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1、91真题1991年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题及答案2004-8-3 12:15 【大 中 小】【我要纠错】. In each sentence, decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET(15 point)l . They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was that

2、night began to fall .A. that B. it C. what D. which 2._ my retum, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.A. At B. On C. With D. During3. Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to _ si

3、tuations.A. similar B. alike C. same D. likely4. There is not much time left; so Ill tell you about it _.A. in detail B. in brief C. in short D. in all5. In this factory, suggestion Often have to wait for months before they are fully _ .A. admitted B. acknowledged C. absorbed D. considered6. There i

4、s a real posibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise .A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been7. By the year 2000 , scientists probably _ a cure for cancer.A.will be discovering B. are discoveringC. will have discovered D. have discovered8. Jim

5、 isn t _, but he did badly in the final exams last smester.A. gloomy B. dull C. awkward D. tedious9. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents _A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromiseIO. He had _ on the subject.A. a rather strong opinion B. rather

6、 strong opinionC. rather the strong opinionD. the rather strong opinion.Il . When Jane fell off the bike, the other children _A. were not able to help laughter B. could not help but laughingC. could not help laughing D. could not help to laugh12. It is better to die on ones feet than_ .A. living on

7、ones knees B. live on ones kneesC. on ones knees D. to live on ones knees13 . The most important _ _ of his speech was that we should all work wholeheartedly for the people.A. element B. spot C. sense D. point14. This watch is_ to all the other watches on the market.A. superior B. advantageous C. su

8、per D. beneficial15. In a typhoon, winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.A. assume B. accomplish C. attain D. assemble16._ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for17 . Mary _ my letter; otherwise she would h

9、ave replied before now.A. has received B. ought to have receivedC. couldn t have received D. shouldn t have received18. _ to speak when the audience interrupted him.A. Hardly had he begun B. No sooner had he begunC. Not until he began D. Scarcely did he begin19 . Anna was reading a piece of science

10、fiction, completely _ to the outside world.A. being lost B. having lost C. losing D. lost20. The policemen went into action _ they heard the alarm.A. promptly B. presently C. quickly D. directly21 . The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.A. vanished B. abandoned C. scatter

11、ed D. rejected22. Dress warmly, _youll catch cold.A. on the contrary B. or rather C. or else D. in no way23. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _ as to be able to change brain chem- istry .A. powerful B. influential C. monstrous D. vigorous24 . Bob was completely _ by the robber s disgui

12、se.A. taken away B. taken down C. taken toD. taken in25 . Difficulties and hardships have _ _ the best qualities of the young geologist.A. brought out B. brought about C. brought forth D. brought up26. Our modem civilization must not be thought of as _ in a short period of time.A. being created B. t

13、o have been createdC. having been created D. to be created27. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than,_ at the other store.A. anyone B. the others C. that D. the ones28. The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _ _ the

14、 investment plan within a week.A. work out B. put out C. make out D. set out29. He knows little of mathematics, and _ of chemistry.A. even more B. still less C. no less D. still more30 . The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the fanil exam.A. is B. being C. have been D. to be.

15、Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For ach question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and chnose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (30 poinb)lA wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of ev

16、il is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people.Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key

17、ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability.Accountability isn t hard to define. It means that every person is responsible for his or her actions and liable for their consequences.Of the many values that hold civilization togetherhonesty, kindness, and so onaccount- abi

18、lity may be the most important of all. Without it, there can be no respect, no trust, no lawand, ultimately, no society.My job as a polioe officer is to impose accountability on people who refuse, or have never learned, to impose it on themselves. But as every policeman knows,external controls on pe

19、oples behavior are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.Fortunately there are still communitiessmaller towns,usuallywhere schools maintain discipline and where parents hold up standards that proclaim: In this family certain things are not toleratedthey s

20、imply are not done! Yet more and more, especially in our larger citis and suburbs, these inner restraints are loosening. Your typical robber has none. He considers your property his property; he takes what he wants, including your life if you enrage him.The main cause of this break-down is a radical

21、 shift in attitudes. Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed , society was considered the victim. Now, in a shocking reversal, it s the criminal who is considered victimized : by his underpriviledged upbringing, by the school that didn t teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him w

22、ith moral guidance, by the parents who didn t provide a stable home.I don t believe it. Many others in equally disadvantaged circumstances choose not to engage in criminal activities. If we free the criminal, even partly, from accountabiliy, we become a soci- ety of endless excuses where no one acce

23、pts responsibility for anything.We in America desperately need more people who believe that the person who commits a crime is the one responsible for it.31 . What the wise man said suggests that_.A. it s unnecessary for good people to do anything in face of evilB. it s certain that evil will prevail

24、 if good men do nothing about itC. its only natural for vinue to defeat evilD. its desirable for good men to keep away from evil32. According to the author, if a peson is fund guilty of a crime,_.A. society is to be held responsibleB. modern civilization is rnponsible for itC. the criminal himself s

25、hould bear the blameD. the standards of living should be improved33. Compared with those in small towns, people in large cities have_.A. less self-discipline B. better sense of disciplineC. more mutual respect . D. less effective government34. The writer is sorry to have noticed that _.A. people in

26、large cities tend to excuse criminalsB. people in small towns still stick to old discipline and standardsC. today s society lacks sympathy for people in difficultyD. people in disadvantaged circumstances are engaged in criminal activities35. The key point of the passage is that_.A. stricter discipli

27、ne should be maintained in schools and familiesB. more good examples should be set for people to followC. more restrictions should be imposed on people s behaviorD. more people should accept the value of accountability2 The period of adolescence, i. e. , the person between childhood and adulthood, m

28、ay be long or short , depending on social expectations and on society s definition as to what constitutes matu- rity and adulthood. In primitive societies adolescence is frequently a relatively short period of time , while in industrial societies with pattems of prolonged education coupled with laws

29、 against child labor, the period of adolescence is much longer and may include most of the second decade of one s life. Furthermore, the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change. Examples of this typ

30、e of change are the disappearance of the frontier in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the U- nited States , and more universally , the industrialization of an agricultural society.In modern society,ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic signifi- cance

31、and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies. Social ones have been replaced by a sequence of steps that lead to increased recognition and social status. For example, grade school graduation, high school graduation and college graduation constitute such a sequence, and while each step implies certain behav

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