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1、山西省临汾市兴国实验学校届高三第二次月考试英语缺答案20112012学年第一学期高三年级第二次月考英 语 试 题题 号一部分二部分三部分总 分得 分 (时间:120分钟,满分:150分)第卷(选择题 共115分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 完形填空(22040分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We moved to Chicago ten years ago. As we were then new to the 1 , we had few friends and seldom went out to parti

2、es. But a month later, I was 2 to a gathering and there I met an elderly couple. The 3 and I talked for a long time and she told me how 4 she was about her husband who was 5 a heart transplant(移植). At that time I was working as a researcher in the 6 hospital where the husband would be going for his

3、surgery(手术). 7 I told her to take down my phone number and 8 me to let me know when he was there.She phoned a few 9 later to let me know he was admitted to the hospital and 10 waiting. So I quickly 11 to check on him every day while I was at work. I 12 that if he were my dad, I would do the same, an

4、d I 13 wanted to give them some company.Weeks turned into months and it just became part of my routine to 14 them and keep track of(了解)how things were getting 15 before, during and after the heart transplant. sometimes Id bring food or a(n) 16 for him to read; sometimes she would 17 a snack that she

5、d brought. Someh-ow over time, it was like I became part of the 18 .Now, over ten years later, this couple is our sons local grandparents! Since our parents dont 19 close by, we truly feel blessed(有福的)to have this wonderful couple as our local 20 ! Family sometimes comes out of the most unexpected p

6、laces.1. A. areaB. countryC. partyD. apartment2. A. orderedB. followedC. invitedD. introduced3 A. husbandB. daughterC. granddaughterD. wife4. A. regretfulB. calmC. worriedD. lucky5. A. looking forB. waiting forC. applying forD. making for6. A. differentB. sameC. specialD. nearby7. A. SoB. ButC. ForD

7、. Or8. A. askB. callC. writeD. find9. A. yearsB. minutesC. monthsD. weeks10. A. againB. alwaysC. stillD. never11. A. hopedB. stoppedC. agreedD. promised12. A. thoughtB. doubtedC. suspectedD. wondered13. A. justB. neverC. seldomD. hardly14. A. encourageB. seeC. comfortD. welcome15. A. acrossB. outC.

8、awayD. along16. A. advertisementB. posterC. bookD. picture17. A. hideB. showC. eatD. share18. A. roomB. operationC. familyD. hospital19. A. comeB. liveC. sitD. move20. A. parentsB. friendsC. neighborsD. relatives第二节 单项填空(115=15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. In our school library there are number

9、 of books on science and number of them is growing larger and larger. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a22. he drove a car, Jack got involved in a car accident.A. It was the first time B. For the first timeC. The first time D. At first23. His wife him to give up smoking last year and his health

10、 has been improving since then.A. advised B. hoped C. persuaded D. suggested24. is known to all is that good friends happiness and value to life.A. What; add up B. It; add C. What; add D. It; add to25. -Ive got a cough and my chest hurts. - . Let me examine you. A. You should learn to protect yourse

11、lf B. Dont mind C. Keep calm. You will recover soon D. Take it easy26. You can watch the sunrise at dawn and the sunset . A. at dusk B. at noon C. at dawn D. at midnight27. Kate and Tom with each other at first sight and they in love for three years ever since. A. fell in love; have been B. fell in

12、love; have fallen C. were in love; have been D. were in love; have fallen28. With a good of both Chinese and English, she had an advantage over the other interviewees. A. program B. guidance C. command D. ability29. Dont trust such people praise you to your face but speak ill of you behind your back

13、. A. who B. that C. which D. as30. It was that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual. A. we being late B. our being late C. we were too late D. because we were late31. He insisted that he right, and so he insisted that his plan carried out at once. A. was; should be B. be; would be C.

14、was; was D. be; be32. alone in a dark room, the little girl was so at the sound. A. Left; frightening; frightening B. Left; frightened; frightening C. Leaving; frightened; frightening D. Leaving; frightening; frightened33. a hotel, we began to look for somewhere to have dinner. A. Having found B. To

15、 find C. Find D. Found34. There is some doubt whether he will in the meeting. A. turn on B. turn up C. turn down D. turn off35. -Why was Mr. Li so happy this morning? -Because he was honored with a(n) for his excellence in teaching. A. present B. gift C. award D. reward第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(31545分

16、) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。A When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been abroad. Like most of English children, I learned French at school. And I had often been to France, so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who

17、didnt understand English. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems. How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to give my friend Danny a call and tell her that I had arriv

18、ed. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked if he could help me. Yes, I said, I want to give my friend a ring. Well, thats nice, he said, Are you getting married? But arent you a bit young? I am not talking about marriage. I replied, I only want to give my friend a ring to tell her Ive arri

19、ved. Can you tell me where theres a phone box? Oh! he said, theres a phone downstairs. When at last we met,Danny explained the misunderstandings to me. Dont worry, she said to me, I had so many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from the Bri

20、tish. You will soon get used to all the funny things they say. Most of the time British and American people understand each other.36. Where was the writer from? A. America. B. France. C. England. D. China.37. The writer wanted . A. to buy a ring for his friend B. to make a call to his friend C. to g

21、o to the telephone company D. his friend to see him off38. From the passage we can see that give somebody a ring . A. has the same meaning in America as in England B. means call somebody for the old man C. has two different meanings D. means be going to get married in England39. In the last paragrap

22、h, the underlined word they refers to . A. the old man and the boy B. the Americans C. the British D. the FrenchB No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way

23、of telling what the weather will be like in the following day or two is called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and neat. Th

24、is is a sign of much water vapour(水蒸气)in the air, and therefore rain will probably come. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of the wet weather. Their joints ache. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if ra

25、iny or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because of the insects which they are hunting that they fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows always come in the evenings. If the stars twinkle clearly at night

26、, then fair weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning, just about sunrise then the day will be warm. Instead, if a fog appears in the evening, the next day will be wet. If sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy wea

27、ther will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. We can do nothing to forecast the weather. B. Some birds fly low if fine weather is coming. C. I

28、f a rainbow appears in the morning, the weather will be fine. D. Fair weather will continue if the stars twinkle clearly at night.41. When birds fly near the ground, it indicates . A. wet weather B. fine weather C. a hot day D. a cold day42. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, the weather wil

29、l . A. continue to be rainy B. clear up C. be cloudy D. get dark soon43. When distant hills and trees seem to be very clear and neat . A. people will shout B. birds will sing C. there are rings around the sun D. rain will probably comeCThe relationship is constructed differently in different culture

30、s.RussiaIn Russia, friends can call each other by their first names alone and could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal and visit, and so on. Physical contact

31、(接触)between friends is expected, and friends, whether or not of the same sex, will hug, sometimes kiss and walk in public with their arms around each other, or arm-in-arm, or hand-in-hand.AsiaIn the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships tend to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nick names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect. Friends are people who are equal in mos

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