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1、人教版八年级英语上册Unit4知识点总结+单元测试word版含答案Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?重点词组1. get ( 1 ) 买get sth. for sb. = get sb. sth. 为某人买某物Can you get some fruit for me when you go shopping ?= Can you get me some fruit when you go shopping ?( 2 ) 得到,到达Where did you get the book?When did you get the letter?He

2、got home late last night.(3)使,让,get + 宾语 + 宾补 使某人/某物怎么样Please get you coat clean.Get your mouth closed.get sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事I got him to call Jim yesterday.(4)( 逐渐) 变得.The weather gets warmer and days get longer .Why did the teacher get angry ?2. how about/what about 后跟名词/代词/动词ing形式。(1)向对方提出建议或请

3、求How about going out for a walk?How about something to eat?(2)向对方征求意见或看法How about the TV play ? How about buying the house now ?( 3 ) 询问天气或身体情况How about the weather in Hainan Island ?How about your parents?Are they living with you ?( 4 ) 谈话中承接上下文Im forty years old. How about you?Im from Beijing. How

4、 about you?3. receive 收到 The girl was happy to receive many gifts on her birthday .receive a letter from = get a letter from = heard from收到某人的信I received a letter from my parents last Sunday .= I got a letter from my parents last Sunday .= I heard from my parents last Sunday .accept 接受 He couldnt ac

5、cept our suggestions but our gifts.She was very glad to receive the invitation.I received an invitation to the party , but I refused to accept it . 4. a 6-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子6-year-old 是由“数词 +名词 + 形容词 ” 构成的复合形容词,作前置定语,修饰后面的名词child。“数词+名词+形容词”构成的复合形容词,中间的名词要用单数形式:a five-year-old girl 一个五岁的女孩 a two

6、-meter-long ruler 一把两米长的尺子a ten-story-high building 一栋十层高的楼房 a two-inch-thick dictionary 一本两英寸厚的词典5. 太而不能 too 后跟形容词或副词原形, to 后跟动词原形, 构成不定式,句子的主语与动词不定的主语不一时, 可以在动词不定式前加逻辑主语for sb。He is too young to join the army ( 军队) . 他年纪太小,不能去参军。The math problem is too difficult for me to work out . 这道数学题对我

7、来说太难了,做不出。too.to可以与enough to和sothat转换.She is too young to do the work .= She isnt old enough to do the work .Tom is too tired to walk any farther .= Tom is so tired that he cant walk any farther .6. pay , spend , cost , take 的区别(1)pay 花费 ( 多少钱 ) , 主语是人。sb. pay some money for sth.I paid 5000 yuan for

8、 the computer last week . 我上个星期花了5000买电脑。(2)spend 花费 ( 多少钱或时间 ),主语是人。sb. spend some money on spend some time ( in ) doing sth.I spent 5000 yuan on the computer last week .She spent 2 hours ( in ) doing her homework . 她花了2个小时做作业。(3)cost 花费 ( 多少钱 ) , 主语是物。sth. cost sb. some money.This jacket c

9、ost him 200 dollars. 这件夹克衫花费她200美元。(4)take 花费 (时间 ),主语形式主语为It. It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事How long does it take sb. to do sth?花费某人多少时间做某事?It took Liu Hong 2 hours to do her homework. 刘红花了2个小时做作业。7. sleep , sleeping, sleepy , asleep , fall asleep , be asleep(1)sleep 动词, 睡觉, 强调动作。I am

10、 very tired. I want to sleep. 我很累,想睡觉。(2)sleeping,sleep 的现在分词, 表示“ 正在睡觉”。Dont make so much noise. The baby is sleeping. 不要这么吵,宝宝在睡觉。(3)sleepy 想睡觉的, 困倦的。I am a little sleepy. Id like to go to bed. 我有点困了,我想去床上睡觉了。(4)asleep 睡着了的。The teacher found Tom asleep in class and kept him behind after school.老师发

11、现汤姆上课睡觉,放学后就把他留了下来。(5)fall asleep 强调从没有睡着到睡着的过程, 不能接一段时间。I couldnt fall asleep until it was very late last night . 我昨天晚上到很晚才睡着。(6)be asleep 表示睡着后的状态 , “ 睡着了”, 可以接一段时间。He was asleep for three hours. 他睡了3个小时。8. open ( 1 ) 动词, 打开 , 开业, 开张, 展现Would you mind opening the window ? 你介意我把窗户打开吗?( 2 ) 形容词, be

12、open 开着的, 开放的On weekends the swimming pool is open to the public. 在周末,这个游泳池是对公众开放的。9. close 动词, 关闭, 关上 , 合上closed 形容词, be closed 关着的, 关闭的10. encourage 动词, 鼓励, 激励 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves.家长们应该要鼓励孩子们自己动手做事情。11. progress 名词, “ 进步, 进展”

13、 make progress “取得进步, 取得进展”Tom is now making great progress at school. 汤姆现在在学校的进步很大。12. take an interest in ( doing ) sth. 对 ( 做 )某事感兴趣否定表达是 take no interest in ( doing ) sth. 对 ( 做 )某事不感兴趣Do you take an interest in English ? 你对英语感兴趣吗?Most children take an interest in playing computer games. 大多数孩子对电

14、脑游戏很感兴趣。13. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友Would you like to make friends with us? 你想和我们交朋友吗?Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater.第一节单项选择。(本题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1.Great Wall is longest wall in the world.A. The; theB. A; a C. The; a D.a;a( )2.Who ranof all in the sports

15、meeting? Hector did, I think.A. fastB. faster C. the fastestD. most fast( )3. How do you like the book you read yesterday?Oh! Its one of books Ive ever read.A. interesting B. more interestingC. most interesting D. the most interesting( )4.He always comes to schoolof all because he has to open the do

16、or for others.A. earlier B. the most early C. most early D. earliest( )5. In order to keep quiet, please go into or out of the library.A. friendly B. quietly C. comfortably D. beautifully( )6. In the school talent show, Linda performed well and Ann did even.A. wellB. better C. moreD. worse( )7. Our

17、hometown is becoming.A.beautiful and beautifulB. more beautiful and beautifulC. more beautiful and more beautifulD. more and more beautiful( )8. What do you think of the filmSo Youngdirected by Zhao Wei?Wonderful. I think its than the other films about youth in recent years.A. the best B. the worst

18、C. much better D. much worse( )9. How far is it from your home to school? Its about fifteen walk.A.minuteB. minutesC. minutesD. minutes( )10.Of all the teams in NBA. I think the Los Angeles Lakers playedthis year.A. most successfullyB. the more successfullyC. very successfullyD. much more successful

19、ly( )11.Which isway to travel, by plane, by train or by bus?A. less expensiveB. more cheaperC. the least expensive D. cheaper( )12.Which of those radios sounds?The smallest one.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best( )13.How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends thetime and mak

20、esthemistakes in her homework.A. least; fewestB. least; least C. fewest; leastD. most; fewest( )14.They said that they were able to use the organ to playmusic.A. all typesB. all types ofC. type ofD. a type( )15.Lets play a partthe room.That sounds great!A. cleanB. cleaningC. to cleanD. in cleaning(

21、)16.Can you tell me how to use this e-dictionary? . Let me have a look.A.No wayB. No problemC. Im afraid notD. It doesnt matter( )17.How does your father go to work?On foot. Our house ishis office.A. far fromB. different fromC. the same as D. close to( )18. Its lucky of you to buy the same ticket at

22、 aprice.A. higherB. lower C. more expensive D. cheaper( )19. In our class, Lucy is the. She always makes everybody laugh.A. tallest B. youngest C. quietest D. funniest( )20. Could I ask youquestionsyour service?A. some; about B. any; aboutC. any; on D. some; with第二节完形填空。(本题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面的短文,掌

23、握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。Once there lived a farmer _21_ Henry. He had a brother, Mike, who was an excellent gardener in town. His skill and his beautiful trees were _22_ everywhere.One day, Henry went to town _23_ Mike.“Look, my brother,” said Mike.“Here is the best_24_ tree from

24、 my garden. Take it home and _25_ it so that you, and your children, and your childrens children can enjoy it.”Henry was _26_ with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning, he began to _27_ where he should plant it.“If I plant it on the hill,” he said to _28_,“the wind might catch it and

25、_29_ down the fruit. If I plant it _30_ to the road, people who pass by will pick some of them. But if I plant it.”_31_ he planted the tree in the corner behind his house, where no one else could notice it. But the tree bore(结出) no fruit the first year, nor the second. Then Henry _32_ his brother an

26、d said to him _33_,“You have cheated me. This is the third year and it brings me _34_ but leaves.”When Mike saw where the tree was planted, he laughed and said, “You have planted the tree in such a cold corner without _35_ or warmth. How, then, could you expect flowers and fruit?”( )21.A.called Bcal

27、lCcalling Dto call( )22.A.simple BfamousCsimilar Dcommon( ) visit BvisitCvisited Dvisiting( )24.A.pear Bgrape Capple Dbanana( )25.A.sell BwashChide Dplant( )26.A.tired BpatientCpleased Dpopular( )27.A.learn BwonderCrealize Dunderstand( )28.A.himself Bhis Chim Dhe( )29.A.put Bcut Cpush Dshake(

28、 )30.A.close BclosedCclosingDto close( )31.A.FinallyBFirstlyCLuckily DCertainly( )32.A.sent up Bsent awayCsent forDsends for( )33.A.happily Bangrily Ckindly Dcarelessly( )34.A.nothing BsomethingCeverythingDanything( )35.A.air Bearth Cwater Dsunlight第三节阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项

29、中选出最佳答案。AJune came and the hottest month of the year began. A lot of travelers came to the city by the sea. All of the hotels were full except Mr. Johnsons. The prices of all the rooms were the lowest in the city but few people stayed there. The fire broke out three times in a year and four travelers died in the accidents. Most workers left there and found jobs in the other hotels. M

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