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1、七年级英语上词性Be动词练习be 动词专练be 动词用法歌:我用 am,你用 are,is 连接他,她,它。单数名词用 is,复数名词全用 are。变疑问,往前移,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be 后 not 莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 解析: I am; You are; He is; She is; It is; We are; You are; They are.一、用 am, is, are 填空 1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2. The girl_ Jacks sister. 3. -How _you?I_fin

2、e,thanks. 4. -How_your mother?She_fine,too.5.What_this in English?-It _an orange. 6. Where _ your mother? 7. How _ your father? 8. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 9. What _those in English? They _jackets. 10.What color _your pants? -Red11. That _ my red skirt. 12. Where_ I? 13.The socks _ on the desk.

3、 14.Here _ a photo for you. 15. Here _ some sweaters for you. 16. The black shorts_ for Su Yang. 17.The key _yellow. 18. What _your name?-I_Mike.19. This _my backpack and that _her backpack. 20.These _-his brothers. 21. My sisters name _Nancy. 22.I _ a student. 23.Those _my parents. 24.Here_my famil

4、y photo.25._you English? 26. He _ in Class 4, Grade 1. 27.It_ a car. 28. They _ cars .29. The keys _in the drawer. 30._your friends in New York? 31. What _her name? 32.These _ buses. 33.Those _oranges. 34. Where _ her mother? 35. How old _your teacher? 36.What class _ you in? 37. How much _this T-sh

5、irt?-It_7 dollars. 38. My pants _on the bed.39. The blue sweater _on the bed.40. The green shorts _on sale.41. How much _these pants?They _2 dollars.42. The photo _here. 43. How _ your father? 44.The strawberries _-on the table. 45.There _ some tomatoes on the desk?46. There _some broccoli in the dr

6、awer.47. There _ a girl in the room. 48. There _ some apples on the tree. 49. There _ a boy, two girls, and ten women in the park. 50. You, he and I _ from China.51.I _ a girl. My name _ Mary. I _ in Class 2, Grade 7. I _ 12 years old. Here _ my family photo. Look! These _ my parents and those _ my

7、grandparents. This boy _ my brother. He _ 15 years old now. That _ my cat, Mimi. It _ very lovely. 52. I _from Australia. 53. She _ a student. 54. Which dog _ yours? 55. Ten and two _ twelve. 56. Jane and Tom _my friends.二、按要求变换句式1、Its an orange.否定句 _ 一般疑问句_ 划线提问_2、The ruler is white. 否定句 _ 一般疑问句_ 划

8、线提问_3、My fathers name is Jim.一般疑问句_ 划线提问_4、Her phone number is 535-2375划线提问_5、This is my dictionary.否定句 _ 一般疑问句_ 肯定回答 _.名词名词分为可数名词(countable noun)和不可数名词(uncountable noun)1、 可数名词是可以计数的名词,有单数和复数之分。单数可数名词前通常用a/an 修饰;若数量多于一,名词通常用其复数形式。名词复数的构成规则:(1)一般情况下,在名词后加s. eg. bookbooks; pen pens;orange-oranges(2)

9、以s,x,ch,sh 结尾的名词,加es. eg. watchwatches; classclasses; tennistennises.(3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变y为i, 再加es. Eg familyfamilies; dictionarydictionaries; strawberrystrawberries.(4) 蔬菜tomato 变复数加es.2、不可数名词是不能计数的名词,其前不能用a、an修饰,也没有复数形式。作主语时作为单数看待。Eg. There _is_ some salt on the table一、在括号内翻译出下列词语,并在横线上写出其复数形式。1、文具类

10、:(1)地图( )_(2) 钢笔( )_ (3)直尺( )_(4)铅笔( )_ (5)书( )_ (6)橡皮( )_ (7)箱,盒,厨( )_(8)双肩背包( )_ (9)卷笔刀( )_(10)字典( )_ (11)笔记本( )_(12)书包,提包,袋子( )_ 2、运动类:(1)棒球( )_(2) 足球( )_ (3)网球( )_(4)(网球)球拍( )_ (5)乒乓球( )_ (6)排球( )_ (7)篮球( )_(8)(乒乓球)球拍( )_ 3、家庭成员(1)姐妹( )_(2) 妈妈( )_ (3)爸爸( )_(4)父母( )_ (5)兄弟( )_ (6)奶奶( )_ (7)爷爷( )_

11、(8)朋友( )_ (9)祖父母( )_(10)婶婶,阿姨( )_ (11)叔叔,舅舅( )_(12)(堂、表)兄弟姐妹( )_ (13)儿子( )_(14)女儿( )_ 4、家具类:(1)床( )_(2) 桌子( )_ (3)梳妆台( )_(4)书橱( )_ (5)沙发( )_ (6)椅子( )_ (7)课桌( )_(8)收音机( )_ (9)房间( )_(10)电视( )_ 5、食物类:(1)橘子( )_(2) 香蕉( )_ (3)汉堡( )_(4)西红柿( )_ (5)草莓( )_ (6)梨( )_ (7)鸡蛋( )_(8)苹果( )_ (9)胡萝卜( )_(10)水果( )_ (11)

12、蔬菜( )_(12)甜食( )_ 6、服装类:(1)夹克衫( )_(2) 帽子( )_ (3)被子( )_(4)裤子( )_ (5)袜子( )_ (6)衬衣( )_ (7)体恤衫( )_(8)短裤( )_ (9)毛衣( )_(10)裙子( )_ 7、其他类:(1)上午( )_(2) 下午( )_ (3)晚上( )_(4)名字( )_ (5)钥匙( )_ (6)颜色( )_ (7)问题( )_(8)答案( )_ (9)钟表( )_(10)男孩( )_ (11)女孩( )_(12)电话( )_ (13)号码( )_(14)卡片( )_(15)家庭( )_(16)手表( )_ (17)电脑 ( )_

13、(18)游戏( )_(19)戒指,环状物( )_ (20)学校( )_(21)图片( )_ (22)相片( )_(23)植物( )_ (24)跑步的人( )_ (25)明星( )_ (26)俱乐部( )_ (27)班,课( )_(28)白天( )_ (29)早餐( )_(30)午餐( )_ (31)晚餐( )_(32)美元( )_ (33)商店( )_(34)例子( )_(35)对话( )_(36)录像( )_ (37)录像带 ( )_ (38)游戏 ( )_ (40)戒指,环状物( )_ (41)学校( )_(42)图片( )_ (43)相片( )_(44)植物( )_二、1 Her aun

14、t has some _(手表) in her bags. 2 There are three _(抽屉) in the bookcase. 3 She likes _(运动) very much.动词 本学期我们学习了许多动词,包括:一、be动词,他有三种形式_- _ _.二、实义动词,本册我们主要学过这些实义动词。试着写一写吧!1、拼写 2、遇见,相逢 3、回答 4、原谅,宽恕 5、做,干 6、打电话 7、知道,了解 8、需要 9、有,吃,饮 10、玩,打球 11、听起来 12、 观看,注视13、喜欢 14、吃 15、跑,奔跑16、帮助 17、想要,需要 18、来,来到19、买 20、看见

15、 21、卖22、拿走,带到 23、拿来,取来,带来 24 允许,让三、在使用实义动词的句子中,若主语为第三人称单数,动词就需要用三单形式。动词第三人称单数的构成规则 1)一般情况下加 s getgets like-likes 2)以 s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾的加 es: watch-watches go-goes do-does 3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,改 y 为 i,加 es carry-carries 特殊: 特殊: have-has,练习:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 have- do - eat - like need- sound- watch- run hel

16、p- buy- sell- take answer- bring- want- play need- call- 四、几个比较重要的动词的用法。1、bring, take 的用法:bring是拿来,take是拿走通常会用到; 把带来例如: 把你弟弟带到学校来。 Bring your little brother to school. (Bring your little brother here.) take . to. 把带到/带给例如:把这些东西带给你姐姐。Please take these things to your sister.根据目的地和说话人之间的距离分。 如果

17、是往说话的人那儿带,就是bring.如果是往离说话的人远的地方带, 就是take. 练:用take 还是bring? (1). Please_the apples there.(2.) Can you _my pencil case to me?(3.) Tom, _your homework here.(4.) Can you _this backpack to your brother?2、let 的用法。let +动词原形 (1)让我们看电视吧! (2) 让我们打篮球吧! (3)让我们玩电脑游戏吧! (4)让我们做运动吧! 允许某人做某事:let sb. do3、like的用法。(1)后

18、跟名词。例如:I like bananas/apples/salad. (2) 后跟ving. 我喜欢看电视I like_(watch)TV.他喜欢玩电脑游戏He likes_(play)computer games.- (3) 后跟to do. 例如:I like_(watch)TV.他喜欢玩电脑游戏He likes_(play)computer games.-4、want的用法 (1) 后跟名词 例如: I want a sweater. (2) 后跟to do. He wants _(watch)TV My brother wants _(play) computer games. (3

19、)想要成为:want to be (4) 想要某人做某事:want sb. to do.五、1、My sister _( want )a red sweater.2 _ he _(have) lunch at school.3 Gina _( not watch )TV in the evening.4 _ Mike have a baseball? (do)5. That _ good. (sound)6. He only _ TV at home. (watch)7. Sue _ a great sports collection. (have)人称代词和物主代词一、人称代词人称单数复数主

20、格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher.You are student.He is a student, too.We/You/They are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象,一般放在动词后面。Give it to me.Lets go (lets =let us)二、物主代词 数 人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourth

21、eir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词而名词性物主代词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如:Is this your book? No, it isnt,its hers(her book) 三、代词练习题I用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are _ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _(

22、she ) sister.3. Lily is _ ( Lucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5. Now _(her parent) are in America.6. Those _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.7. Do you know _ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom _ ( be ) friends.9. Thanks for helping _( I ). 10. _(Ann)mother is _(we) teacher.II用适当的人称代词填空:1._ismyaunt.Weoftenvisit_. ( she )2. Chinaisadevelopingcountry._isintheeastofAsia. ( its )3. Ihaveabluebike.Theredoneisnt_. ( I )4.Thes

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