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1、考研英语作文每天一句:文都何凯文2014考研英语之写作指导1.As is shown above, in front of a high wall stand two individuals, attempting to see the world outside of the wall. One of them fails to do it because he is just standing on the ground and the wall is high enough to block his sight, while the other stands on a thick pil

2、e of books so he becomes high enough to get a clear view of the outside world.This cartoon shows us a striking contrast and will enlighten us persistently.或者:As is shown above, in front of a high wall stand two individuals, attempting to see the world outside of the wall, with only one of them succe

3、eding owing to his standing on a thick pile of books. This cartoon shows us a striking contrast and will enlighten us persistently.2.As is shown above, in the middle of the picture tiredly walks a mother, carrying a big mail package send by her son from a university, and with a passing-by old nanny

4、congratulating her that your son is so great that he send you such a big package to please you, this mom embarrassingly replies that this is just a big bag of dirty clothes. What an ironic scene it is! It does draw our attentionand will definitely get a lot of publicity.注意文中独立主格的使用!3.As is shown abo

5、ve, on the road stand two youngsters, helping an old man to cross the street who is not intending to do it , with one saying that we will help you come back and the other adding that please help us to accomplish our task of doing good deeds. Simple as the picture is, the ironic meaning is revealed i

6、n it.提示:如何真正提高社会道德水平,真正的给老人关爱,而不是流于形式。2014考研英语图表作文写作须知图表作文着重说明事实,常常是通过对图表中所反映的具体数据的说明、分析、比较,对某种事物或现象的事实或变化情况等加以说明,并提出结论或看法。因此,图表作文常常采用议论文体的写作方法。写好图表作文,关键在于能否读懂图表中所提供的信息,把握各信息间的联系,用准确流畅的语言把这一信息表达出来,并就这一信息发表自己的看法。一、图表作文的写作步骤写图表作文时,要注意遵循以下步骤:1)认真分析图表的含义,弄清图表中所含的信息及不同信息间的关系;2)确定文章的主题思想,构思出文章的基本框架,筛选出能说明

7、图表主题思想的典型数据;3)编列文章的提纲;4)根据文章的提纲,将各段的提纲内容扩展成段落,然后将各个段落组成文章,注意段与段之间的衔接与过渡;5)检查与修改。二、图表作文的篇章结构写图表作文时,常采用三段式的谋篇方式。文章的第一段往往分析图表中的数据变化反映什么问题或趋势,概述图表所揭示的信息。第二段分析造成这一问题或趋势的原因。第三段则展望未来的情况或提出解决问题的办法或建议。这一结构可以简单地表述为:第一段:概述图表反映的主题思想第二段:分析产生的原因第三段:展望未来或提出方法或建议三、图形种类及概述法:泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illust

8、ration/table饼图:pie chart直方图或柱形图:bar chart/histogram趋势曲线图:line chart/curve diagram表格图:table流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequence diagram程序图:processing/procedures diagram四、图表作文常用的描述汇总The table/chart diagram/graph shows(that)According to the table/chart diagram/graphAs(is)shown in the table/chart diagram/graphAs

9、 can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,figures/statistics shows(that)It can be seen from the figures/statisticsWe can see from the figures/statisticsIt is clear from the figures/statisticsIt is apparent from the figures/statisticstable/chart/diagram/graph figures(that)table/chart/di

10、agram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how五、图表中的数据(Data)表达法数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time持续变化的data在不同情况下:增加:increase/raise/rise/go up减少:decrease/grow down/drop/fall波动:fluctuate/rebound/undulate/wave稳定:remain stable/stabilize/level off最常用的两种表达法:动词+副词形式(Verb+Adverb for

11、m)形容词+名词形式(Adjective+Noun form)六、图表作文常用的句型常用的开篇句型(即概述图表内容时常用的表达法)According to the table/pie chart/line graph/bar graph,we can see/conclude that根据该表/图,我们可知The table/graph reveals(shows/indicates/illustrates/represents/points out)that该表/图表明As we can see from the tableAs can be seen from the line/bar g

12、raphAs is shown(illustrated/indicated)in the pie chart如表/图所示,七、图表作文的出题形式例1题目:Changes in Peoples DietStudy the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table.Write three paragraphs to:1.state the changes in peoples diet(饮食)in the past five years;2.g

13、ive possible reasons for the changes;3.draw your own conclusions.You should quote as few figures as possible.例2题目:Car Accidents Declining in Walton CityRemember that your composition must be written according to the following outline;1.Rise and fall of the rate of car accidents as indicated by the g

14、raph;2.Possible reason(s)for the decline of car accidents in the city;3.Your predictions of what will happen this year.Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should quote as few figures as possible.例3 For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Hea

15、lth Gain in Developing Countries.Your composition must be no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the following instructions(given in Chinese):1.以下图为依据描述发展中国家的期望寿命(life expectancy)和婴儿死亡率(infant mortality)的变化情况2.说明引起变化的各种原因从以上例子可见,图表作文一般在题目中给出作文的标题和一个或几个统计表格、圆形图、曲线图或条形图,有时还用英文或

16、中文提纲的形式给出提示,要求我们:1)用文字描述图表,客观解释图表中所传递的信息,并找出某种规律或趋势;2)就图表中所反映的某种趋势或问题分析其原因或后果。014考研英语作文预测之出国留学1、出国留学的趋势;2、出国留学的目的;3、出国留学的意义。Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some student abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.Althoug

17、h students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of ones college education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different ways.One

18、cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in todays fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.Knowing another culture is also important

19、 today. Respect for other people and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to ex

20、periment with different ways of doing things. We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings

21、.Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal sense.2014考研英语作文预测之家庭教育1、家庭教育与学校教育的区别;2、父母在家庭教育中扮演的角色;3、家庭教育的意义。Home educ

22、ation, or home schooling, is a phenomenon which is both old and now. It may seem to many like a strange idea, but years ago, it was the norm. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln both received their education at home. And there is a growing trend for children to be educated at home. An estimated tw

23、o million American children, one source says, are taught in their own homes instead of going to regular schools. The number of support groups, magazines and other resources for home-schooling families is also on the rise. Being comparatively rare cases in China, home schooling is repeatedly reported

24、 as an attractive and promising alternative.Parents who decide to home-school are not without reasons. Many may worry about the quality of education at regular schools. They want to tailor the education of their children to their intelligence and aptitude. They prefer to choose the subjects on their

25、 own. They also think caring parents make the best teachers. Studies show that many home-schooled children really do very well.Proven benefits of home schooling are obvious. But educating kids at home may not be the right choice for all families. It may not be practical, and dose not constitute an i

26、mportant approach to children education.With computer aided education more and more available and effective, school education has advantages home education can never catch up with. No family has resources which is adequate for modern education. Parents, althoug they are most caring, cannot be compet

27、ent and qualified as trained teachers. A most discouraging fact is that children taught at home and do not go out to schools will develop strange characteristics which will eventually hinder them when they go out to society. They are sure to lack ability and skills to cope with various intricate rel

28、ationships which cannot not be acquired through home education environment. And they will end up as crippled.As the matter stands, home education is not so important as to deserve more merit than is already exaggerated.2014考研英语写作模板之推荐信推荐信(求职/求学)示例:Dear ,It affords me much pleasure to recommend to yo

29、u. During his/her graduate years he/she was my . As his/her I found him/her .His/Her performance in the school years was outstanding. First, he/she had been and showed great talents in . In addition, he/she has a very pleasant personality. He has developed a strong sense of , and working with him is

30、 always . I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being .Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you with all my heart.Should you favor him/her with a position in your company/Should you accept him/her in your university? I am sure that his/her future conduct/academic work will prove worthy

31、of your confidence.I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible momentYours sincerelyLi Ming2014考研英语写作模板之祝贺信祝贺信示例:Dear_,I have learned with delight that you_(祝贺事由)。I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations must be_.And I feel very happy for you._(所取得的成绩)is quite exciting news!I kwnw this is surely owing to _(被祝贺人过去的努力).It is a reward you richly deserve for your_(被祝贺人的优点)。Kin

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