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本文(配套K12河南省中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十五讲 八下 Unit 910作.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

配套K12河南省中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十五讲 八下 Unit 910作.docx

1、配套K12河南省中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十五讲 八下 Unit 910作第十五讲八年级下 Unit 9Unit 10一、单项选择1.2018平顶山三模Do you know reason why we have endless homework? Because homework is uncountable noun.A. a; a B. the; an C. the; a D. a; an2.He works so hard that he makes every day. What a good student!A. progress B. mistakes C. inv

2、entions D. preparations3.The boy can from one to one hundred though he is only three.A. search B. walk C. talk D. count 4.Though he is short of money,Im not sure he will accept it or not because he is not willing to ask others for help.A. when B. whether C. unless D. since5.Everyone wants to win. Bu

3、t me, the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.A. as for B. thanks to C. instead of D. such as6.2018孝感How do you feel about your hometown?Its beautiful, in winter.A. nearly B. deeply C. clearly D. especially7.I dont want to part with my old toys they hold many of my childhood

4、memories. A. unless B. though C. if D. because8.His grandmother for 6 years. And he still misses her very much.A. died B. has died C. has been dead D. has been dying9.Some people buy stamps not for sending letters now. They them as their hobby.A. sell B. collect C. receive D. make10.The volunteer sp

5、oke asas she could to make the visitors understand her.A. clearly B. more clearly C. most clearly D. the most clearly二、完形填空I grew up in Point Breeze, a neighborhood in the east of my hometown, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US. Its probably best known 1 Frick Park, a public park with many picnic areas, g

6、ardens and 2 for playing sports. Frick Park is a wonderful place that the whole neighborhood 3. People use it for exercise and relaxation.In addition to great green 4, Point Breeze has excellent public and private schools. Therefore(因此), 5 age 14, my whole world was in Point Breeze.My neighborhood w

7、as, in my 6, a world ruled by kids. I remember how my friends and I would walk around with a baseball, a football or in later years a video camera, 7 other kids and getting into adventures(冒险活动). Wed race to the candy store on foot. Wed chase(追赶) down the ice-cream truck on bikes. Wed come home when

8、 it got 8 outside, tired from play but eager(渴望的) to 9 and do it all again. We 10 felt afraid, and we never felt bored,either. Thats how childhood should be.1. B.for D.of2. A.classrooms B.factories C.fields D.stores3. A.celebrates B.shares C.buys D.hates4. A.forests C.spaces D.light

9、s5. A.until B.about C.during D.through6. B.surprise C.memory D.dream7. A.searching B.controlling C.playing D.meeting8. A.dark B.warm C.bad D.rainy9. A.pick up B.wake up C.end up up10. A.sometimes B.never C.often D.usually三、阅读理解A根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1.Item collection ends on .A. July 1 B. July

10、13C. July 17 D. July 182.Which of the following items is not accepted?A. Books. B. DVDs. C. Jewelry. D. TVs.3.If you want to donate(捐赠) electronic items, they must be .A. new B. clean C. usable D. secondhand4.What can you do if you want to be a volunteer at the yard sale?A. Visit St. Theresa Churchs

11、 website.B. Donate as many items as you can.C. Write an e-mail to Jane Cameron.D. Call (401) 1024-10515.5.Where is the poster probably from?A. A newspaper. B. A sports magazine. C. A guidebook. D. A science book.B2018郑州外国语三模Thanks to new technologies, its easier than ever to do something on our phon

12、e or computer. All we have to do is talk, and our favorite song starts playing a few seconds later. But in the near future, asking our phone to play a song by using our voice will seem as old-fashioned as using CDs. Thats because the US tech company Microsoft recently had a patent(专利) for a brain-co

13、mputer interface(BCI), meaning that soon, we may be able to control our phone and computer with our thoughts.BCI technology works by turning brain signals(信号) into computer orders. This technology isnt completely new, however. Last year, for example, it was reported that scientists were able to help

14、 a disabled man from the US, 53-year-old Bill Kochevar, to move his body again. With the help of BCI technology, as well as equipment to make his body move, Kochevar was able to use his thoughts to tell the BCI to move his body, meaning he was able to feed himself for the first time in years.Aside f

15、rom helping disabled people, its hoped that BCI technology will improve the daily lives of other people too. US social media(媒体) Facebook announced last year that it was working on BCI technology to help people type by using their brain. By 2019, the company hopes to have created a system that will

16、allow people to type up to 100 words per minute just by thinking about them. In turn, this could be used to offer live translation, from English to Chinese, for example.However, many people are worried that technology that can know about our thoughts may bring risks to peoples private life, especial

17、ly if social media companies use it.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。6.How does BCI technology work?A. It turns our voice into computer orders.B. It offers a live translation service for people.C. It allows our thoughts to control certain equipment.D. It controls our brain signals with a computer.7.How may Kochevar fee

18、l about BCI technology?A. Disappointed. B. Thankful.C. Embarrassed. D. Proud.8.Who else may benefit from BCI technology, according to the article?A. Bus drivers. B. Medical workers.C. Social media users. D. Shop assistants.9.Why are some people worried about BCI technology?A. It might do harm to the

19、ir health.B. Their private life might not be respected.C. It might take away too many job chances.D. The equipment may be too expensive.10.What does the text mainly tell us?A. Voice can be used on our phone or computer.B. How BCI technology helps disabled people.C. How BCI technology may influence t

20、he world.D. The power of thoughts can be used to improve peoples lives.四、补全对话A: Hello! Zhang Meng, have you ever been to Sanya?B: Yes, I have.A: 1.?B: I went there with my parents about two years ago.A: 2.?B: I stayed there for about one week.A: What do you think of the city?B: 3. And I took a lot o

21、f photos there.A: May I see the photos?B: 4.I will take them here tomorrow.A: You are so kind.By the way,whats your plan for this weekend?B: I plan to go to the science museum. 5.?A: Yes, Id love to. Lets make it 9 oclock this Saturday morning.B: Sounds great.五、书面表达2018烟台分享是一种行为方式,也是一种良好的品质(quality)

22、。人生处处充满分享,懂得分享非常重要。分享快乐,快乐加倍;分担烦恼,烦恼减半。请根据以上观点,结合思维导图所示,以My Sharing Experience为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。要求:1.短文须包括所有要点提示,语句通顺,意思连贯,可适当发挥;2.题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数;3.文中不得出现个人真实姓名和校名。参考词汇: be full of, half, thanks to, overcomeMy Sharing ExperienceSharing is a way of behavior as well as a good quality of people.


24、但对我来说,最重要的是学习新东西和享受乐趣。故as for至于,符合题意。6.D【解析】本题考查副词词义辨析。结合语境可知此处是说,我的家乡很漂亮,尤其是在冬天。especially意为尤其,特别是,符合题意。7.D【解析】本题考查连词的用法。设空前是说,我不想放弃我的玩具;设空后是说,它们承载着很多我儿时的记忆。根据设空前后的因果关系可知答案为D。8.C【解析】本题考查动词的时态。由题干中的for 6 years可知此处应用现在完成时,且应用表示延续性状态的has been dead。9.B【解析】本题考查动词词义辨析。此处是说,现在一些人买邮票不是为了寄信。他们把收集邮票作为爱好。sell

25、售卖;collect收集;receive收到;make制作。根据语境可知应选B。10.A【解析】本题考查as.as的用法。as.as中间要用形容词或副词的原级,结合题意可知应选A。 二、完形填空【短文大意】本文主要介绍了作者童年生活的街区以及在那里的一些经历。1.B【解析】由下文可知此处是说,它最著名的可能是弗里克公园。be known for.表示因而闻名,符合文意,故所缺的词是for。2.C【解析】由设空后的for playing sports可知此处是说,进行体育运动的场地。故所缺的词是fields运动场。3.B【解析】由设空后的People use it for exercise an

26、d relaxation可知此处是说,整个街区的人都能共享。故所缺的词是shares。4.C【解析】由上文可知此处是说,除了大型绿地以外。故所缺的词是spaces。5.A【解析】由设空前的Point Breeze has excellent public and private schools可知此处是说,所以直到14岁我一直生活在Point Breeze。故所缺的词是until。6.C【解析】由上下文可知此处是说,在我的记忆里,我(所在)的街区是被孩子们统治的世界。故所缺的词是memory。7.D【解析】由上下文可知此处是说,和其他孩子会合然后去冒险。故所缺的词是meeting。8.A【解析

27、】由上下文可知此处是说,当外面天黑的时候我们会回家。故所缺的词是dark。9.B【解析】由上下文可知此处是说,尽管(我们)玩得很累,但还是渴望醒来再全玩一遍。故应用wake up。10.B【解析】由设空后的and we never felt bored,either可知此处是说,我们从未感到过害怕。故所缺的词是never。三、阅读理解【A篇短文大意】这是一张有关庭院拍卖会的海报。15 BDCDA【B篇短文大意】本文主要介绍了BCI这项技术。6.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的.Microsoft recently had a patent (专利) for a brain-computer

28、 interface (BCI), meaning that soon, we may be able to control our phone and computer with our thoughts可知应选C。7.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,在BCI技术的帮助下,残疾人Kochevar可以挪动身体了,由此可推断,Kochevar可能会对BCI技术心存感激。故选B。8.C【解析】根据第三段内容可知,社交媒体使用者可能会从BCI技术中受益。故选C。9.B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可推知应选B。10.C【解析】主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了BCI技术对生活的影响,故选C。

29、四、补全对话1.When did you go there2.How long did you stay there3.Its a very beautiful place/I like it very much/Its great4.No problem/Of course you can5.Would you like to go there with me五、书面表达One possible version:My Sharing Experience Sharing is a way of behavior as well as a good quality of people. Life is full of sharing. I think its important to share happiness and sadness with others. When I was ten, we moved to a new area. Facing the strange surroundings, I felt lonely and upset. It was my neighbor, Tim, who hel

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