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新高考英语 七选五 考前押题 Word解析版.docx

1、新高考英语 七选五 考前押题 Word解析版2021年新高考考前押题 解析版英语 七选五 一、阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATo achieve something, you need the right mindset. You need a mindset that knows you can succeed at what you are aiming for. 1 Below are some pointers.You complain about life. 2 Do you find yourself complaining about you

2、r situation, or what other people have said or done? If you do, it means that you do not accept the reality of your situation or past. That causes stress. Rather than complain, if you have the power, you should change your situation. If you cannot change your situation, then you need to accept it. I

3、f something cannot be changed, then you must change your attitude about it.You want a pain-free lifeDont fear pain. Pain is a part of living. You cannot travel new paths and attain success without the pain of hard work, taking risks and making mistakes. Finally, pain makes you stronger. 3 Rather be

4、pleased that you have the opportunity to learn new lessons.You blame others for your problemsIf you feel anger and resentment against others, blaming them for your problems, then you need to change your mindset. 4 They only make you bitter. Instead of being angry, choose to learn and grow from negat

5、ive experiences, and then let them go. From today, you can choose your own path and it starts with choosing your thoughts.An effective mindset is one that makes the best use of your time, energy and skills to make positive change. 5ADont complain or worry about pain.BWatch what you say to yourself a

6、nd others.CYour mindset will determine your future path.DDo you know how to have the right mindset?E. You will see it doesnt serve to benefit your progress.F. These negative thoughts will not change other people.G. How do you know if you need to change your mindset?【答案】1G2B3A4F5C【分析】本文是说明文。良好的心态有助于我

7、们的取得成功,本文介绍了判断自己是否有良好的心态的方法和如何改变不良心态。1根据下文“Below are some pointers.”(下面是一些参考指标。)并结合下文各段小标题句意可知,各段列举的都是不良的心态的表征。说明此处要提到改变不良心态。各段小标题正是对G项“How do you know if you need to change your mindset?”(你怎么知道你是否需要改变你的心态?)的回答。故选G项。2下文“Do you find yourself complaining about your situation, or what other people have

8、 said or done?”(你有没有发现自己在抱怨自己的处境,抱怨别人说了什么或者做了什么?)在要求自己要留意自己的语言。B项“Watch what you say to yourself and others. ”(注意你对自己和别人说的话。)正好概括这一话题。故选B项。3根据下文中Rather(adv.相反;而是)可知前后句有对比关系。“Rather be pleased that you have the opportunity to learn new lessons.”(相反,应该为你有机会得到新的教训而感到高兴。)与A项Dont complain or worry about

9、pain有对比关系。故选A项。4下文“They only make you bitter.”中出现了指示代词They,设空处需要给出其指代对象,另外句中only说明前后句句意有一定程度的对比关系。F 项“These negative thoughts will not change other people.”(这些消极的想法不会改变其他人。)中These negative thoughts对应下文they,且句意中的“不会”与下文的“只会”有对比关系。故选F 项。5根据上文“An effective mindset is one that makes the best use of your

10、 time, energy and skills to make positive change.”(一个高效的心态是能充分利用你的时间、精力和技能来做出积极的改变的心态。)可知末段是对全文的小结,C项“Your mindset will determine your future path.”(你的心态将决定你未来的道路。)与其是承接关系,且与首段“To achieve something.”相照应。故选C项。BWith schools closing and big events cancelled in Europe, your child probably has questions

11、and concerns about COVID-19. That can be tough to talk about, but kids need to feel safe. 1 Herere some tips from a family medicine physician on how to talk to children about COVID-19.First of all, stay calm. 2 If youre showing panic or anxiety, so will they. Instead, confirm their concerns to show

12、that you understand why they might be nervous-and that a little nervousness is OK. Its important for them to know that theres no need to panic. Then talk calmly about whats happening, and tell them people are working very hard to make things better.3 One of the best ways to calm children is to let t

13、hem believe they can protect not just themselves-but other people as well. Tell them that when they follow the rules for staying healthy, that helps other people stay safe since the child wont be spreading the disease. This is their job-to do what they already know they should be doing to keep thems

14、elves and others healthy.Meet children where they are. Very young children might not be asking any questions, and in that case theres no reason to discuss the topic. 4 Be honest and dont scare them or become alarmist. Limiting too much exposure to television reports and social media-especially the n

15、ews that overstates the case-can help, since children usually have extremely active imagination. 5 AKids can pick up on how you are feeling.BHelp them feel like they are involved.CEncourage kids to give a hand as volunteers.DChildren are more likely to feel their lives will be in a mess.E. The bigge

16、st role of the trusted adults is helping them to do that.F. But dont shy away from talking about whats happening to those kids wanting answers.G. They can even run toward something similar to the destruction of the world.【答案】1E2A3B4F5G【分析】这是一篇说明文。随着欧洲学校停课和大型活动取消,孩子可能会对COVID-19产生疑问和担忧,这说起来可能很难,但孩子们需要

17、安全感。文章主要就如何向孩子谈论COVID-19提出了一些建议。1根据上文“With schools closing and big events cancelled in Europe, your child probably has questions and concerns about COVID-19. That can be tough to talk about, but kids need to feel safe.(随着欧洲学校停课和大型活动取消,您的孩子可能会对COVID-19产生疑问和担忧。这说起来可能很难,但孩子们需要安全感)”以及后文“Herere some tips

18、 from a family medicine physician on how to talk to children about COVID-19.(以下是一位家庭内科医生提供的一些建议,教你如何与孩子谈论COVID-19)”可知,上文提到了孩子在疫情期间需要安全感,后文则提供了一些给成年人和孩子谈论COVID-19的建议,可推测本句是在说明成年人在孩子需要安全感这件事情上的作用,故E选项“值得信任的成年人的最大作用是帮助他们做到这一点”符合语境,故选E。2根据后文“If youre showing panic or anxiety, so will they. Instead, conf

19、irm their concerns to show that you understand why they might be nervous-and that a little nervousness is OK. Its important for them to know that theres no need to panic. Then talk calmly about whats happening, and tell them people are working very hard to make things better.(如果你表现出恐慌或焦虑,他们也会。相反,你应该

20、证实他们的担心,并表明你理解他们为什么会紧张一点点的紧张没有关系。让他们知道没有必要恐慌是很重要的。然后平静地谈论正在发生的事情,告诉他们人们正在非常努力地让事情变得更好)”可知,后文提到大人恐慌或焦虑,孩子也会有一样的情绪,说明孩子们也是可以了解大人的感受的。后文中they指代A选项中Kids。故A选项“孩子们可以了解你的感受”符合语境,故选A。3根据后文“One of the best ways to calm children is to let them believe they can protect not just themselves-but other people as w

21、ell. Tell them that when they follow the rules for staying healthy, that helps other people stay safe since the child wont be spreading the disease. This is their job-to do what they already know they should be doing to keep themselves and others healthy.(安抚孩子最好的方法之一就是让他们相信他们不仅能保护自己,还能保护其他人。告诉他们,当他们

22、遵守保持健康的规则时,这有助于其他人保持安全,因为孩子不会传播疾病。这是他们的工作做他们已经知道应该做的事情,以保持自己和他人的健康)”可知,本段的中心思想是让孩子相信他们不仅能保护自己,还能保护其他人,也就是让孩子主动参与到防控疫情这件事情中来,故B选项“让他们觉得自己参与其中”符合语境,故选B。4根据上文“Meet children where they are. Very young children might not be asking any questions, and in that case theres no reason to discuss the topic.(设身处

23、地为孩子考虑。很小的孩子可能不会问任何问题,在这种情况下,就没有理由讨论这个话题)”以及后文“Be honest and dont scare them or become alarmist.(要诚实,不要吓唬他们,也不要危言耸听)”可知,上文提到了孩子不问问题就不讨论这个话题的情景,可推测本句应承接上文说明应对那些想要得知答案的孩子的办法,故F选项“但是不要羞于谈论那些想要答案的孩子们发生了什么”符合语境,故选F。5根据上文“Limiting too much exposure to television reports and social media-especially the new

24、s that overstates the case-can help, since children usually have extremely active imagination.(限制孩子们过多地接触电视报道和社交媒体尤其是夸大事实的新闻是有帮助的,因为孩子们通常有着极其活跃的想象力)”可知,上文提到孩子们想象力活跃,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文继续说明孩子们想象力活跃的特质。故G选项“他们甚至可以奔向类似世界毁灭的东西”符合语境,故选G。CGreatness is found beyond our comfort zone. We know this and yet we fin

25、d it difficult to take the step. 1It means doing whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable or doing things that you resist or even fear. But as long as you do that, you will step out of your comfort zone and make a difference. 2Here are some easy ways for this purpose. Rediscover your motivation.

26、We all have a grand vision of who we want to be and what we want to achieve. It is this vision that pushes us forward. The motivation we get from our vision has taken us this far, but we tend to become comfortable instead of pushing for greatness. 3Dream once more, revisit your grand vision, and rem

27、ember the person you want to be and the things you want to achieve. By going back to your vision youll find the drive and passion to take the first step out of your comfort zone. Manage risks. We resist leaving our comfort zone because there are risks involved. Things might go wrong and we are afrai

28、d of the negative what ifs. To overcome this fear and manage the risks, figure out what the worst results could be. 4We can take some preventive measures that would reduce our risk. Finally, prepare a plan in case things do go wrong. Start small and correct as you go. There is magic in taking the fi

29、rst step, even if its a small step. You can always correct your mistakes after youve taken action. It is more valuable to be in motion, pushing forward, making mistakes and then correcting than to stand in the sidelines motionless. This is what high achievers do. They get started and make correction

30、s as they go. 5ANo doubt thats not easy.BWhat they dont accept is not trying.CSo we need our vision to be strong again.DThen you can decide whether you should go on or not.E. Once you know this, think of ways you could minimize them.F. Meanwhile, we want to make the process as painless as possible.G

31、. However, getting out of our comfort zone requires a proper procedure.【答案】1A2F3C4E5B【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一些简单的方法帮你走出舒适区,取得成就。1上文“We know this and yet we find it difficult to take the step. (我们知道这一点,但我们发现很难迈出这一步)”以及下文“It means doing whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable or doing things that you re

32、sist or even fear. (它意味着做让你不舒服的事情,或者做一些你抗拒甚至害怕的事情)”表明走出舒适区不是一件容易的事,所以选项A“毫无疑问,这并不容易”符合句意上的衔接,故选A。2根据上题分析可知,走出舒适区不容易。空前“But as long as you do that, you will step out of your comfort zone and make a difference. (但只要你这样做,你就会走出你的舒适区,有所作为)”表明虽然不容易,但是走出舒适区,会取得不一般的成就 ,说明此空表达的是作者会让走出舒适区尽可能容易点,轻松点,这样才有空后“Here are some easy ways for this purpose. (这里有一些简单的方法)”选项F “同时,我们希望这个过程尽可能的轻松”符合句意和逻辑上的衔接,故选F。3上段中“The motivation we get from our visio

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