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1、高中英语完型填空题型练习附答案10篇【2020-2021】高中英语完型填空题型练习(附答案)(10篇)一、完型填空1 I can remember once when I was just a little boy, I sat on a chair and watched as my mum painstakingly 1 a large, homemade quilt (被子). I looked over at one edge of the quilt being sewed and saw a piece of thread 2 . Without thinking I reache

2、d over to 3 it.“No!” yelled my mum. I jumped back. That was the first time I can ever remember her yelling at me. Seeing the 4 look on my face, she smiled and 5 showed me why she had yelled. That piece of thread 6 in and out, making its way from one end of the quilt to the other. If I had pulled it

3、out, I might have torn the entire quilt and 7 hours of work. As I look back on that 8 today, I can see that each of our lives is like that 9 . We are all just a 10 string in the tapestry (挂毯) of life. We cant always 11 where we are going or what we are connected to. If we pull ourselves out of it, w

4、e will leave a 12 in it. Dont feel lost in the tapestry of life then. Embrace your 13 in it. You may 14 be a single piece of thread but your love and your life help to 15 the whole thing together.1Asewed Bironed Cfolded Dmeasured2Awinding up Blaid aside Csticking out Dwrapped up3Acurl Bpull Ctie Dbr

5、eak4Adepressed Bdisappointed Cterrified Dannoyed5Agently Breluctantly Croughly Deagerly6Awove Bfollowed Cran Dcircled7Astopped Bruined Crepaid Ddisturbed8Abehavior Bemotion Cresponse Dmoment9Aquilt Bthread Cscene Dwork10Aspecial Bstrong Cstraight Dsingle11Arecall Bbelieve Csee Ddiscuss12Ablank Bhole

6、 Cline Dmark13Achange Bweakness Cpower Dplace14Aonly Bsurely Cstill Deven15Ado Bpress Cpush Dhold【答案】1A2C3B4C5A6A7B8D9B10D11C12B13D14A15D2 An active person, Erin Brown becomes especially expressive when she talks about competing in the triathlon at the Paralympics Games (残奥会) in Tokyo in 2021. Her h

7、ands flying, her eyes 1 , she explains that COVID-19, which has 2 gyms and beaches in the Bahamas, has only somewhat slowed her training. She found a private pool to swim in, and she is cycling indoors.Sports competition is extremely empowering for people with disabilities, giving them more 3 in con

8、trolling their life. She says, “People dont 4 what you look like. They only focus on the efforts and 5 youve made.” In fact, the forty-year-old mother of two children has made empowering disabled people the driving force of her own life. She runs a small firm to 6 in many areas, including health car

9、e and employment. She is the one-person department of disability affairs at the University of The Bahamas, which has become more 7 since COVID-19 complicated the 8 faced by students with disabilities. And she plans on becoming a disabilities rights attorney (代理人).Shes empowering disabled people to e

10、ngage, to be aware of their 9 , whether thats in employment, in making health services more 10 , or in getting them at the forefront of planning.1Ared Bopen Cwatery Dbright2Aclosed Blimited Cchanged Ddestroyed3Aattention Bconfidence Coptions Dreasons4Aask Bknow Ccare Dignore5Amistakes Bdecisions Cre

11、sponses Dachievements6Acompare Bplan Chelp Dimprove7Achallenging Bdeserving Cinspiring Damusing8Atests Bdifficulties Cdangers Dquestions9Arights Badvantages Cimpact Dvalue10Achild-friendly Bcustomer-friendly Ceco-friendly Ddisability-friendly【答案】1D2A3B4C5D6C7A8B9A10D3It was a hot, damp summer day. A

12、fter I 1 my tank in the local gas station, I started to walk inside to pay. Just then I noticed two elderly 2 standing back from their car. There was a mixture of shock and 3 on their faces. I followed their 4 and saw what they saw: five yellow jackets were building a 5 around their gas cap. My eyes

13、 6 . I shared the ladies fear.Yellow jackets had never been 7 to me. When I was a young boy, a friend of mine and I were 8 and playing in my backyard. I must have 9 on one of their hidden nests while running. 10 , both of us were being chased and stung over and over by the yellow jackets. We ran awa

14、y 11 with great fear. My mom 12 ran a cold bath and put us both in it to ease the pain and itching (瘙痒) 13 giving us medicine to fight all the poison in our little bodies from the stings.I knew I couldnt let fear stop me now. I 14 my back pocket for a paper towel I had there, tore out the nest and s

15、tepped on it while the 15 wasps (黄蜂)buzzed around me. 16 of the ladies thanked me excitedly. I smiled, and nervousness and fear were replaced with 17 .In this life, you cant let the fear of being stung either physically or 18 keep you from doing what is right. We need to go 19 ourselves and love eac

16、h other. Dont let the yellow jackets in your life 20 you back.1Afilled Bmoved Ccharged Demptied2Amen Bwomen Cdrivers Djackets3Aanger Bpain Csadness Dfear4Anose Bears Ceyes Dmouth5Aroom Bnest Chouse Dhall6Awidened Bclosed Copened Dlowed7Alovely Blikely Cfriendly Dcarefully8Ajumping Bclimbing Cwalking

17、 Drunning9Aremoved Bstepped Cpaced Dsearched10AAs a result BAfter all CAbove all DAt the same time11Adiscussing Bexploring Cscreaming Dlaughing12Anervously Bsuddenly Ccasually Dimmediately13Aafter Bwhile Cbefore Duntil14Areached into Barrived in Cgot to Dpulled out15Ahappy Bangry Csad Dworried16ANei

18、ther BBoth CAll DNone17Apain Bsurprise Cdoubt Djoy18Aheartedly Bintelligently Cemotionally Dpunctually19Athrough Bback Cahead Dbeyond20Ahold Bset Chang Dgive【答案】1A2B3D4C5B6A7C8D9B10A11C12D13C14A15B16B17D18C19D20A4Lu Yiwei, a 19-year-old from Shanghai, proved his floristry(花艺)skills by winning the go

19、ld medal at the 45th WorldSkills Competition in Kazan, Russia, last month.It is commonly believed that floristry is a job 1 for girls, he said. But actually, its not an easy one because it requires heavy work, such as moving wood and large, heavy flowerpots things that are 2 when creating works whic

20、h requires 3 .Lu was 4 by a vocational school (职业学校) in 2017, a year after he graduated from junior high school at age 16. The first thing I learned was design. Then my teacher told me that maybe I should study floristry because he felt I was 5 in that area, he said with a laugh. Lu said he was not

21、6 about the suggestion then. Actually, I knew 7 about floristry. All I knew at the time was that some students in our school had won the 44th WorldSkills Competition in Abu Dhabi in 2017.Lu said he was in a poor condition when he 8 the competition. Almost two weeks before I had the final training in

22、 July, I was 9 of ideas, which was terrible for a competitor whose project needed new ideas. I got used to my new identity later, thanks to my 10 who guided me with their patience and scientific training courses.His trip to Kazan was 11 , but he enjoys the memory. He said he had 12 during the compet

23、ition because he was getting more and more nervous as the competition 13 . We were given all our tasks about 15 minutes before the competition started. It was really hard because we had to 14 ideas for all in such a short time, he said.I didnt 15 during the World-Skills trials(预赛), as there were so

24、many experienced and excellent competitors, he said. But I was always 16 . I think my positive 17 brought me opportunities and the final honor.Many of my classmates were pleased after winning medals at the competition, but they lost their 18 . I won the gold medal at the age of 19, but I know that i

25、ts not my final 19 . I want to develop more new 20 . Since returning from Russia, he has started a new life at his school, again studying design.1Ahelpful Bfit Cinteresting Dgood2Aused Bfound Cbought Dstored3Askills Bideas Cstrength Dknowledge4Ahonored Baccepted Cinvited Dpraised5Aexperienced Bweak

26、Cgifted Dsuccessful6Asurprised Banxious Cdisappointed Dsure7Anothing Bsomething Ceverything Danything8Agave up Bprepared for Ctook part in Dtalked about9Afull Bshort Cafraid Dcertain10Aclassmates Bcoaches Cparents Dfriends11Along Bboring Cdifficult Ddangerous12Afear Bjoy Cexcitement Dsurprise13Astar

27、ted Bended Ccontinued Dsettled14Aset down Bcare about Ccome up with Dmake use of15Acalm down Bgive in Cturn up Dstand out16Ahopeful Bgrateful Ccareful Dhelpful17Aadvice Bexperience Canswer Dattitude18Away Bbalance Chope Dgame19Adesign Bgoal Cdecision Dchoice20Aideas Bmaterials Cabilities Dhabits【答案】

28、1B2A3C4B5C6D7A8B9B10B11C12A13C14C15D16A17D18A19B20C5In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 1 course about 20 years ago.The professor 2 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried b

29、eans(豆), and invited the students to 3 how many beans the jar contained. After 4 shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 5 answer, and went on saying, “You have just 6 an important lesson about science. That is: Never 7 your own senses.”Twenty years later

30、,the 8 could guess what the professor had in mind. He 9 himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting 10 into an unknown world invisible to the 11 , which can be discovered only through scientific 12 . But the seventeenyearold girl could not accept or even 13 the invitation. She was just 14 to understand the world.And she 15 that her firsthand experience could be the 16 . The professor, however, said that it was 17 .

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