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1、最新福建省计算机等级考试二级C语言考试题库最新福建省计算机等级考试二级C语言考试题库改错题 #include #include void main() char s1100, s2100; int i,s_len; printf(Please input string: n); gets(s1); s_len = /*/ s1 /*/; for(i=0; i= 0 & s1i = 7) s2i = s1i + 2; else if(s1i = 8/*/ & /*/s1i=9) s2i = s1i-8; else s2i = s1i; /*/ s2i+1 /*/ = 0; puts(s2); g

2、etch(); #include #include int prime( int x ) int i, mark=1 ; double k; /*/ i=1 /*/; k=(int)sqrt(double)x); while (i=k) if(x%i=0) /*/ i=k+1; /*/ break; i+; return (mark); void main() int a; printf(Input a number: ); scanf(%d,&a); if(/*/ !prime(a) /*/) printf(%d is a prime number.n, a); else printf(It

3、s not.n); getch(); #include float fun(float a) return (a*a+2*a+1)/(a-1); void main() float x,y,z; float result; printf(nPlease input x,y,z: ); scanf(/*/ %d%d%d /*/,&x,&y,&z); if(x=1 | y=1 | z=1) printf(Divide 0,error!); getch(); return ; result=/*/ fun(x,y,z) /*/; printf(nResult=%.2fn,result); getch

4、(); #include void chg(char s) int i; /*/ i=1 /*/; while(si!=0) if (si=A & si=Z) & /*/ i%2 /*/) /*/ si=si-32; /*/ i+; void main() char str_s100; printf(Enter string: ); gets(str_s); chg(str_s); printf(nNow string is:); puts(str_s); getch(); #include int fun(/*/ char p /*/) int x; /*/ x=1; /*/ while(*

5、p) x=x*8+*p-0; p+; return(/*/ *p /*/); void main() char str_s6; printf(Enter string: ); gets(str_s); printf(nDecimal is: %d,fun(str_s) ); getch(); #include void main() char str100; char *p; p=str; scanf(%s,str); while ( /*/*p=0 /*/) p+; printf(/*/The length is: %s /*/,p-str); getch(); #include void

6、main() int i,gw,sw,sum=0; for(i=1;i100;i+) sw=i/10; gw= /*/ i-sw /*/; if(gw=3 | gw=5)|(sw=3 | sw=5) /*/ sum=i /*/; printf(nThe sum is:%d,sum); getch(); #include #include void fun(/*/ float a, b, c /*/) double s,area; if(a+bc & a+cb & b+ca) /*/ s=a+b+c/2; /*/ area=/*/ sqt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c) /*/ ; pr

7、intf(area=%7.2fn,area); else printf(Not a triangle.n); void main() float a,b,c; printf(Input a,b,c:); scanf(%f,%f,%f,&a,&b,&c); fun(a,b,c); getch(); #include void main() int i,num100,count; /*/ count=1 /*/; for(i=1000; i=2000; i+) if(/*/ (i-2)%4 = 0 & (i-3)%7=0 /*/) numcount=i; count+; printf(Total

8、number is:%dn, count ); for(i=0; /*/i=count /*/;i+) printf(%dn, numi); getch(); #include void swap(int *p, /*/ *q /*/) int temp; /*/ *temp /*/= *p; /*/ *q = *p; /*/ *q = temp; void main() int a,b; printf(Input 2 numbers:n); scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); printf(nOriginal: a=%d b=%dn,a,b); swap(&a,&b); printf(No

9、w: a=%d b=%dn,a,b); getch(); 填空题 /*/ /*/ void main() char str100; int /*/ /*/; printf(Input string :); gets(str); for(i=j=0; stri!=0; i+) if(stri!=b) strj=stri; /*/ /*/; strj=0; printf(Now string is:); puts(str); getch(); #include void main() struct student char name10; float score; ; struct student

10、 stu5=Mary,76.1,John,87.3,Tom,81,susa,87.8,wilu,79; int i=0,k=0; /*/ /*/ ; for(i=0;imax) max=/*/ /*/ ; /*/ /*/; printf(nname:%s,score:%.2f,,stuk.score ); getch(); #include #include void main() int i,j ; int a55,sum; /*/ /*/; printf(Please input 25 numbers:n); for(i=0; i5;i+) for(j=0;j5;j+)

11、 scanf(%d,&aij); if(/*/ /*/) sum+=aij; printf(%.5fn,/*/ /*/); getch(); #include void main() int i,j,k; int num=0; printf( No. 1 yuan 2 yuan 5 yuann); for(k=0;k=2;k+) for(j=0;j=5;j+) for(i=0;/*/ /*/;i+) if(/*/ /*/) num+; printf(%9d%9d%9d%9dn,num,i,j,k); getch(); #include /*/ /*/ N 10 int find(int a,i

12、nt x) int i; for(/*/ /*/;i=0) printf(%d is found,its at %dn,f,f_at); else printf(Not exist.n); getch(); #include void main() int m,n,k; for ( m = 1; m 10 ; m+) for ( n = 1 ;/*/ /*/; n+) k =/*/ /*/; if (k = 99) printf ( M = %d N = %dn, m, n ); getch(); #include #define N 10 void main() int aN=21,56,-

13、9,0,3,17,18,5,-23,11; int i,j,/*/ /*/; for(i=N-1;i=1;i-) for(j=0;j=/*/ /*/ ;j+) if(/*/ /*/) temp=aj; aj=aj+1; aj+1=temp; printf(Sorted numbers:n); for(i=0;iN;i+) printf(%4d ,ai); printf(n); getch(); #include void main() int x,na,nb,nc; na=nb=/*/ /*/; printf(Please input integer number, end with 0:n)

14、; scanf(%d,&x); while( x ) if(x0) /*/ /*/; else +nb; if( abs(x%/*/ /*/)=3 ) +nc; printf(Please input integer number, end with 0:n); scanf(%d,&x); printf(na=%d nb=%d nc=%dn,na,nb,nc); getch(); #include void main() enum bodyzhang,wang,zhao,li; /*/ /*/ body day12, j; int i; j=zhang; for(i=0;ili) j=/*/

15、/*/; printf(List :n); for(i=1;i=12;i+) switch(dayi-1) case zhang: printf(Day %2d is %s n,i,zhang);break; case wang: printf(Day %2d is %s n,i,wang);break; case /*/ /*/: printf(Day %2d is %s n,i,zhao);break; case li: printf(Day %2d is %s n,i,li); getch(); #include void main() int i,s9; float aver; pri

16、ntf(Please input sampler:n); for(i=0;i9;i+) scanf(%d,&si); aver=(float)/*/ /*/)/2; for(i=0;i9;i+) if(si/*/ /*/) printf(%dn,si); getch(); 编程题 #include #include double fun(double x) /*/ /*/ void main() double x; printf(Pleae input x:); scanf(%lf,&x); printf(nfun(%6.3lf) = %6.3lfn,x,fun(x); getch(); #i

17、nclude #include float fun(float f, char s) /*/ /*/ void main() float x,y; char str16; printf(Input the fahrenheit temperature: ); scanf(%f,&x); y=fun(x,str); printf(the celsius temperature: %f, %sn,y,str); getch(); #include #include double fun(double x) /*/ /*/ void main() double x; printf(Pleae inp

18、ut x:); scanf(%lf,&x); printf(nfun(%6.3lf) = %6.3lfn,x,fun(x); getch(); #include int fun(long a) /*/ /*/ void main() int i,n; long a20; n=fun(a); for(i=0;in;i+) printf(%ld ,ai); printf(n); printf(n=%dn,n); getch(); #include #include double fun(float x) /*/ /*/ void main() float x; double y; printf(P

19、lease input a number: ); scanf(%f,&x); printf(f(%.2f)=%.2fn,x,fun(x); getch(); #include long fun(int n) /*/ /*/ void main() int n; printf(Input n(n=1): ); scanf(%d,&n); printf(fun(%d) =%ld n ,n,fun(n); getch(); #include #define RW 3 #define CL 5 void fun(int aCL,int n) /*/ /*/ void main() int arraRW

20、CL = 1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,21,22,23,24,25; int i,j,k; printf(Original array is:n); for(i=0; iRW; i+) for(j=0;jCL;j+) printf(%6d, arraij); printf(n); printf(nInput sites of moving: ); scanf(%d,&k); fun(arra,k); printf(nNow array is:n); for(i=0; iRW; i+) for(j=0;jCL;j+) printf(%6d, arraij); printf(

21、n); getch(); #include #include double fun(int n) /*/ /*/ void main() int n; printf(Input n(n=0): ); scanf(%d,&n); printf(pi=%lfn ,fun(n); getch(); #include #include double fun(float x) /*/ /*/ void main() float x; double y; printf(Please input a number: ); scanf(%f,&x); printf(f(%.2f)=%.2fn,x,fun(x); getch(); #include #include double fun(double x) /*/ /*/ void main() double x; printf(Pleae input x:); scanf(%lf,&x); printf(nfun(%6.3lf) = %6.3lfn,x,fun(x); getch();

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