind/in front of/on the left of/near the bank17.乘地铁到take the underground to =goby underground18.去的路the way to 19.做的方法a way to do sth.=a way of doing sth20.为什么不做某事?Why not do sth? =Why dont sb. do sth?为什么不问问那边的警察?1.Why not ask the policeman over there?2.Why dont you ask the policeman over there

28、?21.祝你有愉快的一天。Have a good day.22.祝你玩得高兴。Have a good time.23.祝你旅途愉快。Have a good trip.24.在一个晴朗的日子on a clear day25.上/下船get on/off the boat26.900多年over 900 years27.沿着这条街往上走。Walk up the street.28.在A和B之间between A and B.29.在那边over there30.在的中心in the center of 31.在的中间 in the middle of 32.紧挨着邮局next to the pos

29、t office33.需要去做某事need to do sth.34.之一 one of +可数名词复数35.请求帮助ask for 介词像: be like 动词喜欢: like doing sth. 正如,正像just like看起来像look like喜欢做某事like doing sth.37.一个地铁站an underground station38.一个有着许多名画的博物馆a museum with a lot of famous paintings39.中的大多数most of 40. 在参观完公园之后after visiting the parkM71.

30、 我过去的生活my past life2. 你出生在哪?我出生在一个小村庄。Where were you born? I was born in a small village.3. 对某人要求严格be strict with4. 对某事要求严格be strict to5. 对友好的be friendly to =be kind to 6. 你的第一所学校的名字是什么?What was the name of your first school?7. 你的第一位老师是谁?Who was your first teacher?8. 她/他是什么样的人?What was he/she like?9. 在美国的东海岸on the east of 10. 12年前12 years ago11. 故居old family house12. 最后一次for the last time13. 第一次for the first time14. 总有一天one day15. 我希望再次见到我的朋友们。Im lookin

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