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1、云南省中考英语复习第一部分教材知识研究九全Units78习题第一部分 教材知识研究九年级(全)Units 7-8. 词形转换1.(2017宿迁)Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels_. (sleep)2.(2018原创)Time is_ and we should do something meaningful instead of playing with our cellphones all day.(value)3.(2018原创)Every creature has its own way to protect itself. E

2、ven plants have their own ways to fight against_. (enemy)4. (2018原创)There used to be many_, but only a few of them remain in this mountain now. (wolf)5.(2018预测)My mothers birthday is coming, but I cant find a_ present for her. (suit)6.(2018预测)The food_ is very important and much attention should be

3、paid in our daily life. (safe). 词组翻译1.(2017曲靖一模)Many teenagers have hobbies, but sometimes these can _ their school work. (妨碍)2.(2018原创)Jenny will_ with her parents in this Sunday afternoon. (去野餐)3.(2018原创)You must listen to the speech quietly in the hall and dont_. (制造噪音)4.(2018原创)Its impolite to_

4、to our parents or teachers. (顶嘴)5.(2018原创)I like doing_ in my summer holiday. Because I feel happy when I can make money by myself. (兼职工作)6.(2018预测)If you are good at spoken English, it will be easier for you to_ foreigners. (交流)7.(2018预测)is becoming the hottest topic nowadays. Everyone should take

5、it seriously. (校园安全). 单项填空1.(2017梧州)Where is George?He_ be here just now. His coffee is still warm. A. need B. cant C. must D. shouldnt2.(2018原创)To achieve a bright future, we should_ study hard_ keep in good health. I agree with you. A. not; but B. not only; but alsoC. neither; nor D. either; or3.(

6、2018原创)Mum, whats the matter with the little dog? It doesnt eat anything. Oh! It_ be ill. Lets take it to the pet hospital. A. can B. must C. need D. cant4.(2018原创)As long as you work hard, we will try our best to _ you. OK, dad. Thank you. A. influence B. support C. control D. punish5.(2018原创)Nowad

7、ays, lots of consumers who want to buy air-conditioners take “saving” _ into consideration. A. courage B. energy C. decision D. promise6. (2018原创)How great the driver was! He_ to avoid an accident this morning. A. managed B. refused C. continued D. encouraged 7.(2018原创)The final exams are coming. An

8、d Tina begins to_ that she has wasted much time instead of studying. A. miss B. imagine C. regret D. warn8.(2018原创)The_ of education is teaching a man fishing rather than giving him fish. A. purpose B. advantage C. pleasure D. action9.(2018原创)Mr. Smith turned down my invitation because he had an imp

9、ortant meeting to_ that day. A. visit B. show C. attend D. check10.(2018原创)Sometimes, body language is a good way to_ ourselves. A. admire B. appreciate C. describe D. express11.(2018预测)I couldnt go to sleep last night because I heard loud outside all the time. A. noise B. voice C. sound D. silence1

10、2.(2018预测)Do you know about Dales birthday party?Yes. I_ his invitation yesterday. I am thinking about whether I will go there or not. A. offered B. accepted C. received D. requested13.(2018预测)In the cartoon Tom and Jerry, Tom always Jerry, but he seldom succeeds in catching Jerry. A. looks after B.

11、 asks after C. takes after D. runs after. 完形填空 (2018原创)A valuable musical instrument was played recently in its first public performance since being rediscovered in 2015. The instrument, a Stradivarius violin, had been stolen and been_1_ for 35 years. The violin has a long history. It was made_2_ th

12、e 18th Century. Later, the instrument belonged to Roman Totenberg, a Polish-born virtuoso violinist. He died before the violin was rediscovered. Now, the violin belongs to one of his_3_ and its sound is again being heard. This week, one of Totenbergs former students, Mira Wang, _4_ the instrument fo

13、r the first time since its rediscovery. Totenbergs three daughters all agreed that Mira Wang should perform with the Stradivarius. Amy Totenberg said the former student was close to_5_ father. “She was my fathers protege (门徒). Hes certainly had_6_ beloved students but she was so close, and to all of

14、 us, to him. ”Antonio Stradivari made the instrument in 1734. Roman Totenberg played the _7_ for almost 40 years. He performed on many famous concert stages around the world. Totenberg_8_ in 2012 at the age of 101. The Stradivarius was taken from his dressing room after a show. Daughter Nina Totenbe

15、rg remember_9_ happened. She knew later that the wife of one of her fathers students stole the violin. The woman tried to sell it to a violin specialist but she_10_. The specialist recognized the instrument and told FBI where it was. In 2015, the Stradivarius was returned to Totenbergs three daughte

16、rs. They had it restored to playing condition. 1. A. lost B. interesting C. clean D. amazing 2. A. on B. to C. in D. for 3. A. students B. teachers C. sons D. daughters 4. A. sold B. played C. bought D. got 5. A. her B. his C. our D. your 6. A. little B. much C. few D. many 7. A. guitar B. piano C.

17、violin D. drum 8. A. went out B. passed away C. got up D. cut off 9. A. when B. which C. where D. what 10. A. slept B. failed C. succeeded D. arrived . 阅读理解A(2018原创)At Harton College, there are many rules. A fifteen-year-old boy Bob Sandres often breaks these rules. The boys must return to school by

18、 6 oclock. One afternoon Bob walked to the town and went to a cinema. After seeing the film, it was 8 oclock. He walked back to Harton College as fast as possible. When he arrived, the main entrance was locked. He looked up at the window of his dormitory. It was on the third floor. He couldnt climb

19、up the wall very easily. Then he saw another open window on the ground floor. It was the window of the headmasters study and no one was there. He quickly climbed and jumped into the room. Just then he heard the sound turning on the light in the corridor. Bob had to hide himself under the sofa. One m

20、inute later, Mr. Mason, the headmaster, came in. He turned on the light and then he sat down on the sofa and began to read a book. Bob lay under the sofa as quietly as possible. He looked at the headmasters shoes and socks for nearly an hour. Finally, the headmaster closed his book and walked toward

21、s the door. “Thank Heavens, he didnt find me under the sofa.” Bob thought. Then Mr. Mason stopped and spoke to the sofa, “would you turn off the light when you leave?” He said and left the study. 1. Bob is a teacher at Harton College. 2. One afternoon, he went to a movie and he returned to school on

22、 time. 3. Bob jumped into Mr. Masons living room and then someone turned on the light in the study. 4. Bob hid himself under the sofa for almost one hour. 5. Mr. Mason found Bob under the sofa but he pretended not to know. B(2018预测)Here are some important rules for you to become a good student at sc

23、hool. Go to school on time. _1_ If you are late, you will not start your lesson at the same time with your classmates so that you will miss some lessons, which can influence your grades. If you are late, the teacher will be angry with you, too. So remember to go to school on time. Follow the school

24、rules. _2_ For example, you are not allowed to chew gum(嚼口香糖)or sleep in class. Dont fight with your classmates, and you should be friendly to your classmates and your teachers and be ready to help others who are in trouble. _3_ It is dangerous to run in the hallway.Prepare (准备) lessons before class

25、. If you want to know what you will learn next day, youd better prepare lessons. It is good for your study and it can help you get good grades. _4_5_Try to be in all kinds of activities at school. For example, sports can not only improve the relationship between you and your classmates but also make

26、 you healthier. A. Do not break the school rules. B. Dont eat unhealthy food at school. C. You mustnt run in the hallway. D. Take part in all kinds of activities at school. E. As a student, going to school on time is very important. F. You should be always honest to your classmates. G. Besides, you

27、should listen to the teachers as carefully as possible. . 书面表达 (2018原创)Rules of My School Reading Room提示:书籍是我们的精神食粮,我们应该学会珍惜。而校园阅览室为我们提供了读书的最佳地,所以维护阅览室安静整洁是我们每个人的责任。假如你是班长,学校图书管理员请你向你们班的同学介绍阅览室的一些规定。以“Rules of My School Reading Room”为题,写一篇短文。要求:1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;2. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。_答案九

28、年级(全)Units 7-8. 1. sleepy【解析】句意:鲍勃昨晚熬夜到很晚,现在他感到很困。feel为感官动词,后跟形容词作表语。故填sleepy。2. valuable【解析】句意:时间是宝贵的,我们应该做些有意义的事,而不是整天玩手机。系动词is后跟形容词表语。根据语境可知,此处指的是时间是宝贵的,故填valuable。3. enemies【解析】句意:每个生物都有保护自己的方式,甚至植物也都有它们自己防御敌人的方式。根据常识可知敌人不止一个,故应用名词复数形式。故填enemies。4. wolves【解析】句意为:以前这个山里有很多狼,但是现在只剩下少数几只了。many后面跟复数

29、名词,wolf的复数形式为wolves。故填wolves。5. suitable【解析】句意为:我妈妈的生日就要到了,但是我找不到一件适合她的礼物。分析句子结构可知空处需用形容词修饰present。故填suitable。6. safety【解析】句意:食品安全是非常重要的并且在我们的日常生活中应该给予更多的关注。此处作主语需要名词。故填safety。. 1. get in the way of【解析】句意:许多青少年有爱好,但是有时候这些可能会妨碍他们的学业。get in the way of“妨碍”,情态动词can后面跟动词原形。故填get in the way of。2. have/go

30、for a picnic【解析】句意:詹妮将在这周日下午和她的父母去野餐。去野餐have/go for a picnic。3. make noise【解析】句意:在礼堂里听演讲的时候你必须安静,不能制造噪音。制造噪音make noise,为固定搭配。4. talk back【解析】句意:跟父母或老师顶嘴是不礼貌的,talk back意为“顶嘴,回嘴”。Its +adj.+to do sth.做某事是的。故填talk back。5. parttime jobs【解析】句意:我喜欢在暑假做兼职工作。因为当我自己赚钱的时候我感到很开心。Parttime job兼职工作,此处不止一个兼职工作。故填part-time jobs。6. communicate with【解析】句意:如果你擅长英语口语 , 你与外国人交流会更容易。It+adj.+for sb. to do sth.,此处动词用原形。故填communicate with。7. School safety【解析】句意:校园安全是当今最热门的话题。每个人都应该认真对待。校园安全school saf

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