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1、仁爱英语八年级下册单元复习习题Unit5无答案仁爱英语八年级下册第五单元复习Review of Unit 5 Topic 1 (Grade8)Name: Class: 一、 单词听写:invite say thanks to disappointed taste seem moving be proud of smell set the table surprised lonely lively cheer up at first fall into in the end come into being role 二、 句型过关:1、 你看起来很激动。 You look . 2、 请代我向你妈

2、妈道谢。 Please your mom. 3、 太好了! How ! 4. 我去买票,但一张也没有了。 I went to buy a ticket, but there was .5. 他似乎有一点不高兴。 He a little .6. He because he couldnt The Sound of Music他感到很失望,因为他没能买到音乐之声的票。7,它是那样滑稽和有趣。 Its and .8、So what do you like best? 那你最喜欢什么呢?9、His mother called . 他妈妈刚才打电话了。10、She went to the Von Tra

3、pp family to seven children.她去冯.特拉普家照顾七个孩子。11、The father was and often became angry the noisy children.这位父亲很孤独而且经常因为吵闹的孩子而生气。12、Maria taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short ,funny plays to .玛利亚教孩子们唱欢快的歌曲、表演有趣的短剧来使他们振作起来。三、拓展练习:1、The _news makes me _.这个令人兴奋的消息使我很振奋。2、Please _ your

4、 mom. 请代我向你妈妈道歉。3、_ _ _apple! 这苹果真大! 4、_ _music! 多美的音乐!5、_ _were willing to put out the fire. 没有人愿意扑灭火。 6、_ knows where he was born. 没有人知道他是在哪里出生的。7、I _ _ have left my book at home.= _ _ _ I have left my book at home.我似乎是把书忘在家里了。8、Come and see me later,. Im busy _ _.过些时候你再来,我这会正忙着呢。9、She moved back

5、home to _ _/_ _/_ _ _her elderly paarents.她搬回家住去照顾年迈的双亲。10、He didnt much _ _his friends. 他不太关心他的朋友。11、I was _ in the house. 我独自一人在房间里。12、Our teachers _ us _ in class every day.老师使我们每天在课堂上都很高兴。四、 补全对话A:How does Mrs. Wang feel?B: 1 A:Why is she disappointed?B: 2 I think she really wants to watch it.A:

6、 3 B: The movie is so exciting and interesting. 4 A: Yes. Also I like the song, My Heart Will Go on.B: Me, too. 5 A: Oh, so great!五 、限时阅读Sam lives in the USA. His father has a shop there. His mother is a doctor and she works in a hospital. Hes seven years old now and begins to go to school this autu

7、mn. Its a little far from school and his father drives a car to take him to school every day. So hes never late for class and his teachers like him.Its Monday today. Miss Hunt is teaching him to count from one to ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon he can count them. Miss Hunt is happy and asks, “How ma

8、ny people are there in your family, Sam?”Sam stands up and says,” Two, Miss Hunt.”“Who are they?” “MY father and my mother.”“Oh?” Miss Hunt is surprised. She says, “There are three people in your family.”“But now Im not at home. I am at school, you know!”根据短文内容回答下列问题:1 Who is Sam? _ 1. What do Sams

9、parents do? _2. How does Sam go to school every day? _ 4.What is Sam going to learn on Monday? 5.Is Sams answer right? _Review of Topic2,Unit5(Grade8)Name Class 【短语过关】1. 对感到担忧 2. 觉得不开心3. 对兴奋 4. 觉得孤单5. 看起来很累 6. 对失望7. 感到伤心 8. 觉得难受9. 对生气 10. 光阴似箭【语法过关】(1)原级比较1. as形容词原级/副词原级as比教对象结构 和一样 not as/so形容词原级/副

10、词原级as比较对象 前者不如后者请把下列句子补充完整1. 他和我一样高。 He is I.2. 露西和利莉歌唱得一样好。 Lucy sings Lily.3. 我和他们写作业一样认真。 I do homework them.4. 数学没有历史有趣。 Math isnt history.5. 吉姆没有海伦学习努力。Jim doesnt study Helen.(2)be/get used to 与 used to1. be/get used to sth/ doing sth 习惯于某事/干某事 used to do sth 过去常常干某事1)The boy get up late ,but n

11、ow he getting up early.2)I stay at home after meals, but now I Walking in the park.中考链接 1综合练习 Everyone feels s sometimes. Its normal to feel sad.When something bad (发生) to you. Its all right to show youre sad. Itall right (cry).But if you to your friends, teachers or parents, you will be in a good m

12、ood soon. to soft music makes you relax.If you take part in activities,you may feel much better.二作文你的朋友汤姆是你班上新来的学生,这次英语考试没有通过,觉得很难过。你作为他的朋友,请写一封信安慰他。Review of Topic3 Unit5 (Grade8)Name: Class:I.Self-determination- Words.1.邀请_ 2失望的 _ 3.电影_ 4.气味,闻 _ 5似乎_ 6.歌剧 _ 7孤独的 _ 8充满生气的_ 9.几乎_ 1.Its very importan

13、t for us_(study)English hard 2.It will help you bring back a sense of _(happy)3.Its too dark for us _(go) out 4.Its always_(noise) 5.It can show how friendship helps keep us_( health).I. II. Self-determination- Phrases.1.向道谢 _ 2.使振作起来 _ 3.充满 _ 4.照顾 _ 5.最后,终于 _6.向某人和解 _ 7.邀请某人做某事 _ 8在某人去的路上 _ 1.My ey

14、es _(充满)tears. 2.I feel nervous and I_ _ _(难以入睡)at night.3.I hope to live in the countryside_(有那么一天).4.So lets_Michael_ _(给.惊喜). 5.We can _ _(表演)a short playII. Fill in Blanks.We usually feel _,_ and _. When we are ill. Many things can _ our feelings. For example, if we cant get along _ with our cla

15、ssmates, we may feel _ and _. If we are always in a bad _, it will be bad for our health. When someone is ill, he or she should try to _ at life. That will _ him or her _ well soon. We may become _ if we are in a good mood. IV. Complete the dialogue. Peter: Hello, John. This is Peter speaking. John:

16、 Hello. You sound sad. I heard you had a bad cold 1. _ Peter: No. Im feeling much worse.2. _ It makes me so tense. Do you think Im going to die?John: No, Peter. Calm down and take more exercise. You just had the flu.3. _ Peter: But I hate to go to the hospital.4. _ John: Dont be afraid! You are the

17、bravest boy.5. _ Peter: Thanks, John. III. Grammar 1. Fill in blanksMichael is _ because he will give a _ tomorrow. Kangkang asks him to _ and believes Michael can do _. Kangkang also asks Michael to listen to a CD about _ speeches at his house. Michael feels _ because of Kangkangs help. He thinks K

18、angkang is a good _. V.Listen.listen to conversation. Mark true(T) or false(F)( )1. Playing sports can help you relax.( )2. You neednt do anything when you are in a bad mood.( )3. You can get help from the Internet.( )4. Drink more wine when you feel sad.VI. Reading comprehension I used to be an act

19、ive girl. But two years ago, an English speaking competition held in my school changed me a lot.I stood on the stage(讲台) for the first time. I was so nervous that my brain(大脑) suddenly became empty. Not long after I began my speech, the hall turned noisy. It seemed that they were laughing at me. I k

20、new I failed.From then on, I became quiet and always stayed alone. I didnt want to express my ideas in public, even in class. Every time I wanted to say something, I thought people would laugh at me. My friends couldnt understand me, and they left me, one by one.One day, my science teacher asked us

21、why trees in forests were much taller than those in the wild. “Ha, what a silly question!” I thought.“Theres not enough space in the woods for trees to expand their branches. Of course they have to grow taller than others. The trees in the wild neednt do that since theres enough space. ” I said in a

22、 low voice.To my surprise, the teacher said, “Yes, youre right. It is a competition. ” My face turned red right now. I hadnt spoken for a long time, especially in public.Then the teacher explained how trees in forests had to grow taller to receive more sunlight. If not, they would die. This also hap

23、pened in our society.Whats more, the tree that doesnt live in a crowd is just like a person who has no friends in life.I raised my head slowly and found the teacher was looking at me. His eyes were as warm as sunshine. I realized that I must stand up and face the truth. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )31. We c

24、an know there was an English speaking competition two years ago from the first paragraph. ( )32. The hall turned noisy because the weather was too hot. ( )33. After the competition, the writer lost her confidence. ( )34. The science teachers question was difficult. ( )35. From the story, we can guess the writer is likely to stand up from her seat after the science class. VII. What can affect your feelings? How do they affect you? Choose some things and write a passage. Colors can affect feelings a lot. Different colors can change my feelings._ _

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