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1、平遥古城英文导游词doc平遥古城英文导游词 各位导游朋友,下面是我整理的平遥古城英文导游词,欢迎各位阅读借鉴哦,请看: 平遥古城英文导游词 诸位游客,大家好。 ladies and gentleman,good morning!welcome to shanxi!its my great honour to stand here to be your tour guide,please allow me introduce myself, my name is z,u can call me Doris too.the man who sitting beside me is our driv

2、er Mr li ,he has more than ten years experience in driving so all of u are in the safe hand.we will do our best to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable . 我国历史文化名城平遥就要到了,右前方那高耸的砖墙就是我国现存较为完整的四座古城池之一平遏城。1997年月3日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会通过决议,将我国云南省丽江古城、山西省平遥古城和江苏省苏州古典园林列入世界遗产名录。现在大家可以观赏一下古城的远景和比较完整的外观。 okay,now

3、,the ancient city of pingyao is nearly there.the ancient city of pingyao has a long was built in the Western Zhou Dynasty.In december of 1997,the ancient city of Pingyao was listed into the World Cultural Heritage List. 现在这座平遥城始建于何时,历史上没有明确记载。在漫长的历史岁月中这里曾有过她的繁华,也曾多次遭受战火的破坏。我们现在看到的这座城墙,是明代

4、洪武三年,即1370年把原来的土城墙加高加厚加砖扩建而成的,明清以来虽曾数次维修,但风格未变。 there wasnt any accurate record about when this acient city what we see now have been build.during the long history,it has experienced prosperous and also has witnessed many battles.the city walls that we see,which is extended the old city walls in Min

5、g Dynasty .eventhough it have been overhaouled many times in Qing Dynasty,but its style has never changed. 平遥城内古建筑保存很多,像文庙大成殿、清虚观、市楼、城隆庙、武庙戏台等。就是街道民居也基本保存明清时代风貌。漫步街头,还会看到各种古色古香的院门、院埔、精雕细刻的古建筑装饰,甚至还能看到门前的接马石桩、下马石等,一派古城风貌。 the city saved many ancient buildings.especially the domestic house on the stre

6、ets,it remained the basic flavor of ming and qing dynasty.when u walking down the street,u will see many antique gate,richly carved ancient decoration. (过惠济桥) 我们现在正行驶在惠济桥上,惠济桥是一座九拱石桥,修建于清代康熙年间,同治年间重建。清代名宿傅山先生曾亲笔为它写道碑记。这座桥规模不等大历史也不算很长,但造型优美桥面平坦,没有像一般石桥那样高高隆起,便于车马行走。而且更有一个奇处,就是这座桥下还有一座桥。下面的桥不见文字记载,人们原

7、来也不知道。1977年8月,一场暴雨造成特大洪灾,滚滚洪水带走了不少淤积多年的河沙。水退后,人们惊奇地发现:原来惠济桥叠架在旧桥的桥面上,形成桥上桥的奇观。利用旧桥做新桥的牢固基础,既节省财力、人力,又省时间,多聪明的构思叼!这在造桥史上也是一个奇迹。 now we are walking on the Huiji bridge,this is a stone bridge with nine arches which has been build in Qing dynasty.its history not so long,but it has beautifully shaped,and

8、 a flat surface.its easy for walking on there.morover,there is another bridge under this one,it has been found because a heavy downpour.the flood taken away the river sand.the old briage was used as the foundation of the new briage.this is a miracle in briage building history. 平遥古城到了请大家随我上城墙参观。 (带游客

9、进“下东门”) 这里就是乎遥古城的“下东门”。大家看这高达米的城墙多雄伟、多壮观。在城外,本来还有护城河城门处架有吊桥在古代战乱的日子里这的确是一道难以逾越的防线。 this is the Taihe gate ,we could see this ten-meter high wall .It is magnificent.there was a moat outside the city,and there was a suspension bridge over this those days of the scourge of war,this is an impene

10、trableim'penitrbl barrier . 我们进来后这个地方是下东门瓮城,它是为保卫城门而设立的。城门是城墙上的薄弱环节,有了瓮城就大大增强了城池的防卫手段。这里地方根小,四周为高墙围护,即便敌人攻入瓮城也只能进来少数人,而且立即陷入包围之中,成为瓮中之鳖。有的瓮城门并不是开在城门对面,而是拐个弯开在旁边更可防止冲入的敌兵一较作气冲到城门下通过拐弯来消解敌兵锐气。这些设计思想都是古人在长期实战经验中总结出来的。 after we came in ,this is a small town outside the Taihe build for defend

11、 the gate.gate is the weak link over the city wall.this small town did a lot to protect this city.the space in here is small,only a small moiety of the enemy could attact inside.then they were trapped ,just like turtles in a jar. 大家看瓮城里还有一个建造讲究而小巧的院落这是干什么的呢?原来这是一座小关帝庙。关帝是武圣人把关庙修进瓮城里,却是平遥人的独特创造。请大家随我

12、进城,上城墙参观。 we could see a small yard build decorated in the small town outside the city gate.that was a Guandi Temple before.guanyu is a military sage in ancient Chinese sages.on the whole,every chinese admire him,include me.but in this place they build guandi temple inside the small town ,that is a

13、unique creation,different from other,lets go up and have a look. 现在我们已经在城上了,这里本来还有城楼在战争中毁掉了。这座建在城墙上的台,传说就是尹吉甫的点将台。尹吉甫是周宣王的大将,在历史上游藩有名,律经冲的较高、冠R2等几首诗就是他作的、前面提到的那有名的对北方游牧民族0l犹的北伐,就是由他指挥的。为了巩固北伐的成果,他还在这里修建了京陵城。尹吉甫遗迹这里还有多处。在京陵村附近还有一处村茁叫尹村,传说是尹吉甫当年驻兵酌地方。在上东门外有尹吉甫募,募前一通明代石碑上大书“周卿士ZJ吉甫神道”八字。上东门里

14、还有一座纪念尹吉甫的小庙。 now we are here,there could be have a city-gate tower before,but it had been ruined in the war.the tower build on the wall was used for Yijifu ,a very famous general in ancient china,exhorted his men to fight well in the war. 请大家随我观赏一下古城的建构。 now please come with me ,lets have a close l

15、ook at the structure of the ancient city. (带游客向南浸步边走边说,约走23个墩台即可停下) 我们看城墙上两边各有一道短堵,叫女儿墙,为什么叫女儿墙呢?宋代官府编写的营造法式上有个书面解释:“言其卑小。比之于城,若女子与丈夫也。”意思是说城墙高大厚实,保伟丈夫;女墙单薄短小,像弱女子。民间有的地方却流传着这样的故事:早先城上并没有女儿墙,有一次一个老人被拉来做工,和他相依为命的小孙女也天天随他来到城上坐在旁边观看。一天,一位累极了的民工昏昏沉沉中竞走到城墙边上,小女孩伯他掉下城去,用力向里推他,不料用力过大,民工虽得救了,小女孩却摔死了。为了纪念她,工

16、匠们在城上修起了矮墙,并把它叫做女儿墙。这实在是个感人的故事,但确实说明了女儿墙的保护性功能。我们看:两边的女儿场并不一样,向外的女儿墙上还修筑了垛口,垛口还留着供臆望和射击使用的小孔这当然是为了实战的需要。 we could see,there is a short wall on each side of the city called parapet.we can say it girls wallpared with the city walls,this short wall is too weak,just like a weaker girl.about thi

17、s there is a story has been going round:there isnt girls wall in the city walls earlier,once,a old man was enforced to came to build the city walls.he brought his little granddaughter came with him day,a rural worker who looked very tired,he steped into the edge of the city walls unconscious

18、,the old man's granddaughter afraid of him will fall down,so she pushed him back out of the edge,but she make too strenuous efforts,she saved the rural worker but the little girl slipped and dropped to her death.So the craftsmen build the short wall and named it girls wall in memory of that litt

19、le girl.this is a moving story,its main purpose is telling the protective function of the short walls.we can discover the short walls in both side is quite different.they build a fort in the short wall in the side which is outward ,it also keep ostiole for looking out and shooting,that in order to m

20、et the demond of war. 大家都注意到了,城墙每闲一段,就有一个向外突出的部分,这叫做墩台墩台是干什么的呢7它是保卫城墙的。我们知道古代攻守城他的主要武器是弓箭和弯机,上面既可射下去,下面也可射上来,因此守城的士兵轻易不敢探出身去。这样,城墙脚下反丽成丁防御的死角。有了墩台就可以弥补这个不足、从三面组成一个强大的立体射击网,城防力量大大加强。在每个塌台上,还修有一座敌楼,上面有孔,也是为观察和射击用的。 i think most people may already noticed that ,there is a part outward on the Wall space

21、d at regular distances from one called pier,what does it used for?it used for protect the walls.we know that,bow and arrow and bending machine was the most important weapon in ancient times,not only they could shot an arrow downside,but the people who stood under the walls could also shot

22、 up ,those soldiers couldnt leaned out thier body if we had a pier,we had a three dimensions net for shot.therfore the city walls is closely guarded.there is a watchtower on each pier,it has ostiole in there too,it used for looking out and shooting. 干遥古城除了具备这些共性持点外,还有自己独特的地方。 exce

23、pt those common character,the city also have its unique place. 城墙本是战争的产物,平逗人却偏偏喜欢给抹上一层浓浓的文化色彩把象征文化星官的魁星楼修在丁城墙东南角上(指形状独特的魁星楼)。据统计,古城上共有3000个垛口、72废敌楼,那是象征着文圣人孔夫子的三千弟子七十二贤人。 the city walls is the outcome of the war,but the people in there like cast it a richly multi-cultural.they build a building which

24、 is the symbol of culture at the Southeastern Corner of the city walls.this is a place for warship,the god in there will bless them to be excelled in their examination ,so that they could bring prestige and honour to their families and clansmen.According to statistics,there are 3000 forts and 72 wat

25、chtowers in this walls.It is symbolic of 3000 of Confucian disciples and 72 of Confucian wise men. 乎遥俯视似龟形,历来有龟城之称据说是取神龟寿水长存之意。全城六座城门,南门似头,城门和瓮城外门都向南任龟首自由伸缩,北门似尾,瓮城外门拆而东向,好儡龟尾东甩:东西各二门似龟脚三座瓮城外门拐向南开,好像神龟正续缓伸腿屈肢向前爬行,只有咱们刚才进来的下东门瓮城外门不向南拐而向东开,传说是伯神龟爬向别处,所以用一根无形的绳索把左后脚牢车地拴在城东Lo公里的麓台塔上,把这条腿都拉宜了。在南门外左右各有一口井

26、,人们说那就是神龟的一对明亮的眼睛。在市中心,也就是龟心的位置,还修有一座市楼,就是我们看到的那座高踞众屋之上的楼,在市楼楼顶两坡上,还用黄、蓝两色琉璃瓦拼出双喜字相寿字,它充分体现了古城独特的文化氛围,表达了乎迢人民良好的愿望,这可以说是龟城城建构思的画龙点暗之作了。 this city have a reputation of being a turtle that is because when we took a overlook of pingyao,its shape just like a is known to all ,turtle is a longev

27、ous animal,the people who lived here must be hope this meaningful symbol could protect their homes exist forever.there are six gates in this city ,South gate is like the head of this big turtle. North Gate like the tail, the West Gate and East Gate are like the turtle's foot.there is a well in e

28、achside out of the south gate,it says they are turtles clear eyes.there is a high building in the center of this turtle,on the top of that building,they putting yellow and blue coloured glaze together in two Chinese character ,which could express in english with pleased and longevity.its best illust

29、rates its special atmosphere of culture. 乎遥城内文物众多,西南方向那一片覆盖琉璃的建筑,就是城隍庙、财神庙建筑群,近处观看,可以见到它馆角高挑、群昂飞动、油漆彩绘的壮丽景色。在它附近很显眼的那座现代大楼是平适中学教学楼。文庙大成殿就在校园内,从这里看不清蔑。为保护原来的风貌,古城中一般是不准建楼的,干迢人却为学校破例修了一座教学楼,足见对教育的重视。平迢中学也不负众望,一直以优异的成绩保持着这所省级重点中学在省内的领先地位. numerous precious cultural relics keep in the ancient city of pi

30、ngyao. the construction coverd with coloured glaze situated in the southwest part is the Temple of Town God and the temple of the god of the wealth.its have beautiful shaped and magnificent view.and those modern construction beside them is pingyao middle school.As a general rule,build buildings is forbidden in this ancient city.but this is a exception.on the face of it,they take their education seriously.

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