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本文(专题4阅读技巧主旨大意题推理判断题中考英语真题分类精解与解题技巧广州专用.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专题4阅读技巧主旨大意题推理判断题中考英语真题分类精解与解题技巧广州专用阅读技巧-主旨大意题、推理判断题推理判断题1.题型特点推理判断题主要考查学生对文章言外之意的理解。这种题目有一定难度,往往不能直接从文中找到答案,而必须根据上下文及其相互间的关系对整篇文章进行深层理解后,才能找到答案。有时甚至还得联系作者的意图、态度等弦外之音、文外之意加以推理,获取作者在文章中没有直接表述出来的态度、观点等。2.推理判断题主要的设问方式It can be inferred/concluded/seen from the passage that.Which of the following conclus

2、ions can we draw according to the passage?The writer suggests that.The writer uses the example show that.Whats the writers attitude toward.?Whats the writers purpose of writing the passage?From the passage,we know.The writer probably agrees that.3.推理判断题的解题技巧中考的阅读理解不仅要求考生读懂短文中的句子,而且还要求能理解句子之间的内


4、文句子的长度和结构。从措辞上我们可以推断出作者对所讨论话题的态度;从句式的长短和结构可以判断出作者讨论问题的语气。一2020广州中考How would you like to build a time machine? Paper, sticks, glue and string are all you need.Put them together to build a kite. A kite connects you to the past.No one knows who flew the first kite. It was probably someone in China or p

5、erhaps Indonesia.Indonesia. Indonesian fishermen hung fishhooks on kites and sent them out to sea to catch fish. Starting 2,000years ago, Chinese farmers flew kites to welcome the New Year and bring good luck to Earth.In China, people also used kites during wartime. One Chinese story tells how soldi

6、ers put noise makers on kites and flew them at night over the enemy camp. The enemies were frightened by the noise and ran away.About 1,300 years ago, Chinese travelers took kites to Japan. Soon kites filled the skies there.Kites reached Thailand about 700 years ago. During floods, Thai farmers flew

7、 kites over their fields They hoped the kites would drive away the clouds and stop the rain. Over time, kites flew their way out of Asia.Today, kites are a passion all over the world. Kite fans meet at festivals in many parts of the world and have great fun.Over the years,Kites have also helped peop

8、le understand the natural world.In 1749, for example, thermometers were tied to kites to measure temperatures. In 1906, cameras hanging from kites took pictures of San Francisco, California after an earthquake. The photos helped people plan what to do.Kites also helped inventors find out how to make

9、 airplanes. The Wright brothers studied how kites flew, which helped them make the first successful airplane.Since the ancient Chinese first set their kites into the air,people have loved flying kites. Kites give us ways to celebrate, relax and explore. So go fly a kite! Enjoy the feeling of wonder

10、that kite flyers have felt for centuries.31. According to the passage, in which countries were kites used to make good wishes?A. China and Japan. B. China and Thailand.C. Japan and Indonesia. D. Thailand and Indonesia.32. According to the Chinese story, the army used kites to_.A. make the enemies le

11、ave in fear B. celebrate victories during wartimeC. stop the enemies from sleeping well D. carry soldiers to fight against the enemies33. The underlined word “passion”in Paragraph 4 means_.A. strong love B. useful machineC. happy dream D. common treasure34. How does the writer develop Paragraph 5?A.

12、 By telling stories. B. By listing numbers.C. By comparing facts. D. By giving examples.35. Whats the purpose of this passage?A. To show people how to fly kites.B. To explain how kites are used in science.C. To introduce the roles of kites in history.D. To discuss the difference among kites worldwid

13、e.二2020广州中考What will astronauts(宇航员)eat when a space trip takes years?“Lots of fresh vegetables,” says Dr. Janet Williams, whose team have spent the last 10 years learning how to grow plants in a space station. And its a good thing that she has already started her work, because space gardening can b

14、e really hard.As usual, astronaut George White looked into the closed plant room. He had planted Dr. Williamss quick-growing seedlings in it, but none of the stems were showing. He opened the room to check and found the problem. The stems werent growing upward and the roots werent growing downward.

15、On Earth, gravity(重力)helps a plants stems and roots to find “up”and “down”. However, in the space station, there was almost no gravity.Dr. Williams suggested a solution: give the plants more light, as plants also use sunlight to find their way. And it worked. When the plants had more light, the stem

16、s turned up and the roots went down.Now Dr. Williams was free to worry about the next problem:Would her baby plants live to flower? Can we grow food on a space journey?Many plants died in the space station. Dr. Williams thought she knew why: the space plants were hungry for air. Plants live by takin

17、g up CO2 from the air. Since a plant uses it up in the air around, the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface! On Earth, the air is always moving. Gravity pulls down cold air, and warm air rises. And with these air movements, plants get enough CO2.Many earlier experiments with

18、 plants in space had used closed rooms.Dr. Williams tried a new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move. The plants loved it. They flowered and even produced more seeds. Using Dr. Williamss method, astronaut George completed the first seed-to-seed experiment in space, and moved one plant clos

19、er to a garden in space.“And this,” says Dr.Williams, “is good news for long-term space travel.”41. Why have Dr. Williamss team tried to grow plants in space?A. To produce fresh air for astronauts.B. To help astronauts relax themselves.C. To provide food for long space journeys.D. To make the space

20、garden more beautiful.42. How did light help solve the problem mentioned in Paragraph 3?A. It caused the gravity to change.B. It encouraged the plants to grow faster.C. It helped the plants to grow in the right direction.D. It showed the astronauts where to plant vegetables.43. Why did many plants d

21、ie in the space station?A. The light was too strong.B. There was too much CO2.C. There was not enough room to grow.D. The air condition was not good enough.44. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 7 refers to_.A. the moving air B. the closed room C. the space journey D. the space garden45. What can

22、 we learn about Dr. Williamss team from the passage? A. They mainly live on fresh vegetables.B. They have successfully built a space garden.C. They invented a special fan for their greenhouse.D. They have worked on space gardening for many years.主旨大意题1.题型特点要求在阅读和理解全文的基础上对文章进行归纳、概括或评价。解答这种题型时,不能只凭文中的

23、只言片语而断章取义,比如涉及文章的标题(title)、主题(main idea)、结论(conclusion)、结局(end)等有关问题,都需要在细读全文的基础上,结合所学语言知识、背景知识、生活常识等进行逻辑推理和判断,从而获取文章中隐藏的信息。2.主旨大意题主要的设问方式Whats the main idea of this passage?What does the passage mainly tell us?What does the passage mainly discuss?The writer means to tell us that.The main idea of th

24、e passage is that.The passage is mainly about.From the passage we can learn/conclude that.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with.Whats the best title for the passage?What would be the best title for the passage?The best title for the passage is.3.主旨大意题的解题技巧(1)留心关键词,抓住文章主旨;串联主要细节,推断文章中心思想。所谓关键词


26、非故事性文章如科普文章的时候,主题句尤为明显。有的文章无明显的主题句,主题句隐含在段意之中。主题句位于段首主题句位于段首是由作者先立论点,后摆事实讲道理的写作手法形成的。这种段落称作演绎型段落。据有关统计数字表明,在英语议论文或说明文中,有60%90%的主题句是段落的第一句。a.寻找主题句有些段落有明显的引出细节的信息词,常见的信息词有:for example,an example of,the most important example,first,second,next,then,last,finally,to begin with,also,besides that等。在阅读中,应尽量

27、利用上述信息词确定主题句的位置。如果无明显的信息词,可先假设第一句为主题句,在第二句前面添加一个for example,看看第二句是否可以支撑第一句话,如果第二句不能支撑第一句话,便在其他地方找出主题句。b.选择答案先彻底弄懂主题句的句意,然后阅读所给的选项,选择与主题句句意相吻合的答案,如主题句的再现,主题句句意的复述或推论等,排除与主题句句意无关的答案,如支撑细节和文章中未曾阐述的事实等。主题句位于段末主题句位于段末是作者采用了先摆事实,后做结论的手法。这种段落称作归纳型段落。主题句位于段落的中间主题句偶尔也出现在段落的中间,但不一定就在正中间。有时,第一句并非主题句,而是承上启下的过渡句

28、。在这种情况下,第二句便成了主题句。此外,主题句也可能是段落的倒数第二句。一2017广州中考People cant see you when youre speaking on the phone, but they can hear you. So, the way you speak is especially important. In fact, researchers have calculated that 80% of communication over the phone is through your tone of voice; and only 20% is from

29、the words you use. Here are our top tips on how to speak over the phone.1. Facial ExpressionsYour facial expression can influence your voice. For example, if you smile, your voice will sound warm and friendly, just the opposite, if you have an angry look on your face, it can make you sound unpleasan

30、t.2. VolumeIf you speak too loudly, you could sound angry. And if you speak too softly, itll be difficult to hear you. So, speak loudly enough to be heard clearly, but not so loud that youre shouting.3. PaceThe pace of your voice is how quickly you speak. And this can show how you feel. For example,

31、 an angry person might speak faster than normal. Or a downhearted person might speak very slowly. Try speaking a little more slowly than normal. This will make you sound confident, and itll make it easier for the other person to understand you.4. GesturesGesturing can influence the tone of your voic

32、e. When you gesture, you bring more air into the lungs, which can make your voice sound warmer. Gestures are also useful to help you stress the right words or even find the words you need. The best thing about gesturing during a phone call is that no one can see what youre doing, so you can gesture as wildly as you like!5. MovementIf you

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