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1、Unit8JobHuntingUnit-8-Job-Huntingdiscriminaiton; (2) severe competition; (3) tough interviews; (4) lack of good jobs.Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)Traditionally, Americans believe that hard work naturally brings huge material wealth. However, in recent years, there has been a sharp decr

2、ease in the number of high-paying jobs and ordinary Americans find themselves working longer hours for much less pay. A college diploma is critically important if one desires to have a decent job with a handsome salary. Many jobs in corporate America require that both men and women put their job fir

3、st and their family second. Some businesses provide flexible working hours and day-care centers in the building, but most do not. A number of women are choosing to drop out of the workforce and stay at home with their children, or to find work they can do at home. In spite of the ideal of equality o

4、f opportunity, women generally earn less money than men for doing the same work. Minorities often face similar discrimination in the workplace, earning less money than white workers with similar jobs. However, the recent arrival of millions of new immigrants is changing the makeup of the American wo

5、rkforce.Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A(20 minutes)Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.1. purpose n. 意图,目的e.g. The sole purpose of conducing a business is to make money. 做生意的唯一目的是赚钱。Phrase: on purpose 故意(地),有意(地)e.g.

6、He interrupted our talk on purpose. 他故意打断了我们的谈话。for the purpose of 出自的目的,为了e.g. He learned English for the purpose of studying abroad. 他学英语的目的是出国留学。purposeless adj. 没有明确目的的e.g. Time may be wasted in purposeless meetings. 时间有可能在毫无目的的会上浪费掉。purposely adv. 故意地purposeful adj 有清晰目的的,有明确目标的;坚决的2. attract v

7、t. 吸引e.g: What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel. 这份工作最吸引我的地方时有旅游的机会。attraction n. 吸引,吸引力e.g. The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people. 为国有企业工作对年轻人没有吸引力。attractive adj. 有魅力的,诱人的e.g. The dress is attractive to young girls. 那件裙子对年轻姑娘有吸引力

8、。3.size n. 大小,尺寸e.g. (1)Their apartment is half the size of ours. 他们公寓面积是我们公寓面积的一半。 (2)large-sized / medium-sized 大号/中号4. luck n. 运气,好运e.g. Good luck !/ Best of luck! 祝好运!Phrase: (1)be in luck (出乎意料地)走运 (2) be out of luck 不走运 (3)try / chance ones luck 碰碰运气lucky adj. 幸运的e.g. The lucky winner will be

9、able to choose three different holidays. 幸运赢家可以选择三个不同的假期。luckily adv. 幸运地e.g. Luckily for us, the rain held off all day. 我们真幸运,一整天都没有下雨。5. dismiss vt. 解雇;解散e.g. (1) Robert was dismissed from his post for negligence. 罗伯特由于玩忽职守被免职了。 (2) The teacher might dismiss class early today because of the snow.

10、由于下雪,今天老师或许会提前下课。dismissal n. 解雇,开除e.g. After the dismissal of the cook we had to make our own meals. 解雇了厨师,我们只得自己做饭。6. unemployment n 失业e.g. Closure of the plant will mean unemployment for 500 workers. 关闭这座工厂就意味着五百名工人要失业。unemployed adj 未被雇佣的,失业的employ v. 雇佣,聘 employer n. 雇主,老板employee n. 雇员e.g.(1)T

11、hat company employs 1,000 people. 那家公司有一千名员工。 (2)The clothing industry is a large-scale employer of women. 服装业大量雇佣女工。 (3)His father is an employee of local government. 他的父亲在当地政府工作。Antonym: employment n. 就业e.g. The closure of the factory threw many workers out of employment. 工厂倒闭后,很多工人失业了。7. generall

12、y adv. 通常,一般来说e.g. generally speaking 一般说来general adj. 大体的,大致的phrase: in general 一般(大体)说来;总体上e.g. (1) In general, about 10% of the candidates are eventually offered positions. 一般说来,大约百分之十的求职者最终得到了职位。 (2) We re trying to raise awareness about the enviroment in general and air pollution in particular.

13、 我们正在努力从总体上增强环保意识,特别是提高对空气污染的认识。8. benefit n. 福利,救济金;利益e.g. unemployment benefit 失业救济金phrase: be of benefit 有益,有好处e.g. The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers. 新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多好处。Beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的e.g. Milk and vegetables are beneficial to a growing child. 牛奶和蔬菜对于孩子的成长有好处

14、。9. available adj. 可得到的,可利用的e.g. (1) The university is trying to make more accommodation available to students. 该大学在设法为学生提供更多的住处。 (2)The only time the president is available is Sunday afternoon. 总统惟一空闲的时间是周日下午。Availability n. 供应;可得到,可利用Antonym: unavailable adj. 不可得到的,不可利用的e.g. The new book is still

15、unavailable at the bookstore. 这本新书书店里目前仍然没有。10. worried adj 担忧的,发愁的e.g.(1)She s worried about her exam. 她很担心自己的考试。 (2) Jim looked up with a slightly worried expression. 吉姆略带愁容地抬头看。worry v. & n. 担心,发愁e.g. I worry a lot about my fathers health. 我很担心父亲的健康。worrisom adj. 令人焦虑的worrying adj. 令人担心的;使人发愁的11.

16、 economy n. 经济;节省e.g. For the sake of economy, I havent yet turned on the heating. 为了省钱,我还未打开供暖系统。economic adj. 经济的e.g. The government is facing economic problems. 政府面临一些经济问题。economical adj. 节俭的,节省的e.g. We must be economical with our resources. 我们必须节约利用资源。economics n. 经济学12. mechanic n. 技工,机修工 Mecha

17、nical adj. 机械的;呆板的e.g. (1) He had little mechanical knowledge. 他对机械知识几乎一无所知。 (2) He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical. 他被多次问到同样的问题,他的回答都变得机械起来。13.dream of 梦想(得到),梦见e.g.He dream of becoming a superstar some day. 他梦想有朝一日能成为超级明星。14. end up 约束,到头来e.g. All of his

18、 efforts ended up in failure. 他所有的努力均以失败告终。15. drop out of 退出e.g.He dicided to drop out of the presidential campain. 他宣布退出总统竞选。 out 跑出去,用完,用光e.g. His strength ran out at the end of the game. 比赛快结束时,他已经筋疲力尽。17.hang around 留在附近,徘徊,闲逛e.g. Most women prefer to hang around in stores without buying

19、anything. 大多女性喜欢在商店里闲逛却什么也不买。18. share sth with sb 与某人分享某物e.g. The girl shared a small apartment with an old lady. 那女孩和一位老太太合住一个小公寓。19. on the edge of 在的边缘e.g.After finishing dinner, he placed the folk on the edge of the plate. 吃完饭后他把叉子放在盘子边。20.make friends(with sb) (与某人)交朋友 e.g. He likes to make fr

20、iends with everyone. 他喜欢与任何人交朋友。 by (doing sth) 靠(做某事)谋生,度日e.g. He lived by doing odd jobs. 他靠打零工度日。 worried about 为担心e.g. He is extremely worried about his graduation speech. 他正为毕业演讲大伤脑筋。23.after all 毕竟,说到底e.g.Dont blame him; after all, children are children. 别再责备他了,孩子毕竟是孩子。24.turn for

21、the better 好转,改善e.g.The continuous rain finally stopped and the weather started to turn for the better. 阴雨绵绵的日子总算过去了,天气开始逐渐转好。Step 4. Vocabulary Check B &C (10 minutes)Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B and C). Then check the answers.Period 2:Step 1. Language Points in

22、 Text A (30 minutes)Explain the language points to Ss and analyze the structure of the passage. Pay more attention to longer sentences in Text A and try to make Ss understand.1. A city attracts them just because of its size:A city attracts them just because it is large.2.Some of them have dreams of

23、success in the arts or in the theater, but others just want to be in a place where there is always a lot of activity:Some of them come to the city in the hope of becoming successful artists or actors, but others just want a colorful life in a busy place.3. Many of them end up working as taxi drivers

24、: Many of them worked as taxi drivers, which they had not expected.end up: to come to be in a particular situation ro state, especially when one did not plan it.e.g.(1)Hell end up in prison if hes not careful. 如果他不小心,最后会锒铛入狱的。(2)We were going to go out, but ended up watching videos. 我们原计划外出,但结果却是在家看

25、录像。4.He was brought up in a small town in Nebraska: He grew up in a small town in Nebraska.5.He dropped out of high school when he was fifteen:drop out : to leave an activity, course, etc, before the end of it.e.g. (1) Bill Gates dropped out of college and tried his hand at starting a new ventrue. 盖

26、茨中途从大学辍学,开始尝试自己开公司。 (2) He had to drop out of the race because of injury. 他由于受伤不得不退出比赛。6.Born in a poor family, he had only fifty dollars in his pocket when he arrived in the city: born in a poor family: Here the past participle serves as the adverbial indicating reason, meaning “because he was born

27、 in a poor family”.7.Lenny had good luck in the beginning, despite the lack of friends or relatives: Although he had no friends or relatives, he was lucky in the beginning./ Despite the fact that he had no friends or relatives, he ahd good luck in the beginning.despite: in spite ofe.g.Despite all ou

28、r efforts to save the school, the country government decided to close it. 尽管我们竭尽全力想保住这所学校,县政府还是决定把它关闭。Despite the fact that: althoughe.g. She went to Spain despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest. 尽管医生告诉她应该休息,她还是去了西班牙。8.He was lucky then, though.Though: as an adverb it is used at the e

29、nd of a class and it can be translated as“可是”,“不过”,“然而”e.g. Two heart attracts in a year havent stopped him smoking though. 一年两次心脏病发作,可是那也没让他把烟戒掉。9.Soon, the unemployment pay ran out: soon, he had used up all the unemployment out: become used up so that there is no more left.e.g. (1) Our sup

30、plies soon ran out. 我们的补给很快就耗尽了。 (2) Finally, his patience ran out. 最终他还是忍耐不住了。10.The rest of the day, he hung around the theater district: The rest of the day, he stayed near the theater district, doing nothing.hang around: spend time somewhere without any real purposee.g. There are always kids han

31、ging around the shops. 商店附近总有些孩子在闲逛。11. Lenny shared a room on the edge of the entertainment district with another boy from Nebraska: Lenny lived together with another boy from Nebraska close to the entertainment area of the city.On the edge of : close toe.g. He settled down on the edge of the bustl

32、ing city. 他在这个繁华都是的边缘安顿了下来。12. but he stayed on in Los Angeles: But he continued staying in Los Angeles.13.After all, the economy of the country was now starting to turn for the better: After all, the economy of the country was now becoming better.trun for the better: pick up, become better 好转,改善e.g. The patient was now starting to tu

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