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1、全国小学生英语竞赛NECPS六年级组竞赛样题无答案2008年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组竞赛样题 (时间:60分钟 总分:100分)I. 听辨单词 (Words)。(共5小题,计5分)听音, 从A, B, C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。1. A. badB. madC. red2. A. chair B. there C. hare3. A. thirteen B. thirty C. thirteenth4. A. ground B. found C. friend5. A. classroom B. sitting room C. bathroomII. 句子

2、理解 (Sentences)。(共5小题,计5分)听音, 根据你所听到的句子的意思判断下列图片正(T)误(F)。每个句子读两遍。 6 78 9 10III. 对话理解 (Dialogues)。(共10小题,计10分)A. 听音,根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。11. What subject does John like best?A. Chinese. B. Maths. C. English.12. How does the boy go to school every day?A. On foot.B. Take a bus. C. Ride a bicycle.13

3、. What does the boy like to do after class?A. Playing chess.B. Playing basketball.C. Playing cards.14. Is Bill going to the library?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, he isnt.15. What time does the party begin?A. At 7:13. B. At 7:15. C. At 7:30.B. 听对话,根据你所听到的对话内容填单词,补全下列句子(首字母已给出)。对话读两遍。M1: I w

4、ant to go to the s16_pool by bicycle. May I use your bicycle, Daming?M2: Im sorry. I havent got one with me here. Look!There is a bicycle under the t17_.M1: Whose is that? Is it Sams?M2: No, it isnt. His is b18_,but that one is green.M1: Maybe its Susans. She has an19_green bicycle.M2: Lets go a 20_

5、ask her.M1: OK. Lets go.IV. 短文理解(Passages)。 (共10小题,计10分)A. 听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,按英文字母(A,B,C,D,E)的顺序为下列图片排序。短文读两遍。B. 听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A,B,C三个选项中选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 26. Is Lucy an American girl?A. No, she is an English girl.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, she is.27. Who is Lucys twin sister?A. Rose. B. Lily. C. Judy.28

6、. Where does Lucys father work?A. In a factory. B. In a hospital.C. On a farm.29. On what day do Lucy and her sister usually go to the shop?A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. C. On Friday.30. Why does Mrs White always buy a lot of things?A. Because her daughters like Chinese food.B. Because she thinks th

7、e things are cheap in China.C. Because she likes to go shopping on Sunday.笔试部分(共七大题,计70分)V. 单词 (Words)。 (共5小题,计5分)填字母,完成字谜,并将单词恰当地填入下列句子中。 31. There is a _ at the corner of this street.32. My brother _ plays table-tennis at 4:00 p.m.33. Do you _ better today?34. The box is too heavy for me to _.35.

8、How many days did you _ in Shanghai?VI. 单项选择 (Multiple-choice)。 (共15小题,计15分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选择恰当的一项完成句子。36. Some _ and _ are in the kitchen.A. banana and peach B. vegetables and bananaC. apple and peaches D. bananas and peaches37. Theres _ umbrella on _ bookshelf.A. a; the B. an; theC. an; a D. a; /38

9、. Im Alice. Mary is my aunts daughter. Mary is my _.A. niece B. daughter C. cousin D. aunt39. A pair of trousers _ on my bed.A. are B. is C. am D. be40. He is going _ Beijing _ train.A. to; in B. to; byC. at; on D. /; by41. Watch out! The bus is _.A. coming B. comes C. cameD. come42. Im the _ of my

10、fathers eye.A. strawberryB. melonC. appleD. orange43. -_ are you? -Im fine. Thank you.A. How oldB. How manyC. How D. How much44. Five minus two is three, and your answer is two. It is _.A. sorry B. wrong C. late D. good45. Peter _ me with _ Chinese.A. helps; mineB. help; hisC. help; ourD. helps; my4

11、6. My little sister likes her cat very much _ it is pretty and cute.A. but B. tooC. because D. so47. Im a green hand.means Im _ here.A. fineB. new C. old D. thin48. -Would you mind me _ the window? Its too hot. -Never mind.A. opened B. opens C. open to D. opening49. Xu Fei is busy now. She is _ her

12、grandma.A. looking afterB. looking upC. looks likeD. to look at50. Why _ Miss Brown go to work today?A. wasnt B. didnt C. isnt D. wouldntVII. 情景会话 (Dialogues)。 (共10小题,计10分)A. 从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最恰当的一项,补全对话。51.A. Where is the beach? B. Where are we going? C. What time is it? D. How do we go to the bea

13、ch?52. A. I had a picnic with my family.B. I want to have a picnic with my family.C. Im doing my homework.D. It is a bad day.53.A. My name is Joe.B. Its my pleasure.C. You, too. Goodbye!D. Its a nice day.54. -_ -No, thank you. Im full.A. How much is the chicken? B. What food are you eating?C. What i

14、s healthy (健康的) food?D. Would you like more chicken?55. -How often do you go to the park? -_A. In an hour. B. Its July 1st.C. Twice a week.D. I go there by car.B. 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有两项为多余选项)。Dan: Do you want to play avideo (录像) gamewith me, Ben?Ben: Not now.56_Dan: How about you, Sally?Sally: 57_

15、 Im drawing apicture now.Ben: Whynotcallyourfriend, Mike to comeandplaywithyou,Dan?Dan: He is in a restaurantwith his pen friend.Ben: Oh,Isee.WhenIfinish my homework, Iwill play it with you.58_Dan:59_ But when will you finish it?Ben:60_Dan: Are you kidding? Oh, Goodness!Ben & Sally: Haha. VIII. 完形填空

16、 (Cloze)。( 共5小题,计5分)选择括号中所给的单词填空,完成短文(每空一词)。May had an61_ (interesting; interested) holiday. She went to Hainan. The bananas and pineapples there62_ (was; were) great. She was very happy because she likes fruit. The weather there were very good,63_ (too; two). On Monday she went to the beach and did

17、 some64_ (shops; shopping). The clothes there were beautiful and cheap. On Tuesday she went to the zoo. There were many animals65_ (at; on) the zoo.IX. 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension)。 (共15小题,计15分)A. 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D中选择正确的一项回答问题。Its half past four in the afternoon. Its the time for children in the kinde

18、rgarten to go home. A little boy, Andy is crying. So Mrs Smith, his teacher asks him what is wrong.Andy sobs (呜咽), I cannot find my shoes.Mrs Smith looks around the classroom and sees a pair of shoes. Are they yours?No, theyre not mine. Andy shakes his head.Mrs Smith and Andy look around all over th

19、e classroom for the shoes.Finally, Mrs Smith gives up (放弃), Are you sure those shoes are not yours?Im sure, Andy sobs, Theres some snow on my left shoe this morning.66. What is the time for children to go home?A. 4:30 p.m. B. 5:00 p.m.C. 3:30 p.m.D. 4:30 a.m.67. Where is Andy?A. In the park.B. In th

20、e library.C. In the kindergarten.D. At home.68. Why does Andy cry?A. Because he does something wrong.B. Because he cannot find his shoes.C. Because he doesnt want to go home.D. Because he is late for the kindergarten.69. Does the teacher find a pair of shoes in the classroom?A. No, she doesnt.B. Yes

21、, she can.C. Yes, she does.D. No, she cannot.70. In fact, are the shoes Andys?A. No, they arent.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, he has.D. Yes, they are.B. 根据短文内容,判断文后句子正(T)误(F)。People in cities use a lot of water-for cooking, washing, drinking, and so on. Rain is the main source (来源) of new water. Unfor-tuna

22、tely (不幸的), it doesnt always rain enough. That can be big trouble for cities.Sometimes, people can help make rain. To do this, a special airplane flies up to the clouds. Then it lets out some chemicals (化学制品). Then clouds begin to make rain. This is called seeding clouds. Seeding clouds can help bri

23、ng water to thirsty cities. 71. People use water to cook, wash, drink, and so on in cities.72. A lot of water for cities comes from rain.73. According to the article (文章), without enough rain people can do a lot of cooking.74. Seeding clouds means a way to make rain.75. Seeding clouds are not useful

24、 for thirsty cities.C. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 76. What day is it today?77. To whom is Laura writing?78. Does Lauras sister walk to school with Laura?79. What is Rose good at?80. Why dont Lauras parents like to play sports?X. 小作文 (Composition) (第81小题, 计15分)题目: My Favourite Colour要求:1 根据题目自由发挥想象,条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,

25、句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范;2 不少于60个单词。XI. 智力测试 (IQ test)。 (共5小题,计5分)按要求完成下列各题。82. What kind of dog never can bite and bark?83. Can you decide in which order you would have to pick up these nine snooker cues if you could only take the top one each time? (如果你每次只能拿开最上面的桌球球杆,你能决定拿开的顺序吗?) 84. Place in the middle

26、box a number larger than 1. If the number is the correct one, all the other numbers can be divided by it without leaving any remainder. (如果填对了数字,所有其他的数都能被它整除。)What is the number? 85. Xiao Mings uncle wants to give his nine beetles a cage of its own (给他的九只宠物甲壳虫每只一个笼子). Draw two squares, and make each of them has its own home. 86. Today is 11th Augus

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