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1、在女性主义视角下解读名利场英语论文XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 在女性主义视角下解读名利场 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XX 学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XX 职称 XX 1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文主要从女性主义的角度入手,去解读萨克雷的代表作名利场,其中主要以小说的女主人公蓓基夏泼作为切入点,通过分析她对独立、平等、自由的追求,探究女性主义思想给女性带来的积极改变,从而鼓励现代女性自强、自立、自尊。2、论文(设计)的主要内容本论文内容主要包括:著名小说名利场的基本情节介绍,对女性主


3、启示当代女性应该如何追寻自己的幸福美好生活。4、主要参考文献Thackeray, W.M. Vanity Fair. Beijing: Peoples Literature Publishing House, 1998.王贵云,2009,谈名利场中蓓基夏普的积极一面。学院派批评,2009年第4期,第76-77页。西蒙娜德波伏娃,1998,第二性,陶铁柱译。中国书籍出版社。张静,2011,寻找失落的自我-略论波伏娃第二性中的存在主义女性观。作家杂志,2011年第5期,第162-163页。等5、计划进度阶段起止日期1提出论文初步题目3月16日前2与导师见面,填开题报告和任务书3月16日-3月23日

4、3提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXXX 届学生姓名XX论文(设计)题目在女性主义视角下解读名利场指导教师XX专业职称XX所属教研室英语高年级教研室研究方向英美文学课题论证:本文将以女性主义的核心思想为切入点来解析这部小说,带大家从积极的角度看蓓基夏泼的拼搏奋斗的人生, 从而鼓励女性勇敢的追求自己的幸福生活。方案设计:第一章从独立的角度来剖析蓓基的性格与命运。第二章介绍她对思想和经济平等的追求。 第三章以

5、自由为切入点,分析蓓基对婚姻和社交的态度。 进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前写开题报告、任务书3月30日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XX学院XXX学院专业英语教育年级(班)XXXX级英语教育X班论 文 题 目在女性主义视角下解读名利场完成时间XXXX/5/8论文内容摘要萨克雷,作为英国批判现实主义作家之一,在英国文学史上占据着非常重要的地位。名利场是他的成名作品,这部无英雄小说,是他生平著作里最经得起时间考


7、析蓓基的性格与命运;第二章介绍她对思想和经济平等的追求:第三章以自由为切入点,分析蓓基对婚姻和社交的态度。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师冯梅职称教授初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature ReviewIntroductionVanity Fair is the best known novel of British critical realism writer in 19th century. When Van

8、ity Fair was serialized on the newspaper, its subtitle is “there is no hero in the novel”. Because it does not serve as leading role with an outstanding hero, even the positive figures are rarely. The heroine Rebecca Sharp is intelligent and wise; on the other hand, she is wild oats. This kind of pe

9、rsonality made people love and hate. As a result, she becomes the most glorious role in Vanity Fair. The novel is under the much attention of many literary scholars because of the rebellious character.BodyFor the appreciation and evaluation of the novel, mostly focused on the character image, which

10、is especially typical for female image as Rebecca Sharp. Scholars mostly regard feminist thought as the breakthrough point on the analysis of character Rebecca. Feminism is a social theory and political movement, its source and motivation is mainly from female experience. It is the womens liberation

11、 advocated by the main problem, it is the pursuit of female equality, independence and freedom. Scholars carry on the exploration and interpretation of Vanity Fair and show their various and ideas. Through history as we know, in the 19th century British women mainly stand on the society by relying o

12、n family role rather than professional roles, so their social function has been limited. In such a social environment, women attempt to pursue equality and freedom is something very hard. However, in Bai Dans The Study of Feminist Color in Vanity Fair, she points out that Rebecca is a complex of fem

13、ininity and masculinity, and it all comes from the writer William Thackerays contradictory view of women. In From Vanity Fair to See Thackerays view of women, Chen Wei also analyses the novels main female images from the aspect of Thackerays traditional women view. Feminism has always advocated gend

14、er equality. Androgyny is beyond the gender, also only in this way can we truly achieve the ideal of equality of men and women. The theory of “androgyny” is one of the most important theories of feminism. And feminist pursuit of the ideal personality of “Bisexual temperament, is the dream of compreh

15、ensive and free development of personality between males and females, this is also a powerful weapon to against the polarization of Yin and Yang and the gender essence permanent. The actress Rebecca of Thackerays novel Vanity fair flashed out the aesthetic charm and human energy androgyny. On the ot

16、her hand, she also shows the ideal and the dilemma of modern of androgyny to a certain extent.Many readers analyzed the typical character of Rebecca Sharp and Amelia Sedly who were created in atypical environment. They analyzed the society, family environment and historical factors behind the formin

17、g of their outlook on life and values. Of course, this research has very important significance of sociology, aesthetics; but most critics praised the character Amelia, and demeaned the character Rebecca after contrast. However, in the paper of “The Positive Side of Rebecca Sharp in Vanity Fair” of

18、Wang guiyun, the writer holds an opposite view for this. From feminist thought, she believes Rebecca whether at that time or today can be called richness and multiple side woman, she is positive on the other side. Another example of this is Tan Zongyans “The Positive Interpretation of the Complex Ch

19、aracters Rebecca in Vanity Fair”. This paper analyzes the controversial female characters Rebecca. It is pointed out that the heroine in the novel Rebecca is rendered with a strong artistic exaggeration and vividly. In the appearance, she has a beautiful look. She is charming and filled with interes

20、t. In her inner heart, she has superhuman wisdom, strong and independent personality and vitality, at the same time, is loyal to friendship or even love. Therefore, from the perspective of positive interpretation and feminism, Rebecca will give us much enlightenment. There are many other articles ab

21、out this kind of opinion, such as “To Cater to the Fight-Rebecca and Scarlett in the Feminism Perspective” which was written by He Qiang, and Guo Yantaos “The Parsing of Female Consciousness in Vanity Fair of Thackeray”. Most of these articles pointed out that the flow of women in the patriarchal so

22、ciety in order to survive, but the resistance is at the same time accompanied by the situation of catering to, helpless and compromise. Certainly, there have prize and critics of the character Rebecca who pursue the self bravely. For example, in Zeng Yanbos “The Interpretation of Main Character of V

23、anity Fair”, the writer thinks that Thackeray asking women abide by duty, to building a happy family with love and sacrifice. Vanity Fair shows Thackerays patriarchal thought; he holds a denial attitude to Rebecca. He criticizes the character Rebecca who pursues feminism. On the other hand, he made

24、Lucy a derogatory view of her struggling over ones destiny. Many critics believe that she is a Female cheater and aspirant who has nothing, relies on their looks and trickery. Her name and hypocrisy, worthless, dissolute together, but it seems to say so is too heavy.Conclusion The capable Rebecca ge

25、ts in touch with countless men. However, in fact she is just want to enter the upper society, so as to live a rich life. Although she eventually denied by society forever, but positive personality makes her not discouraged when she facing with such setbacks. Living in the wandering life, Rebecca nev

26、er looks back, never regret. The positive idea of feminism on her and her pursuit of female freedom, equality, and independence made her becomes a unique role in the literature. Although critics opinions are mixed on this image, but I still think the female image who flashing the light of feminism a

27、dded other colors to Vanity Fair. The character Rebecca is a great encouragement and guidance for that period, even our modern womens social life.BibliographyPatricia Thomason. The Victorian Heroine. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1978:83.Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, Dalian Uni

28、versity of Technology Press, 2008.Thackeray, W.M. Vanity Fair. Beijing: Peoples Literature Publishing House, 1998.白丹,2012,名利场女性主义色彩研究。观点风格与特色/短篇小说,2012年6月刊,057058页。陈蔚,2010,从名利场看萨克雷的女性观。作家杂志,2010年第6期,第96-97页。程绍雨,2002,论英国女权主义的先驱利蓓加夏泼。贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2002年第2期,第39-42页。傅守祥、胡雯,2012,“双性气质”的性别魅力与现代困境。淮阴师范

29、学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2012.2 第34卷,第213-222页。郭艳涛,2012,萨克雷名利场中的女性意识解析。芒种,2012年第11期,第79-80页。高原、宋来全,2006,反抗中解读现实社会-名利场中利贝卡反抗的一生。新乡教育学院学报,2006年3月第19卷,第26-28页。何蔷,2006,迎合中的抗争女性主义视角下的利倍加和斯佳丽。吉林省教育学院学报,2006年第11期,第65-77页。萨克雷,2001,名利场,王惠君译。奎屯: 伊犁人民出版社。邵晶晶,2008,女人在爱情中的地位和角色-名利场两位女主人公对比。人文论坛,2008年第9期,第207-208页。谭宗燕,2007,


31、,第127-128页。曾燕波,2006,名利场中主要女性形象的解读剖析作者萨克雷的男权思想.云梦学刊,2006 年第27卷第1期,第149-151页。张静,2011,寻找失落的自我-略论波伏娃第二性中的存在主义女性观。作家杂志,2011年第5期,第162-163页。赵丽梅,2006,关于女性与自我价值的的思考。科技资讯,2006年第15期,第174页。本科生毕业论文题目:在女性主义视角下解读名利场 姓名:XX 班级:XXXX级X班 指导老师:XX 专业:英语教育 院系:XXX学院英语系 完成日期:XXXX年5月8 日A Study of Vanity Fair from the Perspective of FeminismBY XX Prof. XX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of EnglishLanguage and Literatu

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