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1、学生作业手册必修46Module 6Unexplained Mysteriesof the Natural World.单词拼写1The animal is mild,and never _(袭击)tourists or other animals.2There was enough evidence _(表明)that the man was guilty.3Teens are good at _(适应)to the changing environment.4He was being very _(神秘的,诡秘的)about where he was going.5If we contin

2、ue to destroy the habitats of some rare animals,they will be endangered and become _(绝种的)6The company has made a new _(财富)even in the present declining economy.7He is a wellrespected teacher and has won a good _(名誉,声望)for all he has done for the kids.8It was really _(慷慨的)of him to pay for both of us

3、.9Some people are really _(怀疑的)about what they have read in the newspaper.10The quiet village,as the police claimed in the morning paper,was an _(不可能的)setting for such a crime.答案:1.attacks2.indicating3.adapting4.mysterious5.extinct6.fortune7.reputation8.generous9.sceptical10unlikely.完成句子1她声称那只戒指是被偷的

4、,而不是遗失的。She _ the ring was stolen, not lost.2他努力使自己适应新的情况。He tried hard _ the new conditions.3一种新方法提供一个答案,并且有可能帮助弄清楚更大的问题。A new approach offers an answer, and may _ an even bigger question.4因为我们没有足够的时间,让我们谈正题吧。Lets _ because we dont have enough time.5我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。Our happy childhood is _ our f

5、athers hard work.答案:1.claimed adapt himself to3.throw light on4come straight to the point5.due to.单项填空1The mother got a bit _, for her daughter should have come back home from school.Acalm BeagerCimpatient Danxious答案:D考查形容词辨析。calm“平静的,镇静的”;eager“渴望的”;impatient“不耐烦的”;anxious“焦急的”。句意:这位母亲有点焦急

6、,因为她的女儿本应该已经从学校回来了。2It was _ of my secretary not to have let others disturb me this morning when I was occupied with my work.Agenerous BpoliteCconsiderate Drude答案:C考查形容词辨析。generous“慷慨的”;polite“有礼貌的”;considerate“体贴的”;rude“粗鲁的”。句意:今早在我忙于工作时,我的秘书不让他人打扰我,真够体贴周到的。3These toy cars are _ different sizes, sh

7、apes and colors.Ain BwithCof Dat答案:C考查介词与固定搭配。be of the same/different size/shape/age/color大小/形状/年龄/颜色相同/不同。4Look! There are so many snakes on the street, which _ that something strange might happen.Aindicates BthinksCinstructs Dexplains答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:看!路上有很多蛇,这暗示有可能发生奇怪的事情。5He claimed _ nothing to d

8、o with the murder.Ahaving BdoingCto have Dto do答案:Cclaim“声称”,后面跟动词不定式。另外此处又考查了固定短语have nothing to do with“与无关”。故选C。6Many farmers in China go to the city to _ a fortune.Afind BdoCmake Daccept答案:C考查固定搭配。make a fortune表示“挣钱,发财”。7If we dont take some measures to protect this kind of plant,it will _ soon

9、.Adie out Bdie downCdie from Ddie of答案:A考查die短语的用法。句意:如果我们不采取措施保护这种植物,它将很快就灭绝。die out灭绝,消失;符合语境。die down(风、雨等)减弱,平息;die from/of死于。8Some experts have estimated that there will be a good harvest of wheat in North China this summer _the good weather.Ain spite of Bapart fromCdue to Dregardless of答案:C考查短

10、语辨析。句意:有些专家估计,由于天气非常好,今年夏季华北地区的小麦将获得大丰收。in spite of尽管,不管,不顾;apart from除之外,且不说;due to由于;regardless of不管,不顾,与in spite of词义相同。9With the new evidence accumulated,the case _it was his stepfather who killed the boy cruelly.Abrought to light Bcame to lightCthrew light on Dsaw the light答案:B考查动词短语。句意:随着新证据的逐

11、渐增加, 这起案件也就变得真相大白了是那个男孩的继父残忍地将他杀害了。come to light为人所知,变得众所周知;bring to light揭露,发现;throw light on使清楚,阐明;see the light领悟,恍然大悟;理解明白。10Constant coughs,running nose and back pain are often the _ of seasonal flu.Areputations BsymptomsCsigns Dsymbols答案:B考查名词辨析。句意:不断的咳嗽,流鼻涕及背痛通常是季节性流感的症状。reputation名声,名誉,声望;sy

12、mptom(疾病的临床)症状;sign迹象,符号;symbol象征,标志。故选B。11Where is Lucy?I cant say where she is,but she _ have gone to meet her classmates at the school gate.Acan BshouldCmust Dmay答案:D考查情态动词。这里表示对过去状况的推测,用情态动词have done。从前面的“我不确定她在哪里”可知,用may have done,表示过去可能已经做了;must have done表示过去一定做了; can have done用在否定句和疑问句中;shoul

13、d have done表示过去本该做但实际却没做。12Bobs lectures _ a fairly wide range and I couldnt sum up what he said in few sentences.Acovered BconveyedCconsidered Dcommanded答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:鲍勃的讲座涉及范围相当广泛,因此我不能用几个句子就概括出来他所说的内容。cover覆盖,涉及;convey传达;consider考虑,认为;command命令,指挥。13Cao Caos tomb is reported _ in Anyang,Henan Pro

14、vince,which attracts nationwide attention.Abeing found Bto be foundChaving been found Dto have been found答案:D考查非谓语动词。句意:据报道,曹操墓已经在河南安阳被发现,这引起了全国范围的关注。本句考查了“sb./sth. be reported不定式”,其中的不定式动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,故要用不定式的完成式。14(2013武汉高三联考) Military helicopters dropped food and medicine to the earthquake survivor

15、s that remained _ in remote mountain villages.Acut off Bpaid offCput off Dlaid off答案:A短语辨析。cut off使隔绝;pay off努力得到回报;put off推迟;lay off使下岗。句意为:“军队的直升机为那些在地震中被困偏远山区的幸存者们投下食物和药品。”15_the local authorities paid more attention to the safety of the children,more than 20 lives _ in Gansu Province.AShould;wou

16、ld not be claimedBHad;would not have been claimedCShould;would not be costDHad;would not have been cost答案:B考查虚拟语气。句意:如果当地政府更多一些关心孩子们的安全的话,在甘肃就不会有20多条小生命被夺走了。对于发生了的事情进行假设,从句用haddone,主句用would have done;claim意为“要求,认领,索取,夺走(生命等)”,故答案选B。.完形填空Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sibsons bedroom sky

17、light (天窗). Sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder _1_ he knew what was happening. The storm had moved directly _2_ his twostory wooden house. Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping.Sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to _3_ ;he opened the door to the basement(地下室) ,and flames _4_out. Sibson ran b

18、ack upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom. “I felt _5_ because the room had a separate outdoor stairway, ”he explains.But the phone didnt work, and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway, he was _6_ by a wall of flames. Sibson realized he was trapped(困住)Sibsons house was three kilometers _7_

19、the main road and was so well hidden by trees that he knew calling for help would be _8_.Up a hill nearby lived Sibsons neighbor, Huggons. He was lying in bed when something like a smoke alarm _9_ his ears. He jumped out of bed, took his _10_ and flashlight,and headed down the hillside toward the _1

20、1_. That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke.Huggons dialed 911,and the operator warned him not to _12_ the house.But Huggons said,“There is no way I am going to listen to Sibson _13_ and die in that fire.”“Anyone there?” Huggons called out. Then he heard “Help! Im trapped!”coming from the secon

21、dfloor balcony (阳台). He entered the house,but soon had to run back to catch his _14_.After one more _15_ inside the house, Huggons gave up and _16_ around back.The wind parted the smoke just _17_ for him to catch sight of Sibson. But there was no way to get to him. He _18_the flashlight into the woo

22、ds and noticed a ladder.He took it over to the balcony and _19_ Sibson down just as the second floor of the house fell off.Sibson is still _20_when he tells the story.“I was alone that night,”he says.“Then I heard the most beautiful sound in my life.It was Huggons.”1A.before BwhileCsince Duntil答案:A闪

23、电在黑暗中划过西布森寝室的天窗。在西布森还没有意识到所发生的事情之前,一声巨雷让他感到震颤。before引导时间状语从句,说明了雷电速度之快。故选A项。2A.on BinCthrough Dover答案:Dover“在的上方”。此处指他的两层木房之上。3A.hide BwaitCcheck Descape答案:C第一段提到暴风雨发生的突然性,导致烟雾报警器响了。为了查明原因,西布森赤着脚冲下了楼。check“检查”,符合文意。4A.moved BgaveCwent Dexploded答案:Dexplode“爆炸,爆发”。此句指:他打开地下室的门时,火焰窜了出来。说明了事态的严重性和紧迫感。5A

24、.safe BworriedCglad Dtired答案:A当时的西布森认为自己还是比较安全的,因为房间有着独立的室外楼梯。根据句意,A项正确。6A.burned BstoppedCshocked Dcovered答案:B根据下一句“Sibson realized he was trapped(困住)”,可知西布森在下楼时被火焰挡住了去路。故选B项。7A.beside BoffCacross Dalong答案:B这句话说明了西布森居住处的位置,离主路3公里远,而且隐藏于树林中。off指远离一段距离,故选B项。 BfalseCfruitless Dregretful答案:C本

25、句前一部分介绍了其住处的隐蔽性,让人难以发现险情。因此他觉得请求帮助将会是徒劳的。fruitless“不成功的,徒劳的”,符合文意。limited“有限的”;false“错误的,虚伪的”;regretful“后悔的”。9A.struck BmissedCtouched Dpassed答案:Astrike“敲击,打击,(声音)传到”。句意:西布森的邻居哈根斯躺在床上,听到了烟雾警报声。miss“错过”,touch“接触,碰到”,pass“经过”,均不符合句意。 10A.coat BkeyCbasin Dphone答案:D根据下一段第一句哈根斯拨打了911求助电话可知,他在动身时带了电话。11A.

26、noise BroadCsmoke Ddanger答案:A上文提到哈根斯听到烟雾警报器的声音,因此是前往发出这一声音的地方。noise“噪音”,符合文意。故选A项。 BenterCleave Ddamage答案:B因为房内浓烟滚滚,接线员警告哈根斯不要进入那所房子。选用enter“进入”符合常理。search“搜查,寻找”,leave“离开”,damage“损坏”,均不符合文意。 BrollCscream Dsigh答案:C这句话的意思是:听到西布森的喊叫,让他在火中丧生,这是我不能接受的,紧急情况下的救助声音用scream更为恰当。14A.breath B

27、attentionCladder Dflashlight答案:Acatch ones breath“喘息”。进入布满浓烟的房子后,哈根斯又不得不跑回来喘息。故选A项。15A.stay BchanceCthought Dattempt答案:D又一次尝试进入房子,又一次放弃了。attempt“努力;尝试”符合文章。16A.climbed BcircledClooked Djumped答案:B上一段最后一句提到哈根斯进入房子之后,又折了回来。根据这一信息可知circled around back指的是又绕了回来。17A.clear BopenCenough Dfit答案:C这句话的意思是:风吹开了浓

28、烟,能够让哈根斯看到了西布森。enough to do sth.“足以,足够做”,故选C项。18A.led BputCdrove Dshone答案:D他用手电筒照进树林里,看到一张梯子。shine“使闪耀;把的光投向”与flashlight搭配,指的是打开手电筒之意。19A.persuaded BkickedCpulled Dforced答案:Cpull“拖,拉”,符合当时紧急的情境。persuade“说服”,kick“踢”,force“强迫”,均不符合文意。这句话的意思是:他把梯子搬到阳台处,把西布森从阳台上拖了下来,这时房子的二楼倒塌了。20A.nervous BsurprisedCpro

29、ud Dthankful答案:D根据最后西布森所说的一番话,可以看出他对哈根斯及时的救助充满感激之情。thankful“感激的,感谢的”体现了西布森的心情。故选D项。.阅读理解Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situations and relationships. For example, in American culture (文化) the smile is in general an expression of pleasure. Yet it also has other uses. A womans s

30、mile at a police officer does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child.A smile may show love or politeness.It can also hide feelings.It often causes confusion(困惑) across cultures. For example, many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even improper. Yet many American

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