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本文(牛津译林版八年级英语上册《nit 8 Natural disastersIntegrated skills》赛课导学案2.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版八年级英语上册《nit 8 Natural disastersIntegrated skills》赛课导学案2.docx

1、牛津译林版八年级英语上册nit 8 Natural disasters Integrated skills赛课导学案2Unit 8 Natural disasters教案Comic strip and welcome to the unitTeaching Aims: 1. To learn the new words and phrases 2. To meet the past continuous tense3. Talk about some natural disaster.Step 1 Presentation 1. Show some pictures to learn some

2、 words.2. Then read aloud the new words. disaster mop up earthquake thousands of accident coach crashflood wash away village lightning storm thunder catch fireStep 2 Listen and answer 1. Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions.1) Whats the weather like?2) What happened to Hobo?3) What was

3、 Hobo doing when it started to rain?4) Did Hobo hear the rain?5) Why doesnt he want to go home alone?6) What do you think of Hobo?2. Read the dialogue in pairs.3. Act it out.Step 3 Look and choose Which headlines are about natural disasters? 1. School football team loses final2. Earthquake kills tho

4、usands of people3. Car accident kills three men4. coach crashes into tree 5. Flood washes away village6. Lightning starts big fire in classroom building7. Young boy falls from tree and hurts legs8. Big storm kills 20 peopleStep 4 Listening1. Listen to part B and answer the following question. 1) Wha

5、t happened to Viviens school?2) When did it happen?2. Read after the recorder.3. Pratice in pairs.4. Act it out.5. Make their own dialogue.Step 5 Language points1. When I woke up, there was water everywhere!wake up 醒过 wake sb. up 叫醒某人e.g. I wake up at six every morning. 我每天早上六点钟醒来。 She wakes me up a

6、t six every morning. 她每天早上六点钟叫醒我。2. Who will mop up the water if I go home without you?mop up 拖干净,把.拖干净e.g. Hobo wants Eddie to mop up the water. Hobo想要Eddie把水拖干净。3. Earthquake kills thousands of peoplethousands of 成千上万的 “thousands + of +名词”表示不确定的数目,强调数量多。e.g. There are thousands of people on the ro

7、ad.路上有成千上万的人。4. Car accident kills three mena car accident 一场车祸 e.g. There was a car accident yesterday.昨天有一场车祸。5. Coach crashes into treecrash into 猛撞,碰撞e.g. A car crashed into a tree last night. 昨天晚上一辆车猛撞到一棵树上。6. Flood washed away village wash away 冲走e.g. A terrible flood washed away his house. 一场

8、可怕的洪水冲走了他的房子。 7. Young boy falls from tree and hurts legsfall from 从掉下,落下e.g. The boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs. 那个男孩从树上掉下来伤到了他的腿。8. Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire. catch fire 着火e.g. The house caught fire because of the lightening.因为闪电那个房子着火了。 在表示具体的火灾实例或炉火时,fire用作可数名

9、词;fire用作物质名词时,为不可数名词。如:They pick up sticks to make a fire.他们拾了些树枝来生火。Paper catches fire easily.纸易着火。Step 6 Exercises根据汉语提示或所给词的正确形式填空:1. There are many _ (灾害) in the world every day.2. I heard of a car _ (事故) here.3. - What was the weather like yesterday? - It was _ (sun) but _ (wind). 4. There are

10、many _ (nature) disasters in the world every year.5. Most of the rare animals live in _ (nature) reserves.6. There are _ (thousand) of ducks on the farm. Translate the phrases.1. 自然灾害2. 半个小时以后3. 把所有的水拖干净4. 输了比赛5. 成百上千的人6. 一场车祸7. 撞到树上8. 把村庄冲走9. 燃起了一场大火10. 从树上掉下来翻译下列句子:1. 下周天气将会变得更糟。The weather _ next

11、 week.2. 数千人在一次地震中丧生了。_ people _ in the earthquake.3. 一场洪水冲走了他们的房子。A flood _. 4. 如果你不小心驾车,你会撞到前面的树。 If you _, you _.5. 上周六Daniel从自行车上摔下来了。 Daniel _ the bike last Saturday.Step 7 Homework1. Read the text book and learn the new words and phrases by heart.2. Do the exercises in the workbook.Reading ITe

12、aching Aims:1. Learn some new words.2. According to the pictures, keywords and context speculate the main ideas.3. Practise reading skills by learning “An earthquake”.Step 1 PresentationPresent the new words with pictures and read them aloud.slight shake loud fear bomb shake direction in all directi

13、onsbrick come down silent not at all nervous heart beat trappedmind calm calm down since still alive dark shout at lastdaylight safe asleep after find ones way out Step 2 Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.1. Do part B1 on page 95.1 shake a finally2 scream b fall to the groun

14、d3 come down c give a loud high cry4 silent d not in danger 5 at last e move quickly from side to side, up and down, etc.6 safe f quiet2. Check the answer.Step 3 Presentation1. Now look at a video. Tell me what kind of disaster it is.What can you see in the video?2. Enjoy some pictures and present W

15、hat is earthquake?Step 4 Listening1. Listen to text and do part B3. Sandy is telling her classmates about Timmys story. Check whether she remembers everything correctly. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. 1) Timmy was asleep when the earthquake started.2) At first, Timmy heard a

16、 loud noise like thunder.3) People ran in the same direction in the street.4) Timmy was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped.5) There was not enough space for Timmy to pull himself through. 6) People found Timmy soon after he was trapped.2. Check the answers.Step 5 Reading1. Read par

17、agraph 1 and complete the table.At first When it wasWhat he didWhat he heardHow he felt2. Read paragraph 2 and complete the passage.The real noise was like _ under the ground. People ran _. Timmy tried his best to _ to the street. Pieces of glass and bricks _, and then the walls began to _, too.3. R

18、ead paragraph 3 and do the following exercises.1) Timmy _ after the noise and shaking ended?A. screamed B. calmed down C. ran wildly D. cried2) He could see _.A. Anything B. someone around him C. nothing D. the bright daylight4. Read paragraph 4 and answer the following questions. Did he shout for h

19、elp?5. Read paragraph 5 and match the sentences.1) I was trying to find my way out _2) I screamed _3) Then I heard shouts from _4) They quick _5) At last, I saw _a. Help! Please help! Im here! b. move away the bricks.c. the bright daylight.d. when I suddenly heard some noise above me.e. excited peop

20、le.Step 6 Exercises1. Complete part B 2 on page 95. Timmy put some pictures he drew on his web page. Help Sandy write the correct caption in the blank under each picture. Then put the pictures in the correct order on page 95.I saw the bright daylight.I was trapped.The walls came down.I screamed for

21、help.Some people ran out of the building.The earth started to shake.2. Check the answers. Step 7 ConsolidationSandy is writing about what happened to Timmy in her diary. Help her complete her diary entry with the words.beating bricks calm fear mind nervous pulled safe saved sleeping thunder trapped

22、When the earthquake hit Taiwan in 1999, Timmy was _. He heard a loud noise like _. Then the noise became louder, like bombs under the ground. People screamed in _. Then pieces of glass and _ fell down. When the noise and shaking stopped, Timmy was _ and could not get out. He felt _ and his heart was

23、 _ fast. A moment of fear went through his _. Then he tried to _ down and _ himself slowly through the dark.Finally, people came and heard his cry for help. They moved away the bricks and _ him. Timmy was _ at last.Step 8 DiscussionAfter the earthquake, Timmy has some useful ways of protecting himse

24、lf in the earthquake. If you are Timmy, what good ways of protecting yourself do you know?Step 9 Homework 1. Read aloud the article and try to retell the story.2. Remember the new words in this lesson. Reading IIAims:1. Learn the language points in this article.2. Learn to talk about natural disaste

25、rs.Step 1 Revision How much do you know about An earthquake? 1. What was Timmy doing when he heard some noise above him?2. What was the real noise like? 3. What time did the earthquake start?4. What happened to Timmy when the earthquake ended?5. What did Timmy do after he found that he was trapped?K

26、eys: He was trying to find his way out. It sounded like bombs under the ground. It started at about two oclock in the early morning. He was trapped in the dark. He shouted for help and started to pull himself slowly through the dark.Step 2 Language points1. I felt a slight shake. feel a slight shake

27、 感到一阵轻微的震动 shake既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,意为“摇动,震动”。 shake作及物动词时,后可跟名词(短语)或代词作宾语。e.g. Why are all the windows shaking? Dont shake your fist at me. The doctor shook her head and said nothing. shake还可以用作名词,意为“摇动”,是可数名词,一般与a连用。e.g. I gave my purse a shake, and a coin fell out. Dad dismissed the idea with a sh

28、ake of his head.2. Then I heard a loud noise like thunder. loud adj. 响亮的;大声的;喧闹的 e.g. I couldnt hear what he said because the radio was too loud. 我听不到他说什么,因为收音机太吵了。 loud adv. 大声地 e.g. Dont talk so loud. Your brother is sleeping. 不要说那么大声。你弟弟正在睡觉。3. People screamed in fear. fear n. 害怕;恐惧 in fear 害怕地,恐

29、惧地 e.g. The child was crying with fear.相似的结构还有:in trouble 有麻烦的in need 需要帮助的in danger 处于危险之中in hunger 饥饿的fear v. 害怕 后常接动词不定式作宾语。e.g. Joe feared to tell his father the bad news. Joe害怕告诉他爸爸坏消息。fear后面还可接that从句作宾语,其意思是“恐怕;担心”。e.g. She feared that she couldnt get there at 9:00 am. 她担心她早上九点到不了那。4. Some ran

30、 out of the building. run out of 从跑出 e.g. Some students run out of the classroom. 一些学生从教室里跑出来。5. Outside, people were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. run in all directions 跑向四面八方 e.g. The enemy began to run away in all directions. 敌军四处逃窜。while conj. 当的时候,和同时后接句子,但它所表示的含义和用法有所不同。while可以引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,它引导的时间状语从句通常用进行时态。e.g. The telephon

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