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1、重庆一中初级1011学年下期末试题英语重 庆一中初2013级1011学年度下期期末考试 英 语 试 卷 2011.6(时间:120分钟 总分:140分)亲爱的同学: 愉快的暑假马上开始了。为了提高假期的愉快指数,请一定认真答题哟! 仔细一点,自信一点,把你的实力展现出来吧。第I 卷 客观试题 (80分). 听力部分 (20分)第一节:听句子,选出你听到的单词或者短语。念一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. A. fun B. phone C. from ( )2. A. hot B. hat C. hair( )3. A. medium B. meet C. middle( )4. A. d

2、essert B. decide C. day( )5. A. stay B. stays C. stayed第二节:情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答语。念一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. No, I dont. B. Its great. C. Yes, please. ( )7. A. Going to China. B. Pretty good. C. Its cold. ( )8. A. She likes math. B. She has long hair. C. She is tired. ( )9. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did.

3、C. Yes, I am. ( )10.A. They were friendly. B. It was delicious. C. They are Chinese.第三节:对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择最佳答案。念两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )11. A. A large bowl of beef. B. A small bowl of beef noodles.C. A medium bowl of beef noodles.( )12. A. New York. B. Central park. C. I dont know.( )13. A. She cant stan

4、d them. B. She loves them. C. She doesnt love them.( )14. A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday night. ( )15. A. Because it is interesting. B. Because math is easy. C. Because the math teacher is kind.第四节:短文理解。根据你所听到的短文判断正(A)误(B)。念两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )16.There are two great spec

5、ials at Huaxing Dumpling House.( )17.Special One is a kind of dumpling with mutton and eggs.( )18. Special Two is 3 yuan.( )19.The price of each drink is 4 yuan.( )20.The phone number of the Dumpling House is 67708965. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)( )21.Its _outside. People wear scarves. A. cool B. cold C. warm

6、 D. hot( )22.The girl _long hair is _a red skirt. A. with, in B. has, with C. has, in D. with, wears( )23.How _your last weekend? It _terrible. A. is, is B. was, was C. was, is D. is, was( )24.Id like_ noodles. A. tomatoes and beef B. mutton and cabbages C. chicken and carrots D. onion and fish( )25

7、.He has no dog _no family. A. or B. and C. but D. /( )26. The weather was fine, so we _tennis. A. decide to played B. decided play C. decided to play D. decide to play( )27. Yesterday my pen _. A. was lost B. lose C. lost Dwere lost( )28.Old Henry sat down and _the dog _with the cat. A. watched, pla

8、yed B. watch, played C. watched, to play D. watched, play( )29. He is an _.A. friendly people B. unfriendly person C. friendly person D. unfriendly people( )30. _eat in the classroom. A. Not B. Dont C. No D. Doesnt( )31.What do you think of the _news?_. A. sport, I love them. B. sports, I cant stand

9、 it C. sports, I dont mind them. D. sport, I dont like it.( )32.I enjoyed_ your article and would like _you my idea. A. reading, to tell B. reading, telling C. read, to tell D. read, telling( )33. What does your sister like? _ A. She is of medium build. B. She is tall. C. Math. D. She wears glasses.

10、( )34._last Sunday morning, I asked students _fashion. A. /, to B. On, about C. /, about D. On, to( )35.Mary is my good friend. She is _heavy and she can speak _English. A. a little bit, a little B. a little bit, a little of C. a little, a little bit D. a little, many( )36. Who cleaned the house ? M

11、ike _. A. does B. was C. did D. is( )37. It is time for class. Everyone _. A. stops to talk B. stop talking C. stops talking D. stop to talk ( )38.I usually feel _after a _vacation. A. relaxing, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxed, relaxed( )39. My English teacher often _me

12、 do some reading.A. help B. wants C. asks D. lets ( )40. What food do you want to_? I want to have some dumplings. A. order B. sell C. drink D. think. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)My name is George .I ride a bike to deliver(送) letters to people every day. I _41_ riding a bike. It is my hobby(爱好), _42_I like my

13、job.When I was a child, I wanted to do a job in music. I wanted to be a _43_.After I left(离开)school, I began to _44_letters to people .It is really _45_. I meet different people every day. When people get the letters, _46_are happy. I feel _47_when others are happy. It is the best part of my _48_. B

14、ut sometimes it is a little _49_. There are always a lot of cars and buses_50_on the roads. A few months ago, I had an accident(事故).It is the bad part of my life .But I still love my job.( ) 41. A. stop B. like C. begin D. dislike( ) 42. A. but B. for C. so D. or( ) 43. A. musician B. dreamer C. tea

15、cher D. doctor ( ) 44. A. sell B. write C. see D. deliver ( ) 45. A. scary B. interesting C. sad D. quiet( ) 46. A. you B. all C. we D. they ( ) 47. A. great B. sorry C. tired D. terrible ( ) 48. A. study B. life C. job D. family( ) 49. A. exciting B. boring C. hard D. dangerous ( ) 50. A. playing B

16、. running C. showing D. lying. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)AWhere is my cat?Tom Brown likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife Linda Brown sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish

17、 very much.” So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh, your cat eats it.” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and sa

18、ys, “My fish weighs one kilo(公斤).This cat weighs one kilo, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?” ( ) 51._eat(s) the fish. A. Tom B. Toms wife and her friends C.The cat D. Toms friends( ) 52.What does Mrs Brown do with(处理) the fish?A. She eats the fish before Tom comes back home.B. Sh

19、e cooks the fish for the cat.C. She puts the fish in the box and waits for Tom.D. She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her.( )53. Toms wife likes _very much. A. the fish B. Tom C. her friends D. the cat B School Rules There are some school rules in Shuren Middle School. The students hav

20、e different ideas about them. Lets have a look.Jack: Some of them are too strict- Dont give a call between classes. Dont ride a bike at school.Lucy: I dont think some of them are good-Dont be late. Dont eat food between classes. Girls cant wear miniskirts in summer.Maria: Some of them are good for o

21、ur study and life- Keep the classroom clean every day. Boys hair must be short. Girls long hair must be tied up(扎起来). Wear school uniforms on school days.( ) 54. Who is happy about the school rules? A. Jack B. Lucy C. Maria D. Jack and Lucy( ) 55. Jack thinks the rule of not riding a bike at school

22、is_.A. polite B. easy C. good D. strict( ) 56. The word “miniskirts” means _in Chinese.A. 长裙 B. 超短裙 C. 外衣 D. 长裤( ) 57. Which of the following is NOT allowed(被允许) in Shuren Middle School? A. Jack has short hair at school. B. Lucy never takes food with her to school. C. Maria wears the school uniform

23、to school . D. Jack calls his friends between classes.C Monkey KingDo you know the Monkey King, the great hero of the Chinese story Journey to the west? In the story , the Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and Sa Seng beat demons(恶魔)and protect Tang Seng as they travelto the Western Paradise(西天). The Monkey Ki

24、ng was born(出生) from a stone(石头). He can become a tree, a bird, or an animal. With one somersault(翻筋斗),he can travel 108,000 li. The Monkey King is clever, brave (勇敢) and always makes fun magic tricks. Chinese people love him very much.The Monkey King is also popular in other countries. Many Western

25、 kids love him and learn Kungfu becauseof him. To them, he is a super hero, just like Superman and Spiderman.( )58.Which of the following about the Monkey King is NOT true?A. He helped Tang Seng go to the west.B. He was born in a poor family.C. He could become a tree, a bird or an animal .D. He coul

26、d travel very far(远) with one somersault.( ) 59.We cant use the word_ to describe( 描述)the Monkey King. A. clever B. brave C. funny D. lazy( ) 60.Western kids think the Monkey King is a(n)_. A. demon B. animal C. king D. hero( ) 61 .Whats the Chinese name of “Journey to the west”? A.西游记 B.西行漫记 C. 向西旅

27、行 D. 西天伏魔记D Do your parents smoke? Do any of your classmates smoke? If they do, stop them. On May 1st, China banned (禁止) smoking in public(公共的) indoor places. People think this is a good way to help people stop smoking. Why is smoking dangerous? Smoking is bad for health. It can give people lung can

28、cer (肺癌). Smokers get heart disease(心脏病) easily. Whats more, smoking makes peoples teeth yellow. Its very ugly. Maybe(也许) you dont smoke. But if people around you smoke, you can still get sick(生病) by breathing(呼吸) in secondhand smoke.How can you say “no” to smoking? Here are some suggestions. 1. Be

29、direct (直接的): “No thanks. I dont smoke.”2. Give a reason: “My parents dont allow (允许) me to do that.” Or, “its bad for you.”3. Change the subject(转换话题): “I need to go home.”or“lets play basketball.”4. Dont play with kids if they smoke.( )62. China banned smoking in public indoor places on _. A. Chil

30、drens Day B. May Day C. New Years Day D. Teachers Day ( )63. If you smoke, you can easily get _. A. lung cancer B. heart disease C. healthy D. both A and B ( )64. The writer gave us _ suggestions to say “no” to smoking. A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )65. Which one is TRUE? _ A. Smoking can make our teeth white. B. If someone wants you to smoke, you cant say no.

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