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1、一个月雅思阅读怎么复习2020一个月雅思阅读怎么复习 还有1个月 雅思阅读怎么复习一文告诉了我们在还有1个月的复习时间的情况下,我们应该怎样复习雅思阅读。下面就和大家分享1个月雅思阅读怎么复习,来欣赏一下吧。1个月雅思阅读怎么复习1、合理安排复习时间雅思考前一个月的复习时间基本上可以分成三个阶段,前三个星期,考前一个星期以及考前一到两天。这是一个循序渐进、查漏补缺的过程,也是一个冲刺的过程。这个月的阅读复习并不是要大量的做题,而是从另一个角度去阅读*,去体会出题思路,然后再从词汇量上有一定的提高。还是要提醒大家注意总结雅思阅读核心词汇,对于雅思阅读学习很有帮助。所以前三个星期每天只需要练习一篇


3、阅读模拟,也就是一个小时内完成三篇阅读*。这种自测的作用就是能体会到考试时时间紧迫的感觉,了解到自己时间把握上的薄弱点,在最后的心态上进行调整。当然做完练习后的主动分析也是必不可少的。考前2天基本上是属于最后冲刺阶段,但是对于阅读来说,平时的功夫更重要,考前1-2天再多做题也不会在阅读能力上有所提高。所以建议大家考前1-2 天可以把以前做过的题目拿出来看,尤其是做错的题目,然后把一些常见的词汇整理一下,把前3个星期自己分析过的内容再看一下。如果上过培训班的同学可以把老师讲过的内容尤其是做题方法再温习一下,然后保持一种稳定的心态去面对考试。2、找好复习材料市面上的雅思考试复习材料层出不穷,但是对


5、机经在准备考试的时候有没有用,从实际意义上来说,雅思阅读机经的作用并不是很大。因为阅读只能回忆出大致内容和题型,具体的*和题目是很难回忆出来的。所以建议考生可以利用机经看看最近常考的题型是什么,题材是什么,然后去网上看看相关题材的内容,但是背机经就一点用处都没有了。所以最后一个月的复习重点我们还是放在*分析和题目总结上,不要盲目去看所谓的机经。归根到底,阅读的复习是要靠长期的积累和总结,一个月的时间能够有一定的提高,提高的点还是从词汇句子理解,题型总结分析上来。合理的安排好复习时间,最后保持一个良好的做题状态和心态去应对考试,相信大家能取得一定成绩。以上就是还有1个月 雅思阅读怎么复习的全部内

6、容。我们不要因为备考的时间越来越短就越慌张。在备考的不同阶段的目标也是不同的,比如上文说的在备考期还剩1个月的情况下,我们可以将这1个月进行细化,再次安排复习计划。这样1个月显得就比较得长了。雅思阅读材料:女性爱在社交网上说谎假装过得精彩Women consistently lie on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to make their lives appear more exciting, a survey has found.Researchers found that at least one in fou

7、r women exaggerated or distorted what they are doing on social media once a month.The survey of 2000 women found they mostly pretended to be out on the town, when in fact they are home alone, and embellished about an exotic holiday or their job.The most common reasons for women to write “fibs” inclu

8、ded worrying their lives would seem “boring”, jealousy at seeing other peoples more exciting posts and wanting to impress their friends and acquaintances.Psychologists suggested that as people attempt to “stay connected” on social media, they can in fact “paradoxically” be left “more isolated”.They

9、also said that the “more we try to make our lives seem perfect, the less perfect we feel”.According to the OnePoll survey, one third of women surveyed admitted to “dishonesty” on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter at some stage.Almost one in four admitted to lying or exaggerating about

10、key aspects of their life online between one and three times a month while almost one in 10 said they lied more than once a week.Nearly 30 percent of women lied about “doing something when I am home alone”, almost a quarter overstated their alcohol consumption while one in five were not truthful abo

11、ut their holiday activities or their jobs.Almost one in five women even lied about their “relationship status”.“We work very hard presenting ourselves to the world online, pretending and attempting to be happy all the time which is exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling,” said Dr Michael Sinclair, a

12、 leading British consultant psychologist.“Omitting the less desirable imperfections of our lives from the conversations with our friends online leads to less opportunity to feel empathised with, resulting in a greater sense of disconnection from others.”The survey was commissioned by Pencourage, a n

13、ew anonymous “diary-style” social media website.一项调查发现,女性总爱在Facebook或Twitter这样的社交网站上说谎,把自己的生活描述得比实际更精彩。研究人员发现,至少四分之一的女性每个月会有一次在社交媒体上夸张或扭曲地谈论自己做的事。这项涵盖了2000名女性的调查发现,她们大多假装自己到市中心去玩乐,而事实上她们却独自在家待着,而且还喜欢把一次异域风情的假日或自己的工作加以美化。女性爱在社交网站上编写“谎言”最常见的原因有担心自己的生活看上去会显得“单调乏味”,在看到他人上传的精彩内容时感到嫉妒,想引起自己的朋友和熟人的注意。心理学家们


15、顾问迈克尔?辛克莱博士说:“我们努力地把自己呈现给网上的世界,假装自己一直都很开心并尽力保持这一状态,这不但让人精疲力竭,而且最终会让人感到空虚。“在和线上好友的谈话中,把生活中不那么如意的不完美部分省去,这会减少我们产生共鸣的机会,从而导致与他人更大的隔绝感。”该调查由Pencourage网站委托开展,这是一家新的匿名 “日记体”社交网站。雅思阅读材料:怎么拍照会显瘦?IF YOURE LIKE ME, YOURE CONSTANTLY LOOKING FOR TIPS TO LOOK SKINNY IN PICTURES. by LyndsieIts not that Im necessa

16、rily unhappy with my body, but if Im going to be showing a picture to the world (or my world, at least) on Facebook or what have you, I want to look my best. I want to know how to pose, how to find my best angles, and all the things they try to teach you on Americas Next Top Model. Im no Tyra Banks,

17、 but if youre in the same boat, then Ive got some excellent tips to look skinny in pictures you may be able to use!1. Get the Camera above You 将镜头置于头顶A lot of tips to look skinny in pictures are actually subtle little tricks that any photographer can use. One such trick is to make sure that the came

18、ra above you. You dont have to place it incredibly high; you can just hold it above your head or place it on a shelf thats taller than you. Because of the angle, youll need to look up, which elongates your neck and makes you look wonderfully slim。2. Watch Your Head 看着你的头部The position of your head ac

19、tually makes a huge difference about how you look in a picture. You shouldnt pull your head back at an angle, for instance. That can make your chin look longer, so even if youre thin, your face will look much bigger. Instead, position your head forward; even if you have a double chin, that will mini

20、mize it and create the illusion of slimness。3. Twist It 扭动身体Positioning your body correctly is another great tip to look skinny in pictures. You dont want to face the camera full on, because no matter what, thats going to make you look larger. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders squared, and

21、 twist yourself away from the lens. You can instead turn halfway to the side, put one foot in front of your other one, and keep that toe pointing toward the camera, while your weight rests on your other foot。4. Suck It In 收腹This kind of goes without saying, except youve got to be careful about it. I

22、ts important, again, to have terrific posture when you do this, with your back and shoulders straight. You only want to suck in your stomach a little dont do it so much that your ribs are visible. That makes it incredibly obvious to any viewer that youre sucking in to look skinnier。5. At Arms 注意你的胳膊

23、The way you position your arms is vital if you want to look slim in a photo. You can either hold them out from your sides just a little, so that your upper arms dont flatten, thereby looking wider, or you can turn three quarters away from the camera and put your hand on your hip. Not only will you l

24、ook fierce, youll look skinny, too!6. Wear Dark Clothing 穿深色衣服Not every tip to look skinny in pictures involves the positioning of your body, though. How you dress makes a huge difference, as well. If you wear darker clothes, they will instantly slim you down. Black is always the new black for a rea

25、son, and besides that, the resulting picture will look wonderfully dramatic. Remember, the type of clothing you wear matters too anything too large will make it look like youre trying to hide something, while tight-fitting clothes will show bulges that arent even there。7. Choose the Right hairstyle

26、选择合适的发型The hairstyle you have can make you look thinner or not as well. If you know youre going to be having pictures taken, try to avoid anything too sleek, like a ponytail pulled all the way back. Having tendrils of hair around your face creates a softness, taking away from any harsh angles that c

27、ould make your head, neck, and shoulders look larger or wider than they are。I really hope that my tips to look skinny in pictures have given you some great ideas. Bear in mind, you should love your body no matter what its shape or size. However, if you feel self conscious in front of the camera, there are some things you can do. Do you have any other tips on how to make yourself look stellar in a photo?2020一个月雅思阅读怎么复习

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