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1、笨老师分享课堂单词辨析06高考复习笨老师分享课堂(单词辨析06)高考复习学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1 Jacky Chan is_ to turn up at the party for charity, since he is always enthusiastic about such things.Apossible Bprobable Cperhaps Dlikely2 The shopping mall is making every effort to _ new customers in order to sell more foods.Atransfer Ba

2、ttract Cstick Dattack3 I want to buy a blue jacket to _my blue trousers.Amatch Bbelong to Cfit Dtreat4Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 seemed to have been _ to only a mystery after so long and hopeless a search A reduced B formed C trapped D absorbed5 As many successful businessmen believe, courage is

3、 as _ to pioneering work as the intelligence, even more soA accessible B essential C alternative D commercial6The caf is called E-time Coffee, which mainly _ college students and young people nearbyA points B targets C directs D leads7Toms hearing is _.A dropping B failing C going D falling8 -Does t

4、his dress fit Mary? -I dont know. She is very _about what she wears.A especial B special C particular D unusual9If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my reaction will be to tell the policeA immediate B sudden C casual D typical10Emergency line operators must always _calm and make sure that t

5、hey get all the information they need to send help.A grow B appear B become D stay11A lot of children never fully _ their mothers until it is too late.A urge B appreciate C accuse D motivate12 Not knowing how to grow crops,the primitive people had no _ but to gather the fruit and hunt animals for fo

6、od.A conception B command C virtue D alternative13It is _ that the US president will visit our country next month.A likely B probably C possibly D perhaps14South Korea returned to China the remains of the Chinese soldiers killed in the Korean War,_ the friendly ties between the two countriesA distin

7、guishing B highlighting C examining D updating15Tired of switching from one company to another, he finally found a_ job in the government.A thorough B significant C frequent D permanent16“To avoid such disasters ,our _for war should go away.” said the old soldier.A appetite B taste C factor D featur

8、e17Its reported that most of the facilities in this cinema have been transformed to make wheelchair users have _ to them.A approach B access C way D means18This type of MP5 is my favorite, but I cant it.Aafford Bspend Ccost Dpay19The organization was founded (建立) for the _ of poor children .A advant

9、age B interest C benefit D value20In China people believe in the saying “out of debt, out of pressure”; however in the west, it is just the _ when you are in debt, you are trustworthy and financially capable.A objective B opposite C contrary D contradictory21My teacher is very niceIll never forget t

10、he he has done for me.Afavour Bkindness Chelp Dbenefit22Anyone in the lab has to the following dos and donts.Aobserve Bconsult Crecognize Ddirect23How are the peace talks between the two countries?We are looking forward to hearing the final .A competition B appeal C influence D outcome24The technolo

11、gical advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been _only to the very rich.A manageable B acceptable C affordable D measurable 25People all over the world are kept _ of what is happening at once by means of the Internet.A suspected B convinced C approved D informed2626

12、This word is wrongly spelt;a letter is _.A left behind B left alone C left out D left off27You must keep it _ in mind that education is the first productivity.A mildly B firmly C tightly D roughly28Carelessness always contributes _ car accidents. Therefore, drivers are advised to concentrate their a

13、ttention _ driving.A for; to B to; on C with; on D in; to29 Giving up smoking is a slow and painful _ for him.A pressure B process C motivation D profession30The woman she acted in the film is _ the women in the 1930s.A typical of B conventional of C impressive of D consistent of31The machine has be

14、en used many years. Its no wonder that it doesnt work well_.A regularly B constantly C occasionally D frequently32 Drinking water , having a healthy snack and taking exercise are all positive ways to _you when you are working on a tight schedule. A relieve B refresh C liberate D comfort 33When you g

15、et involved in sports, a lot of racial_are broken down because players developed friendship quickly. A barriers B threats C approaches D hardships34The word “ungelievable” based on Chinese, which has become a big hit online very quickly, _a message that Chinese can also serve as an addition to Engli

16、sh vocabulary. A delivers B simplifies C declares D clarifies35In order to put an end to poverty, the World Bank has switched its _to providing technical assistance and long-term loans to developing countries. A concern B process C struggle D focus36The most important thing to keep in _ mind when de

17、aling with_ emergency is to stay calm.A /; the B the; an C the; the D /; an 37Generally speaking, the family, not the school, plays the role in educating children for life.A potential B primary C personal D professional38He never complains about the difficulties he has in life ,he always has ways to

18、 overcome themAHowever BOtherwise CInstead DTherefore39Jimmy managed to make a(n) profit out of the deal,for he had got such a good opportunityAhandsome Bpretty Cattractive Dbeautiful40We all goodbye to my father as he was on the train to BeijingAmade Bshook CPaid Dwaved41One of the characteristics

19、that make me different from many people is my adaptabilityIm_ and comfortable in new or unusual situations.A acceptable B respectable C reliable D Flexible42 It is really important for parents to reach a _ between what they want and what their kids desire.A conclusion B compromise C.communication D

20、consensus43 The two girls, born four days _in January 1986, have been friends since their junior days and both won the championship this year.A off B away C ahead D apart44I was once ashamed to admit my weakness, but now I have no such feeling and I_myself much discomfort.A bring B offer C save D pr

21、omise45It is reported that North Korea once agreed to _its neclear program in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees.A. devote B. abandon C. contribute D. adapt46 Kobe Bryant was _ by another teammate in the last ten minutes after a knee injury and their team narrowly won the game in the

22、end. A abandoned B contradicted C. substituted D reflected47With the release of the latest version of iPhone, users can have easy _ to ever-growing incredible on-line games. A desire B access C certificate D privilege 48In that school, German is compulsory for all students, but English and French ar

23、e_.A special B regional C optional D original 49His _ to be admitted to Wuhan University was held back by his poor English.A ambition B inspirationC destination D approval 50 These crops _ well to the warm and damp climate here.A apply B adopt C adapt D admit参考答案1D【解析】Dbe likely to do 可能发生,形容词likely

24、 的主语可以是人,也可为物,其余选项不符合要求。2B【解析】Btransfer 转移;attract吸引;stick 粘贴;attack攻击。B项符合语境要求。3A【解析】Amatch此处意为“搭配,匹配”。4A【解析】句意:在经过如此漫长而无望的搜寻后马来西亚航空公司的MH370航班慢慢地成了一个谜。A. reduced减少、缩小; B. formed形成;C. trapped被困;D. absorbed吸引、全神贯注于。由句意可知选A。考点: 考查动词的用法。5B【解析】句意:正如很多成功的商人所认为到那样,勇气和智慧对原创工作而言一样是基本的,甚至比智慧更基础。A. accessible

25、可进入到的、能进入的;B. essential基本到、必要的;C. alternative 供选择的、选择性的;D. commercial商业到、赢利的。由句意可知选B。考点: 考查形容词的用法。6B【解析】句意:咖啡厅称为 E 时代咖啡,它主要的目标对象是附近的大学学生和年轻人。A. points指向;使对准;把对准;注意;指点(路);B. targets 把作为目标;C. directs .(把)针对(某人),把指向某人 (at; to; towards);D. leads 引导;由句意可知选B。考点: 考查动词词义辨析的用法。7B【解析】试题分析:考查动词。A. dropping跌倒;B

26、. failing下降;C. going走;D. falling落下。句意:汤姆的听力正在下降。故B正确。考点:考查动词8C【解析】试题分析:考查形容词。本题考查短语的固定搭配be particular about对挑剔。句意:这个裙子适合玛丽吗?我不知道。她对她所穿的非常挑剔。故C正确。考点:考查形容词9A 【解析】试题分析:句意:如果我发现有人看起来象嫌疑犯,我立刻的反应是报警。四个选项的含义分别是:A immediate 立即的,B sudden突然的,C casual 随意的,D typical典型的,所以选A。考点:考查形容词辨析10D【解析】试题分析:句意:紧急电话接线员必须总是保

27、持冷静并且确保他们能够获得所有需要的信息以便能够给予人们帮助。A变得;B看上去,出现;C变得,成为;D保持。固定短语:stay calm“保持冷静”,选D。考点:考查动词辨析。11B【解析】试题分析:这句话的意思是:很多孩子很迟才完全的感激他们的妈妈。四个选项的含义分别是:A. urge .催促,推进,驱策,力劝,规劝,极力主张,B. appreciate欣赏,感激,C. accuse 指责,指控,D. motivate使有动机,促动,激发,诱导,刺激,所以选B。考点:考查动词辨析12D【解析】试题分析:句意:由于不知道如何种庄稼,原始人别无选择,只好收集水果及捕猎动物来充当食物。altern

28、ative“可能的选择 ” , have no alternative but.“ 除 外 别 无 选择”,符合题意。其他选项是:A. conception概念,设想,构想,B. command“命令,指令”;C. virtue美德,德行,价值,长处 正确答案 D考点:考查名词辨析13A【解析】试题分析:句意:美国总统将在下个月参观我们国家。这里需要形容词,而BCD都是副词,likely 是一个形容词。It is likely that 是固定句型:“有可能”,所以选A。考点:考查形容词副词14B【解析】试题分析:句意:韩国把在抗美援朝战争中牺牲的中国士兵的遗物归还给中国,突出表现了两国之间友

29、好的关系。A. Distinguishing区别B. Highlighting强调,突出C. Examining检查D. Updating更新。根据句意选B。考点:考查动词辨析。15D【解析】试题分析:句意:厌倦了从一个公司跳到另一个公司,他最后在政府找到了一个稳定的工作。A. Thorough自始至终B. Significant重要的C. Frequent经常的D. Permanent稳定的。根据句意选D。考点:考查形容词辨析。16A【解析】试题分析:句意:“为了避免这样的灾难,我们对战争的欲望应该消失。”这个老战士说到。A. Appetite欲望B. Taste风味C. Factor因素D. Feature特征。根据句意选A。考点:考查名词辨析17B【解析】试题分析:考查名词。A. approach靠近;B. access人口,通道;C. way方法;D. means方法,手段。这里考查短语have access to可以得到,可以使用。句意:据报道在这个电影院大部分设施都已经改变使得轮椅使用者可以使用。故B正确。考点:考查名词18A【解析】试题分析:句意:这种类型的 MP5 是我的最爱,但我买不起它。Aafford 买得起,经常与can, cant连用;Bspend花费,常用句式是:Sb. spend some time

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