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本文(金榜名师推荐高考英语人教版一轮复习课时作业32 选修7 Unit 2.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

金榜名师推荐高考英语人教版一轮复习课时作业32 选修7 Unit 2.docx

1、金榜名师推荐高考英语人教版一轮复习课时作业32 选修7 Unit 2温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(三十二)选修7Unit 2. 完形填空(2014北京模拟)Last year, I lost my best friend in high school. It seemed that everyone elses life could just continue on in its1way, but mine couldnt. I wasnt sure how I was going to

2、 be able to face2and their gossip at school. I was forced to3my routine on Monday morning as usual. In the evening I returned home from school4completely defeated. All I wanted to do was5into bed and wallow(沉湎于)in my own self-pity. I pulled back the covers on my bed and6a pile of cards left by my da

3、d. Each card included a(n)7that it was to be opened on a8night that week. I made it through that week9my father. Each card10to say just what I needed to hear. Tuesdays card said, “The past is painful to think about and the11is impossible to imagine. Dont try. Just take it one minute at a time. ”On W

4、ednesday my mood12when I read, “What you are feeling now is13and normal. It still feels very bad, but it is part of the healing14. ”Fridays card contained a poem he wrote. The last lines made me smile through my tears. “Whatever special15you face along lifes way, may you16that you will find the best

5、 in every day. ”I was instructed to open the last card17the party I went to on Saturday night. In it he wisely reminded me to18. “The world isnt so bad after a good laugh. The more you laugh, the more you heal. ”Each card was signed, “Love, Dad. ”My world once collapsed but I19the difficult breakup

6、eventually. It owed to my dad, who made his20known when he couldnt be present. 【文章大意】最好的朋友的离去让作者情不能已, 久久无法摆脱心灵的阴影。善解人意的父亲用几张卡片抚慰了作者的心灵, 拯救了作者曾经崩溃的世界。1. A. pleasant B. strange C. funny D. normal【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。本句中的but表示的是转折含义, 由此可知其他每个人的生活似乎依然可以“正常”进行, 但是作者做不到。2. A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. nobo

7、dy【解析】选A。词语复现题。由上句It seemed that everyone elses life could just continue on in itsway, but mine couldnt. 中的everyone相呼应, 表示作者无法确信应该怎样才能面对学校中的“每个人”和他们的闲言碎语。3. A. work out B. meet withC. deal with D. come across【解析】选C。前后照应题。上一句提到作者不知如何面对其他人, 由此可知作者被迫像往常一样去“应对”日常生活。deal with应付, 对待; work out解出, 锻炼; meet

8、with遭受; come across偶然遇见。4. A. making B. feelingC. regarding D. considering【解析】选B。背景常识题。根据常识可知作者失去了最好的朋友, 晚上从学校回到家后自然感到非常沮丧。5. A. crawl B. push C. jump D. draw【解析】选A。词义辨析题。作者回到家很沮丧, 最想做的就是爬到床上自悲自悯。crawl爬行; push推; jump跳; draw画。6. A. invented B. discovered C. created D. wrote【解析】选B。前后照应题。作者拉开盖在床上的被子后,

9、应该发现了爸爸留下来的一堆卡片。discover发现; invent发明; create创造; write写。7. A. instruction B. explanationC. presentation D. information【解析】选A。词语复现题。每一张卡片都包括一个“指令”, 告诉作者应该如何去做。根据下文I was instructed to open the last cardthe party I went to on Saturday night. 可知。8. A. regular B. flexible C. particular D. legal【解析】选C。前后照应

10、题。下一段提到作者在那个星期中每天晚上打开一张卡片, 由此可知每张卡片都需要在特别的夜晚打开。particular特别的; regular定期的, 有规律的; flexible灵活的; legal合法的。9. A. in favour of B. regardless ofC. in search of D. because of【解析】选D。词义辨析题。下文提到每张卡片都带给作者不同的感受, 作者最终熬过了那个星期, 所有的这一切都是因为父亲无微不至的关爱。because of因为; in favour of赞同, regardless of不管, 不顾; in search of寻找。10

11、. A. seemed B. happenedC. occurred D. intended【解析】选A。词义辨析题。每张卡片似乎都说出了作者想要听的东西。seem似乎; happen发生; occur发生; intend打算。11. A. life B. future C. dream D. result【解析】选B。前后照应题。与前面的The past相呼应, 这里指将来, 所以选future。12. A. fell B. passed C. flied D. lifted【解析】选D。词义辨析题。这里指的是作者心情的好转, 所以选lift。lift(伤心等)消失; fall降低; pas

12、s通过; fly飞。13. A. false B. honest C. natural D. innocent【解析】选C。前后照应题。由句中的normal可以看出, 父亲认为作者的感受是很正常的, 所以选natural。natural自然的; false错误的; honest诚实的; innocent无辜的。14. A. content B. process C. cure D. progress【解析】选B。词义辨析题。这种感觉仍然很糟糕, 但这是愈合过程的一部分。process过程; content内容; cure疗法; progress进步。15. A. destruction B.

13、competitionsC. challenges D. destinations【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。作者是因为失去最好的朋友后才久久难以摆脱心灵的阴影, 由此可知此处表示作者的父亲鼓励作者要勇于面对人生道路上的挑战。challenge挑战; destruction破坏; competition竞争; destination目的地。16. A. trust B. guess C. predict D. succeed【解析】选A。词义辨析题。不管你在人生道路上面对什么特殊的挑战, 愿你相信你可以每天都发现最美好的东西。trust相信; guess猜测; predict预测; succee

14、d成功。17. A. before B. since C. after D. till【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据第二段最后一句可知作者是在参加聚会之前按照指令打开了那张卡片。18. A. cry B. scream C. sing D. laugh【解析】选D。词语复现题。根据下一句引号中两次出现的laugh可知作者的父亲提醒作者要笑, 所以选laugh。19. A. got through B. looked throughC. broke through D. put through【解析】选A。词义辨析题。作者的世界曾经崩溃, 但是作者最终熬过了这段困难时期。get through(

15、使某人)熬过(困难时期); look through浏览; break through突破; put through实现, 完成。20. A. schedule B. conceptC. soul D. confidence【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。上文提到的卡片中的内容都是在抚慰作者心灵的创伤, 所以作者感激父亲, 虽然他不在身边, 但是却让作者明白了他的精神世界。. 语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(原创)A boy lost in the wilderness was saved by a kangaroo. Thats the s

16、tory floating around after Simon Kruger, a 7-year-old boy, 1(rescue)from Australias Deep Creek Conservation Park. According to Australias 7 News, the story began2Simon wandered off after the family ate a picnic lunch. Apparently the boy3drifted away to pick flowers for his mom got hopelessly lostand

17、 without adequate warm clothing to stay out overnight in the forest. A police search, including helicopters, followed. 4Simon wasnt found for 24 hourseven though he was5(ultimate)discovered only about half a kilometer6the familys campsite. His father Etienne Kruger thinks7son was disoriented(不辨方向的)w

18、hen the rain and wind swept in after he got lost. The overnight weather was cold and wet, dropping to a low of around 438(degree)Fahrenheit. So how did the lost boy survive the cold, wet night? The family said that Simons flowers for his mom attracted9kangaroo. His dad explained: “A kangaroo came cl

19、oser to him to eat the flowers from him, and fell asleep next to him. I think God sent a kangaroo10(keep)him warm. ”【文章大意】7岁男孩西蒙克鲁格在澳大利亚的深溪保护区公园走失, 因袋鼠帮助取暖而获救。1. 【解析】was rescued。考查语态。rescue和主语Simon Kruger之间是被动关系, 且是发生在过去的动作, 应用一般过去时的被动语态。2. 【解析】when。考查连词。句意: 根据澳大利亚7News的报道, 这个故事始于西蒙全家的一顿野餐, 野餐后西蒙一个人

20、在丛林里闲逛。when引导时间状语从句。3. 【解析】who。考查关系代词。who引导的定语从句修饰the boy, 且在从句中作主语。4. 【解析】But。考查连词。由上下文可知, 此处表转折, 应用but连接。5. 【解析】ultimately。考查副词。修饰动词(was discovered), 应用副词。6. 【解析】from。考查介词。表示距离用from。7. 【解析】his。考查物主代词。代替主语Etienne Kruger, 用物主代词his。8. 【解析】degrees。考查名词。degree是可数名词, “华氏43度”应用复数形式。9. 【解析】a。考查冠词。此处泛指一只袋鼠

21、, 应加不定冠词a。10. 【解析】to keep。考查不定式。send sb. to do sth. 派某人做某事, 不定式作宾语补足语。. 短文改错(2014汉中模拟)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。 My paren

22、ts and I went to the park on last Sunday. There were lots of visitors who或stood in front of the ticket window. We waited a long time and buy three standing boughttickets. In the Tiger Mountain of the park, I was too eager to see the fierce sofrightened animals that I quickened my steps through the c

23、rowd. Unfortunate,frightening UnfortunatelyI got separated from my parents. I hadhard time looking for him, but I had no a themluck. Wandering in the park, I felt alone without any companions. Worse still, I had lonelyno money, so I had to walk home, covered as much as 5 kilometers. covering. 书面表达假设

24、你校学生会准备在新的一年里成立一个志愿服务社团(Voluntary Service Club), 需要在学校招募一些学生志愿者。请根据以下内容, 写一份招募通知张贴在学校英语网站上。1. 目的: 服务社会, 了解社会, 培养学生的合作能力; 2. 条件: 身体健康, 乐于助人; 3. 活动: 自拟, 不少于两种活动; 4. 报名时间: 12月31日前; 5. 报名地点: 校学生会。词数: 100个左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Volunteers Wanted!It is decided that the Voluntary Service Club of our school w

25、ill be set up in the coming new year. _The Students Union【参考范文】Volunteers Wanted!It is decided that the Voluntary Service Club of our school will be set up in the coming new year. Its main purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to serve the society better and know more about the society.

26、It can also help to develop our cooperative ability. The club members will be required to do voluntary work at weekends or during holidays. Were going to visit the elderly in the nursing home, keep public places clean and offer help or guidance to the passengers in the train station. The students wh

27、o are healthy, open-minded and willing to help others are welcome to join. If you are interested, please send your application to the Students Union before December 31. Those who are qualified for it will be interviewed in a few days. The Students Union【技法导练】多学一点棋高一着完形填空巧妙利用平行结构, 准确判断逻辑关系“平行结构”指的是结构相同或相似, 意思密切关联、语气一致的句子或词组成串排列的语言现象。平行结构的形式整齐匀称, 内容联系紧密。根据平行结构所表示的逻辑关系可帮助答案的选定。请根据完形填空填写下表, 注意平行结构的逻辑关系题号原词选项11_13_答案:题号原词选项11The pastB(the future)13normalC(natural)关闭Word文档返回原板块

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