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1、教父1开场长镜头分析表演设计灯光音效音乐dramaticfunction1332709Zhuoyan LiuDRAMM0009_2013How films and Television programmes workAssignment 1Sequence analysis GodfatherWord account: 2871TimePicture action Shot description PerformanceLightingDesignEdit point Sound 1- DialogueMusicDramatic functionComments00.01.1700.01.20

2、Black scene.Picture begins at second sentence instead of “I believe in America”.An often-used opening method. Has a subtle ironic effect under this situation.A mans low and slow voice: I believe in America.He Presents his age, non-American(accent), and his mood(negative)Brief and strong opening sent

3、ence.Silent background.The man is talking about serious topics with a heavy heart.Establishing a heavy and brooding mood, a sense of painful deception and self-mockery.The Black scene indicates Bonaseras complex emotion of America. The tone of his lines and the black scene hints a negative tone whil

4、e the content of the line saying I believe in America, shows a more positive aspect. Therefore a dramatic contrast exists and the characters inner conflicts are built.00.01.20Bonasera is talking.ZOOM-OUT FROM Bonaseras close-up (point-of-view shot)Narrow eye-line to the camera giving a full impact o

5、f Bonaseras emotion, including a strong empathy.Big talking head in the centre of picture, so Bonasera occupies absolute emphasis of the picture.Many details on facial expression could be witnessed: slightly frowning, tensed up muscles, he seems to speak with his teeth. He gives the impression of tr

6、ying hard to suppress his strong painful feelings.Sort of hard light comes from the up-front of Bonaseras head so that gives Bonaseras face a low-key, strong contrast tone. Shadow on eyes and chin creates a texture that strengthens his haggard, depressed, even a little scary face.And two streams of

7、lights reflecting from his eyes indicate imperceptible tears in them.Bonasera wears a dark-coloured suit with a white collar, he has a gold tooth is in his month. He has a strong accent. These traits describe his identity: a rich immigrant trying hard to integrate into the American way of life and b

8、ecoming an American.A smooth cut after Bonasera ends his whispering, which is the point audience feeling willing to look the face of the shadow because their curiosity has accumulated for along time.This shot keeps zooming (enlarge) for nearly 3mins without introducing any main characters. This howe

9、ver contributes to (Monologue)America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in theAmerican fashion. I gave her freedom, but - I taught her never to dishonour her family. She found a boyfriend; not an Italian. She went to the movies with him; she stayed out late. I didnt protest. Two months a

10、go, he took her for a drive, with another male friend. They made her drink whiskey. And then they tried to take advantage of her. No music, no sound effect, no background sound.Sound and music are effective elements to exaggerate emotions. In this shot the director chooses mute to conform to the sob

11、er narrating style of this film, and also makes a strong contrast to the lively grand wedding ceremony outside the dark office.Dark tone indicates that things happened in this room, that there are skeletons in closets, and it also creates a heavy and serious atmosphere.Lack of depth of field, low-ke

12、y lighting confines the performance of actors to a small movement, which require them focusing on inner world of characters and give a preciseApart from the end, Bonasera is the emphasis of this shot and his monologue dominates the pace of the shot. But audiences can continuously feel the vibe from

13、the back figure sitting in the shadow because of the subtle but effective movements from him. This is most apparent in the end of the shot; Don Corleone easily robs the dominating role of the talk with even toneHis suit merges with the black background, which is too dark to see any detail. Flat set

14、of light builds a dull, depressive atmosphere.Lack of exposure, a broad grayscale without subtle gradations all along, gives an unpleasant sense to viewers.the sense that a complicated story is slowly unfolding. This accompanied with the zooming in, gives audiences a growing feeling of Godfathers wo

15、rld, which has different rules and orders from the world Bonasera (and also our) lives.Moreover, the slow camera movement establishes a slow pace, which indicates the dignified, stately, calm and patient character of Don Corleone.Self statement about his identity (Italian immigrant) and social statu

16、s (rich, observance of law) performance. Close-up and medium scene, which keeps audiences in arms, highlights the notion of performance, too.The strong contrast lighting imitates Rembrandts paintings, bringing a sense of the theatrical, nameless despair and also religious majesty and mystery.s and m

17、ovements as soon as he decides to.The long monologue is splendid in both its form, which imitates the brilliant opening speech shot in the film Patton, and its content, which introduces collisions last in the whole piece of film, such as justice and rules, old world connection and American dream, et

18、c.The Director spends a long time telling how Bonaseras daughter gets assaulted and how the criminals get off the punishment because they are from good family. Along with a close-up of Bonaseras sadness and a narrow eye-line, the director deliberately builds a strong empathy with her. Therefore thre

19、e goals are achieved:00.02.45tell audiences that the gangster in this film is not something we could judge. To some extent, they play a part in the American justice system.Break the stereotype of the ruthless Italian killer of the Mafia.Build abundant and dimensional characters of godfather: an Amer

20、ican businessman, a murderer, and also a notable and accommodating gentleman.00.03.3500.04.07Bonasera keeps talking, gradually becoming more emotional during the talk and ends with him sobbing.ENLARGE TO Medium shot(point-of-view shot)Eye-line becomes wider so that audiences perspective tends to be

21、more observational and objective.Bonasera is composed on the right-centre of the screen. Figure is semi-profile, not particularly close. Emphasis on Bonasera is decreasing.Expression on face becomes more agitated and use of body language increases:Slightly turning his head aside, his frown deepens,

22、his lips and throat tightens up, his nose slightly sniffs once. When going through some difficult parts, he hides his face in the dark. Indicating that he is trying his best to control his rage.Same aboveSame above(Monologue)She resisted. She kept her honour. So they beat her, like an animal. When I

23、 went to the hospital, her nose was broken.Her jaw was shattered, held together by wire. She couldnt even weep because of the pain.But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life - beautiful girl. Now she will never be beautiful again.Telling the tragedy of his daughter. An offended and hel

24、pless Italian immigrant.Same aboveSame aboveDon Corleone slightly protrudes a hand and another man brings Bonasera a glass of wine.Bonasera drinks the wine, narration continues, and asks Don Corleone for help.ENLARGE TO Over-shoulder ShotBonasera moves more to the right of the screen. Don Corlenoe b

25、ecomes seen in the foreground, larger and larger till he occupies half of the screen. Therefore Don Corlenoe instead of Bonasera becomes relatively emphasized.Eye-line between Bonasera and Don Corlenoe is horizontal.The eye-line to lens is narrow so that we can only see the back of Don Corleone. Foc

26、us is on Bonasera and he is still the one who keeps talking.Bonasera:In emotional instability, rigid gestures and movement.Recovers himself from sadnessGetting irritated when a suspended sentence is mentionedWhen mentioning his purpose to be here: business negotiation gesture: back straight, and hol

27、ding his head erect.Don Corleone: elegant and relaxed gesture, subtle but effective movement:His right hand rests on his chinElegantly protruding his hand to his right side, signalling over his assistant without words, these gently move levelled actions point to Bonaseras. Polite, modest nature but

28、also demonstrates The sort of yellow and orange light drops on the brown wide desk, giving the room a feeling of warmth and safety.Still in the dark tone.Don Corlenoe is a vague black silhouette with a slim bright fringe, giving a mixed sense of mysterious, secretiveness, and of being a saviour.A we

29、althy mans elegant den: neat brown wide desk, only with pens, a telephone and a box on it.Sophisticated den indicates that the owner is an elegant gentleman.Neatness: the owner is organized.The wide desk hints the magnificent and stable character of the owner.(Monologue)Sorry.I-I went to the police,

30、 like a good American. These two boys were brought to trial. The judge sentenced them to three years in prison - suspended sentence. Suspended sentence!They went free that very day! I stood in the courtroom like a fool. And those two bastards, they smiled at me. Then I said to my wife, for justice,

31、we must go to Don Corleone.Through the monologue, it foreshadows the culture of Italian and some fundamental information about characters, for example, Italians family honour and attachment, and Don Corleones role a judger/ a policy maker outside the law.Same aboveIn this scene, it offers a first time glimpse at the Corleones seductive and secretive world: the set is designed in an elegant and elaborate way; light is still sombre, but constructs a cosy room complemented with orange and brown co

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